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Maintenance Release- is a system that releases that corrects a flaw or bug without
altering any components or adding new features. They are usually numbered in tenths or
hundreds to differentiate them from or release. This is a part of the systems operation and
support stage of the software release life cycle. A maintenance release is usually required
to fix basic programming errors. These typically appear due to mistakes made in one of
the prior stages of the software life cycle. There are several fundamental objectives of a
maintenance release. First, the release should change existing programs to correct
mistakes made in the requirements, design, or implementation stages. It also should
ensure newly constructed fixes don't interfere with other aspects of the modified segment
and that recently made changes don't interfere with the activities of different components.
Lastly, the release shouldn't cause system performance to suffer.

2. Version Control- Allows you to manage changes to files over time and store these
modifications in a database. Also called source control, you can use version control to
version code, binary files, and digital assets. This includes version control software,
version control systems, or version control tools. Version control is a component of
software configuration management. It's sometimes referred to as VCS programming.
Version control is essential to keep track of changes and keep every team member
working off the latest version.

3. Baselines- It is a milestone and reference point in software development marked by

completion or delivery of one or more software configuration items, and formal approval
of a set of predefined products is obtained through formal technical review. The baseline
is a shared project database. The task of Software Configuration Management (SCM) is
used to maintain the integrity of a set of products. The main aim of the baseline is to
reduce and control vulnerability, i.e., the Weakness of projects that can easily affect the
project and leads to uncontrollable changes.

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