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Thiri gian lhm bhi: 180 Phtt

Phin I: Kinh t5 hoc Vi m6 (5 tti6m)

nhAt trong c6c ciu sau div
Ea" f fz"e aara-): Chqn m0t ddp 6n thing
I . Lutrng euPg giim c6 nghia
c. V4n dQng v0 ph(a dudi (bdn trrii) duong
a. Dich ctiuy6n dudng cung sang phdi
b. Dlch chuydn duirng cung sang tr6i duong
d. Van dQng v0 phia trdn (b6n phni)

2. Cung ting c6 nghia lir gi5 tdng l6n

sang Phdi c. Luo. ng cung img d mqi mric
a. Dudng cung dich chuY6n
sang trat d. Cir a' c
b. Ducrng cung dich chuy€n
gidm khi
3. Cdu cira mQt hirng ho6 lu6n
c. GiA cita hang ho6 tl6 tdng
a. Thu nhiP gidm
ho5 d6 d. Gi6 cira hing hod d6 giim
b. Gi6 cria hang ho6 thay th6 cho hang
kinh t6 hoc' ngin han la thoi k' sin xuAt trong d6
i. tron, xa,, .,;., cA .inl ue it nhat
ndm c' C6 it.- nhAl -A+ dAu viro c6 dinh
-Li+ mQt
a. Nhd hon ho4c bing I
tl6i rnQt dlu vdo bi6n d6i
b. T6t cn cic y6u t6 ctdu vdo dAu thay cAu n?ro clfng
d' Khdng
5. Duong MC c6t cuc ti6u
tai di6m cuc c. C6c dubng AVC, AFC tai di6m
a. Cnc duong ATC, AVC, AFC
cira m6i <ludng
ti6u cira m5i dubng cuc tiCu
d. C6c ttudng ATC, AVC tai di'!m
O. aU" Uu*, ATC, AFC tai di6m cuc tidu
cta m6i dudng
cira m5i dudng doanh thu
tai il6 chi phi c{n biOn lon hon
6. MQt hang dQc quyAn dang sAn xuAt tai muc sFrn luong
cin bi6n. nhi d6c quYdn ndn
c. GiAm gi6 vd gidm si'n luong
a. Ting gi6 vd gidm sdn luong
d. Giir nguY0n muc sAn hlgng d6
b. Giam gi6 vir tlng sAn lucrng

7. Ph6t bi6u niro sau dAy ld kh6ng

chinh x6c r\r. rtrrni ATC
c. ATC gi6m tric ld MC dudi ATC
+...^ rA

a. ATC rhap hon MC ttc ra A.r; dang

tdng nam
tang d' MC = ATC tai mqi diCm tuc ATC
b. MC tdng tuc ld ATC
holrn hdo' doanh thu cdn bi€n
cta hdng bing
8. Trong thi truong c4nh tranh
c' Doanh thu trung binh
a. Gia
d' a v2r c
b. Tdng doanh thu kti
gie tdi da h6a lqi nhuan
n t-Ui-.nd UO. quydn sC giZrrn muc T6ng chi phi trung binh giam
a. chi phi co dlnh giam *to;; - :'d gidm
Chi phi c6 dinh trung binh
b. Chi phi c{n bi6n gidm

Trang I /4
10. MQt hang d6c quyAn t6i ila h6a lqi nhuAn sd kh6ng bao gid sAn xudt 6 mirc sAn luong
a. Mdr hdng s6 bi thua 16 c. Md chi phi trung binh lcrn hon chi phi cdn
b. Md doanh thu c{n bi€n nh6 hcrn gi6 bi0n
d. Trong midn khdng co gidn cua du<rng cAu
IL Trong didu.kign n?ro ducyi ddy. m6t hdng canh tranh hoan hdo sE ki6rn dugc lgi nhurin kinh t6
dn bn dip
12. M6t hnng canh tranh hoan hdo sE d6n6 cria trong ngin han n6u tdng doanh rhu khdng
a. Chi phi sin xuAt c' Chi phi Uiiin aOi
b. chi ;hi c6 dinh d. chi phi c6 dloh c6ng chi phi bi6n d6i
13. Khi thu nhap thay d6i se lam thay d6i cludng ngAn s6ch nhu th6 ndo?
a. DO d6c vir d€m cit cira <ludng ngdn s6ch c. Di6m cit ciu dudng ngdn sich vdi truc
vor truc tung tung vd trqc hoinh nhmg kh6ng thay d6i d6
b. DQ d6c vd di6m cit cua duong ngAn sdch d6c
v6itruc hoirnh d Chi lam thay ddi dQ ddc

Cin2 (2,4 iti6m): Biri tiP

M6t hdng canh tranh hodn hdo c6 <ludng chi phi bitin d6i binh quAn AVC=4Q+5 (trong d6 Q
ld sAn
luqng. don vi: tan). Bitit rdng khi gi6 rhi truong (P) ld 45 rrieu ddng/ran thi hdng hda
a. Vi6t phuong trinh dudng cung cta hdng?
b. HEy xac dinh chi.phi cO ainh 1FC; ctta trang?
c. Nilu gi6 thi truong ld 53 triQu d6ng/dn, lqi nhuan cua hflng lA bao nhi6u?
d. Tinh thang du sirn xu6t eS) khi gi6 thi trutrng bing 53 triQu d6ng/t6n?
e. Hdy xdc dinh di6m <l6ng cua sdn xudt?

Phin II: Kinh t6 hoc Vi m6 (5 di6m)

CAu l(3 tti0m): Chfn'mQt <lip hn thing nhit trong cric cffu sau diy
l. Khi mQt qulic gia c6 GDP ldn hcrn GNP c6 thA k6t ludn dugc
a. Thu nhAp cria nguoi d trong nu6c d nu6c c. Thu nhdp cria nguoi d trong nudc d nu6c
ngo2ri lon hon thu nhdp cria nguoi d nuoc ngodi bing thu nhAp cua nguoi nudc ngoiri d
ngo2ri trong qu6c gia tl6 trong qu6c gia d6
b. Thu nhdp cta ngudi I trong nuoc'd nuoc d. Chua th6 ktit lu4n diAu gi
ngodi nh6 hon thu nh{p cria ngudi nu6c ngodi
r: trong qu6c gia tl6
2. Khi nguoi tiOu dr)ng mua nhi nhiAu him, tti6u ndy sC lim tdng
a. Hang muc tidu'dirng crla hO' gia clinh trong c' HanB mgc chi tiOu chinh phrl trong t6ng
,,t.: , ^
b. Hang muc dau tu trong tong cau d. Chua the Ket luan ouoc

i. Cdc heng muc sau ddy dugc tinh trong GDP

a. Chi ti€u cta h6 gia dinh c. H2rng tdn kho

b. Khdu hao cua dAu tu cua hdng d. a, b.c

4. Ci6 tri crla s6 nhAn tidn se tang l€n khi
a. L,di suAt chi6t khAu tang , c. Tj'lQ sir dgng ti6n mdt tdng l6n
b. NgAn hdng trung udng gidm tf l0 du trt bit d. NgAn hdng Trung uong b6n tr6i phi6u trdn
bu6c thi tru<rng md
5. Cric yilu tii khac kh6ng ddi, khi ti lC dU trfr d6i thira cria h6 th6ng ngdn hang thuong mai gidm ili

s€ ldm
- I ., .,i.
a. Luong cung tiCn khdng d6i c. Lugng cung tidn gidm cli
.' I L i ^
b. Khd ndng tao tidn cira ngan hang thuong d. Uhua the 'Ket luan ougc !

mai tang ICn

6. Khi nguoi ddn kh6ng tin vdo sq an toin cia vidc thanh roiin bing the tin dung. diAu nriy c6 th6
din toi
, ^ .) ,-
^r nhdn
a. 56 tlen tang c. Luong cung ti6n kh6ng thaY d6i
.i ., .:, i , ^ r
b. 50 nhan tlen glaln u. chua tne Ket luan ougc
7. Khi lam phet d mirc qu6 cao, chinh phrl n6n su dgng
a. Chinh sach tei kh6a mo rQng vd chinh s6ch c. Chinh s6ch tdi kh6a chat vir chinh s6ch ti6n
ti€n t€ mo r6ng td l6ng
b. Chinh srich tii kh6a thdt chdt vd chinh s6ch d. Chinh s6ch tdi kh6a l6ng vd chinh sdch ti€n
tien tC thet chat tC chet

. 8. Gid tlinh c6c ytiu td khac khdng d6i, khi dAu tu rAt nhay cim vcri l6i suAt va ciu tid;n rAt nhay cdm
voi thu nhdp thi
a. chinh s6ch tdi kh6a vi tian t6 dAu hiQu qui c. chinh s6ch ti6n t€ k6m hi€u qua hon chinh
nhu nhau s6ch tdi kh6a

b. Chinh srich tiri kh6a k6m hi6u qud hcm d. Khdng th6 kiit luan duqc
chinh s6ch tidn t€
9. Gid dinh cdc yiiu tii khric kh6ng a6i, chinh s6ch tiAn te c6 the trd nen kem hi6u quA hcrn khi
0.. a. Ciu tidn nhay cim vtri ldi suAt c. Ciu ti6n k6m nhay cdm v6i ldi suAt
b. CAu tiiin kdm nhay cAm vcri thu nhap d. a vd b
I 0. Hdu qud c6 th6 xiy ra khi chinh phir sri d*ng chinh s6ch tai kh6a
nguoc chidu la
a. Thit nghi€p t6ng c' Thdm hut thucrng m4i tdng
b. ThAm hqt ngdn sech tdng l6n d. Kh6ng y6u t6 ndo o tr6n
I l. Khi chinh pht ting chi ti6u, sdn luong crAn bang ting vd l6i suAt gi6m.Trong trudng hqp niLy c6
thti: k6t luan
a. Cing voi vi6c tang chi ti6u, sti dpng chinh c. Chinh pht da tdng luong cung tiAn dA sn
srich tdi kh6a md rQng dung chinh sdch ti6n t6- mo r6ng
b. Chinh phri dE sti dpng cl6ng thdi chinh s6ch d. Chinh phir da sri dqng chinh s6ch tidn tQ vd
tiri kh6a mo r6ng vd chinh srich tiAn td mo tii kh6a thit chat
gi6 hdm i reng
12. Trong m6 hinh AD-AS, su gia tdng cua t6ng cAu kh6ng lim thay d6i mirc
a. Outrng eS thing c' Sdn lucrng thuc t6 beng san lugng tiem
b. Duong AS nim ngang ndng
d. Chua thd k6t ludn duoc


13. Trong ngin han, khi c6 cdc y5u ti5 t6c ddng lAm duong t6ng cAu dich chuy6n sang phii vir
duong t6ng cung dich chuyin sang tr6i, ta c6
a. Muc gi6 vd sdLn lugng c6n bing sE tdng c. Mric sin luqng cen biing tdng, cdn gid cdn
b. Muc giri vi sdn luong cdn bang s6 gidm bing kh6ng d6i
d. Muc gi6 cAn bing tdng, cdn sin luong cdn
bang thi chua thd k6t lu{n ttuoc
14. Theo m6 hinh AD- AS, khi c6c nu6c lA thi truong xudt khdu chi lgc cria Vi6t Nam suy tho6i
kinh t6 s€ lirm :
a. Xu6t khAu cira ViQi Namgiim c. Ti lQ l4m ph6t d ViQt Nam tang ldn
b. Sdn luong cta Vi6t Nam gidm d. avdb
I 5. Lqrn ph6t do chi phi dAy c6 thii dan toi

a. Gid hdng h6a tiing l6n c. Gi6 hang h6a tang l6n vi sAn luqng tdng
b. Ndn kinh t6 dinh trc d. a vd b

Cdu2 (2 di6m): Bni tflP

Ndn kinh ti! c6 chinh phi vdi cric s6 lieu nhu suu'
C = 100+0,5Yd
I =200
G - 100

Trong C Ii chi ti6u cua h6 gia dinrr, I ld diu tu cira hang, G ld chi ti6u chinh pht, Yd In thu nh6p
khd dung (thu nhap sau thu6); Eon vi: nghin ty ti6ng

Gid sft nin kinh d itdng:

a. Tinh san lugng cAn bang cria nOn kinh t6 trong trulng hqp chinh pht d6nh thuii su6t theo thu nhdp,
t= I0%?

b. Chinh phri mu6n rang thu thut ndn mu6n ddnh th6m thuiS U dinh T=100 ctrng v6i thu6 suAt nhu
c6u a, hdy tinh sdn luqng cAn bang msi crla ndn kinh 6?

c. Khi chinh phn titip tuc cl6nh thuai- si:,it vd thu6 tg dinh nhu cau b, nhmg. tdng thuti tU dinh. th€m
2012 vir mang chi tieu toan b0 du6i d4ng chi ti6u chinh phri (G), trdy cho biet san lugng cin bang s6
tang hay giam? mirc thay d6i nhiau hcm, it hon hay beng mric thu6 tu dinh tluo. c cldnh th6m? Giei

Gid sir nin kinh il! chttyin.sengzi, kinh td m0:

voi c, t. G nhu iliu bai, bi6t chinh phri chi d6nli m6t loai thu6 su6t theo thu nh4p, t=10%, khuynh
huong (xu huong) nh4p khdu c6n bien (MPM) ld 0,2, xuAt khAu fi) bing 100.
d. Hay tinh sdn lucrng cdn bang cira ndn kinh t6? Ntiu v6n duy tri thuii suAt, chinh phir mu6n kich
thich sdn luqng bang c6ch teng chi ti6u, trong trudng hqp nAn kinh tii d6ng hay kinh tti md sE c6 hiqu
qud hon? Gidi thich?


Trang 4/4
TRI'dNG D4JH9C NGO4I THI'ONG Ei THr fl.ryiNSINH cAo Eec DEr r NiM 2012
HoTDONG TUyfN srf.E sauEArHgc M6n thi: TOAN Ifl\TH Tf
Thii sian ldn bdi: IEO

ciul(2iti6m).chohamsdnxu6t e:zloK1Ftl' (x>0,r,>o) tong116 e-sdnlupng,K-vrin, r-laod6ng.

a. Tim vd giii thich f nghia kinh ti! cin 0Q / Ak : Ql*; 0e :
/ 0L Qt tai tti6mK = 24t,L :22.
b. Tim c6c hO s6 co gian ri€ng cua Q theo K, theo Z .
c. Vsi hAm san xu,it tr6n, khi t?ing quy m6 thi hiQu qua c6 teng hay kh6ng ?
d. Ham sii de cho c6 th6a man lu{t tsi i.h Uien iiam aAn nay iOOng
Ciu2(1 fi5m).Chohnmsnnx*itq-800K2/3Lv4 (K>0.,L>0)rongd6e-sd.nluqnrg, K-vi;aL-
lao dQng. Ggi Pp, P6, P, l6n tuqt h gi6 htn m0t san phim, gi6 thuO mQt don vi viin vi gi6 thu6 mgt dm vi lao
<lQng. Hay &ic dlnh vtSn vA lao ilQng sao cho lqi nhu{n d?t cgc tli biiit po:I p* pt = 150 .
, , -lee
C = 0,8Ya
Cnu 3 (2 rli€m). Cho m6 hinh
M - 0,2Ya
trongd6:Z-thunhfp, fr-thunhfpkhadllng, d-ti€udtrag, M-nh;fpkhiu, Io-cliutu,
Go- chi ti€u chinh phi, X, - *oAt miq t -thu6 suit.

a.Khi.[o,f kh6ngiliiivA I tlcrnvi, X,gianr <bnv!thithunhgpcanbenC Y'thayti6ith6nno?

b. Gid sri Io = 270;Go = 43q4 = 3aQt : O,Z ttrt nAn kinh t6 tgng du hay thim hlr ngen s6ch, thing
du haY th6m hu1 thuong mai?
c.Cho 1o =270 Xo= 340;t:0,2 tim Go ACthunhipcanbangh2100.
d. Cho 1o :340;4 : SO0;4 - 400 tim t rtd cAn diSi <tuo. c ngAn srich.
ci'' 4 (2 di6n). cho biiin ngiu nhi€n X c6 phdn phrii chuin voi ki vqng ld 30 vd phuong sai 4. L6y
m6t mdu ng6u nhi€n voi cd mAu li 25.
a. Neu (c9 ch?ng minh) quy lu{t phen phiii xic sudt cua trung binh miu .t . Tinh k} vgng vd phuong
sai cua X.
b. Tun k di! ry lQ gita phuong sai miu vd phucng sai t6ng thii it nhft ld k voi x6c su,it ld 0,05.
ciu 5 (2 di5n). D6 didu_ra thoi gian hoan thanh mQt san phim hiQn nay cria c6ng nhen rong m6J xi
ta n nhi€n 100 nhdn vi thu k6t sau :
Thoi gian (phnt) t2-13 t3-r4 14-15 15-16 t6-17 17-18 18- 19 t9-20
56 c6ng nh6n 6 l0 l5 z) 19 l6 7
Biet thdi gian hoan thanh mQt san phArn la Ui6n ng6u nhien ffiffi
a. Hay u<r9 luqng thoi gian trung binh c6ng nhdn hoan thanh mQt san phAm vcri d0 tin cdy 95%o.
b. Hq kiem dinh xem dQ biiin dQng cria thoi gian hoan thdnh mQt san phim lsn hon ilay nh6 hcrn 2
(ph[t)' voi mftc ! ngtia 5%o.
CAU 6 (l
ili6m). Ngucri ta ti6n hanh m6t cu6c nghidn criu d6 so siinh mric luong trung binh cua phu nt
vqi mric luong trung binh cua nam gioi trong mot trong q lsn. Didu tra mot miu goh too phu nt c6
mric luong trung binh 7,33 d6la/gid vcri dQ lQch ti€u chriin ld 1,64 d6la/gid. M6imiu knric g6m 75
nam gioi c6 mrlc luong trung binh h 8,00 tt6la/gid voi d0 lOch ti€u chuin ld 1,83 d6la/gid. SOlieu Aa
cho c6 th6 cho rdng mric lucrng trung binh cua phr,l nt trong cdng ty thdp hon mric luong trung binh
cta nam gioi hay kh6ng? Mric f nghia a : SVo .

Cho bi6t:u0,,, : 1,96;uo.u, : 1,64s;x;,* (e9) : 123,23;d,," (ee) :7r,046ilc.""(24): za,us;4.(za,) : r3,eaa

Crin b6 coi thi kh6ng gini thich gi thdm! 56 brio danh:.

BO cIAo DUc vAoAo r4o
Mdn thi: f iilng enh - DC 0l
HQto0NcrwEN stls
Thdi gian: 90 Phtit

Ho vd tAn thi sinh:

puAx rnAc NGrrrpM:

tr6ng vd viiit h;a chgn cria minh A/B/C/D
Dian tir: Thi sinh llra chgn cau tra ldi cl6 didn vdo ch6
phi6u tri ldi theo s6 tuong img. , r^-
^ form o1
I In 1796 investigations into the chemical nature
of diamond concluded =-- a

pure carbon.
C. that it is D. is that
A. that it B. is it
grouP of merchants
2. The English colonization of Virginia was devised in 1606 by a
the Virginia ComPanY of London'
A. who formed B. formed C' who they formed D' they formed

. The hourglass, an instrument used usually consists of two bulbs united by a nanow

neck. ----,
A. measures time B' time is measured
C. for measuring time
D' the time for measuring
_- radio and light waves'
4. A master is an electronic apparatus that
i. g"n".t"awas amplifred B' generating and amplifuing
-u D' to generate and amplif,
C. lenerates andamplifies
5. The human skin forms -_--- against the action ofphysieal' chemical' and bacterial
on the deePer tissues.
A. how protective a barrier is B' a protective barrier
C. a barrier protects D' and which a barrier prctects
6. Among the 450 artworts in the White House art
A. as is Mary Cassatt s Young Mother and Two Childr€n
B. is Mary Cassatt's Young Mother and Two Children
C. which is Mary Cassatt's Young Mother and Two Children -'
D. Mary Cassatt's Young Mother and Two Children
a consolidated
An unconsolidated aggregate of silt particles is also termed silt'
aggreg te is called siltstone.
B. whY D. whether
A. which C' whoreas
gained critical acclaim when he
8. In 1864 the American Shakespearean actor Edwin Booth
Hamlet at the Winter Garden Theafre in New York City'
A p"tf"* B. performed C' had been performing D. having Performed

9. are chiefly derived from Petroleum.

A. Plastics todaY B. There are plastics todaY
C. Because todaY Plastics todaY D, Due to plastics today
the orange, although
10. Most tangerine trees and their flowers and fruits resemble
tangerines are generallY smaller
B. which of those C' those of D' which are of
A. of those
I l. Over the centuries, that try to explain the origins of the university'
A. although manY theories B. manY theories
C. have manY theories been D. there have been manY theories
and mass Earth, with a similar
12. The planet Venus is almost exactly the same size
Page I l/4
interior, including a nickel-iron core.
A. to B. as C. is D. than
13. George Washington Carver intemational fame for revolutionizing agriculture
research in the southern United States during the early tlventieth century.
A. won B. winning C. who has won D. the winner of
14. Constituting one ofthe earliest engineering techniques, in Paleolithic time was done
in order to extend natural caves.
A. tunnels were built B. which built tunnels
C. the building oftunnels D. tunnels whose building
15. The tulip native to the eastem United States, the tallest and largest broadleaf
A. where B- where it is C. it is wherc',, D. is where
16. _ of pottery is dependent on the durability ofclay after firing.
A. To make B. The making C. When to D. It is making
17. Pig iroq wrought iron, and steel contain iron cartides made upof_ of carbon.
A. amounts are different B. different amounts that
C. differcnt amounts D. which amounts are different
18. The Arctic fox is found throughout the Arctic, usually on tundra or mountains _ the
A. by which near B. near of C. because near D. near
19. The midge _ to any of sevoial spocies of small flies, refers to a mosquitoJike insect
with slender wings and body, Iong legs, and antennac.
A. which a term applied B. a term applied
C. is a term applicd D. applied a term
20. The face is the most _ of a human being.
A. part is distinctly B. distinction in part C. distinctive part D. part of distinction
21. Managers often receive considerable training in the "technical" aspects oftheirjobs
very little in the "people managcrnent" aspects.
A. so as
B. just C. yet D. and that
22. Areas of fertile soil called deltas, usually are formed by mud deposited at the mouth
ofa river.
A. triangular in shape B. their shape is riangular
C. thcy have a triangular shape
-_ D. triangular shape
23. Though a respected educator, Alexander Graham Bell the inventor ofthe telephone.
A. as is bcst known B. best knorvn as is
C. is hest known as D. best is known as
24. Not until the First World War _ to improve the road system in the United States.
A. a detcrmined effort was made B, made a determined effort
C. when a determined effort was made D. was a determined effort made
25. Often invisible, always in motion, gas is _ of matter.
A. the state is most energetic B. stating the most energetic
C. the most energetic state D. the state that most energetic

Xic {tinh l6i: tlhi sinh lga chon phdn gpch chin c6 l6i vi vi6t lua chgn cria minh A./B/C/D vio
phi6u tre ldi theo s6 tuong fmg.
26. The constitution ofNew Hampshire, g second oldest among those ofthe fifty states, was
in 1784.
Page l2/4
27- Elinor Wylie's writings consist ofeight books. four novels and four volumes ofpggl6 in
which she displayed a knowledge ofboth history and literature.
28. In addition to their usefulness as scavengers, birds are of enormous val}e to humans because of
A, B C
they eat insects and control the spread of weeds.

29. When precipitation occurs, !g!qg of it evaporates, some runs off$g surface it strikes, and some
sinkine into the ground.
30. The astronauts chosen for flv the first United States spacecraft y9p selected from military test
31. Lake houq fish usually findine in deep, cool lakes, are greenish gray and are covered with pale
32. Durine the first 20 years ofthe space age, the United States spent more than 90 billion dollars
onto its civilian and military space programs.
33. Vitamins A and C and most of the B vitamins are. retain in foods that have been canned.
34. Ella Baker spent her adult life workhg for social change !y lecoring, writing, teacher. and
organizing adult lileracy BggggpqX.
35. Gold can combined with silver in any proportian, but alloys with 50 to 60 percent silver are
the stonsest.
36. By 1899 Ransom Olds had establish in Detroit, Michigan, the first factory in the United States
for the manufacture of automobiles.
37. The hogressive Movement is an umbrella term refer to a number of reform efforts that emersed
in the early 1900's.
38. The pelican is a water bird with a larse pouch attached to its bill, which it uses gg a scoop for
catch small fish.
39. The invention ofreinforced concrete, plate glass, and steel in the mid-1800's was enabled
architects to desisn and build extremely tall constructions, qI "skyscrapers."
40. Acoustics, the study ofsounds, is one ofthe oldest ofthe plyqlgq[y sciences.
Page | 3/4
4l. Some fish havq whiskers, which are sensory organs used for touching and tasting, and which are

heloful when are thev searching for food in sand and mud.
42. Cement is produced commerciallv by to heat a mixture of limestone and clay in a large, slowly
rotating cylindrical firmace.
43. In addition to aopropriatins the subiect matter of mass culture, the pop art movement of the
1950's utilized various technique of mass production.
44. Practical problems limit the abilitv of astronomers to determine the mass of asteroids, who are
A B ,C
small planetary bodies orbitine the Sun.
45. An accomplished saxophonist and comooser. John Coltrane Qeeun his career olavins in the big
bands ofthe early 1950's.
46. The pear tree has simple. oval leavcs that.are smoother and shinier than them ofthe apple.
47. In thc orbit of a BbgE! arouad,the Sun, the mint closest to the Sun is called it the perihelion.
48. In the early 1900's, Roy Harris crcated and promoted a diglinctlv American stvle ofclassical
music and grcatly influenced a number of comooser in the United States.
49. Thc eighteenth century witnessed the enrersence of North Ainerican ports, @L!gUl4! Boston,
New York, and Fhiladelphi4 as major commercial centers yj$!g the British empire.
50. Guitarlike instruments have exist since ancicnt times, fu; the first written mention of the guitar
!99,[f is from the founeenth century.

pffAx vI6,f: Thi sinh vii5t mEt bdi luin b6ng titing Anh c6 <10 ddi khoang 200 tir vdo phAn vilit
trong phi6u ai ldi theo chri dd cho du6i cldy.

If you were an employer, which kind of workcr would you prefer to hire: ot
inexperienced workzr
at a lower salary or an experienced worker at a higher salary? Use spectfic reasow and details to
support )/our answer.

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