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I believe that in my case, what has impacted my perception of others is strongly how they treat

others around them. I feel like I can be pretty judgemental and short tempered with some people
who are not treating others with at least a little respect. Honestly, I feel like that has come a little
bit from my religion because I have been taught my entire life to be kind to others because
Christ was, so that has an influence for sure. I will try my impression management, I really need
to not let the first impression put forth the halo or horns effect. I feel like that is a huge problem
in my life.

Definitely my weaknesses have impacted my perception of myself more than anything. I hold
myself to such a high standard because I want to be the best at everything that I do whether its
my job, hobbies, or any other aspect of my life. I beat myself up a lot when I make a mistake
mainly because I know that I can do better and I really am trying to improve. Sometimes I push
that boundary to far and I definitely need to do better at self-perception and knowing that just
because I make one mistake it doesn’t make me a total failure.

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