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Book Stores, Libraries and stationary shops are the basic places from where we can

find any kind of book.

How to search a good book:

Searching and selecting a good book has now become an art as in this challenging
and competitive world. There has been competition in each and every field or sector
and publishing of books is not isolated from this crowd. Hundreds or thousands of
books are available on the same topic by different authors.

Generally selection of good books among all is completely depends on the pre known
famous author and interesting slogan or title of the book also with the importance
of information which the book contains inside it. Sometimes important and
interesting information that you want is hidden behind the book with unknown author
and ordinary title thus to search good book among all, a great experience of
learning is required.

Advantage of Reading Books:

Reading good books not only give us knowledge but a kind of pleasure that we cannot
find around any other place. While reading book, we feel fresh, energetic, happy
and full of confidence towards that topic.

Example of some popular good books:

Some books become so famous and popular that attracts people all around the world
which contains such a common topic or issue by which everyone is related and
connected. “The 3 mistakes of my life” published in 2008 and written by “Chetan
Bhagat”, the famous author in India has broken many records of success and later a
Bollywood film was made based on the story of this book “Kai Po Che”.


In this fastest growing world, we could not get some time for ourselves. Book gives
us a plenty of joy, by reading books we just involve into it and for some time we
forget the bitter truth of realty. Books are the real friend of us; they neither
demand nor leave us alone. Reading good books is a nice hobby for all and we all
should get some time for spending with the books for the betterment of ourselves.

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