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Officers of the law The United States has led a global dragnet to bring terrorists to justice and prevent

future terrorist acts, including the formation of the Foreign Terrorist Tracking Task Force to prevent
terrorists from entering the United States, the arrest and indictment of known terrorists, increased
global law enforcement information sharing, and the implementation of tough new anti-terrorism laws.

Humanitarian. The United States, as Afghanistan's biggest humanitarian contributor, has boosted its
assistance to the Afghan people by giving $187 million in food, housing, blankets, and medical supplies
since October. The President also announced the establishment of the America's Fund for Afghan
Children, which has already collected more than $1.5 million for Afghan children. The United States'
dedication to the Afghan people is saving lives as the harsh Afghan winter approaches.

Homeland Security is a term that refers to the protection of President Bush has taken steps to help
protect America from future terrorist attacks, including allocating $20 billion for homeland security,
bolstering intelligence efforts, establishing the Office of Homeland Security and the Homeland Security
Council, enacting tough new airline security measures, and securing America's mail.

Assisting September 11th Survivors The American people have shown tremendous sympathy for the
families of the September 11 victims, giving at least $1.3 billion to charity.

Islam is to be respected. The President took measures to safeguard Muslim-Americans from hate crimes
very soon after the attacks. The President also hosted a number of events, including the first-ever White
House Iftar and an Eid celebration at the conclusion of Ramadan; he also paid a visit to the Islamic
Center; and he launched the "Friendship Through Education" program to bring American and Muslim
youngsters closer together.

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