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The thesis that I use for my research paper is summarized as follows. While much is said about the
addiction to new technologies and Internet, it seems a plague of our time, also it could be said that we
are only adapting to the new possibilities (Price, 2011, p. 96). Adults, youth and children spend too
much time in front of screens, cases of child and youth addiction to online games are proliferating
(González-Bueso et al., 2018), adults begin to prioritize virtual relationships over physical relationships
(Price, 2011, p. 100), and the use of social networks has been normalized to such an extent that we
see with normality behaviors that a few years ago would have seemed inconceivable to us.


Last week I was unable to devise a research method, so I have done so this week, in order to continue.
The method chosen is quantitative, I believe it is well suited to the area of study and allows me to
draw conclusions that are as neutral as possible, untainted by my own biases of opinion.

The questions chosen are as follows:

1. when was the last time you felt you spent too much time online?
R1.a) Today
R1.b) This week
R1.c) This month
R1.d) More than a month ago (or never)

2. For leisure reasons, do you usually spend more than 3 hours a day using technology such as the
Internet or video games?

3. Have you ever deleted any content you have posted on the Internet because you felt it was

4. Have you stopped doing any social activity with friends, family or acquaintances because of
spending time online or playing video games?

5. From the moment you wake up, how long does it take you to connect to the Internet?
R5.a) It is one of the first things I do every day.
R5.b) After the essential things (toilet, breakfast, ...).
R5.c) I don't connect to the Internet until I need it for a specific reason.

6. How long does it take from the last time you use the Internet until you go to bed?
R6.a) It is often the last thing I do every day.
R6.b) It depends on the day, but I sometimes do it before I go to sleep.
R6.c) I stop using the Internet at least 2 hours before going to bed.

7. Have you ever had conflicts because of using the Internet too much?

8. Do you feel angry/frustrated/worried if you do not have access to the Internet?

9. How often do you look at the Internet without a specific purpose?
R9.a) Never
R9.b) Sometimes, but not usually.
R9.c) Often, it is normal for me to use it without a purpose.

10. You are alone and waiting in a coffee shop, what are you most likely to do?
R10.a) Use my smartphone to visit websites, check social networks...
R10.b) Drink my coffee and wait without doing anything.
R10.c) Read a book

Additionally, I have designed a method to quantify the questions:

R1. a) 3 points
R1. b) 2 points
R1. c) 1 point
R1. d) 0 points

R2. yes) 3 points

R3. yes) 2 points

R4. yes) 3 points

R5. a) 3 points
R5. b) 1 point
R5. c) 0 points

R6. a) 3 points
R6. b) 1 point
R6. c) 0 points

R7. yes) 3 points

R8. yes) 3 points

R9. c) 3 points
R9. b) 1 point
R9. a) 0 points

R10. a) 2 points
R10. b) 0 points
R10. c) 0 points

More than 21 points: Worrying Internet use, potential addiction.

Between 10 and 20 points: Excessive Internet use.
9 or less points: Adequate Internet use.

I was only able to interview 5 people, 3 co-workers, myself and my wife. I have anonymized the data. I
think it is obvious that we are not a significant sample from a statistical point of view, we are all
people around 40 years old, with a medium-high educational level, with a medium-high
socioeconomic level; and also the sample size is excessively small.

The results are detailed in the following table.

Question P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
Q1 1 2 2 1 2
Q2 0 3 0 0 0
Q3 2 2 2 2 2
Q4 0 0 3 0 0
Q5 3 3 1 1 1
Q6 3 3 1 1 1
Q7 0 0 0 0 3
Q8 0 0 0 0 0
Q9 1 3 3 3 1
Q10 2 2 2 2 2
TOTALS 12 18 14 10 12

Nevertheless, there are some significant findings, although it is true that I have not detected any
behavior that could be considered an addiction in the parameters of the survey, it is paradoxical that
all of us without exception have a behavior that would fall to a greater or lesser extent within the
excessive use according to the parameterization of the survey. In addition to this, I also found it very
significant that all of us, without exception, have deleted content from the Internet after publishing it
because we considered it inappropriate, while the most likely thing we would do in a coffee shop if we
had to wait for someone was to surf the Internet on our smartphone.

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