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Sl. Topic Domain Hours

1. I. Introduction Must Know 12

a) Shalakyatantra nirukti, Parichayam, Ithihasam
b) Netra rachana shariram (Mandala, Patala, Sandhi,
Drushti Vichara) and Netra Kriya Sharira
alongwith modern anatomy of Eye.
c) Eye examination and knowledge of basic
instruments/equipments required for examination
of Eye
d) Netrarognanam – Samanya Hetu (Nija and
agantuja), Purvarupa, Samprapti, Rupa and
e) Classification of Netraroga and its importance.
2. II. Netra Samanya and Vishishta Chikitsa - Kriya Must Know 15
Kalpa a) Netra and Chakshu swasthya hitkara
Dinacharya,Ritucharya,Aahara evam Vihara.
b) Kriya-kalpa-Seka, Aschyotana, Pindi, Vidalaka,
Tarpana, Putapaka, Anjana and importance of
Panchkarma in Netra Chikitsa.
c) Basic fundamentals of Netra Shastra Chikitsa e.g.
Purva – Pradhana - Paschat karma, Ama-
Pachyaman-Pakva Vrana shotha, Vranitopasana,
Pranashtashalya, & Vranbandhana. Methods and
concepts of sterlization, asepsis and antisepsis as
per ancient and modern point of view
d) Basic applied knowledge of Ashtavidha
shastrakarma, agni, kshara, raktamokshana in Nerta
e) Essential diagnostic and therapeutic modern
pharmacological agents required in Netra
3. III. Sandhigata Roga(Diseases of junctional areas Desirable to 10
of eye) Know
a) Number of sandhigata rogas, detailed etiology,
pathology, clinical features and management of
Pooyalasa and Srava Rogas.
b) Brief Study of krimi granthi, Parvani and Alaji
c) Study of Acute and Chronic Dacryocystitis,
Epiphora, Blepharitis including their aetiology,
pathology, signs & symptoms, differential
diagnosis and medical & surgical management.

4. IV. Vartmagata Roga(Diseases of Lids) a) Number Must Know 15

of vartmagata rogas, and detailed knowledge of
etiology, pathology, clinical features and
management of Anjananamika, Utsangini, Lagana,
Vatahata vartma, Pakshma kopa, Sikta vartma,
Pothaki, Klinna vartma, Krichhronmeelana and
Kukunaka diseases of Vartma.
b) Brief Knowledge of Vartmarbuda, Utklishta
vartma, Nimesh, Pakshmashata, Vartmarsha
c) Knowledge of Hordeolum, Ptosis, Trachoma,
Trichiasis, Entropion, Ectropion including their
Etiology, signs and symptoms differential
diagnosis and medical & surgical management.
5. V. Shuklagata Roga(Diseases of sclera and Must Know 08
a) Number of Shuklagata rogas, detailed knowledge of
etiology, pathology, clinical features and
management of Arma, Arjuna and Shuktika
b) Brief Knowledge of Sira pidika, Sira jala,
Pishtaka, Balasgrathita.
c) Study of Pterygium, Scleritis, Episcleritis, Sub-
Conjunctival Hemorrhage including their Etiology,
signs and symptoms, differential diagnosis and
medical & surgical managment
6. VI. Krishnagata Roga (Diseases of cornea and Must Know 05
uvea) a) Number of krishnagata rogas, detailed
knowledge of Etiology, Pathology, Clinical
features, differential diagnosis, complications and
Management of Savrana /kshata Shukla (Shukra),
Avrana shukra (Shukla)
b) Brief knowledge of Sira shukla, Akshipakatyaya
and Ajakajata.
c) Knowledge of Corneal ulcer, Corneal Opacity,
Uveitis,Acute Iridocyclitis, Staphyloma,their
aetiology, pathology, symptoms, differential
diagnosis, complications and management
7. VII. Sarvagata Roga (Diseases effecting all parts of Must Know 15
a) Number of Sarvagata rogas, detailed knowledge of
etiology, pathology, clinical features,
complications, differential diagnosis and
Management of Abhishyanda, Adhimantha,
Hatadhimantha and Shushkakshipaka.
b) Brief Knowledge of Amloshit, Vata paryaya,
Anyato vata, Sashopha & Ashophakshipaka- Pilla
roga, Sirotpata and Siraharsha.
c) Knowledge of Conjunctivitis, Glaucoma, Dry Eye
Syndrome including their etiology, pathology,
clinical features, differential diagnosis,
complications and their management

8. VIII. Drishtigata Roga (vision disorders) Must Know 15

a) Number of Drishtigata rogas detailed knowledge of
- etiology, pathology, clinical features, differential
diagnosis and management of Timira, Kacha and
Linga nasha.
b) Brief Knowledge of Abhighataja lingnasha,
sanimittaja & Annimittaja Lingnasha
Doshandhya/Kaphavidagdha drishti, Naktandhya,
Ushna vidagdha drishti, Pittavidagdha drishti,
Dhumadarshi, Hriswajadya, Gambhirika,
Nakulandhya, Nayanabhighata.
c) Knowledge of Refractive errors, Cataract including
their etiology, pathology, clinical features,
differential diagnosis, complications and their
d) Study of Eale’s disease, Hypertensive & Diabetic
Retinopathies, Age related Macular

degeneration, Strabismus, Retinitis pigmentosa, Night

blindness, Amblyopia, Central serous retinopathy,
Optic Neuritis and Optic atrophy
9. IX. Miscellaneous Diseases a) Xerophthalmia and Nice to 05
other malnutritional eye disorders. Know
b) Knowledge of ocular trauma and their
c) Introduction to Eye bank, Eye donation, Corneal
d) Preventive Ophthalmology and Community
10. I Samanya Chikitsa Must Know 03
a) Study of therapeutic procedures like Sveda, Kavala,
Gandusa, Dhuma, Murdhni Taila, Nasya,
Pratisarana, Karna Purana,karna prakshalana, nasa
prakshalana Mukha Lepa.
b) Ashtavidha shastrakarma and anushastrakarma
used in the treatment of Shira, Karna,Nasa evam
Mukha Rogas.
11. II Shiro Roga a) Importance and Superiority of Shira. Must Know 10
b) Number, general etiology, pathology and cardinal
features of shiro rogas and kapalgata rogas along
with their common line of management/treatment.
c) Detailed study of Vataja, Pittaja, Kaphaja
shirashoola, Suryavarta, Ardhavabhedaka,
Khalitya, Palitya.
d) Brief Knowledge of Raktaja shiraha shoola,
Krimija shiraha shoola , Kshayaja shiraha shoola &
Sannipataja shiraha shoola, Ananta vata,
Indralupta, Darunaka.
e) Detailed study of Headache, Migraine its
differential diagnosis and treatment.
12. III Karna Roga Must Know 18
a) Detailed study of Rachana and Kriyasharir of Karna
(Ear) & Shravanendriya as per Ayurvedic and
modern view, Examination of Ear along with
instruments/equipments required in Ear
b) Detailed study of etiology, pathology,
classification, clinical features and management of
diseases of Karna – karna shool, karna nada&
shweda, Badhirya, karnastrava, karna pratinaha,
pootikarna, karnagoothaka, karnavidradhi.
c) Brief Knowledge of karna kandu, karnapaka,
karnarsha, karnarbuda,krimikaran &karnapali rogas
, Karna sandhana(Auroplasty), fundamentals,
method and Vaikritpaham
d) Detailed study of Otalgia, ASOM, CSOM,
Deafness, wax including their etiology, pathology,
clinical features, differential diagnosis,
complications and medical & surgical management
e) Brief Knowledge of Otomycosis, Otosclerosis,
Tinnitus, Vertigo , Foreign body in ear and Noise

13. IV Nasa Roga Must Know 19

a) Detailed study of Rachana and Kriyasharir of Nasa
(Nose and paranasal sinuses)& Ghranendriya as per
Ayurvedic and modern view, Examination of Nose.
along with instruments/equipments required in
Nose examination.
b) Detailed study of Pratishyaya, Dushta pratishyaya,
Nasanaha, Kshavathu, Nasagata raktapitta &
c) Brief Knowledge of Putinasa, Bhranshathu,
Peenasa, Apeenasa, Nasarbuda, Nasashotha, Dipta,
Nasa Sandhana.
d) Detailed study of Rhinitis & Sinusitis Epistaxis,
Nasal Polyp, DNS, Foreign body including their
Etiology, pathology, clinical features differential
diagnosis and medical & surgical management.
e) Brief Knowledge of Nasal trauma, Tumours of nose
and Para nasal sinuses.

14. V Mukha Roga (Diseases of Oral Cavity) Must Know 03

a) Detailed study of Rachana and Kriyasharir of
Mukha Rogaadhisthana– oshtha, dantamoola,
danta, jivha, talu, gal, sarvasara (Oral cavity ) as
per Ayurvedic and modern view along with their
Basic examination including
instruments/equipments required for the

b) Mukha and Danta Swasthya as per ancient and

modern concepts including prevention of
malignancy of oral cavity.
c) Number and general aetiology, pathology,
cardinal features of Mukha rogas along with their
common line of management/treatment

15. Oshtha Roga (Diseases of Lips) a) Detailed study of Must Know 06

Etiology, pathology, classification, clinical features
and management of - Oshtha prakopa, khandoshtha
b) Brief Knowledge of Gandalaji, Jalarbuda,
Kshataja Oshthaprakopa c) Knowledge of cleft lip.

16. Dant Mula Gata Roga (Diseases of Periodontia) Must Know 09

a) Detailed study of Etiology, pathology,
classification, clinical features and management of
- Shitada, Dantaveshta, Upakush, Danta Nadi,
Danta Vidradhi, Adhimansa
b) Brief Knowledge of dantapupputaka, Saushira,
Mahasaushira, Danta Vaidarbha , Paridara,
c) Detailed study of Etiology, pathology,
classification, clinical features and management of
Gingivitis, Apical abscess, Periodontitis

17. Danta Roga (Dental Diseases) Must Know 08

a) Detailed study of Etiology, pathology,
classification, clinical features and management of
Daalan, Krimidanta, Dantaharsha, Danta sharkara,
b) Brief Knowledge of karala, Bhanjanak , Kapalika,
Shyava Danta, Danta bheda,
c) Danta chaal, Adhidanta, Danta Utpatana including
Jalandhar bandha method and Danta Purna.
d) Knowledge of Dental Caries, Dental Tartar &
Tooth extraction

18. Jihwa Gata Roga (Diseases of Tongue) Must Know 03

a) Detailed study of Etiology, pathology,
classification, clinical features and management of
- jivha kantaka (vataja, pittaja and kaphaja)
b) Brief Knowledge of Upajihva, Adhijihva, Alasa.
c) Knowledge of Glossitis,Tongue Tie, Ranula,
Benign and Malignant Tumors of tongue.

19. Talu Roga (Diseases of Palate) Must Know 07

a) Detailed study of Etiology, pathology,
classification, clinical features and management of
- Gala shundika, Talushosha, Talupaka
b) Brief Knowledge of Talupupputa, Adhrusha,
Kacchapa, Talvarbuda, Mamsasanghata.
c) Knowledge of Cleft palate, palatitis, uvulitis and
tumours of the palate.

20. Kantha and Gala gata Roga (Diseases of Pharynx & Must Know 08
a) Detailed study of Etiology, pathology,
classification, clinical features and management of
- Tundikeri, Kantha shaluka, Gilayu, Galaganda,

Swrabhedha , Galavidradhi.
b) Brief Knowledge of Rohini, Galashotha,
Kantharbuda, Kanthavidradhi, Galarbuda
Galaugham, Vrindam, Ekavrindam, Valaya, balasa
, Shataghni, Swaraghna.
c) Detailed study of Etiology, pathology,
classification, clinical features and management of
- Pharyngitis, Laryngitis, Tonsillitis & Adenoiditis
d) Brief Knowledge of foreign body in the throat,
Carcinoma of Larynx & Pharynx, Dysphagia
Diphtheria & diseases of salivary glands
21. Sarvasara Mukha Roga (Generalised mucosal Must Know 04
affections of the oral cavity)
a) Detailed study of Etiology, pathology,
classification, clinical features and management of
Sarvasar mukhapaka
b) Brief Knowledge of urdhvaguda, putivaktrata,
c) Detailed Knowlege of Stomatitis.

22. VI Miscellaneous Diseases National Programme for Desirable to 02

Prevention and Control of Deafness Know
23. Identification, Uses, Demonstration of surgical/non- Must Know 5 months
surgical equipment/ instruments, materials used in
shalakya chikitsa. Method of sterilization.
24. Training of case taking, bedside clinics and case Must Know
Clinical Traning - OPD, IPD OT and kriya kalpa
25. Training in para- surgical procedures- Must Know

1) Kshara karma
2) Agnikarma
3) Raktamokshana
4) Training of ward procedures. Application of
bandages, wound management
5) Training of minor procedures (ashtavidha)
6) Observation of surgical procedures in Shalakya

SL. Topic Learning Teaching Methodolog Hour

Objective Guideline y s

1. I. Introduction To Define To Cover All Didactic 12

a) Shalakyatantra nirukti, Parichayam, Ithihasam Nirukti,Rac these topics Ppt
b) Netra rachana shariram (Mandala, Patala, Sandhi, hana,Moder with Case
Drushti Vichara) and Netra Kriya Sharira alongwith n View And Examples and presentation
modern anatomy of Eye. Netra Roga demonstration Role modle
c) Eye examination and knowledge of basic And .
instruments/equipments required for examination of Importance
Eye in Detail.
d) Netrarognanam – Samanya Hetu (Nija and agantuja),
Purvarupa, Samprapti, Rupa and Chikitsa.
e) Classification of Netraroga and its importance.
2. II. Netra Samanya and Vishishta Chikitsa - Kriya To Define To cover Didactic 15
Kalpa a) Netra and Chakshu swasthya hitkara Netra Netra Ppt
Dinacharya,Ritucharya,Aahara evam Vihara. Samanya Samanya and Case
b) Kriya-kalpa-Seka, Aschyotana, Pindi, Vidalaka, and Vishesh Vishesh Kriya presentation
Tarpana, Putapaka, Anjana and importance of Kriya Kalpa, Basic Posters
Panchkarma in Netra Chikitsa. Kalpa, Fundamentals
c) Basic fundamentals of Netra Shastra Chikitsa e.g. Purva Basic And their
– Pradhana - Paschat karma, Ama-Pachyaman-Pakva Fundamenta modern View.
Vrana shotha, Vranitopasana, Pranashtashalya, & ls And their
Vranbandhana. Methods and concepts of sterlization, modern
asepsis and antisepsis as per ancient and modern point View.
of view
d) Basic applied knowledge of Ashtavidha shastrakarma,
agni, kshara, raktamokshana in Nerta rogas.
e) Essential diagnostic and therapeutic modern
pharmacological agents required in Netra
3. III. Sandhigata Roga(Diseases of junctional areas of To Define ToCover Didactic 10
eye) Sandhig Sandhigaa Ppt
a) Number of sandhigata rogas, detailed etiology, ataRoga( Roga(Dise Case
pathology, clinical features and management of Diseases ases of presentation
Pooyalasa and Srava Rogas. of junctional Posters
b) Brief Study of krimi granthi, Parvani and Alaji Rogas. junction areas of SIS
c) Study of Acute and Chronic Dacryocystitis, Epiphora, al areas eye)
Blepharitis including their aetiology, pathology, signs of eye)
& symptoms, differential diagnosis and medical &
surgical management.

4. IV. Vartmagata Roga(Diseases of Lids) a) Number of To Define ToCover Ppt 15

vartmagata rogas, and detailed knowledge of etiology, Vartmagata Vartmagata Case
pathology, clinical features and management of rogas rogas presentation
Anjananamika, Utsangini, Lagana, Vatahata vartma, 9Diseasases 9Diseasases Posters
Pakshma kopa, Sikta vartma, Pothaki, Klinna vartma, of Lids) of Lids) And SIS
Krichhronmeelana and Kukunaka diseases of Vartma. And Modern Part. Role modle
b) Brief Knowledge of Vartmarbuda, Utklishta vartma, Modern
Nimesh, Pakshmashata, Vartmarsha Part.
c) Knowledge of Hordeolum, Ptosis, Trachoma,
Trichiasis, Entropion, Ectropion including their
Etiology, signs and symptoms differential diagnosis
and medical & surgical management.
5. V. Shuklagata Roga(Diseases of sclera and To Define To Cover Ppt 08
conjunctiva) Shuklagata Shuklagata Case
a) Number of Shuklagata rogas, detailed knowledge of Roga(Disease Roga(Diseases presentation
etiology, pathology, clinical features and management s of sclera of sclera and Posters
of Arma, Arjuna and Shuktika and conjunctiva) SIS
b) Brief Knowledge of Sira pidika, Sira jala, Pishtaka, Student
Balasgrathita. seminar
c) Study of Pterygium, Scleritis, Episcleritis, Sub-
Conjunctival Hemorrhage including their Etiology,
signs and symptoms, differential diagnosis and medical
& surgical managment
6. VI. Krishnagata Roga (Diseases of cornea and uvea) a) To Define To Cover Ppt 05
Number of krishnagata rogas, detailed knowledge of Krishnagata Krishnagata Case
Etiology, Pathology, Clinical features, differential Roga Roga presentation
diagnosis, complications and Management of Savrana (Diseases of (Diseases of Posters
/kshata Shukla (Shukra), Avrana shukra (Shukla) cornea and cornea and SIS
b) Brief knowledge of Sira shukla, Akshipakatyaya and uvea uvea
c) Knowledge of Corneal ulcer, Corneal Opacity,
Uveitis,Acute Iridocyclitis, Staphyloma,their aetiology,
pathology, symptoms, differential diagnosis,
complications and management
7. VII. Sarvagata Roga (Diseases effecting all parts of To Define To Cover Ppt 15
eye) Sarvagat Sarvagata Case
a) Number of Sarvagata rogas, detailed knowledge of a Roga Roga presentation
etiology, pathology, clinical features, complications, (Disease (Diseases Posters
differential diagnosis and Management of s effecting SIS
Abhishyanda, Adhimantha, Hatadhimantha and effecting all parts of Group
Shushkakshipaka. all parts eye) discussion
b) Brief Knowledge of Amloshit, Vata paryaya, Anyato of eye) Role modle
vata, Sashopha & Ashophakshipaka- Pilla roga,
Sirotpata and Siraharsha.
c) Knowledge of Conjunctivitis, Glaucoma, Dry Eye
Syndrome including their etiology, pathology, clinical
features, differential diagnosis, complications and their

8. VIII. Drishtigata Roga (vision disorders) To Define To Cover Role Ppt 15

a) Number of Drishtigata rogas detailed knowledge of - Drishtig Drishtigat Case
etiology, pathology, clinical features, differential ata Roga a Roga presentation
diagnosis and management of Timira, Kacha and Linga (vision (vision Posters
nasha. disorders disorders) Group
b) Brief Knowledge of Abhighataja lingnasha, sanimittaja ) discussion
& Annimittaja Lingnasha Doshandhya/Kaphavidagdha modle
drishti, Naktandhya, Ushna vidagdha drishti,
Pittavidagdha drishti, Dhumadarshi, Hriswajadya,
Gambhirika, Nakulandhya, Nayanabhighata.
c) Knowledge of Refractive errors, Cataract including
their etiology, pathology, clinical features, differential
diagnosis, complications and their management.
d) Study of Eale’s disease, Hypertensive & Diabetic
Retinopathies, Age related Macular

degeneration, Strabismus, Retinitis pigmentosa, Night

blindness, Amblyopia, Central serous retinopathy,
Optic Neuritis and Optic atrophy
9. IX. Miscellaneous Diseases a) Xerophthalmia and other To Define To Cover Ppt 05
malnutritional eye disorders. Miscellaneo Miscellaneous Case
b) Knowledge of ocular trauma and their management. us Disease Disease As presentation
c) Introduction to Eye bank, Eye donation, Corneal As Given In Given In The Posters
Transplantation The Syllabus. Visit
d) Preventive Ophthalmology and Community Syllabus.
10. I Samanya Chikitsa To Define To Cover Didactic 03
a) Study of therapeutic procedures like Sveda, Kavala, Samanya Samanya Ppt
Gandusa, Dhuma, Murdhni Taila, Nasya, Pratisarana, Chikitsa Chikitsa Case
Karna Purana,karna prakshalana, nasa prakshalana presentation
Mukha Lepa. Posters
b) Ashtavidha shastrakarma and anushastrakarma used in SIS
the treatment of Shira, Karna,Nasa evam Mukha Rogas.

11. II Shiro Roga a) Importance and Superiority of Shira. To Define To Cover Didactic 10
b) Number, general etiology, pathology and cardinal Shiro roga Shiro roga in Ppt
features of shiro rogas and kapalgata rogas along with in Detail. Detail. Case
their common line of management/treatment. presentation
c) Detailed study of Vataja, Pittaja, Kaphaja shirashoola, Posters
Suryavarta, Ardhavabhedaka, Khalitya, Palitya. SIS
d) Brief Knowledge of Raktaja shiraha shoola, Krimija
shiraha shoola , Kshayaja shiraha shoola & Sannipataja
shiraha shoola, Ananta vata, Indralupta, Darunaka.
e) Detailed study of Headache, Migraine its differential
diagnosis and treatment.
12. III Karna Roga To Define To Cover Didactic 18
a) Detailed study of Rachana and Kriyasharir of Karna Karna Karna Rogas( Ppt
(Ear) & Shravanendriya as per Ayurvedic and modern Rogas( Diseases of Case
view, Examination of Ear along with Diseases of ears) presentation
instruments/equipments required in Ear examination. ears) Role modle
b) Detailed study of etiology, pathology, classification, SIS
clinical features and management of diseases of Karna
– karna shool, karna nada& shweda, Badhirya,
karnastrava, karna pratinaha, pootikarna,
karnagoothaka, karnavidradhi.
c) Brief Knowledge of karna kandu, karnapaka, karnarsha,
karnarbuda,krimikaran &karnapali rogas , Karna
sandhana(Auroplasty), fundamentals, method and
d) Detailed study of Otalgia, ASOM, CSOM, Deafness,
wax including their etiology, pathology, clinical
features, differential diagnosis, complications and
medical & surgical management
e) Brief Knowledge of Otomycosis, Otosclerosis,
Tinnitus, Vertigo , Foreign body in ear and Noise

13. IV Nasa Roga To Define To Cover Didactic 19

a) Detailed study of Rachana and Kriyasharir of Nasa Nasa Nasa Roga Ppt
(Nose and paranasal sinuses)& Ghranendriya as per Roga and its Case
Ayurvedic and modern view, Examination of Nose. And Its modern presentation
along with instruments/equipments required in Nose Modern part. Role modle
examination. portion. SIS
b) Detailed study of Pratishyaya, Dushta pratishyaya, Student
Nasanaha, Kshavathu, Nasagata raktapitta & Nasarsha. seminar
c) Brief Knowledge of Putinasa, Bhranshathu, Peenasa,
Apeenasa, Nasarbuda, Nasashotha, Dipta, Nasa
d) Detailed study of Rhinitis & Sinusitis Epistaxis, Nasal
Polyp, DNS, Foreign body including their Etiology,
pathology, clinical features differential diagnosis and
medical & surgical management.
e) Brief Knowledge of Nasal trauma, Tumours of nose and
Para nasal sinuses.

14. V Mukha Roga (Diseases of Oral Cavity) To Define To Cover Didactic 03

a) Detailed study of Rachana and Kriyasharir of Mukha Mukha Roga Mukha Roga Ppt
Rogaadhisthana– oshtha, dantamoola, danta, jivha, talu, (Diseases of (Diseases of Case
gal, sarvasara (Oral cavity ) as per Ayurvedic and Oral Cavity) Oral Cavity) presentation
modern view along with their Basic examination Role modle
including instruments/equipments required for the SIS
examination Student
b) Mukha and Danta Swasthya as per ancient and modern
concepts including prevention of malignancy of oral
c) Number and general aetiology, pathology, cardinal
features of Mukha rogas along with their common line
of management/treatment

15. Oshtha Roga (Diseases of Lips) a) Detailed study of To Define To Cover Ppt 06
Etiology, pathology, classification, clinical features and Oshtha Roga Oshtha Roga Case
management of - Oshtha prakopa, khandoshtha b) Brief (Diseases of (Diseases of presentation
Knowledge of Gandalaji, Jalarbuda, Kshataja Lips) Lips) Role modle
Oshthaprakopa c) Knowledge of cleft lip. SIS

16. Dant Mula Gata Roga (Diseases of Periodontia) To Define To Cover Ppt 09
a) Detailed study of Etiology, pathology, classification, Dant Dant Mula Case
clinical features and management of - Shitada, Mula Gata Roga presentation
Dantaveshta, Upakush, Danta Nadi, Danta Vidradhi, Gata (Diseases posters
Adhimansa Roga of
b) Brief Knowledge of dantapupputaka, Saushira, (Disease Periodonti
Mahasaushira, Danta Vaidarbha , Paridara, Vardhana. s of a)
c) Detailed study of Etiology, pathology, classification, Periodon
clinical features and management of Gingivitis, Apical tia)
abscess, Periodontitis (Pyorrhoea).

17. Danta Roga (Dental Diseases) To Define To Cover Ppt

a) Detailed study of Etiology, pathology, classification, Danta Roga Danta Roga Case
clinical features and management of Daalan, (Dental (Dental presentation 08
Krimidanta, Dantaharsha, Danta sharkara, Hanumoksha Diseases) Diseases) Posters
b) Brief Knowledge of karala, Bhanjanak , Kapalika, Visit
Shyava Danta, Danta bheda,
c) Danta chaal, Adhidanta, Danta Utpatana including
Jalandhar bandha method and Danta Purna.
d) Knowledge of Dental Caries, Dental Tartar & Tooth

18. Jihwa Gata Roga (Diseases of Tongue) To Define To Cover Ppt 03

a) Detailed study of Etiology, pathology, classification, Jihwa Jihwa Case
clinical features and management of - jivha kantaka Gata Gata Roga presentation
(vataja, pittaja and kaphaja) Roga (Diseases Posters
b) Brief Knowledge of Upajihva, Adhijihva, Alasa. (Disease of Visit
c) Knowledge of Glossitis,Tongue Tie, Ranula, Benign s of Tongue)
and Malignant Tumors of tongue. Tongue)

19. Talu Roga (Diseases of Palate) To Define To Cover Talu Ppt 07

a) Detailed study of Etiology, pathology, classification, Talu Roga Roga (Diseases Case
clinical features and management of - Gala shundika, (Diseases of of Palate) presentation
Talushosha, Talupaka Palate) Posters
b) Brief Knowledge of Talupupputa, Adhrusha, Kacchapa, Visit to
Talvarbuda, Mamsasanghata. hospitals
c) Knowledge of Cleft palate, palatitis, uvulitis and
tumours of the palate.

20. Kantha and Gala gata Roga (Diseases of Pharynx & To Define To Cover Ppt 08
Larynx) Kantha Kantha Case
c) Detailed study of Etiology, pathology, classification, and Gala and Gala presentation
clinical features and management of - Tundikeri, gata gata Roga Posters
Kantha shaluka, Gilayu, Galaganda, Roga (Diseases Visit to
(Disease of Pharynx hospitals
Swrabhedha , Galavidradhi. s of & Larynx) SIS
b) Brief Knowledge of Rohini, Galashotha, Kantharbuda, Pharynx
Kanthavidradhi, Galarbuda Galaugham, Vrindam, &
Ekavrindam, Valaya, balasa , Shataghni, Swaraghna. Larynx)
c) Detailed study of Etiology, pathology, classification,
clinical features and management of - Pharyngitis,
Laryngitis, Tonsillitis & Adenoiditis
d) Brief Knowledge of foreign body in the throat,
Carcinoma of Larynx & Pharynx, Dysphagia
Diphtheria & diseases of salivary glands

21. Sarvasara Mukha Roga (Generalised mucosal To Define To Cover Ppt 04

affections of the oral cavity) Sarvasar Sarvasara Case
a) Detailed study of Etiology, pathology, classification, a Mukha Mukha presentation
clinical features and management of Sarvasar Roga Roga Posters
mukhapaka (General (Generalis SIS
b) Brief Knowledge of urdhvaguda, putivaktrata, ised ed Student
mukharbuda mucosal mucosal seminar
c) Detailed Knowlege of Stomatitis. affection affections
s of the of the oral
oral cavity)

22. V VI Miscellaneous Diseases National Programme for To Define To Cover Visit to the 02
Prevention and Control of Deafness Miscellaneou Miscellaneous particular
I s Diseases Diseases areas
National National Posters
Programme Programme for
for Prevention and
Prevention Control of
and Control Deafness
of Deafness

Reference Books:-
1. Shalakya Tantra Dr. Rama Nath Dwivedi
2. Shalakya Vigyan Dr. Ravindra Chandra Choudhary

3. Abhinava Netra Chikitsa Acharya Vishva Nath Dwivedi

4. Netra Chikitsa Vigyan Dr. Ravindra Chandra Choudhary
5. Netra Roga Chikitsa Dr. Munje
6. Netra Roga Vigyan Dr. Hans Raj
7. Parson’s Diseases of Eye
8. Diseases of ENT Log and Turner
9. Shalakya Tantra Shiv Nath Khanna
10. Atext book of ophthalmology in Ayurveda Dr. P.K.Shantha kumara
11. Shalakya Kriya Kalpa Vigyan Prof. K. S. Dhiman
Useful portions of Charak, Sushrut, Vagbhata

Theory Two Papers – 100 Marks Each

Practical/Viva voce – 100 Marks

Theory Hours – 200 Hrs

Practical – 150 Hrs

Paper I – NETRA ROGA VIGYAN 100 Marks

Sl.No – 1-9


Sl.No – 10- 22
Practicals – 23-25

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