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So I have a quote that really reminds me everyday that Fear and courage exists at the same time as each

man undergoes his own trial by fire I was amazed by this line that this became my everyday mantra to
keep going, I have done so any things in life at a very young age whether positive or negative I have
never been so fearless in my entire life but I embrace my fear with courage You can let the fear take
over and make you feel miserable or you can choose to be brave. Just like myself . there may be times
when I feel like I just can't be scared and brave at the same time. ... Loving yourself is a great way to find
the strength to be brave and face your fear. That is why I have a good pathway one step at a time to
accomplish so many things that I can be proud of one day because I win courage over fear, I know that
you can do that you can accomplish things you want In life! Just keep going, it may be hard and ugly but
take it you can never appreciate beauty and success if the world is happy all the time! One of the
smallest things that I have done is within my education. First, I made my parents proud for having
satisfactory grades, I became self sufficient and never ask money to pay my tuition, instead I,m the one
now who is providing them with sustenance to food and shelter, I started realing being brave and
courageous at 15. This hopes that it inspires you to take on a challenge and motivate you, because you
don’t know who you inspired with just by being you!

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