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If you like tuna and tomato sauce- try combining

the two. It’s really not as bad as it sounds.
2. He never understood why what, when, and where
left out who.
3. More RVs were seen in the storage lot than at the
4. One small action would change her life, but
whether it would be for better or for worse was yet to be
5. As the years pass by, we all know owners look
more and more like their dogs.
6. The beach was crowded with snow leopards.
7. The three-year-old girl ran down the beach as the
kite flew behind her.
8. With the high wind warning
9. I'm not a party animal, but I do like animal parties.
10. Karen realized the only way she was getting into
heaven was to cheat.
11. Not all people who wander are lost.
12. They finished building the road they knew no one
would ever use.
13. David subscribes to the "stuff your tent into the
bag" strategy over nicely folding it.
14. It caught him off guard that space smelled of
seared steak.
15. The rain pelted the windshield as the darkness
engulfed us.
16. It took me too long to realize that the ceiling hadn't
been painted to look like the sky.
17. He enjoys practicing his ballet in the bathroom.
18. He wore the surgical mask in public not to keep
from catching a virus, but to keep people away from
19. I’m working on a sweet potato farm.
20. I'd rather be a bird than a fish.
21. She says she has the ability to hear the soundtrack
of your life.
22. I honestly find her about as intimidating as a basket
of kittens.
23. She advised him to come back at once.
24. He was surprised that his immense laziness was
inspirational to others.
25. The elephant didn't want to talk about the person in
the room.
26. The fifty mannequin heads floating in the pool kind
of freaked them out.
27. My biggest joy is roasting almonds while stalking
28. It was a really good Monday for being a Saturday.
29. The Tsunami wave crashed against the raised
houses and broke the pilings as if they were toothpicks.
30. That is an appealing treasure map that I can't read.
31. I'm a great listener, really good with empathy vs
sympathy and all that, but I hate people.
32. It's not often you find a soggy banana on the street.
33. Everyone says they love nature until they realize
how dangerous she can be.
34. When I cook spaghetti, I like to boil it a few minutes
past al dente so the noodles are super slippery.
35. He ran out of money, so he had to stop playing
36. The old apple revels in its authority.
37. The body piercing didn't go exactly as he expected.
38. Bill ran from the giraffe toward the dolphin.
39. She wondered what his eyes were saying beneath
his mirrored sunglasses.
40. The Great Dane looked more like a horse than a
41. It was a slippery slope and he was willing to slide
all the way to the deepest depths.
42. She was too busy always talking about what she
wanted to do to actually do any of it.
43. Her life in the confines of the house became her
new normal.
44. People generally approve of dogs eating cat food
but not cats eating dog food.
45. He was sure the Devil created red sparkly glitter.
46. The stench from the feedlot permeated the car
despite having the air conditioning on recycled air.
47. The toy brought back fond memories of being lost
in the rain forest.
48. I am happy to take your donation; any amount will
be greatly appreciated.
49. I am my aunt's sister's daughter.
50. They decided to plant an orchard of cotton candy.

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