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Nowadays, an enormous amount of animal species is on the brink of extinction and others are

endangered. This essay will discuss two potential reasons for that, both of which are caused by humans,
as well as suggest two possible solutions.

First of all, poaching has been one of the most notorious factors for the last several centuries, leading to
disappearance of a large number of rare or exotic animals. Indeed, by illegally hunting for certain birds
or other species in order to obtain fur or to simply have their remains in collections, the very existence
of those animals is jeopardized. For example, so-called became extinct due to the fact that they had
been killed for many years because of their unusual appearance. Secondly, the rapid development of
cities that has been taking place for more than a century takes its toll on natural habitats. This results in
that animals have to change their nests or other conventional places of living, breeding and mating
habits, which has a detrimental effect of their populations.

While illegal hunting is still fairly widespread, altering laws by governments, especially introducing new
more severe punishments might be a solution to the problem. For instance, several countries where
endangered species lived used to lack of harsh punishments for poaching; however, as soon as the laws
were changed, the number of illegally killed animals decreased significantly. With regards to
urbanization, constructing ecologically friendly national parks without disturbing local fauna may
contribute positively to well-being of it. A large place for preservation of more than 400 different bird
species built right in the capital city of New Zealand can be a perfect example of that.

In conclusion, while humankind has influenced dramatically on the populations of various rare animals,
it is still able to help to those on the endangered list by wrestling with poaching and establishing new
places to live for them.

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