Fairytale Story

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This story is set in to paralel worlds, the first one where the human life which is

earth and the another one is the place human afterlife soul which is Heaven and
Hell.  Long time ago before human exits, there’s only two soul in heaven, a man
the god and a woman the goddes that has a power to do everything. they fall in
love with each others and have a children, his name is Grey. they live hapilly
together, but one day Grey father making his creatures a human to life in earth
because he thinks the earth conditions is quite and peacefull. By the time pass
there’s already a lot of human in that place. As the time pass Grey also become
older, he is more mature. one day he break his father rules, he come to earth and
making fuss. His father really mad about it, until he creates a place to punish grey,
the place is called hell. And until now the human afterlife soul if doing something
bad in their life in earth, their soul will be going to hell.

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