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This is an interesting topic, I think that there are ways you can bend the ethical and unethical

line with both verbal and non-verbal communication. First let's talk about verbal communication.
Lying to a child about Santa Claus is completely ethical in my opinion because it doesn’t hurt
anyone. I really think that the ethical line for verbal communication is where we start to affect
and damage relationships, whether it's with your significant other or with your boss. You should
never lie to get farther along in your job or to avoid a fight. That will get you nowhere. I think
back in my life there were plenty of times where I knew very well that I was lying to my parents
about my school work, and they just agreed. I really didn’t want to fight so at all costs I was
avoiding the conflict. However, I know now that it is unethical because it just caused an even
bigger fight about school work and lying that I wish I could have avoided. So I learned that it is
better to admit when you are wrong, and that you need help, then to lie your way out of a
conflict that will just come up later and usually not all the time but usually is a bigger problem
than the original conflict.

Then you have non-verbal communication. This one is a lot more tricky to really talk about with
what is ethical vs what is unethical but there are still ways that you can cross the line. For one, if
you are being very suggestive and seductive to someone you know is married, I would say that
is very unethical. However, you could do the exact same thing to someone who is single and
you are completely guilt-free. Another unethical example would be staring at someone. There
are a lot of different ways that staring is wrong. It is probably one of the most common unethical
things that you do. Whether it is for judging people, thinking they're cute, and the list could go on
and on. However, no one likes to get stared at and it makes everyone uncomfortable so that is
why I would put staring into the unethical side of non-verbal communication.

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