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Muslim Teenager Association

Assalammualaikum Wr. Wb.

Honorable the judges and the participants of creative English speech contests and all audiences.

Before I begin to deliver this speech, I would like to invite you to thank Allah SWT the Almighty who has
given us mercy and blessing, so we can meet together in this blessing place.

And also let’s deliver sholawat and salam to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought us from the
darkness to the modern era

Ladies and gentlemen, Good morning let's me introduce myself my Name is Yazid Nur Hidayat i'm from
MTs Nailussyukri, It is such a great honor to be standing here in front of all of you to speech. In this special
occasion i want to share about youth associations that reflect of Islamic values, before i talk about, i want
to ask you what is teenager? Teenagers is the most beautiful period, but it is full of upheavals and life
problems. also seen as a period in the search for self-identity. Teenager is a phase of growth and
development that will be faced by every human being, as God's creation. Association is one part of our
journey as teenagers that we must always pay attention to. Mistakes in socializing will cause us to fall, and
destroy all our hopes. We must be able to maintain what is our dream. Let's continue to be strong,
remember the message of our fathers / mothers that in the long journey to pursue our dreams in front of
many things that will turn us. Teenagers must always behave in a healthy manner. Avoid hanging out with
the wrong people. Not all of what we see and offer us is good for us. Practice a healthy lifestyle and way of
thinking so that we can continue to be on the right path. Many things can plunge us into a very bad
condition, one of which is the wrong association. people to always be positive human. Good for relatives
in the family, friends, and neighbors.the importance of association for every Muslim individual, Islam
places association as the most important part of human life. Since the first time in the time of Rasulullah
SAW until now, Allah sent the Prophet to improve the morals of mankind Efforts to foster ethics in the
piety of a Muslim must be carried out from an early age.Talk about the association between teenagers, a
Muslim also needs to pay attention to some etiquetpte and appropriate to be applied in accordance with
Islamic teachings. Teenager is the age towards adulthood. It's mean this period is a transition period from
a child before becoming an adult. So, some character should be applied in order to maintain the
associaation in a positive direction. If this has become a reality in the lives of Muslims, then the next
generation will be born who are moral and also become role models other religious people.
So, thats all from me
Sorry if there is mistake, i'm Yazid Nur Hidayat
Wassalamu'alaikum, wr, wb

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