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Hi Elisa.

How are you? I

hope you are fine.

I am good, only a
little sad,
because summer
has finished.

I want to tell you

the exciting
experience I had
last summer.

I went with my
brother and my
cousins to
Gardaland, a big
amusement park
near Garda’s lake.

Before leaving home, I said to my friends: “I won’t get in rollercoasters, because I’m so frightened by
them!” They made me a sly smile...

At Gardaland we had a lot of fun and, at the end of day, my friends said to me: “Come on Anna, it’s
time for rollercoasters!” Firstly, I answered no, but then they were able to persuade me.

I got in rollercoasters and they began to climb up slowly… Firstly, I closed my eyes, but when I opened
them, I saw a fantastic panorama! Below me, there was the lake, many lovely villages and the mountains
a little further away.

At the top of the climb, rollercoasters stayed fixed for few seconds and I remained out of breath for
few seconds.

Suddenly, they began to climb down at full speed and I and my friend started screaming. In a second,
we wound up with head down and feet up…what a strange feeling… Then we had another curves at very
high speed, climbs and descents. Immediately after, rollercoasters started to reduce speed and finally

When I got off, I was so surprised that it was already finished! I felt a little strange, but I enjoyed
this experience and I think I will do it again.

Let me know about you.

See you soon, kisses


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