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Jay Mark F.


Mr. Melvin M. Paul
Educ 15- Special Topics

Final Examination

1. Transformational Leadership
Transformational leadership is defined as a leadership approach that causes change
in individuals and social systems. In its ideal form, it creates valuable and positive
change in the followers with the end goal of developing followers into leaders.
Enacted in its authentic form, transformational leadership enhances the motivation,
morale and performance of followers through a variety of mechanisms. These
include connecting the follower's sense of identity and self to the mission and the
collective identity of the organization; being a role model for followers that
inspires them; challenging followers to take greater ownership for their work, and
understanding the strengths and weaknesses of followers, so the leader can align
followers with tasks that optimize their performance.
2. Gender Sensitivity
Quality, retention, and achievement are essential elements of an education strategy
designed to ensure that boys and girls maximize their full potential. As the Gender
Equality in Education Framework indicates, addressing issues of access is
insufficient to ensure that boys and girls receive the maximum benefit from their
education. Getting children into school is crucial; ensuring that they stay in school,
learn, and achieve requires more. The four dimensions of the framework provide
planners with a systematic way of addressing the components necessary for
ensuring a relevant, high quality education for all learners. Seizing these
opportunities will help move closer to making education not just a lofty ideal, but a
reality for millions of girls and boys throughout the world.
3. Inclusive Education
Inclusive education has many strong proponents but has also drawn criticism. A
number of different concerns have been raised, both by educators and by parents,
only three of which will be noted here. First, while some advocates insist that all
children can be successfully educated in this way, others raise questions about the
limits of inclusion and its ability to work well for everyone, particularly as some
children get into later elementary school and beyond. A second concern, which is a
perennial challenge for all democratic institutions that strive for equality and
fairness, is how to balance needs of those who require extra attention and resources
against the needs of typically developing children. A third concern has to do with
the need for resources. In order for inclusive education to be viable, teachers and
schools need to be given sufficient financial and material resources, training and
other forms of support.
4. 21st Century Teacher
Technology has revolutionized each component of society. Teacher is in transition
phase due to the rapid change in technology and student’s changing values.
Teacher can be prepared to use these technologies but handle systematically and
analytically. Technology need to be integrated to achieve the best quality
pedagogy. The courses which incorporate the teaching psychology of teachers
must be incorporated in the developmental stages of pre-service teachers to
enhance their learning. They should be educated in supportive and conducive
environment in which they expect to groom young students. Today we must have
competent teachers who have a new set of resources and techniques. Technological
aid is an integral part in effective learning.
5. Teaching in Multicultural Classroom
Teachers who learn more about their students’ backgrounds, cultures, and
experiences will feel more capable and efficient in their work as teachers. Teachers
should work continuously to improve the lives of their students . Also, teachers can
reduce issues in the multicultural classroom through improving their teaching
approaches and learning. Flexibility is more important than knowledge in dealing
with multicultural issues. Therefore, teachers should explore the issues in the
multicultural classroom as they arise and deal with these problems. Also, teachers
should try to find, create, or design manners to raise and improve the academic
achievement of students, and to build an effective or strong relationship with
6. Mother Tongue (MLE)
The most significant benefit of MTB-MLE, according to different teachers from
different regions of the Philippines using their regional languages, is that learners
increased their understanding of classroom content (increased comprehension) and
that they can learn and understand all the words in their mother tongue. Slow
learners profited greatly from the MTB-MLE since it is simple to know. English
and Filipino (Official Languages) are primarily utilized for various activities
[churches, religious affairs, print and broadcast media, commerce, government,
medical, the only language of the law courts, and the preferred medium for
secondary and tertiary level textbooks and teaching]. Despite the favorable
responses to the MTB-MLE policy, there is a worry that it may foster a lesser level
of English competence. The transition period from Grades 1, 2, and 3 to Grades 4,
5, and 6 is particularly critical for students to be introduced to a second (Filipino)
and third language (English). Teachers must also deal with a scarcity of
instructional resources in local languages.
7. Conflict Resolutions
Conflict resolution techniques are employed in artificial intelligence production
systems, such as rule-based expert systems, to assist in deciding which production
rule to fire. When currently known facts meet the requirements of two or more
laws, such a strategy arises. Conflict is unavoidable in any workplace. It's
unavoidable. There are sure to be some issues when you have a bunch of
individuals working under stress who all have different personalities. The fact that
there is a dispute is not the issue; instead, having an effective conflict resolution
strategy to address that conflict if it begins to damage the business is critical for
any management. While disagreement may be a creative fuel that allows teams to
compete and work more efficiently, it can easily blow up and put everything to a
halt. When individuals work against each other on a project, conflicts develop.
Possible conflict resolution methods include: define acceptable behavior; don't
avoid conflict; begin with a compliment; don't jump to conclusions; think
opportunistically, not punitively; and so on.
8. Early Childhood Education
Early childhood is a crucial stage in a child's physical, intellectual, emotional, and
social development. Mental and physical talents develop at an astonishing rate, and
a large amount of learning occurs between birth and six. It is a time when
youngsters require high-quality personal attention and learning experiences more
than ever. Education begins when a kid is taken home from the hospital and attends
playgroups and kindergartens. Students' learning skills for the remainder of their
life, although not at the same intensity as during the preschool years. With this in
mind, infants and toddlers require excellent early learning experiences to aid their
intellectual, social, and emotional development, the groundwork for eventual
school success. Speech development is among the first tools that kids will exhibit
in their lifelong education throughout the early years.
9. Spiral Curriculum
The Spiral Curriculum is based on Jerome Bruner's cognitive theory, which states,
we start with the assumption that every subject can be taught to any child at any
level of development in some intellectually honest way at any stage of
development at any stage of development to any child at any stage of development
to any child at any stage. In other words, even the most complicated content may
be grasped by very young children provided it is correctly arranged and presented.
The spiral curriculum, based on Bruner's work, has three key features: a student
returns to a topic, theme, or subject throughout their academic career; the issue or
theme's complexity increases with each revisit, and new learning has a relationship
with old learning and is placed in context with the old information. The following
are some of the benefits of using a spiral curriculum by its proponents: knowledge
is reinforced and solidified each time the student revisits the subject matter; the
spiral curriculum also provides for a natural development from basic to advanced
concepts, and students are encouraged to apply early knowledge to later course
10.Stress Management for Teachers
Teachers must manage their stress to teach successfully and assist students with
their focus related to learning. Teachers who are stressed and tired are unable to
think or instruct at their best. They require practical methods for recognizing and
controlling their health, like concentrating on what you can manage. Teachers
prefer to be in charge of their days, so they spend a lot of time planning ahead of
time to ensure that their courses go well. They cannot, however, regulate
everything since schools are full of people and unpredictable occurrences. They
should spend more time with people and things that energize them and less time
with people and tasks that consume their vitality. Teachers will need to recall an
inspirational, upbeat instructor, just as we all remember teachers who were
pressured and unhappy in the classroom. If you want to keep your students
engaged, keep yourself motivated!

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