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NIM : 201610101140

Benefits Of Honey For Our Oral Health


The oral cavity is a very important part of the body system. The mouth is the "front
office" of the body, a clean oral cavity reflects a healthy body system (Nismal, 2018). A
healthy oral cavity allows a person to communicate effectively, to enjoy a variety of foods,
to improve quality of life, to be confident, and to have a better social life. On the other
hand, an unhealthy oral cavity can affect a person's social life, limited masticatory function,
limited speech function, pain, and disruption of work or school time (Halim, 2011). Oral
health is very important in preventing oral diseases because teeth and mouth have a major
role in preparing food before going through the next digestive process (Mariyam, 2016).

Honey is a sweet liquid processed by the honey bee. Honey is recognized worldwide
due to its high nutritive components that are beneficial for human well-being (Rao, 2016). In
addition to being used externally, honey is also used internally as a functional food to
provide energy and nourishment to enhance vital organs in the body (Fratellone, 2016). This
has been in practice since ancient times. The active components of honey, such as glucose,
fructose, flavonoid, polyphenols, and organic acids, play an important role in its quality
(Ajibola, 2015). Honey is being produced in many countries all over the world and is
recognized as an important medicine as well as energy-providing food due to its functional
properties and nutritional values. Additionally, honey is well known for its biological,
physiological, and pharmacological activities (Alvarez-Suarez, 2010). Many pharmacological
activities such as antibacterial, antitumor, antiallergy, antiinflammatory, and
immunomodulatory effects have also been attributed to it. Therefore, this literature review
is intended to find out the various benefits of honey for oral health.

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