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a. Vocabulary
1. Implicit, Exclude, Underlying, Transition, Interact, Cooperative, Community.
2. Substitute words: What do the underlined words refer to?
1) The word refer to incidents of extreme school violence.
2) The word refer to the teachers.

b.  Verb form: What do the underlined verb forms denote? Circle your choice.
1. Condition / Past Habit
2. Condition / Past Habit

c. Look at these sentences and follow the instructions.

1.  "The most important finding to emerge from the study was that more than three-
quarters of those who had resorted to extreme school violence had a grievance."
(paragraph 4)
 The main verb of the sentence is most important finding
 The most important finding of the study was that more than three-quarters of
those who had resorted to extreme school violence had a grievance.
 They who had resorted to extreme school violence.
2. "Educators have been reluctant to engage in character education for fear that
parents would object." (paragraph 13)
Paraphrase this sentence twice, beginning with the words given:
 Because educators have been reluctant to engage in character education.
 Educators are afraid that if the parents would object.

d. Modal verbs: What do the underlined modals mean? Circle your choice.
1. Prohibition / Lack Of Necessity
2. Permission/ Possibility

e. Passive: Underline the passive verb in this quotation.

For many students school  is the place to get character and virtues.

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