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oe RYDIS The Wooden S RULES FOR GLADIATORIAL COMBAT written by IAN BECK RY DIS The Wooden Sword RULES FOR GLADIATORIAL COMBAT written by IAN BECK To Christina - to whom I always seem to be apologizing. (I'm Sorry!) Index INTRODUCTION RUDIS 1 The Gladiators Movement Combat Success of Attacks Effect of Damage Attack/Defence Poss. Chart Other Weapons Gladiators using 2 Weapons simultaneously Multiple Combats After Hand-to-Hand Combat The Retiariu The Laqueraii Gladiators on the ground Pugilis Contra-Retiarius & Gaetulians OPTIONAL RULES SUPER RUDIS Campaign Game & Examples of Combat RUDIS 2 Types of Warriors Combat Range Weapons Single figs. attacked by more than 1 Protection, Cover,Fortifica'n Essedarii v Hoplites Hadrians Wall ; Bestiarii v Animals RUDIS 3 - Chariot Racing Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 HEXAGONAL DISPLAY CHART 15 19 20 23 24 24 25 30 30 34 37 38 41 NTRODUCTION First,a word of explanation;- Back in 1975 I wrote 'Rudis' because I vas dis-satisfied with the currently available sets of Gladiatorial rules. That year Bradford University Wargames Society published them and the first printing of 200 copies were all sold out at Northern Militaire Tabletop Games had shoun great interest in them so it was decided that they vould take up publication; they would, however, have to make "one or two changes" so as to make the rules "more commercial". (The original set included considerable amounts of waffle, notes, comments, wittisisms and plain rubbish - this was cut out). Unfortunately, these changes reduced the clarity and the readability of the rules. A change in manag- ement at Tabletop produced @ change in policy and "Chattier" rules vere encouraged - ve vrote "Once Upon a Time in the West" on these lines - they have therefore alloved me to "re-do" Rudis to give the product you have just bought;- The new improved 2nd. edition Rudis with added WAFFLES! The rules are divided into three sections, the first deals vith basic hand-to-hand combat between small groups of gladiators, the second are for larger and more spectacular combats - all of which ere believed to have occurred - and the third are the already well knoun chariot racing rules (slightly amended) which though having precious little to do with glediatorial combat are great fun. I earnestly hope that, through these rules, gladiatorial conbat may, at last, be taken seriously as a Wargame. (but not too seriously!) To conclude I would like to thank the following people vho helped 'road test' these rules: Ne Py: Berey Mr". Bussey Mr J. Goodall Mr J. Spencer. In addition I vould like to thank the members of the Bradford University Wargames Society (1975) for their help in publishing the first set. Thanks also to Mr Bob Connor of Tabletop Games for carrying on the good ao 5 ass © Ian Beck 1976. Revised June 1980 RUDIS1 The Gladiators Each gladiator has a skill value, expressed as a percentage between 0% lop] & Jofo [8/83 /8 2 1%, Ability Sets & and 40%. % te ee BRIS} o s 0 - 10% - TIROS, or Beginners. , blow i. a Be 11 - 30% - SPECTATII, Average. 2 i | fF ga 31 - 40% - VETERANI, Experienced gladiators. rg ee 8 {s 7 ie |g] $3 Each figure should be glued to a hexagonal base the size of those used ‘i iB.) fel fe §| Bee ja) be hale $¢ \ for the board; 25mm. across flats is recommended. The edges of these hex's = Is $| Bk els) los ile Be 3 8 should be colour coded as shown below. a Stel | 2 |e so 2 @ BSE 75 Sf Sis lwis|" | & jas oe Black - net parry zone 5 PESISSIE \2l.. 3 iari = Boe So) Ee se Slt ol 2 [oo 2» Retienius | Red - Trident attack zone. 2 [Beck gels Ses fees Sless) | 2 secusiit | Mieco ota & ZRCISFEE Ee) 2 Fst JER es] 216 3 8 2 taquearivs TI) giue - Net throw and dagger attack zone ® SI" sist i ae : g fais Slsislel@ oc] 2 steals Slelsoo s Brie qs Unite - Lasso and dagger attack zone. S 8 lalclc 4 Sale go ep ae Laquearius I i s Si Yais els! § |gi-e]8 9igisis | 8 |B gel0 36 | a Black - Shield parry zone. S | Tedsclelo es] sis sls 2st s| 3S sgi8) + s SI3] 9 Sc As aisa[8 8) 8 |2 Bale : BiB BS /5|8\@ cla] a |Sie cls ciapsie 2) 4% |e Sif l2 BB SSSE5 = @ je2se6 seek 4 Bess eee: Red = Right hand weapon attack zon. i el «| J aes is Slopishe Si Giclo.| o lee! 2 3 2 |ofS 8 Dimachaerus | Purple- Left hand veapon attack zone. Left me Le a Le Fl ed re a Ph Ro «Fb iif 4 Gaetulian Moe Pale jell «isl ¢ lele ts Sale| & 3382 two handed | Red - Attack zone. Leg ul ge5 veapon Mae Petrtwhetetee iste traits ts &43 Groi ae fabian [ape fats fw fa clectataes Bleck cjcoteld party. Zone. a if | PLS. ga Seca Red - Spear, gladius, dagger, javelin, Stomach [m|m imin) inte [alm [a Rel [9 3 ana axe, mace, sica attack zone. tates Pola [lela eT Tel : io Kee 2/¢ [ste s fel 2 fei | eel ¢ | © Retiarius Right] 2] = |e} wa late [a fuk) a | @ ae Black Red Green Blue White Purple Ler OPTAlA TAAL a aia iais Tata at Aa 33 passe AZ| Be FC Bg Body ( es °3 Right ia FANAMGe| Qc labs] 88 Note: All gladiators are facing the top of the page. Only edges are Body | PSSEDS [OO PTE mae coloured; the rest of the base should be sand colour. An abbrevi- So ation of the gladiator's type should be written on the base. Chest n Al A spin ps a oie az | | Lert a oe laiew adits eal lel 20 A gladiator can only use a weapon or shield against an opponent in an Fe patel kot hex adjacent to the coloured edge relative to that weapon or, if the ight isl pas Tha . weapon has a range, an opponent within the range of the weapon adjacent Shoulder | I | ay 23 to the relative edge of the hex. | £2 ees } MOVEMENT 32s aaa All movement is carried out on a hexagonal grid and there must be no doubt aan as to the direction in which the gladiator is facing. aa / Movement is carried out in a cycle, each consisting of four moves. At the see end of each four moves a new cycle begins. No written orders are necessary 222¢ as all movement is in strict rotation, starting with Retiarii and Laquearii figures then progressing down the fast movers to the slower. aa. Ts sam Thus, during the four moves of each cycle, each gladiator moves up to his 1.) | sei3 afl?! sola \cl8 a permitted number of hex's as shown in the movement chart. 15) | 23g Sela lsasis| § [Sg] 2 |als = A gladiator may turn 60° either at the start or finish of each hex of | 8 2) agg o Xz] 8 \Sssiel SF S|Sisiz] = movement. He is restricted to the same number of turns, or less, as he |B 3) eels 2 se) 2 le cis/é| 2 [8 8) aisle moves hex's in that move. Alternatively, he may forfeit a hex of movement je Sais £/5| 2 |S Se |2 2 [8 §| 2 | sie and turn through 120° (Light gladiators may turn through 180°). When a z gladiator is assaulted by an enemy vho moves into contact that move, he may turn through 60° without movement penalty, in an attempt to meet the attack. een Gladiator Permissable Hex's of Movement Hove 1] Move 2] Move 3] Hove & ¥ Thracian, Velite, Cimachaerius ; 8 Dimachaeri, Gaetulians. 2 2 2 2 Uaquearius IT, Secutor, Late Zi Thracian, Pugilis. 2 c 2 4 mnite, Retiarius, Laquear- 6 19 II, Contre-Retierius, 2 i 2 1 Provocator, Late Hoplomachus 5 Hyrmillones 2 1 1 1 Hoplomachus, Postulatus. 4 8 hex/cycle ‘gladiators - 1 1 1 1 backwards and sideways. 7 hex/cycle gladiators ~ d backwards and sideways. a a z 8 6 hex/eyele gladiators = 7 é backvards and sideways. a o % o hex/cycle gladiators - al ‘ backvards and sideways. : a B _ @ hex/eycle gladiators = ; ; i backwards and sideways Nea odsirietemen. These are speeds for un-vounded gladiators, see later for effect of vounds on movement. Note that a Myrmillo would only be able to move backwards on move 1 of each cycle. All seven and eight hex per cycle movers are Light Gladiators. COMBAT Gladiators move in sequence, until one gladiator moves into a hex next to one occupied by an opponent, or until a weapon with a reach of more than one hex finds a target. At this point a combat takes place. The tuo glad- iators consult the 'Attack/Defence Possibilities Chart’. Each player selects a point on his opponents body and declares it aloud. This repr- esents the manner in which that figure is holding its weapon prior to making the first blow ie. he is at the ready. He then urites dovn the point he is actually going to attack, a point vhich must coincide vith one of those opposite the point he previously declared on the Attack. Chart (eg. If the first declared point was 'FACE' the actual attack could be launched only against the RIGHT HEAD, LEFT SHOULDER or LEFT ARM). | He then considers his oun defence. His opponent has declared his initial | point of attack, so the defender knovs which part of his body is most likely to be attacked by consulting the aforementioned chart and must cover himself accordingly with his shield, if he has one. The part of the body he names will be reckoned as being completely protected, other areas relative to this will be partially covered. When both figures have written their decisions concerning attack and defence, they declare their inten- tions. Should a figure attack a point completely covered by a shield, then the defender is reckoned to have successfully deflected the blow. Should the attack point be only partially covered or not covered at all, then the blow may have gone home - consult the section ‘Success of Attack'. If, 4 after this has been done, the combat continues, or if the gladiators are separated but meet again during the same or subsequent cycle, then the last actual point of attack is used for the declared point of attack in that move - ie. combat is continuous. This procedure may appear complicated but can be completed very quickly by experienced players. Examples of combat, should there be any difficulties are given later. SUCCESS OF ATTACKS This section applies only to the GLADIUS - other weapons use the same chart vith amendments; see ‘Other Weapons’. Compare the skill ratings of the combatants. The basic chance of success of the inferior gladiator is 30%. For the better, 30% plus the difference between his own and his opponents skill rating. These totals are varied:- if opponent partially covered by a shield. if opponent partially covered by a net. if attacking an eight hex per cycle mover. damage on self. for each 10% for each 10% damage on opponent. % attacking opponents veapon arm, providing it is being used to attack oun gladiator. % attacking opponents opposite leg to its weapon arn, providing that weapon is being used to attack oun gladiator (attack LL if opponent RA armed). attacking opponents throat, neck or groin, shafted weapon used at a range of two or three hexes against opponent's arm or legs. Both throu percentage dice. If the score throvn is lover than or equal to the modified basic chance, the attack is successful (1-5% vill hit; 0% kills), A hit will not automatically damage: throv a percentage dice and consult the table below - blows may be deflected by armour, causing little or no damage/injury. Point of Attack Head or Stomach Groin/Throat /Neck Shoulder or Thigh Leg or Arm 70 80 80 100 20 | 20 30 50 50 Face or Chest Body Cross reference the percentage damage caused and deduct ;- ~60% if area protected by metal plate. -30% if area protected by mail. -20% if area protected by leather plate. -10% if area protected by leather straps. Any negative or 0% result indicates that the armour has deflected the blow. Any positive value remaining is the amount of percentage damage received on the attack point. EFFECT OF DAMAGE On the gladiators chart is a value headed ‘Ability to take blow’ value is the percentage damage the gladiator vill absorb before his movement is affected or before he has a chance of collapsing, though his Fighting ability drops immediately. After this value has been exceeded he vill move down one stage on the movement chart (lesing one hex of move- ment per cycle) for each 10% damage from the stomach dovn - not counting body hits. He vill also have a chance of collapsing, which vill be the percentage damage he has sustained throughout the game over and above the This ability to take blovs value, and which will be repeated each tine he receives damage. The results of an enforced collapse should be agreed before the game. First, throw again ~ a throw less than or equal to the amount of damage he has sustained indicates that he has passed out and will fight no more, otherwise, though grounded, he may continue, not being able to get up until he throus a score higher than the amount of damage he has sustained. It is suggested that, in friendly games, the unconscious gladiators are carried off and eventually recover, figures on the ground have the option of surrender and recovery or continuing the fight to its conclusion. In Friendly games any figure feeling himself too badly damaged or outclassed to continue may yield himself without fear of death. For further details of this see the section 'RUDIS - CAMPAIGN GAME’. ATTACK/DEFENCE POSSIBILITIES CHART Initial/Previous] Choice of Attack Area partially > |Point of Attack | Points x |protected by | Y | Zz fg g|Chosen shield | All veapons aren pa Coser rtielly prot F_ [Face ue RA _[LHJNyRH,T. us |B | RH [Right Head “s |F,LH,N, rs | T LH [Left Head S |F,RH,N. isan [ny [Neck RH,LH,RS,LS. c |RH,F,LH,T. ‘fe [t* Throat N,LB,RB,RS,LS. F [C,N,RH,LH. F [RS [Right Shoulder [LH,LS,LB [LA [RB,C,T,RA. [RH | N Ls Shoulder | RH,RS,RB. RA |LB,N,T,LA. [ute [c° |chest | RB,LB,LS,RS. F [R8,L8,T. s_|N RB*|Right Body LB,LT,LA,LS. | 5 [UB*|Left Body —*(|RB,RT,RA,RS. [Ra |Right Arm *|S,G,LB. Sena cee ~[LT,RT,RA,LA. LL,RL,LB,RB. Left Thigl [RL [Right Leg % tt [Left Leq X = Extra permissable area of attack when using gladius, double handed suord, trident, javelin or long spear at maximum range. Y = Extra area covered by large and extra large shields. (Retiarius net and Contra-Retiarius cone count as small shields). +N Extra area covered by extra large shield. Areas not permissable as initial, declared points of attack, except for Gaetulians throving darts. OTHER WEAPONS THE DAGGER THE LONG DAGGER THE SICA THE TRIDENT THE JAVELIN THE LONG SPEAR This, the secondary weapon of several gladiators, alvays uses the basic choice of attack points, henceforth referred to as CAP, and deducts 10% from the basic chance of hitting. The veapon of the Dimachaerus,vhose trademark vas agility and vho concentrated on the cumulative effect of many lesser blovs. It uses the basic CAP, adding 15% to the chance of 2 hit, but subtracting 20% from the effect of all values on the Effect Chart greater than 20% The keen-bladed weapon of the Thracian uses a basic CAP but adds 10% to the Effect Chart. The trademark of the Retiarius, having a range of two hexes. At one hex range it uses the basic CAP, subtracting 15% from the chance of hitting. The -15% does not count if the trident is used double-handed (but the net is lost), At 2 hex range it uses the basic CAP plus permissible additions. (See Attack/Defence Possibilities Chart - ADP). Subtract 20% vhen calculating damage except vhen using tvo- handed, then count only -10%. When a trident is used against an opponent's face, there is no deduction from the chance of hitting and no deduction for ermour, if any. The opponent may choose to jump back out of range; this is free movement. The trident may not be used, except at close quarters (vith ded- uctions) in any move in which the net is used. The veapon of the Velite, being used up to a range of 3 hex's. At 1 hex range it uses the basic CAP, at 2-3 hex's the basic CAP plus additions (see ADP table), At 2-3 hex's range deduct 10% from the basic chence of hitting and alvays deduct 10% from the effect chart. The weapon of the Hoplomachus has a range of 3 hex's maximum, and a minimum range of 2 hex's. At 3 hex's range it uses the basic CAP plus additions, (see ADP table), at 2 hex's the basic CAP only. At 1 hex range the spear must be dropped and the gladius draun, actions vhich can be considered as instan- taneous. Picking up the spear again requires one 'no action’ move. Deduct 10% from the basic chance of hitting, but add 10% to effect chart values. The following weapons are not common, but are included for use with Celts, Indians, Postulati and other individuals. THE MACE SINGLE HANDED AXE A single-handed veapon with vhich a shield can be used. It uses the basic CAP but ignores armour completely. The damage infli- cted is halved and rounded up to the nearest 10%. With this @ shield can be used. It uses the basic CAP but against it, plate armour is only 20% effective, mail armour 10% and other armour 0%. 7 DOUBLE A small shield may be carried but cannot be used in conjun- HANDED AXE ction with the axe. It uses the basic CAP adding 10% to the user's chance of hitting and deducting 10% from his oppon- entls chance of hitting. All armour is useless against the blade. The axe may only be used once per move. DOUBLE HANDED SWORD A small shield may be carried but not used with the svord. It uses the basic CAP plus additions, and adds 10% to the user's chance of success, subtracting 10% from his oppo- nent’s. Plate armour is only 20% effective, mail armour 10% and others useless. The sword may be used only once per move. Note;- All double handed weapons deduct 20% from their chance of hitting when fighting eight hex per cycle movers and -10% against seven hex per cycle movers. POSTULATI These vere fully armoured men vho vent into the arena to face all commers with their oun choice of weapons. Their body armour vas that of a Hoplo- machus. GLADIATORS USING TWO WEAPONS SIMULTANEOUSLY (Cimachaeri, Dimachaeri, Pugiles, some Postulati) A gladiator armed vith tuo veapons has tvo possible attack points, but he may only attack vith one of his weapons at once; the other weapon may be used for parrying. Thus the right hand may be used to attack and the left hand to parry. The next move he may continue to parry with the left and attack with the right using his last attack point as this move's declared attack point; alternatively, he may defend with his right and attack with his left, using his last defence point as this move's declared attack point; or he may parry with both. (you may think this is confusing, wait till you Fight against one!) MULTIPLE COMBATS (ie. When one gladiator is in combat with more than one opponent in the same move.) The attacked gladiator may, if he can, parry against more than one oppo- nent; his suord nay be used to parry if required. All attackers, after the first, add 15% to their chance of hitting.If the gladiator is being attacked from outside his field of vision and through a side not covered by his shield, then no attempt at parrying may be made, and the chance of hitting throw is ignored, the attacker throving immediately for wound effect. AFTER HAND TO_HAND COMBAT (Including attacks by shafted weapons at long range). After combat consider the effect of the blovs involved. If @ gladiator has been attacked on the central anatomy and the attack vas not parried, vholly or partially, and no damage vas done, it is assumed that the glad- iator has dodged or was othervise forced back and he must vithdray one hex directly avay from his opponent. This movement is free and does not affect that gladiator's next move. If the blow vas to his right-hand anatomy, he vill move to the left and vice versa as shoun on the follov- ng diagram 8 If one gladiator is pushed back and the other not, the latter gladiator, if he is not wounded in the move and if he can move to attack before his ‘opponent moves, adds 10% to his chance of hitting. His opponent deducts 10%. Any gladiator pushed up against the arena vell is at an extra -10%; opposing gladiators are at +10%. EG. Gladiator B is in combat with A. <) Gladiator B vithdravs to his rear to 'c', tH to his left 'd’ or to his right 'e! (=) (¥) Note that the arrows show direction of THE RETIARIUS - USE _OF NET AS A SHIELD Should the retiarius ever be unfortunate enought to find himself in hand- to-hand combat, he may use the net to parry vith - but only along the for- vard right-hex side. It vill count as a small shield. If the opponent uses the sica or a long dagger, and the retiarius achieves a full parry, the net will be hacked up and rendered useless for throwing. The net may not be used as a shield in any move in uhich it has been throvn or svung. Throving The Net A net can only be throun during the retiarius' turn. He may move one squ- are forvards or sidevays, before casting the net, if he is capable of so doing. He first nominates the target, then he must decide what spread of the net is to be used. 3 hex spread: Three hexagons, all adjacent to each other (in a 'tria- ngle’), All three must lie in the range of the net (see Hexagon Display Chart). Two hexagons, both adjacent and at different ranges fro’ the retiarius, ie. 2 & 3 or 3 & 4 hex's auay from him, dm Both must lie in the range of the net. T hex spread: Range is limited to 3 hexagons. The hex must be in the range area of the net. 2 hex sprea The retiarius then looks at the Hexagonal Display Chart and decides which hex's he will throw the net at. The numbers of these hex's he notes down. A copy of the Hexagonal Display Chart should be provided to anyone using a retiarius. His opponent then moves his gladiator; one hex in any direction (but facing the same-way) for a non-light gladiator; two hex's (deducting for turns) for a light gladiator. After this has been done, compare the retiarius' plan vith the situation in the arena, If the net is covering the gladiator throw tuo percentage dice and add the difference between the gladiators skills if the retiarius is the better of the two; or deduct it, if the attacked gladiator is the more skilled. Then consult the char| 3 Spread [2 Spread [1 Spread T= 20% [less than I[Less than 1 No effect. 21 1 = 20% % snared for rest of move, a1 - 60% [21 LA, ensnared for rest of move and next move. — = 80% [41 - 60% [31 - 45% | RA. ensnared for rest of move. = 100%] él - 80% | 46 - 60% | RA. ensnared for rest of move and_next move. TOI - 120%] 81 - 90% | 61 - 80% [Fully ensnared for rest of move. 121 = 140%/-91 - 100% [81 - 90% | Fully ensnared for rest of move and next move. Fully ensnared 40% 61 for rest of move

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