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Name: Nova Mae M.

Salvador Subject: Scio 11

Course & Year: BPED-III Offering Number: V002

Learning Task 2

Discuss in your own words the Genderbread Person Model.

The genderbread person is a conceptual model that helps us to understand gender and sexuality
and the parts that makes up both. It aims to depict the complexity of these concepts as they often
show up in our society. It helps us understand the different factors that influence gender and
sexuality and how they interact with each other.
This model is a visualization of the interaction between sex, gender identity, gender expression,
attraction, lust, romantic orientation, primary orientation and social influences. It shows us that
aspects of who we are do not fit neatly together in boxes. Instead it is a spectrum with overlapping

When people talk about gender identity, they often think of various social roles and gender norms,
and the expectations that come with these things. In this context, we’ll start with the words “Man”
and “Woman” to represent the various levels of potential gender identity.

When people think of gender expression, they often think of the various things that we see on the
outside. These include hair styles, clothes, and mannerisms.
With anatomical sex, although people generally think of it as reproductive organs and genitals,
other things that make up sex includes hair, shoulder ratio, and more. In this section, we will talk
about the various facets of sex, so that we can more accurately depict what it means for someone
to be male or female.
And your sexual orientation is defined as the part of you that is physically, mentally, and
emotionally attracted to people based on their sex, gender, and/or sexual expression.

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