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it is important to write the background of the study because it gives readers an overview regarding to

your research topic . Writing background of the study will also allow researchers to look for relevant
studies. Another reason why we have to write the background of the study is , It will help the readers
understand why is your study important that will catch their interest and attention.

it is important that researchers will include the list of defined terms in their study becuase not all the
readers understand the terminology used in the research paper. Definition of terms enable and ensures
the readers to understand the terminalogy or unfamilliar word used better.

we have to set the limitations in our study because without limits our topic will be so broad. Liminations
from the word itself limit, having our limits will help us focus and invest our time and energy on what is
the most important. Limitations those characteristics of design or methodology that impacted or
influenced the interpretation of the findings from your research.

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