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If only ‘Aims To review and practise language to talk about unreal situations Time 15 minutes Materials | handout for each student '* Give each student a copy of the handout and ask them to complete task A. Check answers a a class, have some caviar. would stop biting / didnt bite his nals. would stop following me. didert call me darling: tellyou how much | earn were straight / weren't curly. someone loved me. Divide the class into paits and ask them to discuss the points intask B Circulate and monitor, ensuring that students use ‘appropriate verb forms. Get some feedback from a few students on what their partner told them. ‘Ask students to do task C. Check answers as a class discovered, would you call 5 had to, would you choose would youdo,foundout ‘6 would youdo, saw were, would you possess 7 would happen, could would ife be, earned Working in pairs, students discuss their answers to the {questions in task C. Get some feedback on any amusing / interesting responses to the questions. A ttalian opera diva, Dolores, is famous, successful, beautiful and very wealthy. However, she is ‘never happy! Use the information in the speech bubbles to complete the sentences below. Bring me some caviar. 2 Stop biting your na Lenny. t drives me mad! 3 Stop following rm 5 i's none of your business how much I earnt T Nobody loves: me rd rather wish my bodyguard If only the paparazzi I'd rather you Pd rather not I onty my hai 7 Iwish B Tellyour partner about the following: 1. something you wish you had enough money to buy something about your character you wish you could change something you wish your teacher wouldn't do something you'd rather do than watch TV ‘something you'd rather people in your country didn't do C complete the second conditional questions with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Then discuss your answers with a partner. 1 ifyou__ (discover) a new planet, what_____ (you / eal it? 2 What ____ (you / do) it you __ (find out) your best friend's boy / gir was seeing someone else? 3 fyou________ (be) a superhero, which special power__________(you / possess)? 4 How___ (life / be) citferent if everyone _(ean) the same salary? 5 fyou__________ (have to) ose one of your senses, which one__________ (you / choose)? 6 What _____(you / do) if you _ (ee) one of your classmates shopli 7 What________ (happen) if animats______ (can) suddenly speak? Grammar 1 ‘Second Conditional In what circumstances would you . Target language: Second Conditional Activity type: board game When to use: Use this activity after Lesson 8.1, Time taken: 25 minutes Photocopy and cut up one worksheet for each group of three students in Prepat the class, Procedure Put students into groups of three and give each group a copy of the board, a set of cards anda dice and counters. Ask students to throw the dice and decide who goes first. The first player throws the dice and moves along the board. He/She must talk about the item on the board and say in which circumstances those things would happen. The other students inthe group should correct the students" use of the Second Conditional if necessary. fa player lands on a? square, another student must pick up a card and read it out. The player should say ifthe sentence is correct or incorrect. IFit is incorrect, he/she should correct it. If the player is correct, he can stay on that square. ifhe/she is incorrect, he/she must miss a turn, The winner is the first person to reach the FINISH square. In what circumstances would you ... : 2 2 leave a 5 a» have get angry a START cosmetic with your ? i ? without surgery? teacher? . rout . paying? 1 10 > 8 7 6 wchange your} ~~ Stavat ? wfailyour | ..lietoyour | ...steal froma job? homeal English exam? | best friend? shop? weekend? . 2 8 14 5 16 7 eieee sleep in the | ...not eat fora of money toa ? whitchhike? | Sl€eP ~ ? ° street? whole day? friend? 2B 22 2 20 9 8 kiss one ~ start ? i: cheat ina studying 0, argue with chau ame? another somebody? . classmates? | 8#™°? ° a language? 24 25 26 27 28 29 w.breaka |... stay upall i) ..becomea |... commit a not go window? night? vegetarian? crime? eo workon ° school? 34 33 32 31 30 appear on = 80.0n 2 FINISH ? eae W? ? holiday alone? fam tired, I'd go to bed. (x) (if were or was) If could, I'd travel the world. () IFthey would be quiet, we could continue. (x) (If they were) Peter would play better if he practised more. (7) You'll get a good mark if you studied. (X) (You would) People might be happier if they had more money. (/) If she might see him, she'll tell him. (0 (If she sees him) Vd lend him a pen if| had another. (V7) Fl can drive, 'd buy a car. (X) (if could drive) 9D What would life be like? (ting Groupweri Students pla = defining /auessng game TD review the 2nd conditonal and compound nour [Time |20 minutes [Copy one warisheet foreach group of three or four students [Copy and cut up one set of cards foreach group of three or [our students. Procedure ~ Demonstrate the activity by defining something that isn't on the worksheet, eg. if these didn't exis, weid have to pay for everything in cash, (credit cards). ~ Divide the students into groups of three or four and give out, the worksheets. Explain that students must take turns to pick an item and define it to the rest of the group without saying what itis. They mustn't use any of the words from. the compound noun in their definition. When another student guesses the item correctly, they write their initials ‘on the square and win a point. The student with the most initialled squares at the end is the winner. — Give the students 10-15 minutes to play the game, Monitor unobtrusively and take note of any common errors and ‘useful vocabulary for the feedback stage after the activity. ~ At the feedback stage, find out who was the winner in each group. Write any errors you noted earlier on the board for students to correct, and record any useful vocabulary. ~ Fora more challenging game, cut up a set of cards up for tach group. Students place the cards face down on the desk and take turns to pick a card and define the item. The frst student to say the correc item wins the card. What would life be like? Work in groups. Use the phrases below to define the items in the grid. If we didn’t have these /this.. If these /this didn't exist .. Without these /this.... ~- people /we would have to .. » Nobody / most people would .- people /we wouldn't be able to .. alarm clocks burglar alarms computer keyboards mobile phones Internet connections laptop computers fire alarms smoke alarms phrase books public transport medical science computer programmers science teachers text books car phones DVD players MP3 players personal computers computer graphics exercise books health service Communication activity @ For further practice of the second conditional, use the activity on page 46. Photocopy the page for each pair or small group. ‘©. Students first use the cues to create a second conditional sentence to describe the person in each picture. For example, If Paul was invisible, fhe wouldn't pay to go to the cinema, @ They then take it in turns to ask and answer questions, using the second conditional. @ Ac the end, there could be class feedback of what different students would do in the different situations shown in the pictures. Before starting the activity, It might be a good idea to use the first picture (Paul) as an example with the class. With weaker classes, you could elicit the sentences for each picture. ¥ What would you do? Make sentences to describe each picture. Then ask and answer questions about you. ‘A: What would you do if you were invisible? B: | would SineenennliTaeag 1 if Paul / be invisible / not pay to go to the 2. if Mary / win the lottery / buy a new car cinema 3 if Sally / not have to go to school / watch TV 4_if Dave / can travel in time / travel to the all day 1960s 5 if Kerry / be head teacher at her school / the teachers / have to wear uniforms WHAT AM | LIKE? To practise describing personality; to practise justifying choices Peter ‘Adjectives of personality; would and could clauses Reading, speaking, writing Extension activity) (ee Use after Reading in Classbook Unit 14; also revises Unit 20 (second conditional) Prien ‘One copy of the worksheet (cut up) per pair Pre-activity (10 minutes) + Ask the scucents co write doum six adjectives chae describe themselves — their personality and behaviour. They should only use those adjectives thac chey are happy to say aloud to che class. They can refer to 8 dictionary if chey wish. ‘+ Write the scudents’ names on the board. (With a larger cass, choose four or five names of more confident seudenes, or ask for volunceers) Feedback as a class and write the adjectives chey use to describe themselves next to theie names. Elicit as wide a variery of adjectives as possible. Procedure (20 minutes) 1 Divide che class into pairs. Give Questionnaire A to one student in each pair and Questionnaire B eo the other seudent. 2. In curn, the scudents read out the questions to cheir parmer and tick the answer =heir partner gives. If none of the answers is appropriate, che sradents caa give their own ind ‘3. When they ave finished, the students look at both lists of questions and agree foreach of chem which adjectives of personality they think their own answers represent. There ae many possible interpretations for each answer, eg, in question 1 the answer say in bed could be incerpreted as lizy (can’t be bothered) ot cautious / nervous (#00 worried to go anywhere) or hard-working (10 tied to go anywhere). Make suze that che scudents are able co justify their choice of adjective i this way. 4 Feedback as a class if you wish. Extension activity + Ifyou wane che students co do this, make sure chat they do noc write their names on their sheet before doing che main activity as described in Procedure above. Collece che question papers and redistribute chem ‘without saying whose they ate. The students write a shore paragraph abour the rersonality represented by the answers on the sheer they were given. Ifyou think studencs might be sensitive about what is written, ‘here is no need make the writing public - simply do it as homework Questionnaire A 1 If you could take a day off work, would you «go shopping, fly to Paris stay in bed 2. Would you refuse to ..? a change religion b get married to a foreigner © move to a different part of the county a 3 If you moved to Aftica, would you..? ‘a enjoy the different culture b hate the climate ‘¢ miss your family a 4 Ifyou did an evening course, ‘would you study ...? ‘economics art and sculpture a language anew 5 If you could change one thing about your appearance, would it be ..2 a. the colour of your hair b the size of your nose € the length of your legs a Ifyou could go anywhere in the world, would you ..? a go to Australia go somewhere in your own country © go on safari 4 If you could change your occupation, would you ..? abe your own boss bdo something completely different © do nothing a 8 If you could be famous for a day, would you be ..? 10 a b a a rock star a politician an actor If you could buy a new car, would itbe a b © a a Mi a family car a Porsche IF you could choose now, would you have ..? a d © a at least four children only one child no children Questionnaire B 1 When you are out, do you usually drink 2 a wine b_ mineral water © whisky a 2 Ifyou could have a dream holiday, would you go ..? hiking in the mountains deep-sea diving in Egypt © camping in the countryside a 3 If you bought a new jacket, would it be... a purple b black © white a 4 Ifyou chose a new career, would you be? @ an accountant b an electrician € a housewife / house husband 4 If you travelled from Paris to Rome, would you travel by ..? car bus plane IF you go to the movies, do you like to wateh ..? aan action film ba horror film © an arts film a If you bought a newspaper every day, would it be ..? a financial paper b a tabloid © a sports paper a If you could live in another country, would you choose ..? Japan b the USA © New Zealand d 10 If you could say one thing to the President of the USA, would itbe ..? b © a ‘You do a great job ‘Make love not war What's it lke to be so powerful? If you were an animal, would you be 2 a > © a alion a dolphin acat ‘Second conditional Intermediate ‘Snakes and ladders Unusual behaviour Groups of two or six 20 minutes Board and dice (one per group), counters (one per student) Watch your step! Vocabulary Words and expressions: deliberately, ant hl, chon, fest (verb). lamp post, bunch of flowers, scream, teor up Comments This board game invites leamers to imagine the reasons for very unusual or even nonsensical behaviour to stimulate the use of second conditionals to talk about very unlikely situations. tt provides practice and sheer fun, Language output 4: Weuld you ever shove your head? B: Yes twould (shave my head) it! were pord a lot of money ta do that. B: No, Iwouldn't (shove my head), becouse i! d/shaved my heed, I would/might lose my job Procedures 1 Vite ¢ skeleton onthe baord forthe dialogue in Language output Nodel the language by playing A's part and ching several responses thom your class. Craw ther attention tothe verb forms and modal used 22. Dade the dass into groups and hand out the materal 3 Praying the game. Payers place ther counters at START They take tus tong the dice and mowng ther counters accordingly D Whenever 3 player lands ena square with a question in some othe payer wal drect a Would you ever question to him or hex, and thoy interac as show in Language output. D Ifthe answer is comect and considered plausible bythe group, the player moves forward three squares; ctherwse, he o she wall move back one square Whenever a player londs on afootpriny he or she must follow the path, mowng ether up or down al the way o the end D Tho fst payer to get to (but not beyend) the FINISH point wins the game Variation Ifyou want learners to realy tap into their imagination and make the garme even mote hurnorous, have them answer affirmatively to al the questions deliberately 13 What if ...? This is a discussion activity for groups of four to six students, where students speculate about things that are both possible and impossible. Method 1 Copy, cut up and shuffle the cards on pages 40-42,— one set for each group. The groups will also need sheets of paper to write on, 2 One student in the group turns over the top card and reads it out, e.g. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would ibe? 3. Each student now has about two minutes to woite down a suitable answer. At the end of the time, each student reads out what they have vwrltten, Encourage the students to discuss the subject further if possible ~ especially if the answers are very different. 3. Seta time-imit (eg. 20-25 minutes), then stop everyone, 4 Ask each group to say which card they found the most interesting to speculate about. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? If you could be someone famous for a day, who would you be, and why? If you were an animal, which animal would you be and why? If you had to emigrate to another country, which would you choose and why? If money was no object, what three things would you like to own or buy? If you could travel around x the world, which five countries would you definitely visit? | If you could interview a famous person from history, who would you choose and why? ! If you were the head of | your government, what | would be the biggest | problem facing you at the | moment? If you could have one | special talent, what would | that be? | If you were given three wishes, all of which would | come true, what would you wish for? : } If you could change one thing about your life at | present, what would | that be? If you could travel back in | time and change one thing that happened in your life, what would that be? If you could read the private diaries of anyone the world, whose would they be and why? If you could have any job in the world, which would you choose and why? If you could uninvent | something that has already been invented, | what would you choose | and why? | If you could choose the plot of your dream | tonight, what would | that be? If you had the chance to be either rich, famous, happy or very intelligent, which would you choose and why? | If you could change one thing about your parents or someone else in your family, what would that | i | | | be? | t |---| If you could change one event in history, what would that be and why? If you had to eat the same food for a whole month (and nothing else), what would you choose? i> If there was the equivalent of an Oscar for the performance (live speeches, etc.) of politicians, who would win the award in your country? If you could be a famous film star, pop star, painter, writer, sports star or political leader, which would you choose to be and why? If you could change one aspect of your personality, what would that be? If you could wish for one of the following, which would you choose: (a) an end to war (b) an end to poverty (c) an end to natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, etc.)? Give reasons for your choice. If, through plastic surgery, you could be made to look like someone else, who would you choose to look like and why? If you knew the world was x going to end tomorrow morning, how would you | spend today? | If you could change one | part of your body, what would that be? If it were possible to live until you were 150, when would you choose to (a) | stop studying (b) get married (c) have children? | If you could choose your | own first name or names, what would you choose instead of your present one(s)? | If you could predict one event inthe | future, which would you choose: (a) | the winning number in the next National Lottery draw (b) the date of your own death (c) the name of your future (or next) wife (d) the date and place of the next major earthquake? errs Pre-activity (5 minutes) + Ask students, in small groups, to think of inventions that are in ‘common use today but which weren't generally available twenty years ago, e.g. mobile phones, the Internet, etc + Have a class feedback session, Procedure (20 minutes) + Explain that students are going to think of possible inventions in the future. * Divide students into groups of three or four and give each group a copy of the worksheet, Explain that the eight pictures show possible inventions for the future. * Ask students, in their groups, to discuss the eight pictures and together agree what each invention is. Go around listening, helping with vocabulary as necessary. * Then ask groups to rank the inventions according to which they feel will become part of everyday life and which will always be science fiction, + Have a class feedback session. ‘+ Now ask students to think about how each of the inventions would change our lives if they were around today. Students discuss the consequences and write sentences, e.g. If drugs could improve a person's IQ, there would be no need to go to school! + Have a class feedback session. Ask individual students to read out some of their sentences to the class. Allow time for other members of the class to ask questions. Extension (10 minutes) ‘Ask students, in small groups, to brainstorm ideas for a home of the future. Ask: How would homes of the future be different with new technology? How would they be better places to live? How could technology change the following things: keys, telephones, shopping lists, door handles, household chores? et. + Have a class feedback session. FUTURE SCOPE Elif... would Type of activity ‘Small group; matching; production, Grammar point If... would ~ the second conditional ‘we use the past simple in the 7 clause and would sn the main clause when talking about an imaginary or hypothetical situation: If Lccon a lot of money I would go on a world tour in the if clause, were is used in preference to Uf L were you, I would take the job. Other structures None Topic areas Plans and dreams Challenging vocabulary competition, scream (W), safari, snake ‘Students will also generate their own vocabulary Be prepared to provide support. n opy and cut up (wo sets of PICTURE CARDS for each ‘group of 3-4 students, Materials and prepara’ How to use the game Cs eer + Check that your students are familiar with the grammar in the Grammar point and with the words listed in Challenging vocabulary. + Divide the class into groups of 3-4 students, Give each group two sets of PICTURE CARDS. + Ask the students to shuffle the cards (keeping them in two sets) and then to put both sets face down in piles in the centre + One player should then turn up a card from each pile and put them on the table where everyone in the ‘group can see them, + ‘The first player to make a sentence combining the ovo, ideas can collect the cards, ¢.g. (turning up dress and man): ‘If had a rich boyfriend, I would buy thar dress.” If spent that much money on a dress, my father would go mad.’ *If I vere him, I wouldn't oar that t0 the fice? + The other players can query the sentence if they think it is grammatically wrong. If necessary, they can ask the teacher if itis wrong oF not. If two or more players make a sentence simultaneously, then the group as @ whole should decide which is best and award the cards to that player. If they can't decide, the teacher gets the casting vore! + Then another player can turn up two cards for everyone to see. + Ifthe group cannot think of a sentence, the player leaves the cards face up on the table and draws another two from the piles. Then any card can be combined with any other on the table. + The object of the game is to collect the most cards. + ‘The player who does so is the winner. Monitoring and feedback ‘You can ask students to write down some of their sentences as they produce them or after the game is finished. At the end you can go round the class asking individual students to read out their sentences, correcting mistakes and giving feedback. If you feel it would be useful to reinforce the grammar, you can ask the students to play the game again (possibly in new groups). 21 If Rules 1 You will have two sets of PICTURE CARDS. 2 Shufile the cards (kecping them in two sets) and. ‘put both sets face down in piles in the centre. 3 Player 1 begins, Turn up a card from each pile and put them on the table where everyone in the group, ‘can see them, . would 4 All players try to make a sentence combining the two ideas, e.g. (turning up dress and man): ‘If T shad a rich boyfriend, T would buy that dros.” “fT spent that much money on at dress, my father tsould go ad.” ‘If Twere him, 1 wouldn't eear that to the office? ‘The first player to make a sentence combining the two ideas can collect the cards. : 5. Iftwo or more players make a sentence simultaneously, | then the group as a whole should decide which is | best and award the cards to that player. If they decide, the teacher gets the casting vote! 6 ‘Then another player can turn up two cards for everyone to see, 7 Ifno players can think of a sentence, leave the cards face up on the table and turn up another two from the piles, ‘Then any card can be combined with any other on the table. 8 The winner is the player who collects most cards. Explorer Aim To give students practice at using the second conditional for hypothetical situations Materials ‘One worksheet per student Time 30 minutes Preparation Copy the worksheet. Procedure 1 Write Explorer on the board. Tell students that it is the name of a TV show. Explain that a group of people are sent to a remote place. They have to do different tasks. Every three days @ member of the group is voted off the show by the others. The winner is the last person left. 2 Ask students to list the advantages and disadvantages of being on a TV show of this type. 3 Tell students they are going to be given part of the application form for the TV show, which willbe filmed in the wilds of the USA, in places like Alaska and the Arizona Desert. To apply, they have to complete ten sentences connected to surviving alone in different situations. 4 Hand out the worksheet. Tell students to read the ten incomplete sentences and to underline any vocabulary they don’t know. Allow two to three minutes. 5 Check any words that students don’t know. 6 Then give them five to seven minutes to complete the sentences. 7 Now put students into pairs to talk about situations 1-3. They take tums to ask each other what they would do and why. They have three to five minutes. 8 They find new partners and talk about situations 4-6. Then they change partners again and talk about situations 7-10. 9 Class feedback. Elicit from students some of the best completed sentences for each situation. Extension + Reading and speaking 1 Tell students that itis now time to choose the best candidates. Write the following on the board: We're looking for people who: * aro not afraid of wild animals or insects. * like adventure. * are independent but can work in team. * would be able to kill an animal for food if they had to. * wouldn't panic in difficult situations. * can live without luxury items. 2. Form groups of three or four students. Tell them they will be given the application forms of enother group. Using the selection criteria on the board, students should look at each form and select the best candidate 3 Collect each group's forms and give them to another group. They have five to seven minutes to select their candidate. 4 Ask each group to announce their winner, giving their reasons. APPLICATION FORM FOR THE NEXT =XPLORER SHOW 2 If | was alone in a big city in another country with no money and nowhere to stay, | 3 IF was going to backpack around the world, | 4 If | had to spend two months in a remote place, | wouldn't 5 If | did something dangerous like climb @ mountain, my personality —_ 8 If my plane crashed in a remote place, | _ 9 If | had to kill an animal for food, | 10 If | had to survive alone in the jungle for a week, I'd be most afraid of MEW It you had to choose. B A pair or groupwork activity SS ask questions about preferences, either toa partner oF small group. SS have to say which alternative they would prefer and why. Copy one sheet per pair or small group. You can personalize the activity if you want by inventing more alternatives yourself. TANGUAGE Second conditionals: would prefer to live in a small village, because it would be quieter and more healthy. ‘# Put SS in pairs or small groups and give out the sheets. ‘* Demonstrate the activity by getting a student to ask you ‘one of the questions. Answer in as much detail as possible, ‘SS then continue either asking their partner the question ‘or asking all the people in the group. Tell the other student(s) to return the question using What about you? ‘© While SS are talking, go round and monitor, correcting “any mistakes with conditionals. '* When the activity finishes, get feedback from a few pairs or groups. Talk to a partner. Say why. I'd prefer to live in the city centre. If lived in a village, I'd have to drive to work every day... TRC m any 3K ge [soaa) would you prefer to live in a small any es ISEB ste PEE village or in the centre of a capital city? jage BEES pag would you prefer to have as neighbours a couple with five children ‘of a couple with five dogs? would you prefer to lve in a fourth floor fat without a lift or in a ground floor flat with a restaurant next door? would you prefer to have an enormous Veni j house with a tiny garden or a tiny house with an enormous garden? would you prefer to have a house with a gym or a house with a games room? would you prefer to have central heating or open fires? would you prefer to live in a beautiful hhouse in an ugly area or an ugly house ina beautiful area? would you prefer to have a holiday house on the beach or in the mountains? 9A Election night special You will need: one copy of the worksheet for each group of students + Tell students there is going to be a national election. As well as the main political partes, there are also a umber of “ringe’ parties, who are very unlikely to be ‘lected, but are standing nevertheless. + Putstudents into groups of three or four. Assign each {group a political party from this list (or add your own} The Animal Lovers’ Party, The Sleep Party, The Sports Party, The Television Addicts' Porty, The Fit and Wealthy Party, The I hate English’ Party. + Give each group a copy of the Election manifesto worksheet, Students decide what their party's policies are for each section, and finish the sentences on their ‘manifesto using imaginary conditionals. Remind students to make their polices ft the overall aim of thelr party. Put the completed manifestos up round the class. + One representative of each party stands beside their ‘own manifesto, while the other students move round the class to read the other parties’ manifestos. As they read, students ask the ‘party representative’ about aspects of policy they disagree with or don’t understand, using Imaginary conditionals where possible. + Atthe end of the activity, the students vote for the party they think has the best manifesto {students cannot vote for their own part) Our slogan: . If we were elected, we would reduce taxes on eves and . Which would mean that We would also increase taxes on _ because it would stop people |f'we became the next government, we would spend more money on .s hich would mean that more people would ..... We would reduce the amount of money spent on , because ... became prime minister, he/she would ..... . party's main health policy would be if .., unemployment would be reduced. In order to create more jobs, we WOUId AlSO .....suseamne wenn was made illegal, 9B How would your life be different? You will need: one copy of one question card per student Give each student a card and allow them time to complete the question. Students move around the class and ask each other thelr questions. At the end of the activity, students report back to the class on the most interesting or unusual answers to their questions. How would your life be different if you. .» (have) fifteen brothers and sisters? How would your life be different if . (have) four arms? How would your life be different if (know) you only (have) a year to live? How would your life be different if (can) see the future? How would your life be different if svunees (Be) @ famous Hollywood film star? How would your life be different if you .. (can) speak twelve languages? How would your life be different if YOU sessnmnnes (Can) talk to animals? How would your life be different if YOU sansnsnennne (Become) the leader of your How would your life be different if YOU wnsnnnnnae (Be) Jess than one metre tall? How would your life be different if YOU senrnnsnnee(b8) colour-blind? How would your life be different if (can't) eat anything except grass? How would your life be different if you .. .» (not / need) to sleep? How would your life be different if . (find out) that your parents How would your life be different if v»» (be) telepathic? you . How would your life be different if YOU snnnnetnnne (1050) YOU memory completely? How would your life be different if YOU sn . (have) ten children? ‘Second Conditional Fer practice es es Use after Unit, $8 p86 & 87 Mat (One copy of the worksheet per pair or group of three to four students PSriaue ad Pre-activity (5 minutes) ‘© Write the following sentence on the board: If you could be any age for one week, what age would you choose? ‘© Ask students to tell you which structure is used and why. (Second conditional, to talk about a situation which is improbable or unreal.) ‘© Blicita few answers from the class and encourage them to give reasons for their answers. Procedure (20 minutes) ‘© Explain that students are going to discuss some questions about imaginary situations. ‘© Divide students into pairs or small groups and give each pair/group a copy of the worksheet, placed face down on the table. ‘© Students take it in turns to choose a number between I and 14 (each number can be chosen once only). This student turns over the worksheet, reads the corresponding question to the group, then turns the worksheet over again. # Students discuss the question together, giving reasons for their answer. Go around listening, helping, and correcting as necessary. © Stop the activity when you feel is appropriate - they do not need to answer all the questions. Have a class feedback session. Extension (10 minutes) In pairs, students write three more If... questions, which they then exchange with another pair for discussion. © Write the following ideas, or any of your own, as prompts on the board: desert island, time travel, famous people. 3 IF you could go back | one more time toa || place you've been to before, where would i\d be jou coul iy ye for One | One thing (apart from | | People or pets), what | Would you save? If you could speak to the leader of your and he/she would | listen, what would you say? If you weren't afraid of anything, which 29 What would you be? ee@ Time: 20-25 minutes Preparation: Copy the handout on page 80 = one copy for each student. ‘Main functions Talking about one's self-image Asking others about their self-image Giving reasons ‘Main grammar point Second/unteal conditional: If were a/art.. I would be .../If you were a/an ... what would you be? Key vocabulary/Topic Names and types of the following: body, book, country, food, insect item of clothing, ‘musical instrument, season, time of day, type of weather Method 1. To introduce the activity, write the following question on the board: If you were an animal, what animal would you be? Invite the students to answer and give reasons. (You may have to start off yourself!) Point out the use of the second conditional and how to give simple reasons ~ because, 50, as, etc 2. Give everyone a copy of the handout and go through the list slowly, eliciting suggestions for each category and giving students time to fill in the first column. 3. Ask the students to find a partner and go through the list together comparing and contrasting their answers, category by category. Encourage them to talk as much as they can and allow 10 minutes for this, circulating to give help. 4. Fora whole class feedback, find the most common answer in each category and try to speculate why. Follow up Written homework/oral presentations: If I were not me, I would like to be... (There is no need to be too realistic in the answers!) If you were an animal, what animal would you be? A large animal like an elephant or a small animal like a mouse? A wild animal like a tiger or a friendly animal like a dog? Use your imagination and answer the following questions. Then talk to your partner about his/her choices and try to find out why. If you were ..., what would you be? ‘An item of clothing a book a country a time of day EL a type of food a colour | — a household object a type of weather 2 computer program (or TV programme) [a type of car a musical instrument {a part of the body a season y WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? Materials: One set of cards per group Write on the board: make o noise lke 0 cat, and ask Ss to give you possible reasons why they would or wouldn't do this eg. If had a cot, and I wanted to get ts attention, | would make 2 noise like o cat. Arrange Sé into groups of three (or groups of four if you have a large class), and give each group a set of cards, placed face down in the middle. Ss take itn turns to take a card and read it out to the rest of the group. The other Ss try to give a good reason why they would or wouldn't do this. The first student to give a correctly formed reason wins the card. Go round and help with vocabulary and adjudicate where necessary, For feedback, nominate a student from each group to give the most interesting answers to the class, forming full second conditional sentences. 7B If you had to choose. A pairwork or group activity Sts ask questions about preferences, either to a partner or small group. Sts have to say which alternative they ‘would prefer and why. Copy one sheet per pair or small group. You can personalize this activity if you want by inventing more questions giving alternatives yourself. Language second conditional 19 prefer to have a holiday house on the coast, because if had a house in the mountains, 'd miss the sea + PurStsin pairs or small groups and give our the sheets. ‘+ Demonstrate the activity by getting a student to ask you one of the questions. Answer in as much detail as possible. Sts then continue either asking their partner the question or asking all the people in the group. Tell the other student(s) to return the questions using What about you? + While Stsare talking, go round and monitor, correcting any mistakes with conditionals. ‘+ When the activity finishes, get feedback from a few pairs or groups. I'd prefer to live in a new flat, Talk toa partner. because if | lived in an old flat I'd have Say why. to do so much work on it! i __ If youhad to choose... Would you prefer to live ina new flat or in an old flat which you could renovate yourself? Would you prefer to have a holiday house on the coast or in the mountains? Would you prefer to have a house with solar energy or a house with traditional electricity? If you had space in your house, would you prefer to have a gym or a games room? Would you prefer to live in a four-bedroom house in the country or a one-bedroom flat in the city centre? Would you prefer to live in a house next to an airport or a house next to a school? Would you prefer to live ina modern, spacious apartment or in an old, cosy house? Would you prefer to live in a fourth-floor flat without a lift or ina ground-floor flat with a disco next door? [32 What would you do if . c A pairwork activity to practise the second conditional. Copy cone sheet per pair (or three) and cut up the cards. Alternately, cut the sheet in half vertically, and give SS half each, LANGUAGE, What would you do if you saw a big spider inthe bath? Tid scream, ‘© Give a set of cards to each pair or three. ‘ Demonstrate the activity like this. Get one student to pick a card and ask you the question. Answer, explaining why, and retura the question with (What /How about you?) ‘#88 ask and answer in pais or threes. Remind them to st face to face. If they don't understand a question, they should ask their partner to repeat it slowly. The student ‘who answers should always reply with, What about you? © Monitor and help SS, Insist they use Fa... wouldn't in their answers but when they try to explain why, the emphasis should be on fluency. # Get feedback, asking different pairs which situation for them was the most ‘difficult: (meet) your English teacher at a a eS (hit) somebody's car in a car park Y (find) a lot of extra money in your ve bank account 2 ‘meet) your partner in the street : with an ex-girlfriend/boyfriend "Your neighbour (play) loud music be) invited to a really good concert Tate at night | by somebody you didn’t like Uitte If | was a film star 1 imagine you had the jobs in the pictures and make sentences. Think about these questions: If you were a... Where would you live? how would you travel? what would you wear? what would you need to be good at? eg. If | was a fisherman, Id live in a town with a harbour. se W 2 write sentences in the second conditional. 1 be/ good at acting be /a film star 5 make /lots of money buy / ots of cars If .was good at. acting, Id be a film star: 2 be/afilmstar go/ to lots of exciting parties 6 buy/lots of cars need /a big garage 3 live / in a big house in Hollywood have / a swimming pool 7 not live / in my home town not see / my friends very often 4 have / a swimming poo! hire / someone to clean it, 8 not see / my friends very often get / lonely 3 How would these things be useful if you were a fisherma film star or safari guide? Make sentences. ski instructor, sunglasses Id wear sunglasses if | was.a film star and | didn’t want. people to recoanise. me. ‘a weather forecast a hot drink a compass. binoculars 6 a bodyguard © Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets to make second conditional sentences. 1 I wouldn't be (not be) so broke if spent _ (spend) a bit less on going out. 2IfI (have) more money, I — (can) travel next summer. 3 My parents (be) happier ifl (not go out) so much. 4 Maybe if (share) a flat with | friends, (get on) better with my parents. 5 If1___ (go) to bed earlier, 1 (not be) so tired all the time. 6 Iff____(paint) my room white, then it (not look) so depressing, 71 (feel) a lot better if I (go) to the gym more. 81 (not argue) with my brother ifhe (not borrow) my things all the time. 9 Ifmy girlfriend (not have to) work so hard, we (can) see each other more often. 10 Iff___(do) something with my life instead of just thinking about it, maybe things (improve). © First or second condi nal? Complete the sentences with a verb from the list in the correct form. be catch notdrive noteat _nothave look _ have 1 Ifwe hurry, we 'll catch the earlier train. It leaves in three minut 2 If it wasn’t so windy, we__have lunch in the garden. 3 They'll never sell their house if they the price. 4 Ifyou James, tell him to phone me. I need to speak to him urgently. sa you, I'd buy the black dress. It’s much more ‘you’ 6 He won't pass his driving test ifhe __ a few more lessons. 7 1 more time, I’d do it myself. 81 to work if public transport was better in this town. 9 Gavin that soup if it has meat in it. He’s a strict vegetarian. 10 Your sister much better if she cut her hair a bit shorter. 9A GRAMMAR if + past, would + infinitive (second conditional) © Write second conditional sentences for the pictures. § 1 Which would you choose if you could only a eee. have one? (you choose, can) more exercise. 3 They_____happierifthey 4 1__there if —____im that cage. (be, not —________ you. (not swim, be) 5 1__ somebody if 6 ___irif'she French. (ask, can ________ the money? (she buy, have) 7 a wr, Ys 8 He__________scared ifit to work. (not be, go) ____ so big. (not be, not be) with the correct form of the verb. @© First or second conditional? Complete the sente1 1 What will we do tomorrow ifit rains (rain)? 2 If Thad lot of money, I'd buy (buy) a horse. 3. She'd pass her exams ifshe __(study) harder. 4 T'msure she ___ (lend) you the money if you ask her nicely. 5 V'dlike your dog more ifhe (not be) so noisy! 6 If1____(not see) you this evening, I'll see you on Friday. 7 1__________(not say) anything to James if you don’t want me to. 8 Ifyou____(not hurry up), we'll miss the train. 9 IfIwere you, I____(not go) to the UK in the winter. 10 What___ you__(do) if you founda snake in your bed? © Cover the sentences in a and look at the pictures. Remember the second conditionals. What would you do if...? 9 a Ask B your questions. What would you do... if you thought that your best friend’s partner was falling in love with you? if you had an exam the next day and somebody offered to sell you the answers? if you founda gold necklace in the street? ifyou came home one night and saw that somebody was in your home? ifa company offered you a job in Australia? iff somebody wanted to pay you to talk about your privatellife on TV? iffa friend asked you if you liked her new dress, and you thought it was horrible? o Answer B’s questions. What would you do if...? ® Ask A your questions. What would you do... ifa cat or dog came into your house from the street and wanted to stay? if you found a friend’s personal diary open on the table? if your neighbours were having a noisy birthday party and you had to study? if your boss asked you to work at his/her house at the weekend? if you borrowed your father’s new car and you broke one of the lights? if you were invited to dinner ata friend’s house but you really didn’t like the food they'd cooked? iffa friend gave you an expensive shirt that you thought was awful? b Answer A’s questions. . [ What would you do [a] Make questions. Ask B. 1 What would you do if you (win) first prize in the national lottery? What would you do if you (all) in love with your best friend's partner? If you (can) choose to bea man or a woman, which would you choose? Ifyou (have) a time machine, would you travel to the past or the future? If you (can) be an animal, which animal would you be? [b) Answer B's questions. Ask What about you? | Whatwouldyouds? = {al Answer A’s questions. Ask What about you? [b] Make questions and ask A. Ifyou (be) a local politician, what's the first thing you would do? ‘What would you do if you (find) your friend’s personal diary open on the table? Ifyou (can) play any musical instrument, which would you choose? Ifyou (live) alone on a Pacific island, what luxury would you most like to have? Ifyou (can) meet anybody, dead or alive, who would it be? 7B GUESS THE SENTENCE Student A a Lookat sentences 1-6 and think of the ing verb phrase (#= positive, negative). Don’t write anything yet! 1 1 cook dinner every day if earlier from work. 2 Ifwe could aff this summer, maybe we rd to geta new car. (= 3 Ithink you the original version. #) more if you saw 4 Td see my grandparents more often if they _ 51 __ the fish if Lwere you. Itisn't usually very good here. = 61 if the water wasabit warmer. 2 b Read your sentence 1 to B. Ifit isn't right, ry again until B tells you "That's right’ ‘Then write itin. Continue with 2-6. Listen to B say sentence 7. Ifit’s the same as your sentence 7 below, say ‘That's right” Ifnot, say ‘Try again’ until B gets it right. Continue with 8-12. 7 The house would look better if you painted it 8 Iflmet my exin the street, I wouldn’t say hello co him. 9 fic wasn’t so late, I'd stay a bit longer. 10 The flight would be more comfortable if we were in business class. 11 I wouldn't mind the winter so much ifit didn't get dark so early. 12 If Thad more money, 'd buy a house with a beautiful garden 7B GUESS THE SENTENCE Student 8 4 Look at sentences 7-12 and think of the missing verb phrase (# = positive, = = negative). Don't write anything yet! 7 The house would look better if you 8 If Lmet my ex in the street, 1 tohim. = 9 Fit 10 The flight Tdstay a bit lo if we were in business class. 11 Lwouldn't mind the winter so much ifit socarly. = 12 If Thad more money, with a beautiful garden. +] b_ Now listen to A say below, say ‘That's rig Continue with 2-6. entence I. Ifit's the same as your sentence | he’ Lf not, say “Try again’ until A gets it right. 1 cook dinner every day if got home earlier from work. 2 If we didn’t go on holiday this summer, maybe we could afford to getanew cat. 3 [think you would enjoy the film more ifyou saw the original version 4 I'd see my grandparents more often if they lived nearer. 5 [wouldn't have the fish if were you. Itisn'tusually very good here. 6 ['d go swimming ifthe water was bit warmer. € Read your sentence 7to A. Ifit’s not right, try again until A tells you That's right’. Then write it in. Continue with 8-12. STUDENTS A & B Quiz Write the name of your partner in the spaces and answer the questions for him/her. 4. What would . buy if he/she were very rich? 2. Who Would ........... like to be if he/she could be a famous person for a day? 3. What would go and see if he/she decided to go to the cinema tonight? 4.1f went to McDonalds for lunch, what would he/she probably choose from the menu? had to make a long train journey, what would he/she do to pass the time? 6. If .nn Went to a karaoke bar for an evening out, which song would he/she sing? TH sscsssne had enough money to buy the car of their dreams, what kind of car would he/she buy? 8. If had a ticket to see a big world sports event, which event would he/she choose? 9. If could change one part of their body, which part would he/she change? 10. If . had to choose between a beach holiday, a cycling holiday, a sightseeing tour or a trekking holiday in the mountains, which would he/she choose? Check your ideas with your parmer like this to see if you were right: Ifyou were rich, Eva, would you buy a new stereo? Zo Yes, | would./No, | wouldn't _ —_——— Vd buy a lot of new clothe: GRAMMAR ACTIVITIES What would you do if Preparation None. In class 1 Ask for volunteer to leave the class. Give the other students a second conditional - question, for example: Who'sit for? What would you do if gave you o brick? ‘Intermed evel 2 Students each have to think of a different answer which begins ! would ..., for example: \ = : How long? I would keep a door open with i mad 3 The student who was sent ou! returns. Tell this student fo guess the ‘if clause’ after hearing all the ‘would clauses’ = Example questions How many? 1 What would you do with it fl gave you a brick? day os i. 2. What would you do with ii gave you a bucket? 3. What would you do if you ruled the world? h a What's it for? 4 What rt if re intelligent? vat would you do if you were superinteligent canta 5. What would you do if your teacher started screaming? 6 What would you do if it never stopped raining? = 7 What would you do ifyou were invisible? Language needed? 8 What would you do if you were given £1000 fo spend in a day? Seca anions; teyde vcd, 9 What would you do if you saw a spaceship? 10. What would you do if you saw a ghost? Alternative Send one student out of the room and ask the others to guess what that student would do inne of the above sitvations. Bring the student back into the room and ask the question. The winners are those who guessed the student's response correcly Advice Try to encourage students to give imaginative and creative responses to the questions. ‘You may have to give a few examples to get them started.

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