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Simple Folds as featured in the

Countesthorpe Herald
2002 - 2008

This booklet contains many of the models I have used in my bi-monthly column in
our local free paper, the Countesthorpe Herald, between 2002 and 2008.

John Smith’s Dippy Dog was the model that started my family’s interest in Origami.
My son Paul bought Harbin’s Origami 2 from a jumble sale when he was 8. Dippy Dog
was the first model he made, and he made it again and again and again! After that
there was no stopping him. I am pleased to be able to put Dippy Dog in this booklet
and hope it and the other models will inspire lots of children to enjoy folding.

Ian Harrison encouraged me to compile this booklet three years ago. My thanks go
to Ian for his help and his faith in the project throughout. Thanks also go to David
Petty who told me I could use any diagrams of traditional folds from his website. It
would be a much thinner booklet without his contributions! Also thanks to Dorothy
Engleman who adapted a traditional Christmas Tree for my first Herald Christmas
edition, and persuaded my husband to draw diagrams on the computer!

All the creators and diagrammers have done brilliant jobs with the models I have
chosen. I am very grateful to them all for giving me permission to use the models,
first in the Countesthorpe Herald, and now in this booklet. Nick Robinson and Rikki
Donachie have kindly redrawn some models where necessary to prepare for printing
in the booklet. Nick also rearranged other diagrams to fit the page format, and
produced the actual booklet.

We have tried to preserve the appearance of the diagrams as they were originally
printed in the Herald. There is no regular style to them, but they have their own
charm! I am always looking for new simple models to publish in the Herald, so if you
feel your creation would be suitable please send it to me for consideration.

I could not have done this without the encouragement of my husband Pete and my
sons Matt and Paul. I hope you enjoy this booklet.

Penny Groom
September 2008

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