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Width of Keratinized Gingiva and the Health Status

of the Supporting Tissues Around Dental Implants
Anil Bouri, Jr, DDS, MSD1/Nabil Bissada, DDS, MSD2/Mohammad S. Al-Zahrani, MSD, PhD3/
Fady Faddoul, DDS, MSD4/Imad Nouneh, DDS, MSD5

Purpose: This cross-sectional study was performed to determine whether an association exists
between the width of keratinized mucosa and the health of implant-supporting tissues. Materials and
Methods: Data on 200 dental implants were collected. Periodontal parameters measured included
Plaque Index, Gingival Index, width of keratinized mucosa, thickness of keratinized mucosa, radio-
graphic bone level, and bleeding on probing. Statistical analysis was accomplished with the t test,
Wilcoxon rank sum test, and logistic and linear regression models. Significance was established when
P was less than .05. Results: The mean Gingival Index score, Plaque Index score, and radiographic
bone loss were significantly higher for those implants with a narrow zone (< 2 mm) of keratinized
mucosa. Implants with a narrow zone of keratinized mucosa also were more likely to bleed upon prob-
ing, even after adjusting for Plaque Index, smoking, thickness of the gingiva, and time since implant
placement (adjusted odds ratio, 2.37; 95% confidence interval, 1.04 to 5.83). Significant independent
association also was found between the width of keratinized mucosa and radiographic bone loss in
favor of wider zone of keratinized mucosa. Conclusion: Increased width of keratinized mucosa around
implants is associated with lower mean alveolar bone loss and improved indices of soft tissue health.
(Cross-sectional Study) INT J ORAL MAXILLOFAC IMPLANTS 2008;23:323–326

Key words: dental implants, keratinized gingiva, peri-implant tissues

T he presence of an adequate zone of keratinized

mucosa was thought to be necessary for the main-
tenance of gingival health and prevention of peri-
narrow zone of keratinized mucosa is associated with
a higher chance of gingival inflammation.7
Peri-implant and periodontal tissues may differ in
odontal disease progression. Lang and Loe suggested their resistance to bacterial infection.8–10 Thus, the
a width of at least 2 mm of keratinized mucosa, of necessity of a zone of keratinized tissue adjacent to
which 1 mm was to be attached.1 Subsequently, sev- dental implants has been suggested.11 This is espe-
eral authors have challenged this concept and have cially important because the implant-supported
shown that gingival health can be maintained with restoration is located beneath the oral mucosa. Fur-
almost no attached gingiva.2–6 In teeth with subgingi- thermore, the implant-mucosa interface differs from
val restorations, however, it has been reported that a the interface between the mucosa and natural teeth,
and these differences are important to the under-
standing of the susceptibility of implants to infec-
tion.12–16 Supracrestal collagen fibers are oriented in a
parallel rather than a perpendicular configuration. This
Practice, Chicago, Illinois.
2Professor and Chair, Department of Periodontics, School of Den-
creates a much weaker mechanical attachment com-
tal Medicine, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. pared to natural teeth.12–16 In addition, Lindhe and
3Assistant Professor, Division of Periodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Berglundh17 suggested that the ability of the peri-
King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. implant mucosa to regenerate itself is limited by its
4Associate Professor, Department of Comprehensive Care,
compromised number of cells and poor vascularity.
School of Dental Medicine, Case Western Reserve University,
Cleveland, Ohio.
Few studies have examined the relationship
5Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Periodontics, School between the width of keratinized mucosa and the
of Dental Medicine, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, health of peri-implant tissues.11,18–20 The results of
Ohio. these studies are contradictory. Further studies are
therefore required to clarify the role of the width of
Correspondence to: Dr Nabil F. Bissada, Professor and Chair,
Department of Periodontics, Case School of Dental Medicine, the keratinized mucosa around dental implants and
10900 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44106-4905. Fax: +216 their overall soft and hard tissue health. The purpose
368 3204. E-mail: of the present cross-sectional study was to deter-

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mine whether the width of the keratinized gingiva Radiographic bone level was measured by compar-
around dental implants has an effect on the health of ing the periapical radiographs obtained using the
the surrounding soft and hard tissues. paralleling technique at the time of implant place-
ment and with those obtained at the maintenance
visit. Bone level was measured from a fixed reference
MATERIALS AND METHODS point on the implant to the crestal bone level. Time of
implant placement was recorded in number of years.
Patients for this study were randomly selected from Smoking was recorded in number of packs per year.
those who presented to the clinics of the Advanced Occlusion was recorded to identify the implants’
Education for General Dentistry or Graduate Periodon- opposing surface: natural teeth, acrylic/porcelain
tics of the Case School of Dental Medicine for their removable prosthetic devices, or no opposing teeth.
biannual maintenance appointments between August
2005 and February 2006. Subjects were eligible for Statistical Analysis
inclusion if they were 18 years of age or older and had Data were analyzed using the t test and Wilcoxon
an implant-supported restoration placed at the Case rank sum test for normally and non-normally distrib-
School of Dental Medicine that had been in place for a uted data, respectively. Statistical significance was
minimum of 12 months. Patients were included only if established when P was less than or equal to .05.
they provided the written consent to participate, if the Width of keratinized mucosa was dichotomized
dental implant and its restoration were still in place, using a 2 mm as a cutoff point. Group A consisted of
and if their radiographic records and periodontal implants where the width of the keratinized mucosa
charting were complete at the time of implant place- was ≥ 2 mm, and group B comprised implants where
ment. The following data were recorded for each the width of the keratinized mucosa was < 2 mm.
implant by a single calibrated examiner: number and Multivariable logistic and linear regression analy-
anatomic location of the implant, Plaque Index, Gingi- ses, respectively, were used to examine whether the
val Index, width of keratinized tissue, thickness of gin- width of keratinized tissue is independently associ-
gival tissue, probing pocket depth, mobility of implant, ated with bleeding on probing and mean alveolar
radiographic bone level, time since implant place- bone loss. Smoking, time since implant placement,
ment, and smoking history. The Plaque Index and Gin- thickness of the gingiva, and Plaque Index were
gival Index for each implant were measured according selected as explanatory variables.
to the modified indices defined by Mombelli et al.21
The width of the keratinized mucosa was mea-
sured at the mid-facial aspect of each implant to the RESULTS
nearest half-millimeter with a University of North
Carolina (UNC) periodontal probe. Each measure- This study included a total of 76 patients with 200
ment was made from the gingival margin to the restored dental implants. Of the 200 implants, 110
mucogingival junction. The mucogingival junction implants were found to have ≥ 2 mm of keratinized tis-
was identified by the rolling technique, wherein the sue (group A), whereas 90 implants had a keratinized
mucosa was rolled until the nonmovable portion of mucosa of < 2 mm (group B). As shown in Table 1, the
the attached keratinized tissue was seen. The thick- means for group B were significantly higher than group
ness of the gingiva around the dental implants was A for the following parameters: GI, PI, and RBL. Mean
measured approximately 2 mm apical to the gingival thickness of keratinized gingiva, however, was signifi-
margin on the facial aspect of the implant. After topi- cantly higher for group A than group B. There was no
cal application of anesthetic, the thickness was mea- statistical difference between the 2 groups with respect
sured by gently inserting a 27-gauge needle with a to periodontal probing depth or smoking. Implants in
rubber stopper in the tip until the underlying hard group B had been restored for a significantly longer
structure had been contacted, as described by Aus- period of time compared to those of group A (4.91 ±
tria and Bissada.22 The distance between the tip of 2.76 years vs 4.10 ± 2.48 years; P < .05).
the needle and the rubber stopper was measured to With regard to bleeding on probing, implants with
the nearest 0.5 millimeter using the UNC-graduated a narrow zone of keratinized tissue had a signifi-
periodontal probe. Pocket probing depth was mea- cantly higher chance of bleeding than implants with
sured to the nearest millimeter using a 15-mm UNC- a wider zone of keratinized mucosa (89% vs 71%; P <
graduated plastic periodontal probe at the midfacial .01). In the univariate analysis, implants with a narrow
and interproximal surfaces of each implant. For sta- zone of keratinized gingiva were 3 times more likely
tistical analysis, the periodontal probing depth mea- to have bleeding on probing than those with a wider
surements were averaged for a mean value. zone of keratinized tissue. This difference remained

324 Volume 23, Number 2, 2008

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Table 1 Periodontal Parameters of Implants Placed in Varying

Widths of Keratinized Gingiva
Width of Width of
keratinized keratinized
gingiva ≥ 2 mm gingiva < 2 mm
Mean SD Mean SD P
Gingival Index 0.91 0.72 1.50 0.77 < .001
Plaque Index 1.25 0.53 1.78 0.78 < .001
Thickness of keratinized gingiva 1.42 0.39 0.37 0.56 < .001
Periodontal probing depth 3.72 0.75 3.87 0.66 .132
Radiographic bone loss 1.24 0.69 1.72 1.18 < .001

Table 2 The Results of the Multivariable Linear Regression for

the Association Between Width of Keratinized Mucosa and
Alveolar Bone Loss*
Unstandardized coefficients
B Standard error P
Constant 0.33 0.22 .138
Keratinized mucosa ≥ 2 mm –0.57 0.18 .002
Time since implant placement 0.07 0.02 .002
Plaque Index 0.51 0.09 < .001
Thickness of the gingiva 0.39 0.13 .003
Smoking –0.06 0.04 .101
*R2 = 0.27 and adjusted R2 = 0.25.

highly significant even after adjusting for time since Plaque Index. This observation supports the view
implant placement, smoking, thickness of the gin- that narrow zones of keratinized gingiva are less
giva, and plaque score (adjusted odds ratio, 2.37; 95% resistant to insult along the implant-mucosa inter-
confidence interval, 1.04 to 5.83). face. When inflammation is present, its apical prolifer-
Implants with narrow zones of keratinized mucosa ation may occur more rapidly compared to those
had significantly higher mean alveolar bone loss sites with wider zones of keratinized gingiva that
than implants with wider zones of keratinized have an epithelial seal. Wider zones of keratinized
mucosa. This association remained statistically signif- gingiva may offer more resistance to the forces of
icant even after adjusting for time since implant mastication and frictional contact that occur during
placement, smoking, thickness of the gingiva, and oral hygiene procedures. Thus, a lack of keratinized
plaque score (Table 2). gingiva may create an environment that is less
amenable to oral cleansing and more susceptible to
irritation and discomfort during such routine proce-
DISCUSSION dures. 23 A recent study has shown an association
between width of keratinized mucosa and gingival
The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to ana- inflammation and plaque accumulation that is in line
lyze the relationship between the width of kera- with the present findings.20 The findings of the pre-
tinized mucosa and the health of implant-supporting sent study also are supported by Warrer et al,11 who
tissues. A total of 200 implants from edentulous and demonstrated that implants placed in areas lacking
partially edentulous patients were included in the keratinized gingiva had a higher susceptibility to tis-
study. Results showed that implants with narrow sue breakdown due to plaque accumulation. Despite
zones of keratinized tissue (< 2 mm) had significantly similar plaque levels, implants in nonkeratinized
more plaque and signs of inflammation than those areas showed earlier loss of attachment.20 In con-
with wider zones of keratinized gingiva (≥ 2 mm). trast, other investigators18,19 reported no association
Implants with narrow zones of keratinized gingiva between implant survival and width of keratinized
were found to be more prone to bleeding on prob- tissue. For example, Wennstrom et al19 found similar
ing even after taking into account time since implant results regarding the contribution of the width of
placement, smoking, thickness of the gingiva, and keratinized tissue to implant health.

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