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Research Paper
Law Enforcement I

The paper must be 2-3 PAGES (not including title page and reference page) in length
on the topic from the list below.
You must cite your sources. You may have more than one source if you like.
 Any internet sources must be from .gov sites. Do NOT use .com sites as
 sources can be from a periodical (magazine, journal)
 Online periodical sources count as a periodical source, not as an internet source.
 source can be from a book (online books are considered a book source as well)
 you may not use .com sources. These will not count as sources, and points will
be deducted.
The paper must follow APA format.
 Double Spaced
 Font Size 12/ Times New Roman
 Header on Each Page
 Each Page Numbered
 Parenthetical Citations
 Works Cited Included
All other APA guidelines must be followed, such as those regarding quotations.  Use
the help that’s on the website.

Points will be deducted for the incorrect format of research papers.

Student Class Notes:
       No Wikipedia sources are allowed at all.
       .org sites are allowable unless it is Wikipedia. Do not use
this source. Points will be deducted if you do so.
       Consider encyclopedias as starting points for your
research to direct you toward other reliable, scholarly
sources on your topic.

Research Paper Topics

Campus Crime. (High School or College)
Child Abuse.
Domestic Violence.
Elder Abuse.
Hate Crime.
Human Trafficking.
Identity Theft.
Organizational Crime.

Due Friday, January 7th, 2022

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