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The Adventures


Cycle Hunter

“ The Cyclist “
The Adventures of

Cycle Hunter

“ The Cyclist “

Copyright © 2008 Craig Bttlc

Disclaimer: "This material contains what some would consider forward looking
statements. It must be kept in mind that these are only the Authors opinion. The
material is not intended to give investment advice. Please contact a qualified financial

The trades taken in this book are simulated trades. They are as close to real trades and
as accurate as possible, however, no money was ever used to trade on these dates.
Before you trade you need to consult a licensed financial advisor. The trades in this
work are meant for entertainment purposes only and are not a recommendation to do
or trade anything. No guarantees are given or implied.

Legal Information: Even in the case of no monetary exchange this book may not be
distributed. This work is not intended to give investment advice. Before trading any
financial instrument seek the advise of a qualified individual. Any resemblance of the
fictitious characters in this work to real individuals is completely coincidental.

We knew it would be another 5 years before we saw them again, after Noama
Edith Manfred left with her 2 daughters Mary and Julie I sat down and got some quality
thinking time in.

Was very pleased with my profits overall August 2007, 3800.00 September 850.00
(long story here,) and October 4300.00, indeed my system was paying well with all those
hours of study beginning to pay off. Work seemed like a sad joke, like everyone was
stuck in a dungeon and I, only I, had wings. A relative that worked at the dungeon with
me came over in late October; he saw the improvements, big screen HDTV, new
appliances, new clothes, new car and very happy wife. As we were talking the doorbell
ran, it was a police officer that informed me that my dog had bitten someone 5 blocks
over. This was very strange Venasia had never bitten anyone before, well with the
exception of Earl, but that was because they were horsing around. The policeman filled
out his report and asked me what time it was as his watch had stopped. It was 9:46 pm
on October 31st, Halloween, of course, asked if the Bitee’ was wearing a costume,
found out he was.

After everyone had left, sat down and again worked on my Apple Cycle dates.
It was rough going at first because the dog incident kept going over and over in my
head, why had the dog been 5 blocks over, what really made Venasia bite Earl or the
other individual? Finally brushed it off. Needed to focus here because even though my
account showed a 4300.00-dollar gain in October all of that was from trades put on in
IBM and Apple in late September, profits from trades taken in October were actually
negative due to intense shopping and lack of focus. My maximum amount put on a
trade (ceiling limit) was now up to 1300.00 using the same system of increase that I
started with.

Found no indication for Apple around my October 5 2007 turn date. The next
date was October 13, which also showed no indication, except Mercury going
retrograde on the 11th; it was very close to indication, close enough for me anyway.
Decided to buy puts on that day, wrote in on a 3x5 note card with the date and
headed off to bed.

Awoke the next day, showered, got ready for work, went outside and found my
tree had been toilet papered, along with someone letting all the air out of my tires.
Called work to let them know the possibility of me being on time would be “undoable”
due to car problems. They were not pleased.

After airing up the tires I headed off to work while pondering this bad luck streak.
Something was changing, especially with my trading, as the last 2 trades on IBM were

A few days later, as we sat down to eat there was a knock at the door, it was a
uniformed officer delivering papers to me.

My heart starting beating really heavy as I opened the documents. I was being
sued in small claims court for the “dog attack” under, gross negligence along with pain
and suffering in the amount of 9000.00 dollars. What the hell! Pain and suffering? The
court date was set for the end of November along with a letter that stated my witnesses
had to be subpoenaed by late October. The only “witness” I could think of was the dog
as the incident happened 5 blocks over. I am going to have to get a copy of the police
report and investigate this on my own. I handed the papers to my wife who just kind of
blankly looked at me. More crap I have to deal with, what is going on?

The next day at work, took a call from the wife, she was hysterical, the police
had taken the dog to a kennel to hold until the trial as a “public nuisance,” i.e. the dog
had been arrested. Tried to calm her as much as possible over the phone, her main
concern was how the kids would react when they found out. Told her not to worry, as I
would break the news to them, then made arrangements to get out of work at 3

The cover story, which had to be concocted for the kids, is that the dog was
being checked out to make sure it was still a healthy dog. Lame I must admit but it’s the
only story that left it alone without me having to lie.

A few days later at work received another call from wife stating that Aunt
Gertrude was hit by a bus, was in the hospital and not expected to make it. This on top
of the dog incident began to weigh on me. Gertrude had always been wacky, her son
was a social retard in part because of her but to get hit by a bus? I mean how the hell
can you manage that? What, you didn’t see the big bus coming?

By the time I walked in the door Gertrude had expired which kept me busy
talking with relatives on the phone the rest of the evening.

October 11 time came for my Apple trade went home at lunch, saw Apple
trading down at 156 bought 7 November puts at a strike price of 155, headed back off
to work after making a quick telephone call.

Upon returning home I was again blasted with the phone ringing off the hook,
funeral plans for good old Gertrude. 24 hours later, when I checked the trade, we had
closed up almost 4. Put in a sell order for my 7 puts, on the open. By the time the order
was executed the November puts were selling at 75 which I was able to take only
525.00 of my original 1260.00 out, for a net loss of 735.00 dollars. Where had my mistake
been? As I sat down to figure it out the realization “hit me” that I was suppose to have
purchased calls not puts… What? I had written calls down on the paper but in all this
mess going on around me I bought puts!

That is the stupidest mistake that I have ever made, so much so that it inspired
me to write source B an email explaining the whole thing, how can I get Puts and Calls

I then checked the rest of the email, a bunch of SPAM except for my friend that I
met at the St. Louis seminar from the Netherlands, which now is source R. Source R is a
great researcher and cycle master who is also cluey on price which definitely interests
me. Responded back that I had not been researching much having to do with the
“personal problems.” Source B responded back asking for my natal information, which
was then sent to him. I shut down the computer and found the wife mopping up the
basement; apparently there was a leak in the washing machine hose, which runs out so
all the water went all over the basement floor. One thing after another, lucky for me the
hardware store was still opened so I was able to acquire enough hose for what I
needed, replaced it and went to bed before something else happened.

The following day at work a co-worker was giving me hell. His name was Nick
Carol Mandel, an Aussie Bloke; he had two twin daughters, age 5 years, Earlene and
Vanessa. I had been calling him crazy Carol when he snapped on me, holding me up
against a wall. He got suspended from work for 5 days but my name was all over the
report, decided to keep a low profile around the place.

Told the wife about my “great day at the office” ate dinner and checked the
email. Source B had responded: “You are in a period of time not meant for trading but
for study and relaxing, it is known as a Saturn quadrature. WD. Gann specifically wrote
about this time period. Page 35 of his Wall Street Stock Selector” explains this in detail.
Gann was born on June 6 1878, check his natal Saturn position against where he stated
“The result was that I continued to make a series of losses until the banks closed in
November 1907 and I could get no more money out.” He then goes on to say, “I was
trading in a period which should have been for rest, recreation and gaining knowledge
instead of trying to make more money.” He then states, “I put in my time studying and
figuring on the market and the losses.”

What Gann found was known as a Saturn return, Saturn has a revolution of about
29.5 years so about every 7 years you will go through a bad period such as what Gann
went through. You are in this period now: a Saturn Quadrature, trading is futile, or should
I say expecting profits from trading is futile. Spend your time enjoying your family; make
a serious study of Ganns’ book the Tunnel through the Air. I know you absolutely hate
that book but it can really be of help to your trading later on, when you have passed
this period. In looking at your chart here, there will be 2 passages (time periods) for this
trying cycle. The first passage, the one you are in now, will expire in late November early
December, when Saturn goes retrograde. It then returns late spring of next year for a
few months.

Gann could not trade through this period, I along with my friends have also had
bad trading experiences in these periods so if all these people had similar results it’s a
safe bet that you will also. In order to make the most out of this period make a serious
study of Tunnel.”

Oh ya study Tunnel? I’d rather shoot myself in the foot. I read on:

“The experiences you have had trading recently should confirm to you that
something has changed. In other words there are forces working against you, make no
changes or removals do not make any large purchases or move during these periods,
start nothing new, Do not attempt to make profits.”

I responded back; “study Tunnel, are you nuts? Have already did some work in it
but its so confusing. Thank you sincerely for your analysis and rest assured I wont be
trading any time soon after knowing this.”

Sent the email, shut down the computer went and watched a movie with the
family while I sorted over what was in that email. Could definitely see that trading
during this crazy time period was suicide, financially. Became frustrated sitting there all
the time spent all the effort and now another delay. This sucks. About an hour later
decided to jump on the computer and write Source Q to see if he could give me any
clues on Tunnel, a sick feeling came over me as it hit me I’d be re-opening that damn
book again. Wrote that in the email and entitled it “ Head-ached time for me!”

After sending that email, there was a response from Source B, which I opened. It
asked, “Did you take you Solar Return at home or away?” Aah what? Wrote back “
Have heard about Solar Return but don’t know much about them, why are you asking
where I took it?”

There was also an email form Source R stating that he was working hard on the
price aspect of these cycles also wanted to know how my trading was going.
Responded; “Trading, if that is what you want to call what I have been doing lately,
sucks, I’ve had my ass handed to me on a platter, and now Source B suggested I
should take this Saturn time period and study Tunnel. I am feeling very frustrated. Glad
to hear your studies are working out, I have a feeling mine won’t.” Ended there and
went to bed.

The funeral was a couple of days later, work wanted proof someone had died so
I clipped a copy of the obituary for them, wondered how they would know if there was
any relation. The funeral was non eventful as far as funerals go. The only good thing was
that Don Orville Watson was there with his wife Julie and daughter Marcia, which I had
not seen for 12 years. Don got me interested in markets and was able to share some
good and not so good trading stories.

Don does not know anything about Gann as he just trades with the trend, some
news along with a few technical indicators, kept my mouth shut on my “planetary
system” as I did not want to be looked at as a nut case. “Saw a lot of other family
members there but had very little in common with them, just a passing” Hi how ya
doing” very depressing, gloomy environment with the rain and all.

To liven the spirits up a bit, after the wake, told the family that I would take them
camping and fishing over the weekend which left us one day to prepare, got all the
gear ready, with the food and supplies we needed. Started in on it immediately upon
returning home. Later that evening, because I had not had time to be on line in a few
days, checked the email. Both Source B and Q wrote. Opened B’s first it was on Solar
Returns, read it once, printed it off and re-read it. He stated; “ I am sending you a file I
wrote along time ago on Solar Returns I have updated and added to it for you, Initially
when I found out about them I thought the whole idea insane, however, as time went
on I realized the power of the concept. In essence it works like this, every year, at an
exact instant the transiting sun is at the same degree, minute and second of longitude
as your natal sun. This point in time, this return, is known as your Solar Return. What the
key to this is is that at that second of the return the chart with all the planets and houses
is “frozen” until the next Solar Return. Houses are areas of life. Planets have good and
bad qualities, which come out depending on the aspects they receive from other

Lets look at the houses as areas of you life.

1st Personal power, mobility

2nd Money, Income, Self Worth

3rd Communications, Short trips

4th Home, Security

5th Trading, Children

6th Work, Health

7th Marriage-Partner

8th Partners money- Income Debt you owe others.

9th Education, Mental Attributes, long trips

10th Careers

11th Income from Career, Friends

12th Secrets, Occult studies, Hidden, Drugs

Now let’s say you have Saturn opposed Uranus at the second of your upcoming
Solar Return. Saturn is Restriction, Cold limitations, lets say this Saturn falls in your second
house of ‘Money Income and Self Worth’ for thus up coming Solar Return. Using theses
key words we have ‘Restrictions and Limitations in money and income.’ If you are the
sole provider for your family this is extremely risky! Here’s the good news, you can
change it! By moving your physical location at the time of the Solar Return you can shift
Saturn into another area of life! Thus subverting the negative financial influences. Still this
afflicted Saturn will be somewhere in the charts, so some house (area of life) will take a
hit but not your finances per say.

This system of ‘taking control of the Solar Return’ is used by wealthy individuals
and astrologers alike. In this example Saturn could be moved into the 3rd house of
‘communications’ where you will have difficulties, but those difficulties will not be
financial. Lets look at this from the advantages side, or what can be called the
offensive side (opposed to the defensive side.) Bored in career 10th house, there will
definitely be changes if Uranus (sudden change) is in there, but will they be good or
bad? This is dependent on aspects made by other planets to the planet Uranus in the
10th. Lets say your Sun in the Solar Return chart is in good aspect to this Uranus in the 10th
and that that is the only aspect Uranus receives. The changes on balance will be good
and supportive to your overall goals. So as you can see, there are both offensive and
defensive sides to a Solar Return, its no joking matter. If you stepped out in the street
and saw a bus coming what would you do? You would ‘get out of the way’ you would
not ‘ stand there and take it like a man!’

The beauty of the Solar Returns is that the location you are at, at that second,
controls the year ahead. I have did bad Solar Returns purposely to note the affects, it is
best to exercise control over the return.

Because little information is out there on Chiron and Transpluto I will share with
you what they do when positioned in a house Chiron “heals” the area of life it is found
in, in the Solar Return. Transpluto brings into focus, in order to better define and
assimilate the area of life corresponding to the house it is located at in the Solar Return.
You need to include these because they do have an affect and only a few astrologers
are keenly aware of them.

Lets back up, We have as an example Saturn opposed by Uranus, this is known
as an afflicted Saturn, as well as an afflicted Uranus because the 2 are opposed each
other. So any house you put this Saturn in will be shut down for the year, things in that
area of life wont work out there will be hardships in that area. Saturn likes the 12th house,
the affects do not necessarily manifest as badly as they do in other areas, but here in
this example the Uranus would go into the 6th so we would expect change (Uranus) to
not be good (Saturn opposition) in the area of work/health (6th) So there are tricky
situations best handled by a true professional.
The Solar Return begins to operate about 3 months before your birthday. If you
look back on the 3-month periods before you birthday you will see the changes that
took place. You see in the 3 months period the old return starts to “burn out” while the
new return begins to excerpt influence, building up until it ‘locks in’ on your birthday. If
you watch this period, while it unfolds you will see the profoundness of it. A great book
on this is the one I started out with: Solar Returns by Mary Fortier Shea.” Wow, I wrote
back a big thank you and asked for instructions on how to calculate a Solar Return.

Next email was Source Q responding to my Tunnel enquiries, he had relied;

“Hello, yes it looks like it is time for you to immerse yourself in the Tunnel Book, which we
have talked about previously. What people don’t understand is that there are cycles
running through the book. Cycles of the type you have been trading. You see, the war
in the back of the book is actually applicable to the DOW. There are cycles in the DOW
so therefore there are cycles in the Tunnel Book. I have already told you that Gann hid
his methods in that book and primarily that book. The cities or ‘battles’ take place at
cycle pivots, therefore his discoveries and inventions are trading tools used to
overcome the problems traders have with cycles, which we have already discussed.
Start studying the dates of events in terms of your cycles. For instance, when Japan
attacks that means something. It has special significance, begin working there. Now I
know the cycles that you trade with on different instruments, you have yet to use larger
cycles but they are important as well, not only in your trading but in your understanding
and Tunnel. You work on Tunnel and when I get back from vacation I will help you
further, by for now.” Japan here is the clue that I need to begin working on the book,
Shut the computer down, went over to the thinking couch and laid down. Over the
course of an hour I went over and over that email in my mind, it hit me, everyone is
missing, of course all of the answers are cloaked right the in Tunnel, they would have to
be, price, orb, inversions all I have to do is get the cycles operating and see what Gann
is trying to tell us. I actually became invigorated over the prospect of opening the
Tunnel book; it will have to wait for the camping trip. Began getting more ready,
packed the “Cat Tracker bait,” man that is the best bait I have ever found, reel in a cat
fish every 10 minutes.

The kids were extremely excited when it came time to shove off for the trip. On
the way to the campsite I could feel tension that had been building up inside me do to
a stressful period in my life, subsiding at least enough to notice. My thoughts shifted from
trading and the lawsuit to finding the best camping site to set up at. The children
played (or fought) while the tent went up, caught a moment and watched them,
could hardly believe they were as old they were, where had time gone?

By the second day, felt like a new man recharged, refreshed and energized. It
was a cold November day at about 55 degrees Fahrenheit, but perfect for cat fishing
from the shore as the cats come into shallow water due to the cooling waters.

Baited up the kids, did mine, took fish off for the kids, repeated process, as the
hours logged on we had about 12 keepers, Having thrown about 22 back.

A nearly fisherman came over, probably to find out how we were doing it;
catching all these fish. He introduced himself as Kohlberg Samuel Sherman, he had
been fishing these waters for 5 years with his Aunt Valerie and her husband Ed, he’d
never seen anyone catch this amount of fish with a couple of kids! Told him it seemed
to be a “lucky day”, didn’t tell him about the secret bait.

Kohlberg finally left so we went back to the campsite for lunch, fixed a few
sandwiches and relaxed before more fishing. Decided to get in a quick nap as all the
fresh air was causing me to feel tired. Laying there, my mind shifted to cycles, it is
indeed ironic that traditional astrologers believe that the cycles have to start from
conjunctions when in reality they do not. Another thing stopping the astrologers is that
they are unaware that its not just the 15 degree separation but there can be other
numbers, drifted off to sleep, Hi, Lo, Hi, Looo.

The kids woke me up, over excited at the prospect of catching more catfish. By
the time for dinner we had caught 55 fish that day but had thrown a lot of the small
ones back. Personal record and the kids were overwhelmed, that is a lot of fish, spent
the rest of the evening eating smores around a roaring campfire. Thought a lot about
the life I truly wanted, time, more time to spend with the kids, more time to do the things
that are really worth doing instead of wasting time on a treadmill.

The rest of the trip was pretty much the same, except cleaning all of the catfish
that was a major chore, filled up 2 coolers, had to stop and ice them down so the fish
did not spoil.

It took me a couple of hours to put all of the camping gear away, load up the
freezer with all of the fish.

Later that night made it to the computer to check emails, finding only spam,
headed off to bed.

Woke up feeling invigorated and recharged too bad I had to waste this feeling
on work, thought about calling in telling them I was “to well to attend”. Not yet ready
for that. That evening after work, began reading the Tunnel book, those same old
feeling of hopelessness began to run through me. 420 damn pages, made it to page
136 before I had to go to bed. The following night got in an additional 68 pages, the
reading went slow, took the book to work the next day and got in even more reading,
the more I read the more I felt there was this endless quagmire, sinking feeling, kind of
like when you are in a new town, take a wrong turn, realize you are lost, keep on driving
and feel further lost. Yes, indeed same thing with this damn book! Took me to Friday to
get through it.

If Gann hid cycles in this he did a damn good job. Went over to the thinking
couch to ponder where the cycles were. After about a half hour it hit me to take the
dates in the book and compare then to the DOW to see what was happening at those
points, of course that is where the solution MUST BE! Jumped up wrote that idea on a
piece of paper, had to, was out of time, had to now turn my attention to this law suit,
running out of time here to investigate it.

In reading the police report on the dog bite, there were 2 witnesses that were
not involved in it but saw it happen.

The next day I drove over to a Mrs. Saybeons house. Knocked on the door,
introduced myself and let her know why I was there. She invited me in where she gave
me her story “Well I had just passed out candy to the 2 neighbor girls Mary and Janice
both of them are about 10 years old you know, I looked up and there were these
people out there taunting this dog, they kept lunging forward like they were going to
attack the dog, well one of them got a little close, the dog bit and ran off. I felt so sorry
for that dog, they were being so mean to it.”

I wrote all that down and sincerely thanked her, asked if she would sign that
statement, she agreed as we chatted on for a while.

My next stop was across the street to the second witness. A little old lady
answered introduced myself and told her why I was there. She invited me in for a cup of
coffee, in fact the whole place smelled like a coffee shop, she asked if I preferred
Columbian or Jamaican. I was formally introduced to her 2 cats, Max and Ernie. She
stated that she had been living here for 5 years not getting many visitors.

She stated, “Well, like I told the police, my 2 eyes aren’t that good so I really
could not see it that well but I heard this commotion like 2 people fighting and
screaming. I went to the door looked out and saw the dog bite and run off.” I asked her
if she knew if the people were provoking the dog. She said, “They were shouting at it
but she did not know what was really going on out there.” Wrote it down, and got her
to sign that statement, had a hard time getting out the door, she just wanted to talk
and talk, kind of felt sorry for her, felt her loneliness. That Coffee was some of the best I
had ever had.

On the way home it occurred to me that if I can show, in court, that the dog
was provoked I could get off the hook, yes, that is the “out” I mean, they provoked the
dog, the police report made it sound like this deranged, ravenous dog attacked these
poor people.

Returned home to find an old junker of a car parked in the driveway; “What
now?” Was met at the door by a salesman who introduced himself as Victor Lance
O’Malley. He was selling vacuum cleaners. “Alright” I told him.

After listening to this guy for a few minutes you could tell he was nothing like the
other people you meet. There was no continuity in his presentation. He had 2 models
the Venata and the Saturn, which he told me the color of the Venata, matched my
hair! The only thing he said that was not all disjointed was that he had been selling
vacuum cleaners for 12 years… there was no smoothness to him. Could not help but
feel sorry for him so I purchased the Venata, after all it “matched my hair.” They wife
was out grocery shopping so I had figured that I’d give it to her as a present when she
returned home. Began writing out a check, Victor Interrupted saying that he could only
take cash, kind of looked at him, went and got cash. He left me the demonstration
model, which at first I thought was a little odd but, reasoned that it saved me from
disposing of the box and was already assembled. When the wife returned home,
showed her the new vacuum cleaner. She looked at me cross eyed saying that we did
not need a new vacuum cleaner we needed a new laundry machine, especially we
did not need one that was “scuffed up.” Upon looking at it more closely there were
scuffmarks on it. That idiot, hell there is not even any instructions on the thing, he was in
such a hurry to get out of here.

Other than a few fleeting moments of happiness, like with the catfish, these last
few months have been totally unrewarding, nothing has been working out.

Shook off the vacuum cleaner “incident” and got into taking the Tunnel dates
and looked at the marked from the late 1920’s and early 1930’s.

Over at the thinking couch it occurred to me that these cycles go, Hi, Lo, Hi, Lo,
like tracks or “foot-prints.” Therefore, to identify which track is which; Gann must have
used some sort of coding “When I originally read through Tunnel years ago I would write
down the page number of what stood out along with the event. There was no order to
it, meaning I never looked for ways to connect certain events, had never tried to
organize it. Since there are cycles running through that book there has to be a
connective ness through certain events. Given that, I am going to have to try and
connect events. Then take those dates and try and find a cycle. Well have to take
what I know and run different planetary combinations. The more I went over this idea,
this method, began to visualize the process, or route, that I needed to go.

Started writing down dates and events from the book based on my old notes,
“arranging” them so to speak. Noticed that Japan specifically attacked in a few
instances. From page 279 Japan attacked L.A. in the Middle of May (May 15, 1930.)
Page 279 connects L.A. with San Francisco. San Francisco was attacked September 11
1930. Decided to start with these 2 dates, unfortunately was out of time for the evening.

A few uneventful days went by but could not find the time to continue the
studying, was held back by the Mundane affairs of life, like house work, child rearing

Caught the boy with a couple girly magazines had to deal with that situation
which meant explaining a few things. Also squeezed an email of to Source B telling him
my new strategy was going to do the same with Source Q, but he would still be on

My mind again turned the upcoming court date, which would be tomorrow.
Work knew I would be a couple hours late had to give them a copy of the papers as
proof. My plan was to show the documentation and stress the fact that this so called
“Attack” was provoked, also wanted to stress this was a family pet.

That night I didn’t get much sleep, just tossed and turned, the usual tricks like
eating 3 bowls of cereal didn’t work…. My only good sleep was a couple of hours
before I needed to get up.

Apparently when the alarm went off I pulled the plug out of the wall. It was
November 28. 2007 at 7:26 am. Central time when I finally woke up. Running an hour
late, decided to skip the shower, just get dressed and go. Court was at 9 A.M.

After sitting through a few landlord cases they finally called our case. When it
was my turn to tell my end of the story (since the dog wouldn’t) I submitted both signed
statements, along with my beliefs about what had happened.

The judge ordered me to pay 735.00 dollars to cover all medical expenses etc.
the dog was ordered returned to my custody. He said “There better not be any more of
these occurrences or the family dog will have to be euthenized.” I agreed and told him
he would not be seeing me again. Went upstairs paid the fine plus the court costs,
headed over to the kennel. There the fee was 367.50 dollars, which I was outraged at.
Told them my wife would be by later to pick up the dog and headed off to work.

Arrived at work about lunch time, clocked in and went to work after calling the
wife to let her know to pick up the dog, the kennel bill was already paid. Went about
work like it was a normal day.

Towards the end of the shift they said there was a call for me, went upstairs to
the phone, there, on the other end was my frantic wife, who informed me the house
had been robbed. “Be right there.” Told the boss I had to leave, he just kind of looked
at me as I booked it out of there.

Got home to find the police there and the wife crying her eyes out. The big
screen TV was gone along with other major electronics. The bedroom had been
ransacked. Couldn’t believe my eyes. Spray painted on the wall was, “Thanks for the
business.” What the hell did that mean? The wife told me she had come home from
grocery shopping and picking the dog up at the kennel to find the front door open and
the T.V. gone. She then ran out called the police on the cell phone then me.

I asked her if she knew what “Thanks for the business.” Meant, she had no idea.
Sergeant McWheat introduced himself and his 2 rookies Vance and Eric. He said that
this was the work of “the giggler” whom had not been in the area for 6 years. He asked
if a Bible salesman had stopped by recently. “No, but a vacuum cleaner salesman was,
last week? He asked me to show him the vacuum. We went to the storage closet where
we always stored the vacuum. It was gone. Told him it must also have been stolen. He
smiled and said “vacuum cleaners are normally not hot items, you have been hit by
‘the giggler.’ He poses as a salesman, sells you something as a guise to get in your
house and look around initially.” I asked him why they call him “the giggler” and how
he knows who it was. “The giggler has a signature he leaves behind, the spray paint
thanking you for the business. We call him the giggler because he used to have an
accomplice, who is now doing hard time. The accomplice said that while the guy spray
paints his signature ‘thanks for the business’ he giggles hysterically. ‘The giggler’ is a real
live- wire, its insane that he always strikes in broad day light, after casing the area for
days.” I just looked at him with a blank look, stunned. The thought that some guy could
break into my house after watching it for days, steal from me and giggle about it was a
little too much. Signed the police report, comforted the wife for a little as best I could
but was dizzy myself, felt like throwing up.

A couple of minutes later found me on the couch taking a serious look at this
event. How could someone do this I haven’t even hurt anyone, why am I always, the
victim? Felt confused and alone in the world.

Woke up about an hour later, still had a nauseating sick feeling. The kids were
home from school and I followed the “crying” into the kitchen.

His name was “The Giggler,” to the kids that would be a sad ironic twist “The
Giggler stole your video games,” so they were told that a very bad man took them. The
rest of that evening was very difficult for me; teary eyed, I could not figure out why
nothing in my life really works out. Why do I not have any friends, close friends, what is
wrong with me?

The next few days weren’t much better, had gotten an email off to Source B
about the thief and also other areas of my life, asking why things had never really
worked out. Went and replaced the kids electronics. Had a feeling that the wife was
upset I had even let the guy in the house.

On the fourth day things were back to normal or at least temporarily holding.
Source B had emailed back saying that my name had equated to Saturn and that
Mercury would be a more productive fit. He had based this off the book “Power of
Numbers” by Numero so I downloaded the book from a site that I belong to. Could
definitely see what he meant. Had written back asking how one changes the name, his
response was to go to a judge and get the middle name changed.

He also stated that in heliocentric astrology the Earth is used therefore in that
system it is the same as the Sun in Geocentric astrology. He also went on to stress the
point that this would change things for me, overall. The book “Power of Numbers” sure
supported this.

Started looking into the legal procedures and costs associated with changing
my middle name so that the combination of first, middle, along with last would equal

Much easier to change the middle name then go through the headaches with
the first or last. Found out a lawyer was not needed, just a filling fee and court costs of
250.00. Simple, filled out the paperwork and filed, was given a court date 3 weeks from

On the next check of email Source R had written. He was kind of cluey on price.
He wrote “ you can’t get price until you fully master cycles. At one time, almost as a
second job, the walls of my office used to be covered with geometry; those were torn
down and replaced with cycles. I had all sorts of problems mostly deciding which High
and Low went with the cycle I was working with. As I went and found out there were
different ways to refine or define exactly where a turn came in. Then you have to go
back and work with those dates. It is a long and laborious job.” What occurred to me
was that market guys and myself have a rapport that is unique, a closeness if you will. I
don’t have this with my distant family, neighbors or co-workers. Took great satisfaction
with this, as there is camaraderie here.

Finally, things slowed down enough, was able to take those Tunnel dates and
look at the digital ephemeris. Can’t believe Gann had to use books and make
thousands of computations. Now all I have to do is take this software and do a dump
into excel. From there it can be manipulated. This makes it so simple, what an incredible
advantage over Gann. I have made a master sheet so the calculations between
planets are already done. Did that from 1990 thru to 2012, did it once, backed it up so
computer crash (which happens to me on a regular basis) wont put me back. Once
the file was created it becomes a simple matter of searching the different
combinations, fast and easy.

The first past through the Tunnel dates that were originally singled out yielded
nothing. This I was not expecting. These could be non-related dates or there was
something that was missed on the original pass through. Went through it again, slowly,
double-checking. This time a couple of possibilities stuck out, again nothing definite.

Went over to the thinking couch pondering how I would know if the dates were
truly related, felt very strongly that they are, where is the problem? Twenty minutes later
it hit me, my old idea; take the possibilities that I found, run them forward using the
Went over to the computer, took the potential cycles and ran them forward, well
at least the first one. Nothing, miss, miss, hit, miss, hit. In my experience there was just too
many missed highs where lows should be, lows where highs should be. Other “pivots”
were unnoticeable in the middle of trends. No way was this a cycle.

Began work on the 2nd potential cycle, which is the last potential cycle that had
been “found.” Ran it out but was not convinced with this one reworked it with a
different “possible number” than the lost number.

BOOM! This baby is sweet. Ran it out about 36 pivots, hit like clockwork. Un-
fricking- believable. The excitement came from knowing I had just made sense out of
something from the Tunnel Book. Man what a rush as I checked and it hit the Cairo and
Detroit dates!

Emailed Source B, Q and R with my discovery later that night. In fact it was really
late but it only felt like early evening. Went over to the thinking couch to just, “take it all
in,” woke up at 4 a.m. headed up to bed.

The following day found me rushed to take care of housework and family events,
all I wanted to do was get back and do more studying on that book, could not find
anytime for it. Finally, found enough time to check the email before going to bed.
Everyone had written me back.

Opened Source Q’s first: “Well done! You have taken you first step into a much
larger world. Be aware that there are larger cycles involved in Tunnel and in markets.
You should specifically look for these, of the nature Jensen had outlined in his book.
Spend serious time on this, as it is very rewarding. Best wishes.”

Wrote back a big “Thank you” and moved on to Source B’s email. He stated “
Awesome your bad time period is beginning to wane in this period. There is something
else that I should have told you about when we found out that you were going through
this period. The author that I mentioned to you previously; Mark Fisher, did a sequel
entitled “The Millionaires Secrets.” This is a very powerful book for those that are meeting
with resistance in their lives, for those that feel they should be further along than what
they are. The reasons that are holding you or anyone else back, can be found in that
book! The reason why I have not mentioned it to you before is that I felt you were not
ready for it. You see, there are many things that stop individuals from becoming truly
successful. There is one ‘root’ factor that is found in that book. You are ready, at this
point in your life for this particular book.

Research in the field is critical; research in our own lives, to seek the truth is also
essential. Individuals with profit motives, along with large companies, organizations are
shaping this world. There seems to be a pervasive stupid ness going on when it comes
to the sheep or common folk.

I will give you one small example of a much larger picture. Anyone with allergies
in the fall is usually afflicted by Ragweed, Pollen. The medical community (traditional
and otherwise) is well aware of this connection, it is nothing new. I am personally
extremely sensitive to ragweed, pollen that produces a condition in my body called
Asthma. Ragweed is seasonal, usually August through November so for those 4 months I
had to rely on strong medications costing me thousands of dollars. Asthma is a trained
response in the body, asthma is a symptom, and the expensive medications were only
treating the symptoms, why? Because if they treated the cause they would not make
any more money, I would not have the terrible bed ridden affliction. Each fall season
would cost me over a thousand dollars. I decided that I must take my market research
dedication and temporarily shift it to solve this dilemma. Began studying, digging, for
the solution.

My first break came when studying the 21,000 readings given by Edgar Cayce. In
one specific reading Cayce states that the woman should chew the leaf of the small
ragweed plant. He said specifically not to eat it but to masticate it and spit it out. The
juice left in the mouth is then swallowed. For over a year I tried a leaf of the small
ragweed plant but did not notice enough difference while in a full-blown asthma
attack. Eventually with more research I came across a company called Bio P Sciences
Institute out of Minneapolis Minnesota. They essentially extract some of the leaf into a
solution and I only had to put a few drops on the tongue. Results; no asthma through
the season. Cost 14 dollars including shipping, saved me close to a thousand dollars.

Fearing that the company won’t be around when the secret gets out, took the
recipe off the companies site. Think about the millions of dollars these guys are going to
save common folk. That wont happen, it’s all about those profits by big companies.
Think of how that recipe changed, enhanced the quality of my life.

I will tell you what got me into looking for my own solutions. Like I told you I had
asthma in the fall. Had to go to the doctor to get those meds. At one point the doctors
suggested we also do a cholesterol test. I agreed to the test, also I need to tell you that
the doctor had had me on a super low fat diet because I was overweight. Went in to
have the blood drawn for the test, jumped on a plane and flew to France on business.

Got a frantic call from my wife while still in France that the doctor wanted to see
me as soon as I returned, that the numbers came in way to high. The wife had told the
doctor that I was in France; the response was not to eat any high fat food. High fat
food is all that is in France. The phone call sounded detrimental, like I had a few day
left, type of thing. I began eating cakes and pies figuring that; might as well enjoy my
last few days.

When I returned home went straight to the doctor for a repeat of the tests, the
initial ones showed greatly elevated cholesterol (over700) and triglycerides so high they
almost could not measure them.

The second set of tests (done when I returned from France) showed cholesterol
level of under 350 and triglycerides almost normal. The doctor was stunned. No
explanation was offered; it appeared the levels were returning to almost normal!

I was given 5 prescriptions, which I took once, felt like crap, through them all in
the trash! Began investigating. This is what I found; a 1995 medical report that stated
when the body is deprived of fats it senses a ‘fat famine’ takes the carbohydrates
coming into the system through food and stores them as triglycerides then elevates the
cholesterol to deal with the triglycerides. You see, the doctor had me on a low fat diet.
When I went to France and ate the high fat cakes and pies, the body started flushing
out the triglycerides, simultamiously lowering the cholesterol, the body was getting the
fats it needed!

When I approached the doctor with this she was evasive at first then tried to tell
me I may be bi polar. I had known a bi polar person and I could tell that I was nothing
like that. Got pissed, walked out and never went back.

Now I can’t give you medical advice but I can sure a shit tell you about my own

An unusually large portion of our farm subsidies goes into making a specific type
of syrup. I wont mention the name. A look from the late 1960’s that I tracked down
stated that adults should absolutely stay away from fructose, because it causes obesity.
Nowadays we have a super concentrated form of this.

My point is that the average Joe, does not have a chance at researching. You
can’t scratch the surface you have to really dig, along with being acutely aware there
is a lot of bad information out there. Since these days I have spent a large portion of my
available free time studying Native American healing, Chinese medicine and modern
day naturopathy, in all of that I have found many truths and techniques.

Will leave you with one last example. Soybeans, the health food craze, or
marketing blitz. Soybeans have been consumed for thousands of years, true but older
cultures only ate them fermented in the form of Miso and Tempah. The reason for this is
that soybeans contain anti nutrients. It works like this, you eat soybeans, and they go
into your body and take nutrients out.

A friend of mine works in a prison. They use to serve beef etc. but to cut costs
they switched out to soy burgers, soymilk and soy everything.

The result, according to the friend, greatly increased intestinal problems along
with overall lethargy. Greater increase in infirmary visits, markedly so.

If the public thinks its good for you, be cautious, if the public is doing it, be
careful, if the public knows it, it isn’t worth knowing. You are ready for the book. Talk to
you soon.”

This one had me thinking. Replied that I would get the book.

Next email was from Source R. Another congratulatory email, I wrote him back
telling him that Source Q told to look seriously for larger cycles. Sent that one off and
went looking for the wife. She had just finished cleaning the children’s room, which had
been a total disaster area.

Things were getting back to normal slowly; life goes on.

A few days passed when the book by Mark Fisher about the Secrets of the
Millionaire arrived which I began to read.

Source R had emailed me talking about his price systems. He stated “The smaller
cycles that you have been working with use a price system that does not work the
same as on the larger cycles.

Larger cycles, say like a Jupiter Saturn 6 degree, have a price system that is
much more geometric in nature. I have also learned that it is very dangerous trading
only the larger cycles without knowing what is going on with the smaller ones.” The rest
of the email was the usual personal chatter that goes on between friends in this field.
Shut down the computer, needed to get things ready because tomorrow I go in front of
the judge to “change my vibration,” Hope the guys are right about this or I am going to
feel like an idiot.

Woke up the next morning refreshed, felt I could take on the world. Had told
work that they should see me by noon, as there was the court appointment but did not
tell them why, ha, you can see trying to explain that one to them.

When they called my name, went up to the front and stood in front of the judge.
He asked me one question. “Why do you want to change you middle name?” My
reply, which I had practiced, was “Your honor, my uncle, who is now deceased, had a
great impact on my life. If it were not for him I would not have had the success in my life
that I have had. I am doing this to honor him, kind of a tribute.” Judge responded, “I
grant the change,” and signed off on it.

From there was straight into work. The boss wanted to see me, which I originally
attributed to my being in court. What he said “shocked” me. “There is a position open
that you are highly qualified for.

It comes with a 13 percent pay increase your position.” “Absolutely, you bet I’ll
take it.” Walked out of there thinking that these people are crazy, I mean, I outright
hate the shit hole, do absolute minimum not to get fired, cant stand the zombies or, I
mean “co-workers.”

It “hit” me. Could the affects of the name change be this fast? I mean, could
Numero’s book “Power of Numbers” really change, and for the better?

Was taken and introduced to my new boss Mark MacArthur Macht. Seemed like
a really good guy. He stated that he had been here 9 years. He then introduced me to
my new co-workers Kris and Bill. I couldn’t believe it, the power of the numbers! We all
hit it off right away, things just “clicked” into place.

That evening, on the way home, stopped off and got the wife a dozen roses, no
occasion, other than a 13% raise, better co-workers, new boss and a new middle name,
which by the way the wife thought was the craziest thing I had ever talked about.

The wife thanked me for the roses then I gave her the good news. She was
ecstatic. Right before Christmas which she reminded me that we needed to get the
Christmas shopping done. The Christmas tree was already, had done that but was
hesitant on going Christmas shopping. When the trading was good I kept thinking of a
bountiful Christmas. Now, with the Saturn cycle and everything that has happened it will
be a lot slimmer that was expected, not bare bones but not spectacular either. Just did
not want to face it. Agreed to go shopping that weekend, had to because it was the
last weekend before Christmas but my heart wasn’t in it.

After dinner got on the computer and wrote both Source B and Q about my
day, also asked Source B if it was possible that the change could work so fast, for source
Q I told him of some of my Tunnel frustrations.

Next on my list, due to the Saturn transit being over, at least this initial passage,
was to get back into the trading so I spent the night working on my Apple cycle, trying
to find the next trade. Had to update the cycle, then looked for indications. Wrote the
date down on my 3x3’s card along with indication. After that it was a night studying
Tunnel notes, looking for more cycles; matching dates to events, finding concurrent
events, looking for similarities; similar things with dates. When I believed there was
something there, the next step was to look at the digital ephemeris, to see if there was a
potential cycle there. Repeated this process many times. Twice I thought I had
something but when I tried to run the cycles out, on the Dow, starting from the Tunnel
dates it was bogus. Went over to the thinking couch to try and figure out where I was
going wrong. It was late so I decided to write Source Q and run over my method, to see
where I was going wrong, had already written him earlier so felt like I needed to
apologize for the consecutive emails.

Shut down the computer and went back over to the thinking couch; dates and
events running through my head as I dozed off. Woke up about 6 am right out of
dream. Had been fighting along side Robert, but the frightening thing about it was that
he had different faces at different times when I had seen him.

This bothered me when I woke up, just a bad feeling. Began getting ready for
work, first day of reporting in to the new squad.

Mr. Macht was the first to greet me as I reported in. The others came in behind
me, these guys were really cheerful, and they seemed close knit.

Man it was so different working with these guys, actually left work feeling
energized, which was completely alien to me.

The wife had taken the kids to see Santa Claus, which enabled me to get on the
computer faster; Source B and Q had emailed me back.

Source Q congratulated me on the new job then went directly into Tunnel saying
“Where you are going wrong is that you are searching a Heliocentric ephemeris only
and that you are not looking for larger cycles caused by the slower moving planets.”

This sent shivers down my spine. I was so blind how could I not have seen this
error. By using only a heliocentric ephemeris I was dictating to Tunnel what should be in
there. This is obvious now and it never occurred to me to look for larger cycles, well I
guess here he means like Saturn Uranus or something of that nature. Wrote back “Man
thank you so much, it is so obvious now I don’t know how I overlooked it.”

Sat back in the chair for a moment, felt like I had been given the golden key, to
all my problems. The next email was from Source B it stated “ well done on the name
change, you bet, the changes are instantaneous and in most cases dramatic.

Your work situation may look like coincidence bit it is not, others I have worked
with experience these types of coincidences. Also, I keep forgetting to tell you. When it
comes to health get Kevin Trudeau’s books if you don’t already have them. Every word
in those is gold. Hey, if I don’t hear from you before Christmas, Merry Christmas!”

Wow so that must not have been a coincidence. Looked up Trudeau’s books
and ordered all 3. I know Source B; he is into making sure his mind is clear for trading.
Speaking of which the hunger pains were getting to me. Threw some steak in the oven,
turned it on then headed back to build a geocentric master ephemeris. Used the
following combinations from 1980 to current.

Jupiter/Saturn, Jupiter/Uranus, Jupiter/Neptune, Saturn/Uranus, Saturn/Neptune,
and Uranus/Neptune, choose 1980 as a random start date because, with these larger
cycles they are going to pivot less frequently so I needed a bigger data set, i.e. longer
ephemeris files. Then in order to accommodate the Tunnel dates I did the same
planetary combinations staring January 1, 1906 threw January 1, 1933 did not want to
miss any events. One thing I was quickly learning is studying Tunnel without ephemeris
files is like showing up to a Christmas party in pajama’s, finding the nearest bed and
going to sleep… you get nothing out of it.

Had both ephemeris files done before the steaks.

Got in another hour of Tunnel/Ephemeris study before the wife and kids got
home from Christmas shopping. The delay of being shown all of what was bought for
grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters took another hour then I was back to
studying the Tunnel.

Several hours later looked up and it was a little past 10 pm so headed to bed.
Nothing was uncovered but still the feeling of having accomplished that which matters
most, direction, and path. Tomorrow night is Friday, which I had promised, would start
off the Christmas shopping round.

Saturday night was the bossed Christmas party so the next time I could see that I
would be able to study would be Sunday so decided to get everything done so that
Sunday would have a clear slate for study.

Friday night after work the wife dropped the kids off with melon head so he
could watch them while we Christmas shopped. It was customary to go out to dinner
first so that is where we headed. This was normally a very festive period but I just could
not get into it. When I was trading, had envisioned a very bountiful Christmas, Saturn
had fixed that, it will be an average Christmas.

Friday night went fine. Picked the kids up late so by the time we got home there
was no time for study.

Slept in late on Saturday, got up and did some housework, watched the Matrix
with the kids, found inspiration in what Morpheus said 15 seconds before the girl in the
red dress, until the girl in the red dress. Did more housework including helping to wrap
Christmas gifts.

Saturday night we dropped off the kids at melon heads, stopped by the liquor
store for a bottle of Dom Perignon, wanted to set a good impression with the new boss.
Was greeted at the door by the beautiful Mrs. Macht, smiling and cordially inviting us in.
I think the wife was a little nervous not knowing anyone at the party.

Mrs. Macht introduced us around, there was Mindy and Bill personal friends of
theirs that they had know for 11 years. Bill worked for Boeing. They were a fascinating
couple, Mindy was the aggressive type.

We were also introduced to Mo and Kim, which were also personal friends of the
Machts for the last 6 years. Mo worked at Citicorp, Mrs. Macht excused herself as the
doorbell rang. My co-worker Bill and his wife walked up to us, I thanked Bill for helping
me out on Friday and asked him if he had seen Kris yet, which he said Kris would not be
here, until later. We talked for at least a good hour, joking around and laughing, finally
Kris and his wife Mary finally showed up.

They had been married for 10 years and she, come to find out, was a secretary
at Major Motors, I mean General Motors.

Man it was an incredible time, felt the boss was very impressed with the
Champagne, and learned the co-workers were equally impressive off the job. The wife
and I actually went straight home first, to hide a few of the Christmas gifts we had in the
trunk. Picked the kids ups from melon heads about 12 midnight and headed back

Sunday morning finally came, woke up and headed down to tackle Tunnel.

It must have been late evening when I looked up, partly because of hunger
pains, the wife had taken the kids somewhere, she told me when she left but it didn’t
register, had kept on hammering Tunnel.

Threw some chicken into the oven and went back to the study.

The wife and kids got home later; she was shocked I was still in the last place she
found me.

While I did not find a substantial cycle did feel I was beginning to understand
Tunnel better because of the time I had spent focusing on it. Had been grouping
certain dates together, organizing and reorganizing them.

The night finished with not a cycle, but a strange feeling that I was getting closer
to something, something that was very important. Christmas Eve is tomorrow night so I
know that it will be awhile before more Tunnel study could be done, hate, absolutely
hate, these delays but life is like that I guess.

Christmas was average, which for me was uneventful. Stayed up late playing
games with the children, it was festive and of course a day for the children.

December 26th came and Venus gave me indication so at home for lunch I
bought 3, January 2008 puts at 240 a piece. Apple was selling at 200.50 and my cycle
pointed down.

The strike price on the puts was 195. Usually, with my trading account at this level
I would have bought 5 or 6 of those puts but wanted to test the water after that Saturn
transit. Mercury gives indication on January 4 so that is my target date for exit, was very
nervous about the trade, it felt alien to me but I knew I had to get back into it.

The following day, when I checked, Apple had made a new high but was below
my original buy point. Nothing had been triggered so there was no change. When I
arrived home from work after checking the prices, pulled out the Tunnel book and got
busy, which is all I really wanted to do anyway.

Got in about 3 in half hours that night, still no additional cycles found in Tunnel.
Shut down the computer and went over to the thinking couch, knowing I was on the
right path but was there anything that was being overlooked?

Could not think of anything, just needed more time, knew I had to keep
concentrating on it, keep focusing on it, got back up, re-fired the computer and got
back to work. Haggling away until whatever time it was. I fell asleep on the computer.

Sunday morning the tree finally came down, got caught up with something, so
about 4 pm was able to get back to studying, know there are larger cycles to be found
in the book. Thought about calling into work on Monday but it was too close to New
Years Eve, so didn’t want to leave them short handed.

Kept working on it. It was about a quarter after midnight when I found what
appeared to be something significant. It was Jupiter/Uranus, ran it forward in the Dow
thru the 1930’s period. There it was! Felt the hair stand up on the back of my neck; this
was the second cycle that I had found in the book. Wanted to run it out further, bring it
up to modern day but was out of time, tired, exhausted and exhilarated.

Went to bed with a victory flag, it took awhile but the day ended, a very
productive day.

Due to work, New Years and other obligations it was Thursday when I got back to
the cycle. It was not by choice, could think of nothing other than the new cycle.

Figured out how to start it in 1990, running it forward from there, all the way to
current in the Dow. Man what a great cycle, just beautiful.

Went back to the thinking couch. There must be larger cycles in my Apple stock,
how to ferret them out? Even though I found the cycle in the Dow, don’t trade the Dow
so although my understanding of Tunnel has greatly increased, the cycles in it I cant
directly profit from unless I trade the Dow, which is not on my list, will have to take what I
learn and apply it to my stocks.

Got back to the computer, checked the email, finally one from Source B, in it he
stated, which I found very interesting, “Gann knew about several natural laws, this is
directly shown in Tunnel, not just by what is written in his words but in the whole ‘TAO’ of
it. Let me explain, distantly I know of a guy that lights a roaring fire in his fireplace with
wet wood which pops and sparks, makes the fire roaring, then leaves the house. House
catches on fire and the insurance company buys him a new upgrade. Fine, he gets
away with it, so to speak. But his wife stays out late on weekends, comes home at 7 am,
and has affairs, which drive him crazy. He doesn’t know it, he can’t see it, but the two
are related. You reap what you sow. If you do not sow but you reap, as in the case of
the arsonist, then the law of compensation turns against you, you now owe, so in less
than 5 years nature will take it out of you.

Likewise to sit there and make all of this money trading, without having put in
serious effort, up front, would have negative repercussions. Gann knew this, in writing a
book, that would help others, he knew that the individual would have to put in a lot of
time and effort to get working, but in doing so, that individual would only be reaping
what was sowed, nothing more. Take a look at the Coffee letter. The first thing you
have to do there is go through and correct all his typo’s. Why the typo’s? Gann was
making is difficult for the guy, while instructing him at the same time. Was Gann
deriving pleasure from seeing others painstakingly correcting the errors? No, Gann
knew that they needed to work hard. Things have changed since Ganns days. Today
we have many more distractions than they did back then, so shortcuts are good BUT
one still needs to do the work. Gann put in decades of hard core research, he reaped
what he sowed.”

Man, now that was deep. Wrote him back saying that I would have to think on
this, a lot, also that I had recently found the Jupiter/Uranus cycle in Tunnel.

Friday found me home for lunch as Mercury gave indication to close the trade.
Hopped on the computer, could not believe my eyes. Apple was selling at 184 and my
puts were 1200.00 a piece. Sold them out for a total, bottom line of 2880 dollars profit,
man I am back in a BIG WAY. Bought 4 January 08 calls for 200 each, strike price of 190.
Closed down big smile on my face. This was an incredible victory, wished I had bought
all 6 of those but hey, 3 was ok man that was a nice sharp move down.

Had a vacation coming up, 9 days total away from work, things had been hard
the last couple of months so I was originally thinking of just doing housework but an idea
popped in my mind. What about getting some plane tickets to a warm climate? This is
the dead of winter and it would really surprise the family. Wanted to do that but was still
unsure if the bad trading period was really over or I had just gotten lucky on that trade.
Had to shelve that idea.

The weekend was spent primarily cycle hunting. Found this particular cycle with
10 degrees of separation. Knew it was in the data that was being worked on but the
inversion rate was catastrophic; sky-high. Just could not figure this one out. Went over to
that thinking couch for a bit, the possible solution hit me. Half the number; go from a 10
to a 5, so I jumped up to do just that; rerun the cycle with a 5 degree instead of 10.

This cycle was absolutely beautiful, when I backed off and took a look my small
cycle hit 50% of the major Highs and Lows, this was another factor that I had used in the
past to determine if I had found a cycle or coincidence. Source B and others had told
me in the past that all Highs and Lows are caused by cycles. Therefore my goal shifts,
when cycle hunting; to one of accounting for highs and lows. One takes a small cycle
through, what should be occurring is that it should hit roughly 50% or so of the major
High and Low pivots.

My 10-degree separation did not do that, had a very high inversion rate,
because it was an even number (10) I could half it. Now I have a great cycle here for
this stock. Other than this finding, the weekend was relatively uneventful.

Monday I was home from lunch Apple was down 175 so I had to dump the calls
as my stop had been hit on my chart, sold 4 calls at 25.00 a piece, exited the position
with a 700 dollars loss, looks like I may have gotten in too early.

The next few days found me watching Apple. I know the cycle was pointing up
but we were moving sideways. Source B, had told me that to a cycle trader this was
extremely important because it shows the cycle is getting a lot of sheer and that when
the cycle pivots high there would be a quick move down most times.

Monday January 14, 2008 came and along with it Mercury gave indication,
home for my usual “apple lunch” checked the computer and Apple was selling at 177
bought 5 puts with a strike price of 170, these were February puts so I had to pay a time
premium, 5 puts at 265 a piece or 1325.

The following day I checked Apple and it was selling at 174 so it was heading in
my direction which was good. Had an exit date of January 23 with both Mars and
Venus giving indication.

My secondary concern was my vacation that was coming up in mid- February,

really wanted to take the family on a surprise vacation, yes that last trade with the
700.00 losses had extinguished my confidence. It looked like maybe a 2-day trip to the
indoor water park, not really the vacation I wanted.

In following Apples price we went down to January 16 then started moving up
for a couple of days my system says to stay in until either my stop gets taken out or I
have indication. Indication was not until the 23rd so over the weekend there was some
nervousness. To take my mind off of it I was cycle hunting along with doing the family
thing and cleaning house. Monday came and Apple went shooting down, or had
opened down, midday the price began rising a look at my trading account told me
that the put options, the 5 I had were selling at 2415.00 a piece, a huge whopping
profit, unrealized of 10750. This was spectacular! Which led me to my next problem, do I
take the profit now or do I hold on till tomorrow? The system says to stay in so I did. Went
out the door and back to work wondering if this had been the right decision, going
back and forth on it, this was extremely difficult as I had never had a profit like this
before, just wanted to pull the trade, why risk anymore?

The next afternoon at my “Apple lunch” quickly checked the price of the
options, they were selling at 53.10, I panicked, this was my day of indication so I knew
one way or another I would be selling, never dreamed of this type of profit. Quickly
dumped all 5 options at market.

Sat there, heart pounding, waiting for execution confirmation. BAM!! There it was;
5 February puts, sold, total profit on trade 25150.00… shock set in. Felt like I had taken
the red pill!

Called into work wanted to tell them I was too well to attend but instead said I
felt completely off, which wasn’t far from the truth.

Went over to the thinking couch, got up jumped back on line as I remembered I
was suppose to buy calls today. Bought 14 February calls with a strike of 140 as Apple
was selling at 131.388 got them for 115.00 a piece which was cheap, everyone was
dumping them. Went back over to lie down on the thinking couch, after awhile I came
up with a plan to proportion the 25,000. Needed 7000 to pay taxes on last years trading
profits, wanted to keep 10K of that trade in the account as it increases my buying
power. That leaves me 8K for a vacation, I could not believe it! Decided to transfer the
8K in from the trading account…after awhile headed off to the travel agency.

Walking through the door of the agency for the first time in 5 years I was greeted
by Cathy Ann Taylor the receptionist. Told her why I was there, she told me to take a
seat and either Sherri or Wendy would be with me shortly. After a few minutes Sherri
came out and introduced herself. Told her I wanted to take the family to Cancun.
Source B had been there and talked very highly of the good times he had there. She
found me a great all inclusive package which I snatched up, put it on the credit card
but as soon as the funds hit the account will pay all of that. We fly out on Valentines
Day and return on the 21st Feb. 2008.
Came home and shocked the wife and kids, they simply could not believe it!
Stunned, excited and somewhat in denial sum up the wife. She seemed skeptical at
first but as time moved on it kind of “set in.” Got to bed real early that night, as I was not

Eventually February 1,2008 came around with Venus giving indication got out
with Apple selling at 134.3 and the options were selling at 1.50 meaning 150 dollars a
contract. Profit on the trade was 490 dollars. Bought February puts with a strike price of
125. Got 18 puts for 1.20 a piece, which is 120 dollars.

Time passed, as we were busy planning things to do in Cancun.

Mars gave indication on February 8, 2008 sold the puts out while Apple was
selling at 123.2, sold them for 255 a piece times 18 equals 4590, cost was 2160 for a profit
of 2430.00.

Bought 15 March calls for 1.70 a piece. Strike price of 130.

Geocentric Venus, Earth and Mercury all gave indication of the 13th of February,
the day before my trip, got out with Apple selling at 128.86, options were selling at 225 a
piece, 225 times 15 equals 3375 cost of 2550, profit on trade 825 dollars. Did not buy
puts due to vacation but next indication would have been on the 25th, suspected
Apple would be down to a cycle pivot low on the 25th of February.

Went back to work, my mind was on the up coming vacation, just wanted to get
home and help with the packing but was focused on getting the last of my work done
and caught up around the office.

Not less than 5 o’clock came and with it the ecstatic drive home; could hardly
contain myself. 7 days of Sun and fun at RIU Palace in Cancun. Visions of relaxing on
the beach permeated my mind.

Arriving home the family was equally ecstatic. So many things needed to be
done before the flight tomorrow, was in an excited hurry.

Exhausted, got to bed late, fell right asleep. The kids woke me up, they were very
excited it was the dead of a long winter and they were heading out to the warm
climate of Mexico.

The vacation was spectacular as far as vacations go, one moment I will carry
with me for the rest of my life. I was lounging back on the beach watching the waves
come in, the wife had taken the children down the beach to collect sea shells and it hit
me. This exact moment, this precise place in time, the whole experience of where I was,
this was the direct result of the years of my studying.

The years of frustration that I had, endured were now, not in vain. The dreams I
had, which was kept kindled over the years was pushing me into the realization of what
I so longed for my life to be like.

That epiphany will stay with me the rest of my life, furthermore I vowed to use
that moment to keep the fire stoked as I push on through the field. That moment of
realization was worth no less than 5 lifetimes.

When we got back, after the unloading of the car and the usual I checked
Apple, it went down just as anticipated. It was a lost trade, coded not want to trade it
on vacation but it would have been nicely profitable. I told myself that it was important
to have balance and vacations were for relaxing.

Quickly got back to my trading. Mercury gave indication on the 25th of

February 2008. Bought 25 March call at 105. The Sun gave indication on February 29.
Came home for lunch Apple was selling at 127.9 my calls were now 325 a piece. Sold
out for a profit of 5500 dollars, another great trade!

Bought 30 puts with a strike of 120 at 95 dollars a piece. Mercury gave indication
March 10 while sun gave indication on the 14th. The system says take first indication.
March 10th bailed out with Apple selling at 121.6 my options were 1.05… profit on trade
300 dollars, small but it is still a profit.

Bought 20 April calls at a strike of 125 for 180 a piece.

Mercury gave indication over the weekend so Friday at lunch I bailed out with
Apple selling at 132.3… my calls was now 8.25 a piece. Profit on trade 12900. I could not
believe this; my simple system using a cycle combined with indications from the natal
was simply incredible. I more than paid for my vacation right there! Also realized that
this was a beginner system and much better systems lye ahead, thus the importance of
my continued study.

Bought 40 April puts with a strike of 125 at 95 dollars apiece. Monday came
along, home from lunch Apple was up to 140 which is past my mental stop, quickly sold
out, got a price of 55 dollars for a loss of 1600 dollars. Could not figure out what was
going on. Inversions, which can be seen in the past, quickly were ruled out, no inversion
can occur with this pivot, its impossible, decided to wait and see until next indication
which was Mercury on March 30,2008. After that Monday price continued up for a
couple of more days then went SIDEWAYS. What I had learned from Source B was that
this was sheer, caused by larger cycles pointing up. Which I still need to work on. This
meant that when my cycle pivoted low, it would mean a fast move up.

In order to catch this better I will put up an additional 1000 for the options,
because of what this sheer tells me. Indication was on a Sunday, by Mercury; March
30th 2008. Before leaving for work on Monday I called in telling them I would be late.
The marked opened, Apple was at 143.3 bought 50 April calls with a strike of 150, got
them at 105 dollars a piece. Went to work, then home for lunch the options were down
to 90 with not much movement in the stocks price, had I waited till lunch I could have
gotten them cheaper. Oh well.

Mercury gave indication on April 7 Apple was selling at 157.3 bailed over lunch;
these 50 options were now selling at 800 a piece! Profit was 34,750 dollars.

Bought puts, was careful because I was unsure if the larger cycles had topped
out yet, knew they were responsible for this great up move. Bought 30 May puts for 160
a piece, strike was 150.

Next indication was sun of April 13th and Mercury, also Venus, on the 14th; the
system says take first indication. In this case April 13th, which was over the weekend,
decided to get out on Friday the 11th, came home for lunch Apple was selling at 148.9
bailed out with the options selling at 225 dollars for a profit of 1950 dollars. Bought 35
May calls at 155 a piece, strike was 155.

Saturday I went to the bank and paid off both car loans I was slowly extracting
myself from the:”bank treadmill”.

Monday we were down to 146.3 over lunch I told myself it is probably

continuation of trend, should get a rebound over next couple of days, which we did.

Next indication was Mercury on the 22nd of April. Home for lunch Apple was
selling at 165.229 sold the calls for 1180 a piece. Profit on trade was 35,875.

This point for me was sad. I had the most life changing experience of my life, I
wanted to continue but Saturn was coming out of retrograde, gearing up or its second
passage. I had learned this time. This was the last trade for me for a while, until I clear
this time period. Didn’t want to do this, it hurts to “back off” after this run or what Gann
called “campaign”. Was actually depressed a bit for the next couple of days. What
began to permeate my mind was that I should again use this time period for study, to
make improvements and to study those larger cycles. Visited my neighbor Mrs. T, to
drop off some items for my wife. She had been our neighbor for 5 years, a real down to
earth lady, living with her daughter Kim, talked awhile about Cancun vacation,
headed off to home.

This trading period has been a life changing experience, a great run,
unfortunately Source B had stated that at this time Saturn was getting ready to come
out of retrograde.

If Gann could not trade through that and I had a horrible time with huge losses
through the first passage, no way I am going to attempt it, have to sit this out for a
couple months. It will be a time of study. Spring is well under way.

Saturday came, got some housework done, went out and bought one of those
fast set up pools, set that up in the backyard, had it filled by late afternoon. Being in
high spirits decided to take the kids fishing, packed the gear, headed off.

On this trip we went to the city lake where we rented a battery powered boat
(they have a 5 mile per hour speed limit.) As we pulled up there were a few of my old
friends. Isaac Bartholomew Mandrake, his 2 sidekicks Zachary and Samuel, which I had
not seen in 12 years. Stood there talking with them for a few minutes then got the boat,
loaded up and shoved off.

Had been on the lake for about an hour when it started clouding up. The lake
had been calm almost like glass; this had turned to chop as the wind picked up. After
another half hour or so we could see the storm clouds over the tops of the trees.
Decided to quit fishing, brought the poles in and began to start the electric motor. The
battery was dead, it must be, because the motor would just not start, tried and tried,
would not fire up.

This was a dilemma as we were on the other side of the lake.

There was a paddle in the bottom of the boat so I started paddling. This was
slow, tedious work.

The goal was to beat the storm; it became apparent that the battle would be
lost, the closer it got the more strength was put into paddling.

The rains finally hit us, it was humiliating, watching the cold rain hit the children,
all I cold do was keep rowing.

After a slow start the cold rain was now coming down in sheets, pounding us,
had figured about another 5 to 7 minutes and we would be at the dock, was paddling
as hard as possible, which is most likely what caused the paddle to break in half. Felt
like screaming out but held it together, did not want the kids to see me loose it. Gave
the teen-ager the other half of the paddle and kept paddling.

Got the little one to take the empty bait bucket and begin getting the rainwater
out of the boat, figured this would aid us while taking their mind, somewhat off the cold

Making it to the dock we were obviously more than soaked with cold rain. First
thing to do was to get them into the car and turn the heat on. Had them take off their
rain soaked shirts to warm up faster.

Took the car a few minutes to begin warming up, as soon as we began feeling
the heat our mood began to shift from somber to being able to see the light at the end
of the Tunnel, so-to-speak.

The rain began to taper off, got back out of the car and loaded the fishing gear
from the boat into the car. Turned the boat keys in, telling them what had happened.
They brought out some paperwork saying that if I filled it out they could refund my
money. “No thanks” just wanted to go home.

Was trying, on the way home to liven up the mood as much as possible. Felt sorry
for them having to wait through 20 minutes of hell. Of course it didn’t help we caught
zero fish, should have put out the catfish bait but didn’t bring it, figured we would just
use worms.

The rain left, wanted to get back to studying Gann’s book “The Tunnel through
the Air” but watched a movie with the family instead, still felt gloomy; faked watching
the movie as my mind replayed the events of the day.

That night lying in bed it hit me that something had really changed, just like
Source B had said. Felt I understood what was going on now and would have to whittle
back on what I was doing to get in some serious study.

Sunday arrived, after breakfast hit the Tunnel studies. When Gann mentioned
things like the annulifier or Marie the Anger of Mercy I would write down the page
number and what was said as things like these have to be important, next I would link
up each time he talked about a thing, like I had a list of everything about M.A.M along
with page numbers so that I can go back and quickly see other things that may be
important. The key of course, in Tunnel, is figuring out what he is really talking about. I
mean, I know its important but what really is the annulifier, how can that be figured
out? There must be some sort of logic to his methods.

Source R had given me a digital version of Tunnel that exists underground, this
had made it much easier to search for certain words like annulifier because I did not
have to keep re-reading the 420 page book. Source R had also told me that the Master
Courses primarily tied into what the forward in Tunnel was talking about and that I
should leave those Master Courses alone until I had Tunnel mostly figured out because
the secrets that unlock that stuff come from Tunnel, without Tunnel one had little real
chance at them. R is a cluey guy so I know to take his advise. He had also told me that
things like inversions and price, the way Gann understood them, were also coded in
Tunnel. R gave me a few price clues but told me that I just wasn’t ready for price and
needed to keep studying and cycle hunting in the Tunnel book.

I’m a nutshell the logic that I was using was that the was in the back of the book
pertained to the DOW. Because there are cycles in the DOW there are cycles in Tunnel.
When things are going on in the so called “war” there are things going on in the DOW.
What I had noticed from my own research is that Gann can be tricky on his dates,
sometimes in his book something happens I know is important but he does his best to
disguise the date. Like lets book, as an example, at the battle of Boston, which is on
page 358. He gives the date “June 6th.” He makes you work for the year, in other cases
he wont give a date but something like “middle of May”, in other areas he tries his best
to hide the date, like 3 pages later.

Back to Boston of page 358 we find “Colonel Kennelworth”, this individual has
particular meaning I need to get figured out, what is this “Colonel Kennelworth’,
another is the “Supreme Commander” this must also mean something. He used his
invention “sleeping gas” to annihilate the enemy here which obviously is some sort of
tool, some sort of something that has purpose, that was important to Gann.

With so many frickin variables the book made me sick years ago when I originally
read it, but when Source Q and Source B told me it is REALLY a book of cycles, a book
of cyclic phenomena, when I began making headway through it.

Then Source B insisted I make a serious study of it, especially during these periods
that I shouldn’t be trading, which is where I am at now.

The plan was to split a half day of studying Tunnel and a half day looking for
larger cycles in my Apple stock, it hit me though that this violate Source B’s rule of focus,
focusing on one thing at a time. Decided it was best to use Sunday for Tunnel and the
next “after work study” for the larger Apple cycles.

Headed back to date matching and ephemeris checking. Put about, no less
than 5 straight hours in on it when the doorbell rang, waited for the wife or kids to get it
but no one came so got up to answer it.

Opened the door to Annicka X. Pauly on of my wife’s friends for 5 years. Her son
Matthew, a very down to Earth young man was the same age as my teenager, her
daughter Wendy quickly spoke asking where my daughter was, Annicka just smiled
“Hi,” invited them in, went to find everyone.

After the interruption, got back to the Tunnel dates, had noticed in a few areas
Gann is trying to describe something, that bicycle story, on water, looks too odd,
something must be there, but what, there has to be a logic here. Went over to the
thinking couch to work this out in my head, just laid there thinking how he would code
it. What I came up with was that at some point later he would have to attach it
somehow, maybe to allude to it in some form.

That was as far as I got before being informed I was taking the family along with
the Pauly’s out for an early dinner. Went upstairs to change into something more
fashionable than my pajamas.

The Pauly’s liked Mexican and there was a small Mexican restaurant not far
away so it was a no brainer.

When it came time to pay, grabbed the bill before Mrs. Pauly could get to it. Put
it on the Express Card.

The girls wanted to do a Sunday matinee movie with the kids, wanted to get
back to the Tunnel studies but felt the need to spend some quality time with the family
after the horrors of the fishing trip.

By the time we finally made it home I was out of the mood to study, the kids
wanted to play a board game so, joined in on that after saying goodbye to the Pauly’s!

The week progressed, finally was able to get in some after work-study on my
Apple stock. The goal was to find larger cycles on it based on Jensen’s book where he
states “Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus are the key to stocks in the plus or minus.” Had also
been tipped off that my focus here should be on Geocentric combinations, to leave
Helio alone, at this time, when dealing with these combo’s.

I tried first that Jupiter/ Uranus cycle I found in Tunnel, the one that hits on the
Washington D.C. date from that book… in Apple. It was there but felt it was weak
compared to what was expected! Next tried Jupiter-Saturn. This took awhile as I had to
try different sizes, different numbers.

Finally around midnight I had what I believed to be a great cycle working. What
had taken me the most time was shifting from a smaller perspective into a larger
perspective because of the time between the pivots. Then there was an orb problem
here. This cycle can be 10 days off either side, so to really use this thing that is going to
have to be brought under control somehow. It was late, normally I would be excited
but was just too tired, went to bed, and went to bed happy.

The following evening got back to that cycle, ran it all the way back to the
beginning of the data. Had a lot of turns that weren’t accounted for, began looking at
those, realized when the Jupiter Saturn was found, I had stopped looking, never tried;
Saturn-Uranus cycle so worked on that, focusing in on those dates that weren’t
accounted for.

This took me not even an hour, had figured that since the pivots were coming
about twice the distance on average orb was twice the distance at least.

Worked this cycle out, it was sweet! Went over to the thinking couch to “pat
myself on the back” for a job well done. Had noticed that some of the Saturn Uranus
pivots had tied into the Jupiter Saturn pivots. Wanted to make a serious study of the
price action with both of these cycles pointing up compared to when one is up the
other down. My next step was to run this cycles back to the beginning of the stock, got
up to do just that.

Running that back took me less that a half hour, and man was it sweet. Next was
to study how the 2 cycles acted together. Found areas when both cycles pointed up or
down, wrote down the percentage gain or loss, during those periods. I loved the results
just sat back and smiled as the hair on the back of my neck stood up. Of course this orb
problem is going to have to be overcome here.

Wrote Source B with my findings and also a thank you for all of the
encouragement, shut the computer down, and went to bed, before I got there it hit me
that I also needed to figure out a way to put this information to work by the time I go
back to trading.

The next evening after work wanted to get back to the study but needed to get
some things done around the house, figured that if I put the time in tonight, got this stuff
done it would clear time for me over the weekend. Worked hard on it, like a bull, really
needed that time clear, sat down to take a break, watched a half hour of TV with the
family then went back to it after promising them we would go bowling Sunday
afternoon. Felt well about that, wanted to study but needed that balance in there, will
have to take that break on Sunday.

Had learned that Gann burn out is really an out of balance problem, too much
time studying too little time with family and getting things done, don’t want to return
there and die again.

Got to bed early that night woke up with a clean slate, sure, had to go to work
but knew as soon as that was over, would be able to hit the studying. At work the boss
asked it I wanted to work some over time, thought about it, didn’t want to but this had
been the first time he asked me, wasn’t trading so the income could not hurt, didn’t
want to but replied; “if it will help you out, I am there,’ he smiled and said ‘ knew I could
count on you!’ Knew then it was the right decision. All I really wanted to do was study
but hey, need to keep the boss happy, needed to keep “balanced” didn’t want “job
problems” especially since this crew made everything smooth.

Got home very late that night, went straight to bed, exhausted. Friday came
after work finally got to the computer started by checking the email, got the usual
spam and an email from Source B, opened that puppy up. The email stated “Congrats
on your victory, will give you a quick run down on coming conditions according to the
methods of Jensen, Langham etc.
You have been working with the larger cycles lets take a look at 2, which we will
combine. First lets look at the conjunctions and oppositions of Jupiter and Saturn.

These have been occurring every 10 years because this is a 20-year cycle from
conjunction to conjunction. This 10-year cycle shows itself in years ending in 00 and 01. It
is a recession cycle, look at your markets in the years 2000-01, 1990-91, 1980-81, 1970-71,
1960-61 etc. Now the next appearance in this cycle is 2010 and 2011, expect recession.
However, this time there is another dynamic at play, the Saturn Uranus cycle. Lets look
at the conjunction and oppositions of this cycle. From conjunction to conjunction we
average 45 years. Gann wrote a book called ’45 years on Wall Street’, which is about
another method but needs to be pointed out here. ½ of this cycle, the opposition
occurs about 22.5 years after the conjunction as a loose rule of thumb. So we look at
period 22.5 years, apart. Lets go back to 1988. Stocks topped the year before (1987)
much lower prices. 1966, massive, fast sell off. 1942 very bad conditions. 1919 stocks
have another massive sell off into a deep recession. I could go on but you probably
don’t have the data to verify any further back. The next occurrence of this cycle is the
opposition in 2009 and 2010. This dangerous cycle will have a very bad, negative
impact on stock prices during these years, AT THE SAME TIME AS THE RECESSION CYCLE
OF JUPITER-SATURN OPPOSITION! This will produce an era between 2009 and 2011,
which will be very challenging to say the least. I feel very bad for those. 401K funds
invested during this period. While I do feel sorry for the people that will get caught up in
this there are incredible trading opportunities throughout it, very fast moves. Now is the
time for serious study, so that success can be had in the coming times.”

Man what an email, wrote back that I would think on this and thanks, oh
definitely studying.

Was getting ready to get off line when an email from Mary Caye Duncan, my
brothers wife’s family. I have known her for 6 years, she stated that Lorie and Suzy were
doing fine, wanted to know the next time my family would be up for a visit. Wrote here
back that it will probably be some time this summer.

Got into studying, spent hours at it one last night on my Apple cycles before my
“Tunnel weekend.” Started working out the orb issue on these big boys. One of the
Sources, can’t remember which, told me that if he took a couple of smaller cycles
through a stock he could hit almost all of the turns. What that meant was these larger
cycles did not necessarily make their own marks but instead were timed by the smaller
cycles, that means that if I understand how that works then it makes logical sense the
orb issue could be understood through that. Like if I had a cycle say with 7 days orb
either side of exact that is a 15 day window, but if I was expecting say a High for that
cycles pivot then I would look inside that 15 day window for what my smaller cycles are
doing. Say if in that 15-day window I had a cycle that pivoted about every 10 days and
it made a High and a Low in that time frame.
Logically the larger cycle would sync with the High because it was also pivoting
high, this was my thinking and I was setting out to prove it. Right about then something
else began to “sink in.” During the Great Depression, at least in the period from 1929
High to 1932 low there was a T-square between Saturn-Uranus and Jupiter. That was
what made it so severe for so many. The coming times we don’t have a T-square but
we do have 2 very bad cycles.

Got back online and told Source B that what he said “sunk in”, asked him if he
knew that a T-square between those planets had occurred back then, also wrote
Source Q and R asking for their input about the coming times.

Continued to study through the weekend and of course taking the kids bowling,
as promised, on Sunday. When we got home from the bowling wanted to check the

Wow, everyone had written Source B twice so started there.

The first one read, “Yes, have done an extensive analysis on the 1929 to 1932
period. They RAISED the tax rate during that time, this made it extremely hard on them,
let me explain. It is well documented, especially by some states that when you lower
taxes you get more income coming into the state treasuries.

Reagan lowered taxes; the so-called ‘Reagan Tax Cuts’ setting off a huge
BOOM which in America resulted in the materialism of the 1980’s. You can visually see
the effects of the tax cuts in the US markets when looking at the data, stock data from
the early 1980’s on.

Expect tax INCREASES in the coming years which will make things worse. There is
a ‘silver lining for traders here; the 5 largest percentage gains ever were in the period
1929 to 1932, creating a fast up and a fast down market… period of ACTIVITY.”

Went to the next email from Source B; “Have been doing additional research on
Mercury. A quick look at any site on the Internet will tell you that Mercury is a Toxic
Heavy Metal. It is a poison, ask anyone and they will tell you that. The body does not
process it, meaning that when you ingest it, say through eating catfish, it accumulates
in your body. Medical doctors all agree on this. So it is generally known that Mercury….
Bad bad! Signs of Mercury poisoning are numerous including neurological damage.
Obviously everyone should stay far away from Mercury. Yet tens of millions of Americans
are injecting it right into their bloodstream each year! How? 99% of so-called
immunizations contain something called Thimerisal which is a Mercury derivative, hell,
they are pumping it right into babies! Do this, when you go and get a flu shot, by law,
the pharmaceutical companies must provide an indications pamphlet with the

Get that and read it, it states Thimerisol, contains Mercury. Their argument; “it is a
low dose,” yes but it accumulates in the body, shot after shot our little children are
being pumped Mercury. Also from Tuna and other fish we eat.

Started to investigate how to get all this fucking Mercury out of my body. I found
Clathration, more specifically an Oral Peptide Clathration Agent, PCA for short. Bought
some from Awaken Nutrition called PCA-Rx.” Responded to this one “ Hey, thanks for
the heads up, will look into this and definitely get some stuff to get the Mercury out.”
Found their website, read it for about a half hour, ordered some then got back to
reading emails.

The next one was from Source Q. It read, “Yes, you are correct, very difficult
conditions lie ahead, things will change fast. On the brighter side the trading potential is
astronomical, opportunities everywhere, a traders dream, will write more later, too busy
at the moment.” Wrote back “Thanks.”

Source R had written me back. “You could very well be right. Not much into that
stuff, I just follow my mechanical methods based on Ganns work. What I mean by that is
all this drama surrounds financial markets does not mean anything to me. My system
uses the longitude of the planets, beyond that, fact it is completely 100% mathematical.
Stock tips, analyst downgrade, government intervention, earnings, options expiration,
all of that is the history of it. None of these things are factored into my system in any way
shape of form. Ganns price system with these cycles is extremely accurate. Some of
Ganns methods for price directly complement each other, others reinforce. These
mechanical systems of Ganns take emotions out of the trade, like Jensen, whom you
mentioned in your email to me states ‘for those who obey their mathematical
computations’. I do want to thank you for the info on the coming recession I think you
are right! I will explain to you a little something about price. You know like you have a
cycle with a 2-day orb either side, so say your turn is expected on a Wednesday and it
can come in then Monday through Friday that is a big window.

You are using the natal to give indication as to what day that the turn will come
in. That is a good method but there are also other methods with are much better. There
is a price method when it comes to actual trading. This is how it works; lets say, as an
example that our cycle was due on a Wednesday, giving Monday through Friday with
orb included. The last pivot of this cycle was a low, no inversion is due so we would be
expecting this pivot to be a high. We have did our price calculations and we have
come up with 2 possibilities either price is going to 76 or 88 for this cycle pivot. Monday
opens up and we are at a price of 84. This would indicate a price of 88, not the 76.
Why? Because we are expecting our cycle to pivot high, this means we must go UP to
the 88, not down to 76. When 88 is hit the orb problem is solved. That would be your
trigger point. Where we went from that point depends on the particulars of that cycle
interlaced with the other cycles.
This may sound crazy, however, it is easily understandable. That 84 is a big
number, it runs all the way from 84.00 to 84.99 Gann could zero it in to know more
exactly the price, there is documented evidence of that, he may be off just a hair
though, that is called lost motion, but that is just a tiny fraction. Also a warning, in fast
moving markets sometimes a safeguard is required. Have also heard of certain people
that use number counts to overcome orb. All these systems have their merits. You must
learn what is right for you.”

You know, you have to appreciate the help Source R and the other guys give.
Found myself very fortunate to be communicating with these guys. TOP NOTCH people.
Replied back “You sure know how to brighten someone’s day! I recall the years of effort
that it took you to get where you are at, all the wrong roads that you told me you went
down, like studying geometry for years. Also, I remember you telling me there were
periods in your research where you felt lost and depressed, but you never gave up.
Now seeing this, your success at understanding the main parts of Gann price system, I
want you to know you deeply inspire me and someday I hope to have the success that
you have which you deserve to have. Thank you for helping me!” Sent that email off
and went over to the thinking couch for a couple of minutes. What an incredible guy,
letting me have my first glimpse into price like that, Source R is truly inspiring, thought it
was neat that he knew which one of those 2 prices it was going to based on if it was a
high or low.

Continued studying until late that night, when my eyes got so tired I could not
keep them open any longer. Went to bed.

Could not get into studying the next day after work as the boy had graduation
coming up so we had to get the pictures taken and new clothes for him. Arrived home
from that and the tree in the back yard had split in half. One part missed the pool in the
back yard by about 2 feet. It had been windy that day which I guess took its toll on that
old tree. The Sun was almost down so the “chainsaw project” would have to wait until
the following day, after work, chewing up another evening.

The following day at work I took a call from my wife saying that melon head had
his things evicted from a storage unit, so he needed to store them in my garage.
Reluctantly, more out of “keeping the peace, I agreed. Seems like things with melon
head are a one-way street, I giving and he taking. I kind of feel sorry for him, grown
man with barely a pot to piss in.

About an hour later the wife called me back asking if I would be available on
Saturday to help melon head move. Again reluctantly I said I would.

Thought about it for a while, going to have to move the sawing of the tree, the
one that fell down, to Saturday because Saturday is already messed up.

Over the next couple of days I got in some Tunnel studying after work. Saturday
came, had to go help melon head move his things out of storage.

Pulled up to the storage site, saw melon head and some other guys already
starting, got out of the car and melon head introduced me to Xon Jay Orto, or maybe
it was Xon Ay Orto, wasn’t sure. He was an Australian bloke, had been in the U.S. for 5
years. Began helping them load up, one of the guys went by the name of Gene, the
other guy, didn’t catch his name but he was a real down to earth type of guy, very
funny, we definitely shared some laughs as we were loading. Man there was a lot there,
still not sure how you can get evicted from a storage unit, but didn’t ask.

We had a few laughs, the guys departed and my focus shifted to sawing up that
downed tree.

That project took me about an hour, had it all piled up in logs in no time. Put the
saw away, went inside and asked everyone where they wanted to eat, was absolutely
starving at this point.

They wanted to go to Lakers Man Tower so that is exactly where we went.

Strangest thing, all 5 waitresses looked Swedish except the owners, Jake and Derek of
course. The food was exceptional, partly because I was hungry partly because its just
good food.

Stopped at the park on the way home so the kids could play for a while. Threw
the football back and forth with the teenager while the wife watched the young one.

Went to bed that night kind of mad that I blew the whole Saturday on mundane
things instead of studying. Kept telling myself, balance, got the family thing out of the
way along with the tree, so tomorrow is promised to no one. Normally I would not be on
myself so much but when studying Tunnel its important to stay focused once you get
into it.

The digital version is a dream, saving loads of time but high focus is needed. My
strategy is to get all of the family and mundane things out of the way on a specific day,
get everything caught up, or done in advance as much as possible, spend time with
the family, then on subsequent days, hit Tunnel as hard as possible.

A few weeks went by, summer fun intervened on several study occasions, overall
though my time spent studying was beginning to pay off as I found how Gann was
connecting certain things, started to understand the coding better.

It was approaching the time I could start trading again. Spent some time on the
thinking couch trying to come up with an idea on where I wanted to go with these
larger cycles, how I wanted to incorporate them into a my trading plan.

Decided to put down my Tunnel studies for a while, refocus on these larger
cycles from this point on in order to incorporate them into a method. From this point on
for a while it would be Geocentric study.

On a little more thinking, begin almost clear of this passage of Saturn I wanted to
trade, especially after this success of that last round but was thinking seriously about
continuing study for a short while. Recalled that in those Apple trades that one in March
looked like an inversion but came in a higher low because the larger cycles were taking
price much higher. Remembered that the sheer on that move told the story. Wanted to
spend some time aligning these larger cycles with the smaller ones.

Had been invited to the bosses’ summer party. After a few delays the wife and I
arrived late. The lovely Xanado Olivia Macht, who was very happy to see us, again
greeted us at the door. Immediately I say my old friend Joey and his wife Lisa, whom I
had not seen in 5 years, they introduced us to their friends Jan and Frank. Soon after
that the boss came in, he was in a very jovial mood. This was one of those parties that
just felt right, was having a great time, but there was a feeling of awkwardness, subtle
and deep. As I looked around buying into the whole “working for retirement” just felt
like I wasn’t one of them, this was subtle, but definitely caused me a strange feeling. The
boss nor anyone at my work really knows anything about my trading, like the fact I had
made more trading than I will at he job this year. In a way the whole work thing was
getting in the way of my trading and studying but I wasn’t ready that move yet,
wanted several years of income in the bank before that move. No way could I tell
anyone at work anything about my trading or changing lifestyle, it would create
massive envy and jealousy. More money more problems, best to keep it quite. Was
definitely seeing others in a different light, also beginning to understand and
appreciate Gann more and more.

When I got home, was a little tired among other things, got an email out to
Source B and Q asking advice as to what they felt about me staying out of trading to

Pretty soon I will be out of this bad period but felt I had been making great
progress in my studies. Also reminded them of my run of good luck, last time I was
trading. The wife came down stairs to see where I was, shut off the computer for the

Slept in late the next morning. Overall this 2nd passage of Saturn was not as bad
as the first, could tell it was there though.

Got into some Tunnel study, continued to study the dates of events that
coincided with the cycles I had found. Some of the battles did not match any of my
cycles…. What this told me was that there are other cycles in here I have not yet found.

Over the last couple months had tried and rechecked every possible
combination to hit the other dates, found nothing that was constant after a few hours
of cycle hunting through Tunnel I decided to get into some of my geocentric cycles.
What I was finding through my own experimentation was that retrograde presents
certain problems. Like say if your next pivot has an angular separation of 72 degrees
between the planets and you retrograde back 74, 73, then you stall out at 72.3 never
actually touching 72. What I had learned was that the 72.3 will not count for a pivot. It
must pass through the pivot point, like 74, 73, 72 then say it stalls out at 71.5. This passed
through the pivot point of 72 (exactly) and we will get a turn. It will stall out, move
slowly, then we will get another turn when it hits 72 again, which it will do very slowly. So
the next fundamental I worked with in retrograde was say if it was around 72 for a
month or more, where would the turn come?

The precise turn will come when 72.000 is precisely hit, with the usual orb
allowance. This simplifies things. Continued to work on my cycles late into the night.

The next morning checked the email along with the usual, Source B along with
Source Q who stated, “ You can do both, study and trade, many of the people I know
do it. Remember to keep balanced with your life when you do this. Have did more work
on what we talked about last, the coming years, I do not know if you are aware of this
but Luther Jensen worked for W.D. Gann until Ganns death in 1955. Jensen wrote a
pamphlet called “The Locust Years.” In there he takes the September 1929 market top
and adds 90 months to it, just missing the 1938 top. The 1938 top, Jensen originally
forecasted would be higher than the 1929 market top although this did not work out.
Half of 90 is 45 according to Jensen we add the 45 months to the 1938 position and this
will give us an important low.

If we take the January 2000 market top and add 90 months to it we get August
2007 just missing the October 2007 market top. According to Jensen we add 45 months
to the 2007 position and we will get an important low.

The good news, during the coming years is that of the Sun spot cycle. This cycle,
which is the energy behind business activity, will be increasing over the next few years.
This is literally a bright spot. A lot of opportunity lies ahead. Change, deep change, lies

So you see, I am sure you wish to get back to your trading, but giving up your
study now will slow you down in the future, remember, no one can take knowledge
from you, it is the most rarest and precious commodity.” Indeed, Source Q knows his
stuff. Closed that email, kept it as new so that I could think of an appropriate response.
Next was Source B who gave me the following advice; “ When it comes to the decision
of trading versus studying, you must do what you feel is right, of course.

Spend some time formulating a plan for what you want to achieve over the next
few months, undoubtedly as soon as you begin it, opposition will arrive as a challenge,
stick to your plan, whatever you decide. Tunnel can be a very difficult book to study but
as time goes on you will begin understanding Ganns language, more and more.”

Went to the thinking couch to mull over all of this. Source B is right a plan is

After about a half hour I decided that both trading and studying were equally
important, more serious focus is needed on Tunnel along with the longer-term cycles.
What I decided to do was to wait 2 months on the trading and focus solely on the
Tunnel book and larger cycles. Once this period expires will go back to trading and put
Tunnel behind the trading, working on it whenever I get the chance. The phone rang; it
was Karen Sue Stanford, which I had not heard from in 6 years. She was telling me
about her son Toby and her daughter Lisa, but I wasn’t listening really my mind was on
highs and lows…..


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