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Ethical Dilemma in Engineering

Asignatura del Tercer al Sexto Semestre

Sarah was recently promoted to a managerial position at her industrial company. With
her new position, she is now responsible for overseeing the company’s production
factory, meaning approximately 50 factory workers now report to her. Although Sarah
previously worked as an engineer and does not have any experience running a factory,
she is excited to begin her new position.

At the end of her first day, Sarah is confused to see her factory workers continuing to
work well past the end of their 8-hour shift. She then goes to the factory supervisor (who
reports to her) to express concern because the factory does not have the budget to pay
so many workers overtime. The supervisor smiles at Sarah and explains that the factory
meets production goals by making the factory workers work off the clock. The workers
are well aware of this expectation and went along with it in order to keep their jobs. Sarah
is shocked to learn this illegal practice had become part of the company culture, but the
supervisor explains that the company’s CEO (who is Sarah’s boss) is well aware of this
What should Sarah do?


¿Qué cree usted que debería hacer Sara?

Explicar en no menos de 5 ni más de 10 líneas (en español e inglés).

Ethical Dilemma in Engineering

Asignatura del Sétimo u Octavo Semestre

Roscoe is the head of engineering at a mechanical engineering company. His company

has been contracted by a company, U-sub, to make firing assemblies for torpedoes. This
contract calls for additional safety testing to ensure that the systems work properly.
The contract stipulated that it was the responsibility of Roscoe’s company to pay for this
expensive additional testing. However, the CEO reminds Roscoe that their company is
in financial trouble and asks Roscoe to skip the extra testing and falsify the paperwork
by saying that the testing had occurred and that the systems passed. He then goes on
to tell Roscoe that if he doesn’t sign off on the testing, he will be fired.
Roscoe decides he cannot give in to his boss’s demands and quits. However he suspects
that his former boss will promote someone else who will be willing to sign off on the
Should Roscoe report the ethical violations of his former company?


¿Cree usted que Roscoe debería reportar las violaciones éticas de la compañía?
Explicar en no menos de 5 ni más de 10 líneas (en español e inglés).

Si, porque es un delito que una empresa autorice la fabricación sin cumplir todas las
medidas de seguridad, no cumplirlas pondría en peligro a todas las personas
involucradas en la fabricación y en la aplicación.
Yes, because it is a crime for a company to authorize manufacturing without complying
with all security measures, not complying with them would endanger everyone involved
in manufacturing and application.

Ethical Dilemma in Engineering

Asignatura del Noveno o Décimo Semestre

Brad is a production engineer at a bicycle company. Part of his job includes inspecting
broken bikes and drafting the design plans for their repair.
One day, Brad receives instructions from his supervisor to repair a bike whose brake
cables had snapped. When Brad inspects the bike, he notices the cables had snapped
because they were made from a low-quality material. He suspects that this bike had been
custom designed, and that the customer simply did not know what materials would be
best suited for the brake cables. Therefore, when Brad drafts his design plans for the
repair of the bike, he incorporates a more durable material for the cables.
When Brad goes to repair the bike, he finds out the customer had specifically requested
that the bike be repaired, but no aesthetic changes should be made to the bike. Brad’s
design for the bike will change the look of the bike, but it will also make the bike more
durable. When Brad goes to his manager and asks him what to do, his manager tells him
that “the customer is always right” and he should repair the bike as the customer
Brad knows he could repair the bike according to the customer’s wishes, but if he does,
the bike will break down again in a few months, perhaps dangerously. However, if he
implements his design improvements, he risks going against his manager and the wishes
of the customer.
What should Brad prioritize? The customer’s safety or the customer’s desires?


¿Qué debe priorizar Brad? La seguridad del cliente o los deseos del cliente?
Explicar en no menos de 5 ni más de 10 líneas (en español e inglés).
Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica
Escuela Profesional de Ingeniería Mecánica

Informe de Resultados de la Prueba de Inglés


Curso Sección


Fecha de la Prueba

Concepto Cantidad

Cantidad de alumnos matriculados en la sección

Cantidad de alumnos que rindió la Prueba

Cantidad de alumnos aprobados con nota 14 o mas

Cantidad de alumnos aprobados con nota entre 10 y 13.9

Cantidad de alumnos desaprobados con nota entre 6 y 9.9

Cantidad de alumnos reprobados con nota menor a 6

Comentarios del Docente

Evidencias: Entregar todas las Pruebas de Inglés resueltas por los alumnos.

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