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BINUS University

BINUS ONLINE LEARNING Semester: Odd / Even *)

  Period: 1 /2*)
Graduate Program Undergraduate Program
  Academic Year:
Final Exam Others Exam: 2019/2020
Faculty / Dept. : Mathematics
Student ID :
Course : MATH6132 - Calculus and Linear Algebra
Day/ Date : Selasa – Senin / 18 - 24 Agustus 2020
BULC : Bandung, Bekasi, Jakarta, Malang, Palembang, N a m e :
Semarang, Batam, Pekanbaru
Time : 00.00 – 12.00 WIB
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Contoh : MATH6132 - Calculus and Linear Algebra -2012345678.pdf


No. Deskripsi Soal Bobot

1 lim(cos 4x) x
Hitunglah x→0

2 dy ' 15
dx = y
Tentukan , jika diketahui persamaan Implisit :
x2 + y2 +8xy −5x − 4 y + 2 = 0

3 2 15
Hitunglah Luas Daerah (Area) yang dibatasi oleh y = x dan y = 5x
6n + 3
4 15
n + 9n 2 + 2 apakah Deret ini Konvergen atau Divergen ?

5 Tentukan penyelesaian dari sistem persamaan berikut ini menggunakan Eliminasi Gauss- 15
Jordan (Operasi Baris Elementer/ OBE)
3x1 − 2x2 + x3 = 4
2x1 − x2 + x3 = 5
x1 + x2 + x3 = 9

6 2 1 15
Diberikan matriks = (−2 3 0 ) dan = (
1 0 ). Tentukan det ermi nan dan

−2 2 −1
−1 −1

invers dari matriks.

7 Diketahui : 15
a = (5, 12) dan b = (7, 24)
= sudut apit antara a dan b
Tentukan cos ̅

dan luas segitiga yang dibentuk oleh vektor ̅ dan .

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LO KONTEN / SKORE : % dari Bobot SKORE :
Level % dari
Bobot ELEMEN 85 – 100 75–84 65- 74 0-64 Bobot
The method to The method to
The method to
The method to compute limits and compute limits and
compute limits and
compute limits and derivative are derivative are
derivative are
Ability to evaluate derivative are correctly chosen, the correctly chosen, but inappropriate
LO 1 the problems of correctly chosen, steps performed are chosen, the steps
the step performed
Evaluate limits, derivative the steps performed correct but performed are
and solutions are
10 and function of are correct and inaccurate, and the incomplete steps,
two variables inappropriate.The
accurate. The solution is incomplete. and the solution is
results are The results are mostly results are fairly wrong. The results
completely correct correct with minor correct with some are incorrect
The method to solve The method to solve
The method to solve
The method to solve the application is the application is
the application is
Ability to apply the the application is correctly chosen, the correctly chosen, but inappropriate
LO 1 basic concepts of correctly chosen, steps performed are the step performed chosen, the steps
limits, derivative the steps performed correct but performed are
Apply and solutions are
and function of are correct and inaccurate, and the incomplete steps,
15 two variables to inappropriate.The
accurate. The solution is incomplete. solutions are fairly and the solution is
real problems
solutions are The solutions are correct with some wrong. The
completely correct mostly correct with solutions are
minor error incorrect
The method to The method to
The method to
The method to integral is correctly compute integral is
integral is correctly
compute integral is chosen, the steps inappropriate
correctly chosen, performed are correct chosen, but the step chosen, the steps
LO 2 Ability to compute the steps performed but inaccurate, and performed and performed are
Use various technique solutions are
are correct and the solution is incomplete steps,
15 of integration inappropriate.The
accurate,The results incomplete. The and the solution is
results are fairly
are completely results are mostly wrong.The results
correct with some
correct correct with minor are incorrect
The method to The method to
identification is The method to identification is
The method to
correctly chosen, the identification is inappropriate
identification is
steps performed are correctly chosen, but chosen, the steps
correctly chosen,
LO3 Identify the correct but the step performed performed are
Identify convergence of the steps performed inaccurate, and the and solutions are incomplete steps,
15 infinite series are correct and solution is inappropriate.The and the solution is
incomplete.The identifications are wrong.The
identifications are
identifications are fairly correct with identifications are
completely correct
mostly correct with some error incorrect
minor error
• Ability to
interpret real
problems in
system of linear
LO 4 equations The solutions are The solutions are The solutions are The solutions are
correct and the mostly correct and the fairly correct and the incorrect and the
• Ability to find methods are methods are fairly methods are less methods are
the solution of appropriate appropriate appropriate inappropriate
a system of
linear equations
using various
• Ability to
LO5,6 various matrix
Explain and operations The results are mostly The results are fairly
Evaluate The results are The results are
correct with minor correct with some
15 • Ability to completely correct incorrect
evaluate error error
and invers of a
Define vector
LO7 The interpretations The interpretations The interpretations
operations and its The interpretations
define are completely are mostly correct are fairly correct with
geometric are incorrect
15 correct with minor error some error


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