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Write a letter to yourself when you were 18 years old.

Tell yourself all that you would have liked

to know at that time but you didn't.

Dear Andreea,

I am writing this letter to you in order to give you some advices because I know you have a
taught time.

Homework – tot defectiv de plural – a piece of homework/ some homework

First of all, take a break. You should focus on your hobbies too. I know you will have an exam
next year but it’s also important to take care of your mental health. You could take some
swimming classes because I know you love swimming. In this way you would have the
opportunity to keep your health as good as possible. Also swimming it would be a great
wayway to take a break and relax, forget about your responsabilities for a moment.

Secondly, you don’t have to stress too much about your grades. They are not everything. It’s
more important now to find out what would you likeyou would like to do in your life and start
working to accomplish your dreams. Take some time and meditate:, where would you like to be
in 5 years or in 10 years? Would you like to spend your all day all your day in front of a
computer? Maybe you wouldill enjoy more a job that involves talking with people, sharing --
practising your /talents skills. Make all your choices after you have documented and thought
about all the alternatives.

Lastly, you should enjoy the present and appreciate what you have. Spend more time with your
family, especially with your grandparents. It would be wonderful if you could can make take a
walk every day. You could go to your grandparents and helped them with the gardening or take
your favorite book and go reading in a park. Enjoy the birds singing! It would be relaxing. Also,
try to be more pacient with your brother and don’t start an argument/ start a fight e from
nothing. We are always learning new things and we need someone to support us in some
situations that’s why we have to be understanding with each other.

That would/ That is my advice be my advices to you. I hope you will take them in consideration.

Andreea from the future

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