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• Within X time / By Monday, Tuesday, etc: dentro de, en el plazo de X

tiempo, para tal día. You have to give me the Project within seven days/by
• To give (sb) a lift: llevar a alguien en coche, ofrecerse para acercarlo a
algún sitio. My car just broke down, can you give me a lift to work?
• To collect something/somebody: recoger algo o a alguien. I will collect the
tickets tomorrow
• To post: enviar (un paquete, carta, etc). Hello, can you help me? I need to
post a parcel
• To pick up somebody: recoger a alguien con el coche. I will pick you up at
your house tonite
• Out of order: fuera de servicio (ascensor, normalmente): this lift is out of
order. Please take the stairs
• Not be allowed: estar prohibido. Dogs are not allowed in this restaurant
• To report something: avisar de algo. Please report anything unusual during
your visit
• Zero and first conditionals: los condicionales.
• Stop by + a place: dejarse caer o ir a un sitio. Can you stop by my house
and collect my homework tomorrow?
• Hand in: entregar algo (normalmente deberes, trabajos, etc). We need to
hand in this Project by Tuesday
• On sale: de rebaja, a la venta. These books are on sale
• To remove something: recoger o quitar algo. Please remove the equipment
after you use it in the gym
• To encourage somebody to do something: animar o motivar a alguien a
hacer algo. I always try to encourage my students to listen to real English
• To miss something: perderse algo, no poder ir. Yesterday I missed two
classes because I was sick

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