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Managing students at the time of college reopening
Prevention is better than cure
Measuring temperature is time-consuming, and it requires
human labor can have a long queue if their a slight delay
also, it can make students late to class.

Counting occupancy in real-time can be a nightmare, and
maintaining students' social distance from their friends
will be a fantasy to the management.
Using a temperature sensor (1)* paired with an occupancy sensor
(2)* with the help of Raspberry pi can create a small portable
thermometer and occupancy counter in real time, and it can work
internet connection.

Since we are using raspberrypi can also upload data to the cloud if
To make more convince can attach on the door frame or make it like a
metal detector

*labeled items are explained in the following slides

1. MLX90614 (Non Contact infrared thermometer)

2. Irisys SafeCount™ Real-Time Occupancy Monitoring Solution (infrared Time of

Flight ) or any other infrared Time of Flight sensor

3. Raspberrypi zero W

4. 16X2 LCD display module

5. Active buzzer
By connecting temperature sensor (MLX90614) and
occupancy sensor (infrared Time of Flight) along with active
buzzer to raspberrypi

We can sense a temperature of a student before entering the

classroom, and if a student's temperature is higher than the
normal range, then the system raises the alarm with the help
of an active buzzer.
Since it is an infrared sensor, we can avoid physical contact
with the sensor, thus avoiding infection.
With the help of Irisys SafeCount™ Real-Time Occupancy
Monitoring Solution or other infrared Time of Flight we can
detect students entering the classroom. Also, it can be used to
the active temperature sensor (i.e., when the occupancy
sensor detects a person, it activates the temperature sensor)

By adding LED to the system, we can light up the LED WHAT

whenever the system finds more students are entering than
allowed, or we can have an LCD (16X2 LCD display module)
to display the number of students inside the

Since Time of Flight Sensor uses infrared rather than a

camera, we can stop worrying about privacy also, it can work
in a bright environment where the camera struggles.
Now we have all the data needed so we can use this data to
publish in the cloud using MQTT or other protocols to upload
this data to the internet by connecting raspberrypi to WIFI.

Now we got real-time data of the occupancy of students in
each classroom as well as student's temperature data.

Kindly note that this system does not require an active internet
connection for working(i.e., Measuring temperate and showing
occupancy on LCD), but the internet is needed for it to upload
the data to the cloud.

sakthiarulsivam Nivethitha prakash varma

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