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Stage 2:

Realizar las actividades y estudiar los contenidos gramaticales de los módulos del

1 al 4. Colocar evidencia del desarrollo y aprendizaje de los contenidos de las

actividades del E-book publicando el resultado de cada uno de los test de los

módulos en el foro junto con el avance de las actividades.

Para cumplir con los requisitos de este punto debe desplegar el menú en la

parte izquierda, estudiar la sección de grammar, realizar las actividades y

finalmente realizar los tests.

*Solo se evidenciará el resultado de los tests, junto con el pantallazo final

de actividades respondidas correctamente que aparece en la parte superior a

medida que avanza en el proceso de estudio (2 pantallazos por módulo).

Modulo 1:
Módulo 2:

Modulo 3:
Módulo 4:
Test módulo 1:
Test módulo 2:

Test módulo 3:
Test módulo 4:

Stage 3:
• Escribir 4 oraciones en inglés en las cuales se haga la descripción de las actividades

que realizas en la ciudad que vives (usar las expresiones every day, every other day, on

weekends, on vacation) y en 2 líneas describir el clima de este lugar. Debe ser una

composición propia, respetando las políticas de plagio de la universidad.

1. I always exercise every day.

2. I usually buy strawberries every other day.

3. I always go to the movies on weekends.

4. on vacation I always go to the beach.

The climate of the city where I live is quite warm, in winter it rains a lot and it is a little

cooler, but in summer it is very hot because the days are very sunny.

Stage 4:

• Describir en un párrafo un lugar el cual hayas visitado. 4 líneas mínimo. Tener en cuenta

que incluya: Photo of the place, Name of the city or place, where is located? What were

you doing there? How was the weather like? How often did you do things? E.g.: 2 years

ago, I was in Tokyo, Japan. Located in the continent of Asia, I was in a working travel, the

climate was all the time sunny because I went by summer time. I seldom had the

opportunity to know tourists places because of my working schedule.

A year ago I was in Santa Marta, Colombia. Located in the Magdalena department, I was

on vacation with my husband and son, the weather was sunny all the time because it was

summer and it was very windy. I had the opportunity to get to know many tourist places, I

went to the aquarium and saw many fish, I toured the city and bathed a lot in the sea, I was

there for four days and had a great time with my family, it is an experience that I would like

to repeat very soon. . .

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