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Parte del texto Oraciones para los parrafos

My name and age origin and occupation 1. My name is Juan
things I like, things I hate 2. I am 22 years old
3. I am from Rionegro Santander
4. I am student of Sport Management
Relative 1: name and age origin and 1.My father’s name is Alvaro
occupation 2. He is 62 years old
3. He is from Rionegro Santander
4. He hasn’t occupation
Relative 2: name and age origin and 1.My mother’s name is Martha
occupation, description 2. She is 60 years old
3. She is from Rionegro Santander
4. She is Councilor
Relative 3: name and age origin and 1.My sisters name is Heidy
occupation, description 2. She is 39 years old
3. She is from Rionegro Santander
4. She is Student
My house 1.My house is smail
Room 1,2 and 3 2. There is a smail bathroom in my room
3. There is a big fridge in the kitchen
4. There are three pieces of furniture in the

Thanks for your attention!

Juan Felipe Roncancio Mantilla

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