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Comprensión de Lectura en Inglés para IME

Profa. Martha Patricia Martínez Miranda
The Importance of Preventive Maintenance

The Importance of Preventive Maintenance

Preventative maintenance is pro-active and is carefully designed to perform routine maintenance tasks at
predetermined times to prevent asset failure. Planning a preventative maintenance schedule involves
tracking data manually to determine when servicing needs to be performed.

5 Using CMMS software can make it much less difficult than trying to do it manually. If your business has
been waiting until your equipment shows signs of damage to perform repairs, here are just a few of the
reasons you should consider switching to a preventive maintenance strategy.

Prevent major repairs

Reacting once a problem occurs is often very costly. All maintenance issues worsen over time and the
10 longer an issue waits to be fixed, the more damage can occur. It can be frustrating when equipment breaks
down and what could have been a minor fix is now a major repair.

An unexpected failure may also entail added costs, such as paying extra money for overnight parts
deliveries or for technicians to work overtime. When long-term maintenance tasks are planned using
CMMS software, major repairs can be avoided and money is saved.

15 Improve safety

If the equipment isn’t working optimally, it can create unsafe working conditions and workers may be
injured. Depending upon the type of equipment you work with, a complete failure could easily cause
bodily harm to employees.

For instance, the failure of a worn hose that pumps hazardous materials could seriously harm a nearby
20 worker. This could not only cause damage and halt production but leave you open to being sued for

Increase efficiency

Routine maintenance in the form of inspections, oil changes, parts replacements and more help equipment
to run more efficiently. When equipment slowly deteriorates, you’re probably not likely to notice a drop
25 in the production.

However, much of the deterioration can be prevented by having a proper preventative maintenance plan.
When equipment runs at peak performance, this allows for fuel and energy savings.

Reduce downtime

30 Maintenance tasks do require some downtime, but a preventative maintenance program decreases and
optimizes any downtime. Using CMMS software enables pre-planned maintenance at times when it has
less of an impact.

Improve reliability

Customers need to be able to count on a business to deliver products, materials or services on time
35 without any unnecessary delays. If you wait until an asset breaks down altogether before performing
necessary maintenance, you could find that a critical piece of equipment becomes unusable for a
significant period of time.

Unplanned downtime could mean the production line halts, employees stand idle and deadlines are
missed. Major downtime can result in a loss of contracts, and a dip in revenue.
Comprensión de Lectura en Inglés para IME
Profa. Martha Patricia Martínez Miranda
The Importance of Preventive Maintenance

40 In certain businesses, such as hotels and other consumer-facing industries, not being able to deliver on
time can mean long-term damage to your brand. By being reliable at all times, a business can ensure
customer satisfaction and keep improving its reputation.

Conserve assets

Equipment doesn’t come cheap and the better it’s cared for, the longer it lasts. Neglecting equipment and
45 not keeping it properly maintained can drastically reduce its lifespan. As preventative maintenance
prolongs equipment life, this results in decreased costs and increased profit.

The benefits of preventative maintenance have resulted in many maintenance managers switching to
CMMS software. This software helps them to plan, track, and optimize maintenance activities. A regular,
50 routine maintenance plan optimizes equipment, reduces costs, and increases safety and efficiency.
Managers can easily schedule maintenance tasks and keep organized records of all inspections and fixes.

While investing in a preventative maintenance strategy may seem like a significant expense, it should
rather be viewed as a cost-saving investment in your business which will create more stability and
efficiency over the long term.

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