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student name: Bilal Mohammad Hoor

project idea: Hands-Free authentication.

technique: Biometrical, Speaker Recognition.

Problem Idea Analysis

Users sometimes face a difficulty to authenticate themselves using passwords, and this
impedes the usability of the system, so the need for passwordless techniques arises.
Biometrically speaker recognition techniques could solve this problem by the idea of a
voiceprint that is unique for each user. Hands-Free authentication is to authenticate users
without touching the device or entering any passwords or PINs. Our idea is to make a
software application that can achieve this passwordless technique.

Basic Requirements to solve the problem

1 General Requirements

Table 1 presents the identified functional general requirements that directly relate to the HFAA.

Requirement Description

G01 The device hosting the application shall have a microphone.

G02 The device SHALL be capable of audio output, such as speaker,

headphones, line out.

G03 The device hosting the application shall have a database to save the
authenticated users identities.
Table 1 - Functional General Requirements

2 User

Table 2 presents the identified functional user requirements that directly relate to the User of
the subject HFAA.
Requirement Description

U01 Users shall be able to log in by verifying their identity through speech
using the microphone of their devices.

U02 Users shall be able to logout from the application.

Table 2 - Functional Users Requirements

*Note: HFAA is an abbreviation of Hands-Free Authentication Application.

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