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Analyze from video Coordinative Conjunction and Subordinative Conjuction

1. Coordinate conjunction, Coordinate conjunctions are conjunctions that are used to connect two
sentences whose ideas are equivalent, or can contain the same idea.

2. commonly used conjunctions include : and, but, or, so, because.

3. pattern of conjunctions

item + coordinate conjunction + item

4.example :

i like chocolate and bananas.

5.exercises :

I'd like to go___ I have to study for my test tonight.

6. Subordinative Conjunction : Conjunctions are used to connect independent clauses and

dependent clauses

7. Commonly used conjuctions include : If, Although, Because, Since, Whether, Even though, After,
While, When, etc.

8. Sentence pattern : independent clause + conjunction + dependent clause.

9. Example :

I did not want someone talk to me. While I was doing my home work.

10. Exercises :

I can not pass the test. ____ I have studied. (Although)

B. Analyze from video Preposition of Place and Preposition of Time.

1. Preposition of Place is important Word for talking about movement and Place (kata yang
menerangkan tempat)
2. Type of place preposition : behind, in front of, beside, among, under, on, in, between, above

3. Example of Place of preposition : the cat is under the box, the cat is between the boxes, the cat is
on the box, etc.

4. Example of sentence using a preposition of Place : I look the bottle on the table

5. Excercise : The car is ... motorcycle and bicycle

6. Prepasition are words that show things like time, place, and direction.

7. Pattern of proposition of time happenies. Common prepositions of time are, at, on, and in.

8. Example of preposition of time : I eat breakfast at 07:00 am. The party is on September 8. Flowers
grow in the spring.

9. Example of sentece using a preposition : We will take a trip in 2022.

10. Exercises : My Family will go ... 10:30 am.

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