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Stage 1:


my name is Karen Jacome Solis. I was born on January 31 and I am 23 years old. I am Colombian
born in Valledupar - Cesar. I currently live in Tamalameque with my husband and four year old
daughter. I'm a business management student. I am an independent worker. In my free time I
really like to watch movies, meet new people and spend pleasant moments with my family. I
really dislike irresponsible and negative people.

Stage 2:
Stage 3:

1. study every day.

2. every other day I wash my daughter's clothes.
3. I take my daughter to the park on weekends.
4. On vacation I travel to Valledupar with my husband and daughter to visit our family.

The climate of the city where I live is quite warm, here it is very hot, no breeze and there are a lot
of mosquitoes. in winter it rains a lot but it is still hot.

Stage 4:
This photograph was taken four years ago in Antioquia - Medellin, at the comfama pools. I was out
for a walk with my husband and some friends. It was a sunny day, we were in summer and it was
very hot. We arrived at noon. We had all had lunch already. we bathe, play and share a pleasant
time. I was pregnant with my little daughter and I really liked going to the pool.

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