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Mobile Clinical Laboratory

The Mobile Clinical Laboratory should have its own staff. It should be in the
same area as the DOH-licensed clinical laboratory. It must be within a radius of (100)
kilometers of the address of the DOH licensed clinical laboratory. This type of laboratory
is permitted to collect test specimens and conduct tests such as urine, fecalysis,
pregnancy test (lateral flow), and basic serologic tests utilizing quick test kits such as
dengue, screening for hepatitis B, RPR/Syphilis Test, and HIV.
B. Participation to NEOAS
According to DOH Department Memorandum (DM) 2009-86, all clinical
laboratories must participate in the National External Quality Assessment Scheme
(NEQAS) administered by designated National Reference Laboratories (NRLs) or in
another local or international EQAP recognized by the Department of Health. The
NEQAS will be carried out to verify that laboratory operations are carried out in
accordance with standards, and that laboratory findings are accurate and within the
standard range for quality health care.
The rules outlined below will be applied as one of the conditions for clinical
laboratory LTO renewal.
1. All clinical laboratories performing the following services must have a NEQAS
Certificate of Participation/Proficiency Testing from the previous year.
a. NKTI has issued Hematology certificates for all categories of Clinical
b. STD AIDS Cooperative Central Laboratory (SACCL), San Lazaro
Hospital issued HIV, HBV, HCV, Syphilis, and other STIS for clinical
laboratories providing such services (SLH)
c. EAMC has issued Drug and Drinking Water Proficiency Testing.
d. Clinical Chemistry is issued by LCP to all clinical laboratories that
provide Chemistry services.
e. Bacteriology for all tertiary clinical laboratories and TB Culture and
Sensitivity for capable tertiary clinical laboratories by RITM; Parasitology
for all categories and all clinical laboratories offering AFB microscopy
2. With the new normal that we are facing, I believe that additional provisions in the
clinical laboratory are necessary, such as wearing personal protective equipment
such as facemasks, disinfection sites, and social distancing protocols. When
working in an area with a high risk of COVID-19 transmission, laboratory
personnel should be vaccinated and wear a face mask. This protects staff from the
variant and prevents it from spreading to others. Examine emergency
communication and operational plans, including how to protect employees who
are more vulnerable to COVID-19-related illness. Assess cleaning and sanitizing
methods for regularly shared equipment and spaces to guarantee clean surfaces
and equipment for all users (for example, counters, benchtops, and desks).

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