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Yamasaki was born in Seattle, Washington, the son of John Tsunejiro

Yamasaki and Hana Yamasaki, who had emigrated from Japan. He

grew up in the city of Auburn, Washington, in a low-income family, his
father was a sales agent and his mother was a pianist by profession.
He studied high school at Auburn Senior High School. Inspired by his
uncle, Koken Ito, who was an architect, he enrolled in the architecture
program at the University of Washington in 1929, and obtained his
Bachelor of Architecture degree in 1934. Lionel Pries, employed at the
university where he studied, He supported and encouraged him during
his university studies. Yamasaki earned enough money to pay his
tuition by working at a salmon packer in Alaska.

Yamasaki nació en Seattle, Washington, hijo de John Tsunejiro

Yamasaki y Hana Yamasaki, que habían emigrado de Japón. Creció
en la ciudad de Auburn, Washington, en una familia de bajos ingresos,
su padre era agente de ventas y su madre pianista de profesión.1
Estudió la preparatoria en la escuela pública Auburn Senior High
School. Inspirado por su tío, Koken Ito, que era arquitecto, se inscribió
al programa de arquitectura de la Universidad de Washington en 1929,
y obtuvo su título como arquitecto (Bachelor of Architecture) en 1934.2
Lionel Pries, empleado en la universidad donde estudiaba, lo apoyó y
animó durante sus estudios universitarios. Yamasaki ganaba el dinero
necesario para pagar su colegiatura trabajando en una envasadora de
salmón en Alaska.3

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