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“They confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.

Wherefore God is not

Pilgrims Journal
ashamed to be called their God: for He hath prepared for them a city.” (Heb 11:13–16)..

New Testament Ministries • 507 Orange St., Newark, NJ 07107, USA • Phone: (973) 485–1181 • Email:
Number 67 September–October 2007

Adapted from a message given by the late Pastor T.U. Thomas

J esus answered, “There was once a man

who was going down from Jerusalem
to Jericho when robbers attacked him,
keeper, ‘and when I come back this way, I
will pay you whatever else you spend on
him’” (Lk 10:30-35 GNB).
stripped him, and beat him up, leav- This parable of the Good
ing him half dead. It so happened that Samaritan has been known and loved
a priest was going down that road; but by Christians throughout the centu-
when he saw the man, he walked on by on ries. This poignant tale was Jesus’ reply
the other side. In the same way a Levite to the question, “Who is my neighbor,
also came there, went over and looked at whom I must love as myself?” In the
the man, and then walked on by on the crowd Jesus had been addressing, there
other side. But a Samaritan who was was a teacher of the law who wanted
traveling that way came upon the man, to know how to obtain eternal life,
and when he saw him, his heart was filled and the Lord had him answer his own
with pity. He went over to him, poured oil question by relating the two greatest
and wine on his wounds and bandaged commandments: loving God with ev-
them; then he put the man on his own erything, and loving his neighbor as
animal and took him to an inn, where he himself. Perhaps the questioner real-
took care of him. The next day he took out ized that there might be some in the
two silver coins and gave them to the inn- crowd who could easily find him guilty
keeper. ‘Take care of him,’ he told the inn- on the second requirement. So, more to
justify himself than to clear the air, he have our excuses for hurting others,
asked for the “technical” definition of a while God was calling us to be like the
neighbor. Samaritan, to help those whom others
While the moral of the story is have wounded.
easily understood by even a small Someone shared with me this vi-
child, there are also other jewels to be sion he had: all of us as God’s people
mined from this parable. Of the cast were in church singing, “Hail to the
of characters created by Jesus for this King, glory to the King!” Then Jesus
illustration, each has his own message came, but not with a crown of gold, or
to preach to us, not by dialogue, but by a royal robe. He was wounded all over,
actions. We’ll consider them as they wearing the crown of thorns, and He
appear in the story, and ask yourself gently asked, “My children, do you re-
another question as we do: “Which one ally mean that? Look at Me. Your be-
is a picture of me?” havior has done this.” Roman soldiers
The Thieves: Agents of Pain mockingly said, “Hail the King!” as
In the very first sentence of the they beat him and bowed before Him.
parable, the thieves come on the scene Haven’t we also been Roman soldiers,
with action: to immediately attack and piercing and grieving God’s heart? Let
wound the victim. Perhaps you may us ask the Lord to forgive and change
think that this character would bear us, that we might be those who bind up
the least resemblance to yourself, as you wounds, not those who cause them.
have never stolen anything from any- The Victim: Stages of Death
one. These thieves however are hardly “He found me bleeding and dy-
seen stealing, but in their short inter- ing on the Jericho road”—we can all
action with the man on the road, they identify with the man on the road in
left long-lasting wounds. How many this way. Once we were lost in sin, and
people have you wounded in the past? Jesus found us. The greatest miracle
How many have been hurt because of that Jesus can do on earth is to save a
your words, your attitudes, the way you sinner. That is a greater miracle than
do things? Are you not then like these calling Lazarus out of the tomb. Many
thieves, stealing peace and joy? years ago Jesus forgave all my sins and
The thieves could have had an ex- saved me; and ever since, heaven is in
cuse, though. “This man deserved it, my heart! Now, all the way to heaven is
didn’t he, because he was going back heaven because of Jesus.
from Jerusalem to Jericho? We have The Bible speaks of different types
actually stopped him.” When we are of spiritually dead people. There are
wounding others, we normally have those who are dead in trespasses and
good reasons. Dear children of God, sins: sinners (Eph 2:1). The victim in
in the sight of God there is no excuse. this story, however, shows another
How many times have our tongues state of spiritual death: he was left
been worse than the knives that these half-dead. Who is a half-dead man?
thieves would have been carrying? He is halfway between Jerusalem and
Today itself, have you hurt anyone? Jericho: half-spiritual and half-unspiri-
Will you humbly admit before God tual; half-godly and half-worldly. Such
that you are a thief? God has been people end up nowhere, unable to do
patient with us, has continued to love anything. How do you know if you are
us, and we have continued to come to half-dead? Like this man, you will be
God’s house: but that doesn’t change often wounded. Every little thing hurts
the fact that we have been thieves. We you, offends you, wounds you. Like a

spiritual diabetic, your wounds take no time for God. In time to come, you
very long to heal. Often little children, will definitely regret it. Once the devil
with only a minor cut, will say, “I need has sucked your health and wealth out
a big bandage!” Some children of God of you, he will discard you as an orange
also have that habit. When a very little squeezed of its juice. Just as this victim
hurt comes, they make mountains out on the Jericho road, the devil will strip
of molehills, and “show and tell.” you, wound you—and then leave you
This man was stripped of what he half-dead.
had when he was wounded. If you are The Priest and the Levite:
often hurt, you are vulnerable to the Impotent Bystanders
enemy. Of course, what is being hurt is While this helpless victim lay na-
our pride, nothing else. The more pride ked in the pool of his own blood, there
we have, the more we feel the offense. were others traveling on that same
Some are spiritual “touch-me-not” highway. They slowed down enough to
plants: at the lightest stroke, their faces see the accident there, but not enough
droop. Do you find yourself here in this to be of any help. First came the priest,
character, half-dead and often wound- who is a symbol here of the failure of
ed? Thank God for a Good Samaritan religion to help fallen man. Religion is
Who is willing to heal us! all about God, but it is not God. God
Jude tells of another group of dead: alone can be the Savior of man. After
the twice-dead (Jude 12). These were the priest came the Levite, who in this
once saved from the state of being dead story stands for moral decisions. Fallen
in trespasses and sins; but then these man may make so many decisions and
went back again to their old life. In dedications on his own to make his life
other words, twice-dead are backslid- right, but that cannot save him.
ers. There are backsliders who leave the Regarding both of these passers-
church, but the worst type of backsliders by, the Bible shows their coming was
are those who have backsliding in their mere happenstance. “By chance” a
heart, and with that demon they come priest came, “likewise” a Levite came.
to church. Their bodies are in church, They saw a man in obvious need, but
but their hearts are far from God. did nothing to help him. It just so hap-
Returning to our half-dead man, pened that they came—and went, just
he fell among thieves because of leaving as they came. Thank God in heaven
Jerusalem—the presence of God, and that there was Another on that road!
going to Jericho—the world. If you go The Good Samaritan:
towards the world, this is what the devil Compassion in Action
will do: he will drain out the prime of “A certain Samaritan, as he jour-
your life, and then leave you half-dead. neyed, came where he was: and when he
Those who serve the devil will definitely saw him, he had compassion on him…”
live to regret it, or die with eternal regret. This Samaritan didn’t just come “by
Give your life to serve Jesus. Especially chance,” as the others, but “by choice.”
when you are young do what you can It was not the wounded man that saw
for Jesus. I am glad that as a teenager I the Samaritan, or asked for help, or
was able to give my life to Jesus to serve went to him; the Samaritan went to the
Him. If the vanities of the world carry wounded man, saw him, and helped
you away from the presence of God, and him without being asked. What a mar-
you are lost in gaining and getting mon- velous story of love we find in Jesus!
ey, working part-time, overtime, and The Samaritan came to the bleed-
any other available time, you will have ing man, and “had compassion on

him….” The difference between the beautiful with it. A former chief pastor,
compassion of Jesus and our compas- Pastor Freddy, used to often say, “God
sion is that He moves with compas- can make a message out of your mess.”
sion. Sometimes we have compassion, That is wonderfully true. In my case, I
but it doesn’t move us to do anything was terribly dull in my studies, failing
for God. Dear child of God, there are two years of schooling. I knew I was
so many wounded people all over the not going to make it—but Jesus made it!
world. There are so many half-dead and When Jesus came into my life, almost
dying people; AIDS and so many other at the end of my high school days, I felt
things have made people hopeless and He gave me a brand new mind. In your
helpless. The Lord is asking, “What are academics, in your spiritual life, at your
you doing in this world that I have giv- workplace—wherever you find failure,
en you?” There are so many “neighbors” give it to Jesus and He will do every-
waiting for our help. thing for you.
The Samaritan then went to him, This good Samaritan poured in oil
“bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and and wine, and bound up the wounds—
wine, and set him on his own beast, and all without being asked. He obviously
brought him to an inn, and took care of came down from the beast on which
him.” Many of God’s children feel that he was traveling in order to put the
God does not care for them. Before the wounded man there. Our Jesus came
Samaritan could care for this man, he down from the glory of heaven so that
had to first tend to his wounds. Do you we might be lifted up there. What a
allow the Lord to deal with your hurts? wonderful story of love!
If the good Samaritan cannot touch Have you noticed the Samaritan’s
your old offenses, if you want to cling care for this man? The 35th verse be-
to pains from the past, then you must gins, “On the morrow,” meaning that
remain on the Jericho road. If you say, this care continued throughout the
“No, don’t touch that area!” how can He night. For every little detail of your life,
lift you and take you from there? Jesus wants to take care of you. Once it
Is there anyone of whom you say, “I happened that on a fasting day, I had to
do not want to see that person’s face”? wash the faith home car. The weather
Do you know what happens if you die was cold, and I would have to bring wa-
in that state? You will not see the face of ter in buckets from the faith home to
Jesus. Learn to see Him in others; allow rinse. I had just finished applying the
Him to pour in oil and wine, and bind soap, and went to the faith home to
up your broken heart. begin to bring water. While I was in-
He Carries, and He Cares side, a heavy downpour suddenly fell
After dealing with these sensitive for about ten minutes. God washed the
wounds, the Samaritan then carried car for me!
the man. Jesus knows when, in our After taking care of that wounded
weakness, we are unable to walk. Allow man throughout the night, what did
Him to treat your pains with the oil and this Samaritan do? “And on the mor-
wine of the Father’s love and grace, and row when he departed, he took out two
you will be privileged to be carried by pence, and gave them to the host, and said
Him. Finally we will be carried in the unto him, ‘Take care of him; and what-
air. Dear child of God, this Christian soever thou spendest more, when I come
life is a beautiful life. again, I will repay thee.’” Not only did the
Give your weakness and failures Samaritan bring him to the inn, there
into His hands, He will do something he also took care of him. That inn is the

house of God. We were bleeding and but these “two pence” are absolute es-
dying on the Jericho road, but the Lord sentials. Jesus brought fullness of grace
Jesus bound the wounds and carried us and truth. These are the two things
to His house. needed to look after the church, to pres-
“I’ll Be Back—Meet Me Here” ent every man perfect in Christ Jesus.
The only dialogue in the story gives Without truth, grace will be in vain;
us an important warning. When the without grace, we cannot live the truth.
Samaritan was ready to go, he spoke of The good Samaritan told the inn-
his return. He was not coming again to keeper, “When I come back this way, I
the road where he found the man, but will pay you whatever else you spend on
to the place where he brought him to him.” What must a servant of God add
be cared for. Remain faithful to the fel- to the grace and truth given, to give full
lowship to which the Lord has brought care? Paul, a true servant of God and
you. Some people go from church to of the church, said, “[I] now rejoice in my
church, like spiritual gypsies. If the good sufferings for you, and fill up that which
Samaritan returned to the inn, and did is behind of the afflictions of Christ in
not find the man there, his purpose and my flesh for His body’s sake, which is the
plan in bringing him there would have church” (Col 1:24). For the sake of the
been defeated. Do you have that vision truth and grace, we have been called to
about the church where you are wor- suffer. During a time when Protestants
shiping? Is your reason for worshiping were persecuted in England, Christians
there because God brought you there? would be kept in a cell at the Tower
Even after receiving the Holy Bridge in London, and from there be
Spirit I did not want to come and join taken one by one to the gallows. As one
this Pentecostal church; I wanted to Christian would be summoned for ex-
remain in my nominal church. Yet ecution, wanting to encourage the next
the Lord clearly told me, “If you want one on death row, he would write in his
to live a holy life, this is the fellowship own blood on the wall of the cell, “Be
that I want you to stay in.” Many times faithful unto death, and I will give you a
I walked fourteen miles to go to the crown of life.” Christians of this caliber
faith home, on a dusty road in the heat, are needed today, willing to lay down
though my old church was just around their lives for the truth, for holiness
the corner. In 1959, the Lord guided and righteousness.
me, the Good Samaritan brought me, Our Good Samaritan has gone
to this inn. According to His faithful with a promise that He will come
words, I have found a fellowship which back again. When He came the first
encourages a life of purity. If you want time, He came to the Jericho road to
to live a holy life, there are doctrines save sinners. The second time, how-
available for you. There may be at least ever, He will come to the inn, to the
some living a pure life, loving holiness. church—and that time is soon ap-
The Innkeeper: proaching. The Lord needs many inn-
Continuing Health Care keepers; there are so many wounded
The Samaritan gave two pence to people to tend to. Will you lay down
the innkeeper. The inn being the house your life for Jesus to carry on His
of God, the innkeeper then speaks of the work? Seeing how He has cared for
servants of God. Two pence are given to us, when we were bleeding and dying,
them to continue the care that the good how can we remain in this world in-
Samaritan had begun. They may not differently without loving and serving
have much education or great degrees, Him? It is glorious to serve Jesus! ❏

“The Lord loveth the gates of Zion more himself (Isa 14:12-14). Since King David
than all the dwellings of Jacob. Glorious conquered the physical Zion, and then
things are spoken of thee, O city of God...” established Zion and Jerusalem, perhaps
(Psa 87:2-3). no other city in the world has suffered
Zion is a glorious place which can be so much controversy, bloodshed, and
studied from the holy scriptures in three warfare. Even today the ownership of
contexts. Firstly, historic Zion was an ac- current day earthly Jerusalem is being
tual location in the promised land, con- argued over by the nations and peoples of
quered by King David. He established both the world. This was clearly foretold in the
his residence and the seat of Israel’s govern- words of the prophet Zechariah: “Behold, I
ment there (2Sam 5:6-10). There David also will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto
built the city of Jerusalem, the city chosen all the people round about.... And in that day
by God in which to establish His name and will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone
His presence among His chosen people, for all people: all that burden themselves
the Israelites (2Chr 6:5-6). Secondly, Zion with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the
is seen in our New Testament age, as a people of the earth be gathered together
spiritual experience: God’s throne of grace, against it” (Zech 12:2-3). It is a contention
whereunto we may continuously resort. and a controversy that will only be
“Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne resolved by the battle, called in scripture,
of grace that we may obtain mercy, and find Armageddon (Rev 16:13-16). It cannot be
grace to help in time of need” (Heb 4:16). The resolved through a “roadmap to peace,” or
church of the New Testament has already other efforts of man. In fact, most of the
come unto Zion (Heb 12:22-24), and con- current political efforts for peace in the
tinues to do so in preparation for eternity. promised land are in clear opposition to
Thirdly, we may study the magnificent the revealed will of God. Therefore, they
beauties of the eternal Zion. This is the are indeed doomed for failure! Because
eternal dwelling place of God Himself, of the continual controversies regarding
where His throne resides. “The Lord hath Zion, we should not be surprised if debate
chosen Zion; He hath desired it for His habita- and controversy surround the discussion
tion. This is My rest forever: here will I dwell; of eternal Zion as well. One will say one
for I have desired it” (Psa 132:13-14). One thing, and another will say another thing
may perhaps say that Zion is to the eternal about Mount Zion, and who will dwell
heavens what the White House is now to there. But what does the Bible say? Let us
the USA, only much, much more! study and see!
Point of Controversy “Who Goes There?”
From the beginning, Zion has There is an age-old question in the
been surrounded by controversy and word of God inquiring about those who
contention. Even before the creation would dwell with God in Zion. “Lord, who
of man, it was sought after by Lucifer shall abide in Thy tabernacle? Who shall

dwell in Thy holy hill?…Who shall ascend the New Testament dispensation (Mat
into the hill of the Lord? Or who shall stand 11:11). John himself said, “He that hath
in His holy place?” (Psa 15:1; 24:3) We shall the bride is the Bridegroom (Jesus), but the
begin to consider a specific answer to that friend of the Bridegroom, which standeth
question. We must remind ourselves, that and heareth Him, rejoiceth greatly because of
in the end, it is God alone Who will de- the Bridegroom’s voice: this my joy therefore
cide those who are to dwell eternally with is fulfilled” (Jn 3:29). We find that he did
Him, on Mount Zion. For example, some not complain about his own inferior place
may believe that those in Zion will ex- to the bride, but rejoiced just to be near to
clusively be of a certain denomination of Jesus. Hallelujah! You are called with a far
churches, even our own. But such beliefs greater eternal purpose. Rejoice in it!
do not match with the Word of God! We It is important to note as well, that
should rather believe that it will be those the spiritual qualities of those in Zion are
who fulfill the qualifications set forth in expected to be seen, in varying degrees,
the Word of God who will be on Zion. in all of those in the New Jerusalem and
Such a calling, spiritual birth, and grace in the other eternal dwelling places in
can occur anywhere across the face of heaven. So their beautiful characteristics
this earth, amongst all nations, tribes and are not exclusive to those in Zion, but
tongues. There will be many surprises on rather, Zion is “the perfection of beauty”
the day of judgment (Mat 7:21-23). Jesus (Psa 50:2). The Christlike beauties found
tells us so when He says “many that are in those who dwell in eternal Zion are
first shall be last; and the last shall be first” unsurpassed by all others redeemed in
(Mat 19:27-30). “For now we see through a eternity. Let us begin to study some of
glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I those beautiful qualities by considering
know in part; but then shall I know even as one of the principal verses about those in
also I am known” (1Cor 13:13). eternal Zion.
Saints of the Highest Order Christ, the Beauty of Zion
From the entirety of the Word of God, “And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on
we can see that those in Zion are an elite the mount Sion, and with Him an hundred
group of servants of God, of the highest and forty and four thousand, having His
spiritual qualities. (You may have different Father’s name written in their foreheads”
thoughts about those on Zion. As always, (Rev 14:1).
you are welcome to write to us, care of this This verse wonderfully fulfills the
magazine, and express those thoughts.) As Old Testament prophecies which fore-
set forth in the last study, those on Mount told the Messiah would be eternally
Zion will be resurrected together as mem- established in Zion. “Yet have I set My
bers of the perfected church of the New King upon My holy hill of Zion” (Psa 2:6).
Testament Age. Those in Zion are them- “Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner Stone,
selves members of the Church of the New elect, precious...” (1Pet 2:6; Isa 28:16). From
Testament dispensation. The Bible reveals Revelation 1:4 we see that in eternity the
to us the greatness of our calling in this Lamb is the center of attention. This
New Testament dispensation, compared Lamb on Mount Zion is the Lord Jesus
to that of the past dispensations (for fur- Christ Himself (Jn 1:36). From this verse,
ther study on this topic please see, Pilgrims we see that Jesus Himself should be our
Journal #26, an article entitled “We Do Not goal in this life, more than Zion! The late
Know Where”). John the Baptist was the Pastor Don Spiers said, that if Jesus did
greatest saint of olden times, but he could not reign from Zion, but from the New
never enjoy all the manifold blessings of Earth instead, then he would prefer to

be on the New Earth with Christ. God are able.’ And He saith unto them, ‘Ye shall
Himself is the blessing of being in Zion. drink indeed of My cup and be baptized with
Without Him, it would never be fulfill- the baptism that I am baptized with: but to
ing. Paul said that he forsook all in order sit on My right hand and on My left, is not
to win Christ (Phil 3:7-14), not to win Mine to give, but it shall be given to them for
Zion. The Psalmist said, “Whom have I in whom it is prepared of My Father’” (Mat
heaven but Thee? and there is none on earth 20:21-24). Here we learn some important
that I desire beside Thee” (Psa 73:25). truths. In order to be on His right or left
Even in the Old Testament dis- hand, the disciples had to pass through
pensation, on his journey toward the the experiences that Christ had, including
promised land, Moses told the Lord, “If His sufferings. Clearly there is a price to be
Thy presence go not with me, carry us not paid! Note, that Jesus did not rebuke her
up hence” (Exo 33:15). Moses knew that for asking such a thing. God delights for us
only the immediate presence of God to desire to be near to Him eternally! To
could satisfy and sustain him. Similarly, obtain this, Jesus encouraged the disciples
in the eternal realms we see the twenty- to walk in His footsteps in order to end up
four elders falling down before Him and where He would be. Even then, it was not
casting their golden crowns before Him solely a matter of the capabilities of the dis-
(Rev 4:9-11). May we also make Christ ciples, but rather the calling of God. Jesus
our goal in this life and the next, more did not promise them the reward they re-
than any reward that He may bestow quested, but deferred to the Father’s pre-
upon us in eternity. All rewards, posi- determined plan. So, the rewards given are
tions, and authority are nothing com- firstly ‘prepared’ or predestinated by God
pared to Christ. He is the One Who en- the Father. However, it is crucial that each
ables us to be crowned with such a rich one yield to that calling and purpose, and
eternal inheritance. He is the Alpha pay the price in order to attain those re-
and Omega, the beginning and ending. wards. Even in many social functions such
“Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to re- as weddings or parties, one must first be
ceive power, and riches, and wisdom, and called in order to attend. Otherwise, you
strength, and honour, and glory, and bless- would be considered a “gatecrasher.” Such
ing” (Rev 5:12). “For of Him, and through were “the angels which kept not their first
Him, and to Him, are all things: to Whom estate,” and sought to forcibly take Zion
be glory for ever. Amen” (Rom 11:36). (Jude 6).
By Invitation Only O to Be with Christ on Zion!
From Psalm 2:6, we saw that it was Secondly we see that this group is
God the Father Who set Jesus on Zion. standing with Christ on Mount Zion.
Similarly, the 144,000 who attain that Although all of the redeemed will be
Mount Zion are placed there by God with the Lord in eternity, there are some
Himself. There is a very revealing passage who will be closer to Him than others.
of scripture that illustrates this: “And He Apparently those in eternal Zion expe-
said unto her, ‘What wilt thou?’ She saith rience the most intimate closeness to
unto Him, ‘Grant that these my two sons may Christ. It should be considered that in
sit, the one on Thy right hand, and the other on Jesus’ earthly life, there were some who
the left, in Thy kingdom.’ But Jesus answered forsook everything in order to be with
and said, ‘Ye know not what ye ask. Are ye Jesus and to fulfill His calling upon their
able to drink of the cup that I shall drink of, lives. Clearly, these were the servants of
and to be baptized with the baptism that I God who were chosen by God to do so.
am baptized with?’ They say unto Him, ‘We “And He goeth up into a mountain, and

calleth unto Him whom He would: and already saved during our present dispen-
they came unto Him. And He ordained sation, are also called to be the “soon-
twelve, that they should be with Him...” to-be-raptured” bride of Christ. “Ye [the
(Mk 3:13-14). At the last supper Jesus whole church] are called in one hope of your
commended the apostles by saying, “Ye calling” (Eph 4:1,4). Again, it is unfortu-
are they which have continued with Me, in nate that many who are saved do not ful-
My temptations” (Lk 22:28). The apostles fill this calling to be in the rapture (Rev
were also promised a place with Jesus in 12:1-6). Some within the church are also
eternity. “If any man serve Me, let him fol- called to the full-time ministry. “And no
low Me; and where I am, there shall also man taketh this honour unto himself, but he
My servant be...” (Jn 12:26). that is called of God, as was Aaron” (Heb
Called to Salvation 5:4). A great sadness may be with regards
The Bible leads us to understand to those who, though called of God to
that all of the true spiritual experiences give themselves wholly to serve Him,
that one may have in this life are actu- never obey that calling (Mat 19:16-26).
ally initiated by God Himself. Another Still more regrettable are those who do
Biblical term for this could be ‘calling.’ obey the calling, enter the ministry, but
This applies to our very salvation itself, are not faithful (i.e. Judas). May God give
as Jesus said, “No man can come to Me, each one of us, in this eleventh hour, the
except the Father which hath sent Me vision and desire to make our calling and
draw him...” (Jn 6:44; Acts 2:47; 13:48). election sure (2Pet 1:9). May He enable
When one understands that calling, and us, by His grace, to pay the price needful
believes it, then he is born again into a to fulfill His personal calling in each of
living spiritual experience (Jn 3:3-5). In our lives. “And they that are with Him are
our dispensation of the New Testament, 1.) called, and 2.) chosen, and 3.) faithful”
God calls all of mankind unto salvation (Rev 17:14). Instead of looking at some-
(2Pet 3:9; 1Tim 2:4; Jn 3:16). Sadly, rela- one like Judas who fell away from Christ
tively few respond to the call to be saved and His calling, let us rather behold
(Mat 7:13-14; 1Cor 1:26-31). Speaking the group who are standing with Him
in the earthly sense, it is impossible for there. We must fall down on our faces,
anyone to bring themselves to birth! and praise God, that He would save and
Also, one cannot call himself. Someone transform sinners from this fallen world,
else must do it. In the spiritual births, to dwell in that high and holy place. We
it is God Himself Who does it! “Which see in wonder how faithful God is to
were born, not of blood, nor of the will of build up Zion. Remember and be con-
the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of fident, that “the Highest Himself shall es-
God” (Jn 1:13). This apparently also ap- tablish her” (Psa 87:5). When we see this
plies to those in eternal Zion. “And of group standing with Jesus, we must say,
Zion it shall be said, ‘This and that man “The work shall be done.” Dear reader,
was born in her...’” (Psa 87:4-5). believe that God is able to finish “the good
Deep Calleth unto Deep work that He has started.” He will estab-
After responding to the call to be lish Zion forever as the joy of the whole
saved, there are other callings to respond earth. Those on Mount Zion, and those
to. “Who hath saved us, and called us with in the New Jerusalem as well, will eter-
an holy calling, not according to our works, nally stand as a testimony of the power
but according to His own purpose and of Christ’s redemptive work. Believe in
grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus the power of the work of Calvary’s cross,
before the world began” (2Tim 1:9). Those and that of the risen Christ! ❏

Part 6 – Where Is the Lamb?
Something was missing. This was psalmist says, “As the hart panteth after
the third day of their journey and they the water brooks, so panteth my soul after
could now see their destination. Isaac Thee, O God. My soul thirsteth for God,
was loaded down with the firewood; for the living God: when shall I come
his father, Abraham, had the fire and and appear before God?” (Psa 42:1-2)
the knife. “But—” interjected a puzzled After Adam and Eve sinned, they
Isaac, “where is the lamb for the hid themselves from the presence of the
burnt offering?” (Gen 22:7) His father Lord among the trees of the garden. They
responded, “My son, God will provide were apart from God now—alone—for
Himself a lamb for a burnt offering” (Gen the first time in their lives. But He came
22:8). Yes, God has provided that missing and searched for them, and found them,
something; He has provided a Lamb. supplying skins to cover their nakedness.
Isaac’s life was forever changed that Those skins would have required the
day. There he was, bound and lying on death of some animals which God had
top of the firewood which was on top created. God was reaching out, willing
of the altar. His father’s hand held a to give the life of animals for the sake of
knife. Now he knew: he was to be the fallen Adam and Eve.
burnt offering. But suddenly, the ordeal But, even from the foundation of
came to a halt. God accepted Abraham’s the world, God had prepared a far greater
wholehearted offering of his son whom Sacrifice for man. God had provided a
he loved. A ram was provided to be Lamb, the Lord Jesus Christ, Who sat-
offered in Isaac’s place. isfies all of man’s needs. He is the Lamb
God has demonstrated His great love slain from the foundation of the world (Rev
for us through giving us His Son. “For 13:8). His entire life upon earth was a liv-
God so loved the world, that He gave ing sacrifice. He understood the purpose
His only begotten Son, that whosoever for which He came, as we can see from
believeth in Him should not perish, but Hebrews 10:5-7: “Wherefore when He
have everlasting life” (Jn 3:16). Christ cometh into the world, He saith, ‘Sacrifice
showed us that love by His willingness and offering Thou wouldest not, but a
to lay down His life for us. “And walk body hast Thou prepared Me: in burnt
in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and offerings and sacrifices for sin Thou hast
hath given Himself for us an offering and had no pleasure. Then said I, Lo, I come
a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling (in the volume of the book it is written of
savor” (Eph 5:2). Me,) to do Thy will, O God.’”
Isaac’s query for that missing some- This Lamb was seen as a type and
thing is a reflection of the need that ev- shadow in the Passover lamb which was
ery person has. There is an emptiness in required to be without blemish. So, we
our lives that needs to be filled, a need to have been redeemed with the precious
be reconciled to God. Innate in man is blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blem-
a longing for fellowship with God. The ish and without spot (1Pet 1:19).

This Lamb was humiliated by men. and strength, and honor, and glory, and
“He was led as a sheep to the slaughter, and as blessing.” He also heard every creature
a lamb before his shearers is dumb, so He which is in heaven, and on the earth,
opened not his mouth” (Acts 8:32). “He and under the earth, and such as are in
was despised and rejected of men; a Man the sea saying, “Blessing, and honor,
of sorrows, and acquainted with grief ” and glory, and power, be unto Him that
(Isa 53:3). He suffered many things at the sitteth upon the throne, and unto the
hands of sinful men, and was esteemed Lamb for ever and ever” (Rev 5:11-13).
as nothing. His visage was marred, and The Lamb is worthy of all worship and praise
He had no beauty that we should desire throughout eternity.
Him. Those that watched Him as He The Lamb opened the seals that
hung upon the cross laughed at Him and brought God’s judgment to the earth,
mocked Him. They looked and stared and John saw “the kings of the earth and
upon Him. They cast lots for His gar- the great men, and the rich men, and the
ments. Meanwhile, He was drying up chief captains, and the mighty men, and
with thirst, and all His bones were com- every bondman, and every free man,”
ing out of joint. To us the physical suf- hiding themselves in the dens and in the
ferings He endured while dying on that rocks of the mountains. He heard them
cross are unimaginable, and could only saying to the rocks and the mountains,
be understood by one who has endured “Fall on us, and hide us from the face of
crucifixion. Him that sitteth on the throne, and from
Yet, much worse than the physical the wrath of the Lamb. For the great day of
sufferings was the experience of being His wrath is come; and who shall be able
made a curse for us as He bore the sin of to stand?” (Rev 6:15-17) This Lamb Who
the world that day. There was Jesus, the meekly endured affliction and shame will one
Lamb without guile, bearing the shame day be seen as the Judge of all men. He will
of the world. As John the Baptist ex- be known as the One Who executes
claimed, “Behold, the Lamb of God, which God’s righteous judgments.
taketh away the sin of the world!” (Jn 1:29) During that time of tribulation, all
The apostle John, who recorded that dwell upon the earth shall worship
the quote above in his gospel, was given the antichrist, except those whose names
the opportunity to behold the Lamb in are written in the book of life of the
his revelation of heaven and of things to Lamb slain from the foundation of the
come. Here we’ll consider these revela- world (Rev 13:8). Many Spirit-baptized
tions of the Lamb. Christians left behind at the coming of
First, in heaven, John saw a Lamb the Lord will find grace to die as mar-
standing in the midst of the throne, looking tyrs during the great tribulation. These
as if it had been slain (Rev 5:6). This are the ones whose names are referred
Lamb was called the Lion of the tribe of to here as being written in the Lamb’s
Judah. He is a great and mighty King, book of life. They will be seen singing
having overcome sin and death, alive the song of the Lamb in heaven. “And I
forevermore. This Lamb alone was wor- saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with
thy to open the book that would reveal fire: and them that had gotten the vic-
God’s judgments upon earth. tory over the beast, and over his image,
In that vision of heaven, John also and over his mark, and over the number
heard the voices of ten thousand times of his name, standing on the sea of glass,
ten thousand and thousands of thou- having the harps of God. And they sing
sands of angels saying with a loud voice, the song of Moses the servant of God,
“Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to and the song of the Lamb, saying, ‘Great
receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and marvelous are Thy works, Lord

God Almighty; just and true are Thy The apostle saw the Lamb standing
ways, Thou King of saints’” (Rev 15:2- on Mount Zion, and with Him was a
3). The sea of glass mingled with fire special group. “And I looked, and, lo,
speaks of the intensity of the tribulation a Lamb stood on the mount Zion, and
and suffering these martyrs of the great with Him an hundred forty and four
tribulation will endure at the hands of thousand, having His Father’s name
the antichrist. John saw these martyrs written in their foreheads. These are
as a great multitude before the Lamb in they which follow the Lamb whither-
heaven. They will cry with a loud voice, soever He goeth. These were redeemed
“Salvation to our God which sitteth from among men, being the firstfruits
upon the throne, and unto the Lamb” unto God and to the Lamb” (Rev
(Rev 7:9-10). These will have washed 14:1,4). Those seen here with the Lamb have
their robes and a great high call-
made them white ing and serve Him
in the blood of the There is an emptiness in our faithfully. With
Lamb (Rev 7:14). lives that needs to be filled, Christ as the chief
The Lamb which a need to be reconciled to God Cornerstone,
is in the midst of they make up
the throne will the foundation of
feed them and lead them unto living the New Jerusalem. “And the wall of
fountains of waters (Rev 7:17). the city had twelve foundations, and in
John also saw the victorious church, them the names of the twelve apostles
caught up at the coming of Christ, when of the Lamb” (Rev 21:14).
the accuser of the brethren is cast down. The Lamb will come to earth as Lord
The testimony of this body of Spirit- of lords and King of kings. The antichrist
baptized believers is that they overcame and the armies of the earth will gather
the dragon by the blood of the Lamb (Rev against Him, but the Lamb will be vic-
12:11). Unlike the tribulation martyrs, torious. “These shall make war with the
they make full use of His blood now, in Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome
the time of grace. The shedding of His them: for He is Lord of lords, and King
precious blood has given us life, and it of kings: and they that are with Him
has wonder-working power, are called, and chosen, and faithful”
• to cleanse us from sin: “…the blood (Rev 17:14). He will be seen on a white
of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from horse, His eyes as a flame of fire, and His
all sin” (1Jn 1:7). head crowned with many crowns. The
• to purge our consciences that we armies of heaven will follow Him into
might serve God: “How much more the battle. He will judge the nations at
shall the blood of Christ…purge your Armageddon. The antichrist and the
conscience from dead works to serve the false prophet will be cast into the lake
living God?” (Heb 9:14). of fire (Rev 19:11-12,14-15,19-20). There
• to justify us: “…being now justified are a group of people with the Lamb who are
by His blood…” (Rom 5:9). called, and chosen, and faithful. Many are
• to sanctify us: “…the blood of the called, but few are chosen. Let His cho-
covenant, wherewith he was sancti- sen ones be faithful.
fied…” (Heb 10:29). Those faithful ones will soon be wed
• to give us access to the most holy to the Lamb, and all heaven will rejoice.
place in God’s presence: “Having there- “And I heard as it were the voice of a
fore, brethren, boldness to enter into the great multitude, and as the voice of many
holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new waters, and as the voice of mighty thun-
and living way…” (Heb 10:19-20). derings, saying, ‘Alleluia: for the Lord

God omnipotent reigneth. Let us be glad “And the city had no need of the
and rejoice, and give honor to Him: for sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it:
the marriage of the Lamb is come, and His for the glory of God did lighten it, and
wife hath made herself ready. And to her the Lamb is the light thereof ” (Rev 21:23).
was granted that she should be arrayed The prophet Isaiah calls out to God’s
in fine linen, clean and white: for the people, “O house of Jacob, come ye, and
fine linen is the righteousness of saints’” let us walk in the light of the Lord” (Isa
(Rev 19:6-8). Who is worthy to be the 2:5). Again we read in Revelation 22:5,
bride of the Lamb? He loved the church “And there shall be no night there; and
and gave Himself for it so that He might they need no candle, neither light of the
present it to Himself a glorious church sun; for the Lord God giveth them light:
without spot or wrinkle (Eph 5:25-27). and they shall reign for ever and ever.”
Those who love In that city there
the Lord will pu- will be “a pure
rify themselves to God had provided a Lamb, river of water of
be ready to meet the Lord Jesus Christ, life, clear as crys-
Him at His com- Who satisfies all of man’s needs tal, proceeding
ing. They will out of the throne
labor for Him in of God and of the
first love until He comes for them. They Lamb” (Rev 22:1). “There shall be no
will not be of this world. They will live more curse: but the throne of God and
and walk in the Spirit. They will not tell of the Lamb shall be in it; and His ser-
lies or commit sin (Zeph 3:13). vants shall serve Him” (Rev 22:3).
John saw this glorious church as Preparation for that City, where the
the New Jerusalem. “And there came Lamb is the light, begins here and now.
unto me one…saying, ‘Come hither, I As Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, suffered
will shew thee the bride, the Lamb’s wife.’ and died for us, so too His bride is called to
And he carried me away in the spirit to a life of sacrifice for the Master. He is com-
a great and high mountain, and shewed ing for those who share in His sufferings.
me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, “Gather My saints together unto Me;
descending out of heaven from God, those that have made a covenant with Me
having the glory of God: and her light by sacrifice” (Psa 50:5). This life of sacrifice
was like unto a stone most precious, begins with a broken and contrite heart. “For
even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal” Thou desirest not sacrifice; else would I
(Rev 21:9-11). Those who are joined give it: Thou delightest not in burnt of-
to the Lord and live as His wife now, fering. The sacrifices of God are a bro-
prepare themselves to be His bride for- ken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart,
ever. Their eternal habitation is being O God, Thou wilt not despise” (Psa
prepared for them in heaven, and great 51:16-17). The humble and contrite have
will be their reward at the coming of a living hope to dwell in that eternal city
Christ. of the Lamb, as the prophet Isaiah says,
In that glorious city there will be no “For thus saith the high and lofty One
visible temple, “for the Lord God Almighty that inhabiteth eternity, Whose name
and the Lamb are the temple of it” (Rev is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy
21:22). Through the baptism of the Holy place, with him also that is of a contrite
Spirit we become the habitation of the and humble spirit, to revive the spirit
triune God. We dwell in Him and He of the humble, and to revive the heart
dwells in us. This glorious experience of the contrite ones” (Isa 57:15). This is
begins now and continues throughout where the Lamb is, and where you and
eternity, getting ever deeper. I can be with Him as well. ❏

Part 6 — fool’s wisdom
God answered Job’s questioning Things are not as God originally
with questions. The Designer of all made them (Rom 8:20). Ever since
does not inquire of men in order to man’s first sin, nature has become un-
gain information. Instead, He is lead- natural. In the beginning God gave
ing us to acknowledge how much we man rule over everything that moved
do not know. With the following ques- (Gen 1:26). Later, when the first man
tions, the Lord begins to teach Job and rejected God’s government, instead of
us also, through animals that appear getting liberty, he fell into the bondage
useless and foolish to the uninstruct- of sin and lost his own dominion over
ed. Many things that we will have to go the rest of creation. Therefore the ani-
through in this life will seem a waste mals’ freedom was occasioned by the
of time and space. We will continually loss of our own. This is why the wild
encounter those who do not please us donkey is unbound and all of nature
or perform according to our purposes is not as useful to mankind as it could
and plans. If creation had been left have been. Yet the donkey’s freedom
to us, some animals (and even some can be seen as a cause to glorify God
people) would never have been in- who causes all things to work for good
vented. Yet when we judge someone (Rom 8:28).
as worthless or call them a fool, we are Men see the wild burro as a mis-
putting ourselves in danger of eter- take, a beast of burden that does not
nal judgment because what we are re- bear burdens. To them, something
ally doing is judging God’s wisdom in with such potential is wasted in the
putting them on this planet (Mat 5:22; wasteland. This is also the way that
Acts 10:28). We must learn as Job did, natural-minded men think about be-
that everything does in fact fulfill the lievers who follow the Lord wherever
Lord’s will and has a purpose and value He goes. Let us try to view these don-
to Him. “Good-for-nothings” are good keys as their Creator does. When we
for something to God. The Lord has study their freedom we can see illustra-
uses for the useless, a fact that should tions of the way God works in the lives
give all of us hope. of the saints. We were all in bondage
Donkey Saints to sin and Satan at one time (Eph 2:1-
Who hath sent out the wild ass free? or 3); and God Himself came down from
who hath loosed the bands of the wild ass? heaven and liberated us through His
whose house I have made the wilderness and death and resurrection. It is shocking
the barren land his dwellings. He scorneth to realize, however, where the don-
the multitude of the city, neither regardeth keys, and we, have been set free: it is
he the crying of the driver. The range of the in the wilderness. We are free indeed,
mountains is his pasture, and he searcheth but not in the way we expected. When
after every green thing. Job 39:5-8 the children of Israel were delivered,

it was into a desert (Exo 13:18; 15:22). tractiveness. Our past life in the world
“Wherefore I caused them to go forth will become a barren wasteland to us
out of the land of Egypt, and brought when compared to the beauty of being
them into the wilderness” (Eze 20:10). with Jesus. God is taking us away from
We also have the example of Jesus. Just the things that take us away from Him.
after His baptism and receiving testi- The donkey does not starve in the des-
mony of being the beloved Son of God, ert. “Behold, as wild asses in the des-
Jesus was driven into the desert (Mk ert…the wilderness yieldeth food for
1:12). Even today many testify that their them and for their children” (Job 24:5;
trials did not end but rather seemed to 39:8). There is not only food in the wil-
begin after baptism. Like the children derness but water also. “He sendeth
of Israel we fail to realize that being the springs into the valleys…the wild
set free does not automatically give us asses quench their thirst” (Psa 104:10-
an easy life. It is in the desert that we 11). When we are hungry, God has food
learn to depend solely on God. We can in the desert for us (Exo 19:4; Jn 6:31-
be alone anywhere as long as Jesus is 33). When we go through hard and dry
with us. We begin to have eyes only times, He sends the refreshing water
for our Heavenly Bridegroom. This is of life (Exo 17:6; 1Cor 10:3-4; Jn 7:37).
first love. “I remember thee, the kind- Even if you feel your life is fool-
ness of thy youth, the love of thine es- ishly wasted as you are left to die in
pousals, when thou wentest after Me the desert, it is part of God’s plan
in the wilderness” (Jer 2:2). How many (1Cor 1:25). In the fifteenth chapter
husbands would take their bride for a of Judges we read an account of the
honeymoon in the desert? God does! world’s strongest man making don-
“Behold, I will allure her, and bring keys out of his enemies using just the
her into the wilderness, and speak jawbone of a freshly dead ass. After
comfortably unto her” (Hos 2:14-16). punishing the Philistines, Samson
Therefore let us not be discouraged puns that he made heaps of them with
during the dry, desert times of our an ass’ jawbone which he tosses away
spiritual journey. The desert is part (the Hebrew word for “ass” and “heap”
of God’s plan to make us freer and are the same). After being abandoned
stronger. for the second time the jawbone be-
Deserted Donkeys comes a spring (En-hakkore) in the
We also hear the wild donkey desert that is still there reviving souls
scorns the noisy multitude and the to this day (Rom 10:13). You may con-
crying of the driver. Once we too were sider yourself abandoned or as useless
enslaved to the fashions of this world as that dead donkey in the desert. As
and were driven by the prince of the with that donkey, you may not even
power of the air. Even today, many get a decent funeral (Jer 22:19). Yet
must have the noise of music or me- God can still use you for His glory, to
dia constantly blaring in their ears. deliver and give life to others.
They must stay hooked up to the TV, Peacock and Bull Story
Internet and DVD’s or chase the latest Will the unicorn be willing to serve
technology. The wild donkey would thee, or abide by thy crib? Canst thou bind
laugh at this worldly way of life. Like the unicorn with his band in the furrow?
the free donkey, let us learn to scorn Or will he harrow the valleys after thee?
all the compelling voices of this age. Wilt thou trust him, because his strength
Our old societies will lose all their at- is great? Or wilt thou leave thy labour to

him? Wilt thou believe him, that he will up herself on high, she scorneth the horse
bring home thy seed, and gather it into thy and his rider. Job 39:13-18
barn? Job 39:9-12 In a great house, and in each con-
Unless it missed getting into the gregation, there are all kinds of vessels,
ark or became extinct since the time some to honor and some to dishonor
of Job, the word “unicorn” is a mis- (2Tim 2:20). As it was in Noah’s Ark,
translation of the name of the strong so we too have to learn to live with the
and long-horned wild ox. Only to such unclean as well as the clean. It is not
a powerful animal can be applied the only the wild donkeys and bulls we
characteristics mentioned in God’s must share space with, but also the ig-
questions (Num 23:22; Psa 92:10). Here norant and vain, like the “bird brains”
is another creature of great strength cited above. The ostrich’s eyes are
and ability that is of no use to man- probably bigger than its brain. It lays
kind. On the contrary, if weak and the largest eggs on earth and still los-
fragile men ever tried to bind this bull es them. Contrary to what one would
they would get hurt instead of helped. presume, this bird does not look after
There will be times when a child of its young and even its wings will not
God will be required to live and work work. However, an even greater sur-
with others who are like dumb oxen or prise arrives when she begins to run.
bulls in a china shop. The more we seek God made her with a slow mind but
their support, the more we will suffer. He endowed her legs with speed. This
At these times we may question God’s flightless bird ran faster than anything
wisdom in giving such health and in Job’s day. Often those we regard as
strength to those too dumb to make hopeless have hidden talents beyond
good use of it or ask why He puts us our own that will be shown in ways
together with them. Thus we begin to and times we least expect.
devalue and despise others. When we Horse Senseless
do this, it only proves that we are like Hast thou given the horse strength?
foolish and ignorant beasts before God Hast thou clothed his neck with thunder?
(Psa 73:22). Let us learn that all things Canst thou make him afraid as a grasshop-
exist by Him and for Him and not for per? The glory of his nostrils is terrible. He
ourselves (Psa 50:9-12; Col 1:16). Those paweth in the valley, and rejoiceth in his
we think less necessary are put with us strength: he goeth on to meet the armed
so that we can give them the most love men. He mocketh at fear, and is not af-
and honor. Thus we can learn more of frighted; neither turneth he back from the
the character of Christ (1Cor 12:18-27). sword. The quiver rattleth against him, the
Foul Fowl glittering spear and the shield. He swal-
Gavest thou the goodly wings unto the loweth the ground with fierceness and rage:
peacocks? or wings and feathers unto the neither believeth he that it is the sound of
ostrich? which leaveth her eggs in the earth, the trumpet. He saith among the trumpets,
and warmeth them in dust, and forgetteth Ha, ha: and he smelleth the battle afar off,
that the foot may crush them, or that the the thunder of the captains, and the shout-
wild beast may break them. She is hard- ing. Job 39:21-25
ened against her young ones, as though The final foolish animal we con-
they were not hers: her labour is in vain sider here is the warhorse. It was given
without fear; because God hath deprived swiftness and strength to flee any dan-
her of wisdom, neither hath He imparted ger but instead it charges right into it.
to her understanding. What time she lifteth This is like a driver who speeds up as

we plead for him to slow down. Such Fooled You
a horse acts against its own safety and Anyone would be willing to be
survival. Instead of shying away from taught by the intelligent, but it takes
the tumult of battle it rushes right into the wisdom hidden in God’s humility
it like a fool. In life’s journey, times will to be instructed by the ignorant. The
come when we too will be saddled with gentle and loving are easy to listen to,
such out-of-control traveling compan- but a bullheaded teacher with an asi-
ions. Yet often it is this kind of reck- nine voice is harder to hear. Be they
less courage that gets the victory. The proud as a peacock or ignorant as an
common characteristic of all the crea- ostrich, we must be willing to learn
tures that we have examined is that from anyone God sends our way. The
they behave contrary to our desires longer we live, the more fools we will
and expectations. We have been shown meet and may someday find one in the
beasts of burden that will bear no bur- mirror (1Cor 3:18). Even the smallest
dens, flightless birds that can outrun sparrow or littlest child can teach us
horses and horses that run the wrong great lessons. Dumb beasts can show
way. Yet through their liberty and di- us how not to be so dumb. God glad-
versity, each of God’s creations brings ly gives us fools to suffer with so we
Him glory in its own unique way. can learn fool’s wisdom. ❏

Bringing In The Sheaves ...continued from page 19

The call of God for true worshipers on the mountain that one has closer fel-
came forth on Saturday evening (Jn 4:23). lowship with God and a revelation of His
We were saved, baptized and filled with glory. There lives are built up as Zion and
the Holy Spirit that we might worship New Jerusalem; and it is on the moun-
God in spirit and in truth. To follow after taintop that the transformation of the
this world and its fashions is to worship body and character takes place.
the devil; thus to worship God, a life of We thank God for the sacrificial la-
separation is necessary. Giving the first of bor of many believers and workers who
our increase—our firstborn—is an act of labored tirelessly before, during and after
worship. Only if there is a life of prayer the Convention. Through their God-en-
can there be one of worship. Where there abled efforts, the many facets of registra-
is worship, there will be healing also. If in tion, accommodation, hospitality, shuttle
life we are worshipers of God, so we will service, security, ushering, and countless
be in death and even throughout eternity. other ministries flowed relatively smooth-
On Sunday morning, the final ly. Truly there is a blessedness where
meditation from God’s Word came from brethren dwell and labor in unity.
Genesis 19:17: “...look not behind thee, The theme of our Convention this
neither stay thou in all the plain; escape year was taken from Isaiah 40:31: “…they
to the mountain...” The people of God that wait upon the Lord shall renew
were exhorted not to remember the past, their strength; they shall mount up with
as God had done a new work in all their wings as eagles....” Accordingly, God did
lives, but rather to press on to the high surely grant His people times of refresh-
calling of God. They were warned about ing and renewal as they waited upon Him
the danger of staying in the plain or living throughout the days of the Convention,
a lukewarm life. Lastly, they were urged and renewed our hope to mount up
towards living on the mountain—a life with eagles’ wings when He comes. All
of sacrifice and of sufferings; for it is also praise to our awesome God! ❏

USA Convention
The annual USA Convention fullness and God abundantly poured out of
(held this year at Liberty University in His latter rain. Many received the baptism
Lynchburg, Virginia, July 4-8) was unique- of the Holy Spirit—some who had been
ly and wonderfully blessed by our gracious waiting for years! The Lord truly gave more
God. Brethren from various countries— than we could ask or think.
Australia, Canada, Dominican Republic, Thursday morning’s message was a re-
El Salvador, Germany, Guadeloupe, India, minder of the new testament or covenant
Sri Lanka, Jamaica, Mexico, the Middle into which we have entered. God no longer
East, Switzerland, Trinidad, Malaysia, writes on tablets of stone, but upon our very
United Kingdom—were able to join us hearts and minds. As our hearts are open to
in fellowship as well as in receiving God’s do God’s will, we will love His law. In the
choicest blessings. Our hearts rejoiced and Old Testament shadow of Abraham’s sacri-
were especially strengthened by the pres- fice in Genesis 15, we see a beautiful picture
ence and ministry of our elder pastors. As of the covenant God Himself makes with
God had promised, so He did command us. As the animals were cut in pieces, Christ
His blessings as His children gathered to- was torn apart to join us to Himself. God
gether with the united purpose of seeking walked through those pieces—He bound
Him. Himself to this covenant. So also, the Lord
The Lord marvelously opened doors has purposed that we should love Him,
for a significantly larger number of the which is the fulfillment of the Law. This is
brethren to attend the convention from the the oath that He has made.
very first day, as it was a national holiday. In the evening, we were exhorted from
So from the first meeting on Wednesday the Word of God to spend time weeping
evening, there was an outpouring of God’s in the presence of God—the very success
glory upon His expectant people. of our Christian life depends on this (Jer
As the congregation worshiped the 9:1). Our greatest Example, Jesus Christ,
Lord, their hearts were prepared to hear His sought the Father with strong crying and
life-giving Word. The opening message was tears; how can we do less? There are many
about the light and life that we receive from experiences for which we should weep: for-
the Word of God (Pro 16:15). After man’s giveness of sin, healing, the presence of the
fall, he walked in darkness; God’s Word Comforter or greater anointing in our lives,
came forth as light, and that light brought restoration of our children, strength in
life. This was no ordinary life, but the excel- times of trial, and finally, for our heavenly
lence of His power—the very life of God. inheritance—Zion and New Jerusalem.
As we continue to walk in the light of God’s On Friday, the Lord again fed us with
word, His life will also flow through us, pre- the finest of His wheat. That morning, He
paring us for the day of resurrection. spoke from Proverbs 29:18—without a vi-
From that very first night, prayers were sion the people perish. How do we get a vi-
held every night after the evening meeting. sion? Abraham surrendered, consecrated
During these night seasons, the people of home and family, and God rewarded him
God tarried to receive even more of God’s with a vision of the heavenly city. Through

salvation, we gain the privilege of seeing glories reserved for them in heaven. With
this city, the kingdom of God. Jesus as- the use of visual aids, they were able to get a
cended two mountains; in one, He was vivid understanding of God’s throne!
shown the glory of the world, and in the Saturday morning, hearts were chal-
other, the glory of God. Which do we de- lenged as the message came forth on “the
sire? If we obtain an understanding that hidden sin”—racism. The solution? JESUS!
Jesus is the Son of God, we will be able Racism is a thought pattern that is learned
to overcome the world. Through a life of over time, and as such, it may not go im-
prayer and separation, we can have a vision mediately. Jesus loved all men regardless of
of this glorified Christ. As we surrender their culture or nationality. He was will-
our body to the Holy Spirit, we will be ing to be mistreated by men; therefore, as
transformed to that same glory; through we put on the nature of Christ, we also can
that glory, the Church will be made one. suffer reproach meekly. Within the body
In the evening, we heard the call of of Christ, there should be no division. We
God to launch out into the deep (Lk 5:3- are called from many nations to be one
6). Those who stay in the shallow water are holy nation. We are called to forsake our
yet babes in Christ. The deep blue waters land that we might all be the citizens of a
speak of the love of God which constrains heavenly kingdom.
us and the wisdom of God. We enjoy four This message was brought home in a
blessings within the deep waters: a hope unique way as it was followed by the ordina-
that anchors our soul and a faith that en- tion of new ministers (the focal point of the
ables us to live heavenly lives; the assur- convention). We saw two brothers and four
ance of God’s provision for every need; the sisters who literally were forsaking land
ability to be in this world and yet not be of and kindred to follow the Lamb of God.
it; a life in the Spirit. Peter cast his net on After their testimonies, a short message was
the right side and had a great catch of fish; given to show the greatness not only of this
so also as we live in the will of God, by the calling, but also of the reward—to see the
power of God and in fellowship with Him, Father’s face throughout eternity. Then,
we can experience the four-fold perfection, as the congregation cried out to the Lord,
the transformation of our body and the hands were laid upon the candidates and
sanctification of our body, soul and spirit. the anointing from Zion came upon each
There was not only a feast of God’s one. May God grant that many others will
Word during the main meetings on these hear and obey His call in these last days.
two days, but also a banquet of seminars That same afternoon, twenty-five
from which to choose: Before & After brethren (14 sisters and 11 brothers) fol-
Marriage, Divine Healing, the Mission lowed the Lord in the waters of baptism.
Field/Sharing Your Faith, Heaven, and As each one came out of the waters to walk
the Full-time Consecrated Ministry. There in newness of life, there was great rejoic-
was a special session for the young adults ing. Simultaneously, there was a fasting
informing of a newly developing missions and prayer session held for the entire con-
program for them. The youth were also gregation wherein many hearts were also
ministered to on those days about missions blessed.
and renewing their vision. Throughout the entire Convention,
The children who attended our there were morning, afternoon and evening
Convention were by no means left out sessions of fasting and prayer where God’s
of the abundance of God’s blessings. On people were able to pour out their hearts be-
Thursday and Friday afternoon, children’s fore Him in intercession. Truly, the cries of
meetings were held. The little ones also had these in “secret” brought the blessing of the
the opportunity to learn new songs of praise Father down on the entire congregation.
and to hear, even at their young age, of the (continued on page 17...)

Titus Coan was converted at a Charles conversion, he became a man filled with
Finney revival in western New York State. zeal for God. His sister, the high priestess
After graduating from seminary in 1834, of the volcano, though initially hostile to
he went as a missionary to Hilo, Hawaii, the gospel, put her faith in Christ after see-
then known as the Sandwich Islands. ing the change in her brother.
Having a burning desire to bring revival When Coan returned home to Hilo
to Hawaii, he applied himself vigorously after a month, he found a heightened in-
to learning the native languages of Kau terest in the way of salvation. People who
and Puna and by 1836 was fluent enough had heard him preach in their villages in
to preach in both. Kau and Puna now came to Hilo to hear
Coan’s official responsibility was to more. In some cases, whole villages would
train teachers and oversee about two dozen come. The population of Hilo grew to
schools. But Titus Coan’s vision went far ten thousand as people moved there just
beyond teacher training. His prayer was to hear Coan preach. On Sundays, the
that Hawaiians would come to Christ, and two hundred by eighty-five foot building
he determined to take the gospel directly to would be packed, with hundreds more lis-
the people himself. In November 1836 he tening outside. The Hawaiians decided on
gave his students a long Christmas vacation their own that they needed a bigger church
and went on a walking tour of the island, and in three weeks built a building large
ostensibly to visit the schools for which he enough to hold two thousand.
was responsible. Each time he came to a vil- On one occasion a young man came
lage, he preached. As he had hoped, crowds intending to disrupt the service by making
of people gathered to hear him, and he was people laugh during the prayers. Instead,
able to preach in three to five villages a day. he suddenly fell down unconscious and
When Coan reached the Puna re- had to be carried out. Several hours later
gion, large crowds gathered to hear him. when he came to, he confessed his sin.
In the largest city he preached ten times Before long he became a member of the
in two days. Many wept as they came to church he had planned to disrupt.
understand that Christ had paid the pen- Coan was very diligent in his follow-
alty for their sins on the cross. Each time up techniques. He would record the date of
Coan finished his message, the crowds, in- each person’s apparent conversion and later
stead of leaving, would follow him to the would follow-up to ascertain if the conver-
house where he was staying. They would sion was real. Every soul was precious to
crowd in, hanging on his every word, until him. He poured out his life and became a
the house could hold no more. At eleven good Samaritan to thousands in Hawaii.
at night he would insist that everyone go That great revival where thousands were
home, but they would be back as soon as saved is attributed to the goodness and mer-
the cock crowed the next morning. cies of God, and to one man who obeyed the
A particularly stunning conversion call of God. By 1853, fifty-six thousand of
in Puna was that of the high priest of the the seventy-one thousand native Hawaiians
volcano. In addition to the idolatry and were professing Christians! Are you will-
drunkenness associated with his priest- ing to answer the call of God and be a good
hood, he also was a murderer. Yet upon his Samaritan to the lost and perishing souls? ❏

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