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This graphic organizer is designed to be used during an average PLC which typically take place during a

planning period or before school. The minutes that are in parenthesis next to each step are a suggested
amount of time to spend on that step.

STEP #1: RELATIONSHIPS (3 minutes)

Note. This step is to get you started, you do not need to document anything for this step, simply spend
some time getting to know your teammate(s) and establishing your norms, this is normal procedure for
Professional Learning Communities.


Answer the questions below for ELA, Math and Science. Write questions that arise as you analyze
your data in the ‘question box’ below.

1) Which Content area had the greatest growth? Math had the greatest average growth across all
classes at 96.
2) Which Content area had the smallest growth?
ELA had the smallest average growth across all classes at 54.

3) Look at the SPED population - what are some patterns, categories or trends that are emerging?

Seven of the eight SPED students started out as MP for ELA. While there was some growth, the
growth was less than the general population growth and all students except one ended the year as
MP. Total population growth for ELA was 54 and only 39 for SPED students.
For science, their growth was closest to the average growth of the general population. SPED average
growth was 67, while total student population was 73.
For math, only one student began the year as proficient. Although some growth, still much less than
the total population of students and all SPED students ended the year as MP or PP in math.

6) Brainstorm at least three possible root causes of student performance.

1. Instruction is not differentiated which leaves students outperforming and students under
2. Rather than working with students who are of the same level, students work in groups and are
unable to work at their own pace, fully understand their learning, or complete assignments as they
have to move the speed of the course.
3. Perhaps there is no diversity in the assessments administered. Rather than testing students in a
format that accommodates their learning type they are assessed with the same assessment
4. Lack of remediation at the beginning of the year to meet students where they are at.
5. Hybrid or online models not sufficient to support student learning.

Note. There are four questions that are not numbered sequentially. This is on purpose, questions were
eliminated that have to do with identifying specific standards, you do not have access to that information
with this data set.

Step 3 Question Box (5 minutes)

What do you need help with?

Where students given IEP and other supports such as aides to specifically address student
Is the focus on growth, even if it is minimal, rather than proficiency and mastery?
When was the data set taken, where there COVID impacts?
What were teachers provided to support students and where there any resources teachers
requested that were denied?
Was there opportunities for teacher collaboration and professional development?

Note. This step is for the questions that you would ask the fourth-grade teachers who had these children
the previous year. Such as: What interventions were provided for students who grew from MP on the
pre-assessment to P on the post assessment?

STEP #4: LEAVING WITH A TASK (10 minutes)

Fill in the blank: Some students are going to struggle with achieving enough growth to reach
proficiency. Some students are going to struggle with maintaining proficiency due to the number of
students who are MP or PP.

These fourth graders are your incoming fifth graders for the new school year. What can I do as a teacher
to ensure all students reach proficiency? What will you continue? What needs to stop? What needs to
be adjusted?
Successes Challenges

Science post scores had more students Students are struggling to gain proficiency in
passing, meaning they achieved proficiency or ELA and math. Only 10% of students achieved
were highly proficient. 65% of students, or 52 proficiency or were highly proficient at the end of
students passed science at the end of the year. the year for ELA and 32% for math. Both of
these areas experienced a decrease in passing
scores compared to the start of the year.

Solutions Next Steps

Put the students in homogeneous groups to work Students should be ranked and put into their
on same level skills and adjust pace to meet the homogenous groups based on their scores.
needs of the smaller group. Consider alternative assessments, specifically
Focus on remediation right away to meet for SPED students.
students where they are at, rather than Student interests should be taken into account.
advancing the curriculum without achieving Consider unique ways to engage students at the
some proficiency. beginning of the year to learn their interests.
Add in student interest; use cross-curriculum to
support ELA and math growth, particularly in the
area of science. Since this area is experiencing
greater growth, it may be that this is of more
interest to the students.

TARGET GOAL: What do you hope to achieve from now until your next data

To see stronger growth numbers specifically in ELA and Math. See 40%
minimally proficient students achieve partial proficiency or greater and at least
maintain current proficiency levels for all subjects. See SPED students
achievement gap shrink and average growth rates to be within 10% of the
general student population growth rates.

Note. Focus on the students as you fill out the boxes on Successes, Challenges, Solutions, Next Steps
and your target goal. This area really is what you have taken away from the data analysis.

STEP #5: CLOSING (12 minutes)

Look at your Next Steps and Target Goal boxes. Make sure that you can answer the following
How will your principal know that your action plan is being implemented?
Please list your Target Goal and Objectives on this sheet before you submit it.
Note. This is the final information for your principal – remember the scenario, the fifth-grade team working
with these incoming students
Target Goals:
● To see stronger growth numbers specifically in ELA and Math.
● See 40% minimally proficient students achieve partial proficiency or greater and at least maintain
current proficiency levels for all subjects.
● See SPED students achievement gap shrink and average growth rates to be within 10% of the
general student population growth rates.

● Rank students based on post-assessment scores, put into their homogenous groups within the
first three weeks of school.
● Reassess students within the first six weeks of being in homogenous groups.
● Consider alternative assessments, specifically for SPED students.
● Create a minimum of three activities/assignments to incorporate into the classroom at the
beginning of the year to engage students and learn their interests.
● Incorporate specific ELA and math activities within science curriculum.

Michelle Harrington, 5th grade, multiple subject 9/10/21, 7:30pm

Presley Voorhees, 5th grade, multiple subject 9/10/21, 7:30pm

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