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Glossary of Analytical Terms

Globalization in science, technology and economy causes, amongst other

things, problems in derivation, adaptation and acceptance of technical terms
in general, and in Analytical Chemistry, too. Both vague and contradictory
deˇnitions have been developed and established over the years. Therefore,
in the last decade the efforts have been increased to harmonize the use of
analytical terms. In particular international organisations like ISO, IUPAC
render outstanding services to the ˇxing and harmonization of essential
analytical terms. But also additional activities have been done in this ˇeld,
e.g., by the Royal Society of Chemistry, the EURACHEM Education and
Training Working Group and the Federation of European Chemical Societies
(FECS), Division on Analytical Chemistry (DAC) as well as by publications
in form of books (e.g., Prichard et al. [2001]) and other publications, e.g.
the series \Glossary of Analytical Terms" (GAT) in the journal Accreditation
and Quality Assurance, see GAT I to X [1996-1998], where multilingual terms
are given, and Holcombe [1999/2000].
In the following, deˇnitions of essential analytical terms are compiled, if
possible on the basis of international agreements. Attached are sparse refer-
ences and cross-references. The symbols, being used here, means: ! \see
also"(cross-references to terms, additional references as well as paragraphs,
chapters, equations and ˇgures of this book), and  is a warning notice.

\Closeness of agreement between the re- ISO 3534-1 [1993]
sult of a measurement and a true value ! Sect. 7.1
of the measurand". ! Trueness
 Do not confuse with

Analysis (of a sample)

Investigation of a sample to identify ! Quotation from Anal
and/or determine (an) analyte(s) or as- Chem [1975] at the end of the
say a material. Glossary
284 Glossary of Analytical Terms

\The chemical entity being investigated According to Pritchard et al.
(qualitatively or quantitatively)". [2001]

Analytical function (evaluation function)

Inverse of the calibration function,
x = f 1 (y ), describing the dependence
of the analytical values from the mea-
sured values.

Analytical method
\Logical sequence of operations, de- ISO 3524-1 [1993]
scribed generally, used in the perfor- ! Fig. 7.1
mance of measurements", e.g., the links
of a given analytical technique with par-
ticular excitation and detection.

Analytical procedure
\Set of operations, described speciˇcally, ISO 3524-1 [1993]
used in the performance of particular Pritchard et al. [2001]
analytical measurements according to a ! Fig. 7.1
given method".

Analytical process
Logic sequence of objects linked by gen- ! Fig. 2.1
eral analytical standard operations.

Analytical result
Analytical value attributed to a measur- According to ISO 3524-1 [1993]
and, obtained by measurement and com- ! 8.1
pleted by information on the uncertainty
of measurement.

Analytical quantity
\Particular quantity subject to analytical According to ISO 3524-1 [1993]
measurement". ! Measurand

Analytical technique
\Generic analytical application of a sci- According to Pritchard et al.
entiˇc principle". [2001]
! Fig. 7.1
Glossary of Analytical Terms 285

Determination of how much of a sample ! Quotation from Anal
is the material indicated by the name. Chem [1975] at the end of the
! e.g. analysis of ores
Analytical value
Magnitude of an analytical quantity, x,
measured at test samples on the one hand
and given for reference samples used for
calibration on the other hand.

Background (instrumental background, background signal)

Instrumental background is the null sig- ! IUPAC [1995]; Currie
nal, obtained in the absence of any [1999]
analyte- or interference-derived signal. ! Background may be set to
zero, on the average, for certain

\Summation of the instrumental back- IUPAC [1995]; Currie [1999]
ground plus signals in the analyte (peak)
region of interest due to interfering

\The difference between the expectation According to GAT VIII [1997]
of the test results and an accepted refer-
ence value".

A value, yB , obtained my measuring a ! IUPAC [1995]; Currie
blank sample (in calibration, the inter- [1999]
cept of the calibration curve is consid- ! Background
ered to be equal to the blank). ! Baseline
Blanks may be differentiated into instru- ! Chemical blank
mental blank (background and baseline,
respectively) and chemical blank (analyte
286 Glossary of Analytical Terms

Blank measurement
Procedure by which a measured value is According to Pritchard et al.
obtained with a sample in that the analyte [2001]; Taylor [1987]; Sharaf
of interest is intentionally absent. et al. [1986]
! Blank sample

Blank sample
A sample whose analyte concentration is According to Pritchard et al.
below the limit of decision of the analyt- [2001]
ical procedure being used. ! Blank measurement

Set of operations that establish, under ! ISO 3524-1 [1993]
speciˇed conditions, the relationship be- ! GAT IV [1996]
tween values of quantities indicated by a ! Pritchard et al. [2001]
measuring system and the corresponding ! IUPAC [1998]
values of quantities represented by a ma- ! Sect. 6.1
! Sample domain
terial both in form of reference materials
and samples. In a wider sense, calibra-
! Signal domain
tion represents a set of operations that
establish relationships between quanti-
ties in the sample domain with quantities
in the signal domain, viz y = f (x) and
z = f (Q).

Calibration function
Equation for the estimation of the values ! Pritchard et al. [2001]
of a measuring quantity from given val- ! IUPAC [1998]
ues of a analytical quantity. The calibra- ! Sharaf et al. [1986]
tion function may be known a priori by ! Sensitivity
natural laws or estimated experimentally ! Response function
by means of calibration samples.
The calibration function represents that
segment of the response function that is
chosen for estimating the analytical value
of an unknown sample.
Glossary of Analytical Terms 287

Calibration samples
Set of samples characterized by accurate ! Pritchard et al. [2001]
and precise values of the measurand. In ! Reference material
a concrete case, calibration samples may ! Certiˇed reference material
be portions of (certiˇed) reference mate-
rials, in-house reference materials (labo-
ratory standard samples), or spiked sam-
ples, and, in addition, blank samples.

Certiˇed reference material (CRM)

\A reference material, accompanied by a ISO 3524-1 [1993]
certiˇcate, one or more of whose prop- ! GAT IV [1996]
erty values are certiˇed by a procedure ! Pritchard et al. [2001]
which establishes traceability to an accu-
rate realization of the unit in which the
property values are expressed, and for
which each certiˇed value is accompa-
nied by an uncertainty at a stated level
of conˇdence".

Chemical blank (analyte blank)

\Blank which arises from contamination IUPAC [1995], Currie [1999]
from the reagents, sampling procedure,
or sample preparation steps which corre-
spond to the very analyte being sought".

Coefˇcient of variation: The term is not recommended by IUPAC;

! Relative standard deviation

Concentration domain ! Sample domain

One of the dimensions of the sample do-

Conˇdence interval (CI)

Statistical interval, e.g., of a mean, y , ! Sect. 7.5
cnf(y ) = y ˙ y cnf , which express the ! Critical value
uncertainty of measured values. CIs are ! Prediction interval
applied for signiˇcance tests and to es-
tablish quantities for limit values (CV).
288 Glossary of Analytical Terms

Conventional true value

\Value attributed to a particular quantity ISO 3534-1 [1993]
and accepted, sometimes by convention, ! True value
as having an uncertainty appropriate for
a given purpose".

Stochastic relationship between random
variables in such a way that one depends
on the other. The degree of relationship
may be estimated by the correlation co-

Correlation coefˇcient
The correlation coefˇcient, rxy , is given ! Sect. 6.1.3
by the covariance of two random vari-  The correlation coefˇcient
ables x and y , cov(x; y ) = sxy , divided by is not of any relevance in cal-
the standard deviations sx and sy , see Eq. ibration, as a rule. This is be-
(6.3). The correlation coefˇcient becomes cause only the measured value
is a random variable and, in
rxy = 0 if there is no relationship between
contrast, the analytical value is
x and y , and rxy = ˙1 if there exist a a ˇxed value and not selected
stringent deterministic dependence. randomly

Correlation matrix
Matrix formed by a set of correlation co- ! Eqs. (6.4) and (8.14)
efˇcients related to m variables in multi-
variate data sets, R = (rxi ;xj ). It is relevant
in multicomponent analysis.

Critical value (CV)

Limit in the signal domain, esti- Ehrlich and Danzer [2006];
mated from the average blank plus Currie [1999]
its uncertainty, generally according ! Sect. 7.5
to yc = y BL + U (y BL ), in analytical ! Fig. 7.8
chemistry frequently according to ! Decision limit
yc = y BL + 3sBL . If the critical value
is exceeded, the respective analyte is
reliably detected (except for a remaining
risk of error ˛). Therefore, the CV
stands for the guarantee of presence of
an analyte.
Glossary of Analytical Terms 289

Cross sensitivity (partial sensitivity)

Dependence of the measured value (sig- ! Kaiser [1972]; Danzer
nal intensity), yA , from other constituents [2001]
than the analyte A, present in the mea- ! Sect. 7.2
suring sample, quantitatively expressed ! Eq. (3.11)
by the respective partial differential quo- ! Sensitivity
! Sensitivity matrix
! Total sensitivity
Analysis of a sample to estimate quanti- ! Quotation from Anal
tatively the amount (content, concentra- Chem [1975] at the end of the
tion) of (an) analyte(s). Glossary

Evaluation function (analytical function)

Inverse of the calibration function,
x = f 1 (y ), describing the dependence
of the analytical values from the mea-
sured values, being so the basis of an-
alytical evaluation.

A qualitative term used to describe ! Pritchard et al. [2001]
that the analyte is uniformly distributed ! Inhomogeneity
through the sample. The degree of homo- ! Sect. 2.1
geneity may also be characterized quan- ! Eq. (2.9)
titatively as a result of a statistical test.

Hyphenated techniques
Coupling of two (or more) separate an- ! Hirschfeld [1980]
alytical techniques via appropriate inter- ! Kellner et al. [1998]
faces and computer with the goal to ob- ! By hyphenating analytical
tain faster a higher amount of informa- methods, the dimension of ana-
tion on the subject under investigation. lytical information will be in-
creased (usually by one)
! Sect. 3.4
Recognizing of (an) unknown con- ! Sect. 9.3
stituent(s) in an analytical test sample.
In contrast, by qualitative analysis it is
tested whether (a) known constituent(s)
are present or absent.
290 Glossary of Analytical Terms

A quantitative term to describe the (lack ! IUPAC [1995]; Currie
of) \precision" of an analytical procedure [1999]
(e.g. by standard deviation). ! Precision
! Imprecision of analytical
results, see Sect. 7.1
! Standard deviation
A quantitative term to describe the (lack ! IUPAC [1995]; Currie
of) accuracy of an analytical procedure [1999]
which comprises the imprecision and the ! Accuracy
bias.  Inaccuracy should not be
confused with uncertainty, see
IUPAC [1994a]
\Term used to describe situations where ! Pritchard et al. [2001]
the analyte is unevenly distributed ! Sect. 2.1
through the sample matrix".  The term inhomogeneity
The degree of inhomogeneity may be should not be confused with
characterized quantitatively by Eq. (2.9) heterogeneity
the value of which becomes negative with
the transition from homogeneity to inho-

Interlaboratory study
\A study in which several laboratories IUPAC [1994b]
measure a quantity in one or more iden- ! A minimum of ˇve labora-
tical portions of homogeneous, stable tories should be used to provide
materials under documented conditions, meaningful statistical conclu-
the results of which are compiled into a sions from interlaboratory stud-
single report".
According to the evaluation types, it is
! Sect. 8.2.4
differentiated between:
(1) Method-performance studies.
(2) Laboratory-performance studies.
(3) Material-certiˇcation studies.
Glossary of Analytical Terms 291

Limit of decision (\3 -limit of detection")

The analytical value (e.g. the concen- Ehrlich and Danzer [2006];
tration) that corresponds to the critical IUPAC [1995]; Currie [1999]
value. The limit of decision is of minor ! Sect. 7.5
importance in analytical chemistry be- ! Fig. 7.7
cause the detection at this level of con- ! Critical value
! Detection limit
centration succeeds only in 50% of all
 The decision limit should
not be used as a perfor-
mance characteristic of analyt-
ical methods and also not as a
limit of guarantee of an analyte

Limit of detection (LD)

The analytical value, xLD , that always Ehrlich and Danzer [2006];
produce a signal which can be distin- IUPAC [1995]; Currie [1999]
guished from the blank (except for a re- ! Sect. 7.5
maining risk of error ˇ). ! Fig. 7.7
LD is the limit in the sample domain (an- ! Critical value
alyte domain). It characterizes analytical
procedures, in particular with regard to
the limit concentration that can be de-
tected. Therefore, the LD stands for the
guarantee of absence of an analyte.

Limit of determination ! Limit of quantitation

Limit of quantitation (LQ)

An analytical value, xLQ , above which Ehrlich and Danzer [2006];
quantitative determinations are possi- IUPAC [1995]; Currie [1999]
ble with a given minimum precision. ! Precision
The condition on precision must be de- ! For factual reasons, the
clared in each case. For a given preci- limit of quantiˇcation cannot be
lower than the limit of detection
sion k = xLQ =xLQ , the limit of quantiˇ-
cation can be estimated by Eqs. (7.48)
! The declaration of preci-
sion must always be given be-
and (7.49). cause it is an inherent compo-
nent of LQ

Linear dynamic range

The range of concentration in which the ! Sharaf et al. [1986]
response varies linearly with the analyte
292 Glossary of Analytical Terms

Ability of an analytical method to give a ! Pritchard et al. [2001]
response which depends linearly on the ! Sharaf et al. [1986]
analyte concentration.

All of the constituents of a sample except ! IUPAC Orange Book
the analyte. The matrix is the carrier of ! [1997, 2000]
the analyte. ! Analyte

Matrix effect
Inuence of one or more matrix con- ! Sect. 3.5
stituent(s) on the analyte under study. ! Eqs. (3.12){(3.14); (3.16);
Matrix inuences may affect the analyte (3.17)
signal directly by interferences or indi-
rectly by signal depression or ampliˇca-

\Particular quantity subject to measure- ISO 3524-1 [1993]

Measured result
Measured value, obtained by measure- ! Sect. 8.1
ment and completed by information on ! Measured value
the uncertainty of measurement. ! Uncertainty

Measured value
\Outcome of an analytical measurement" ISO 3524-1 [1993]
or \value attributed to a measurand". IUPAC [1995]; Currie [1999]
A measured value is a \Magnitude of a ! Measuring quantity
measuring quantity generally expressed
as a unit of measurement multiplied by
a number".

Measuring quantity
\Attribute of a phenomenon . . . that may ISO 3524-1 [1993]
be distinguished qualitatively and deter-
mined quantitatively".
Glossary of Analytical Terms 293

Measuring sample
Sample that is directly introduced into ! Sect. 2.2
analytical measurement. A measured
sample is created from a test sample by
conversion into a measurable form by
means of a procedure of sample prepa-

\Science of measurement". ISO 3524-1 [1993]

Continuous or repeated observation,
measurement, and evaluation of a pro-
cess in a certain ˇeld of application
(e.g., environmental surveillance, health
checking, foodstuff inspection, quality
assurance in manufacturing), according
to given schedules in space and time.

Multicomponent analysis (multispecies analysis)

Simultaneous determination of several ! IUPAC [1995]; Currie
analytes (species) by means of a multi- [1999]
component sensing technique or hyphen- ! IUPAC [2004]
ated techniques.

Fluctuations of the baseline- or back- ! Background
ground record of an (analytical) instru- ! Baseline
ment. Noise do not provide meaningful ! Signal-to-noise ratio, R/N,
information, on the contrary, it degrades is a measure of the quality of
the quality of signals and, therefore their signals
detectability. ! Sect. 7.5
! Figs. 7.9B and 7.10
\Finite or inˇnite set of individuals (ob- Frank and Todeschini [1994]
jects, items). A population implicitly con- ! Sample (in the statistical
tains all the useful information for cal- sense)
culating the true values of the popula-
tion parameters", e.g., the mean  and
the standard deviation  .
294 Glossary of Analytical Terms

\The closeness of agreement between in- ISO 3524-1 [1993]; GAT II [1996]
dependent test results obtained under ! Kaiser and Specker
stipulated conditions". [1956]
\The precision of a set of results of mea-  In fact, standard deviation
surements may be quantiˇed as a stan- characterizes imprecision
dard deviation". ! Sect. 7.1.1; Eqs. (7.8) and
Prediction interval (PI)
Statistical interval, e.g., of a mean, x, ! Sect. 7.5
prd(x) = x ˙ x prd , that express the un- ! Limit of detection
certainty of analytical values which are ! Limit of quantiˇcation
predicted on the basis of experimental ! Conˇdence interval
calibration. PIs are applied for signiˇ-
cance tests and to establish quantities for
limit values (LD, LQ).

Proˇciency test
\Study of laboratory performance by ISO Guide 33 [1989]
means of ongoing interlaboratory test Pritchard et al. [2001]
comparisons\. ! Interlaboratory study

Qualitative analysis
Testing whether (a) known constituent(s) ! Sect. 9.3
are present or absent in test samples.
In contrast, identiˇcation means recog-
nizing of (an) unknown constituent(s) in
a test sample.

Quantitative analysis
Determination of the amount(s) of (an) ! Assay
analyte(s) in a test sample.

Random variable
A quantity that appears in a random ex- ! Sachs [1992]
periment. Random variables relate events ! Frank and Todeschini
into a set of values. [1994]
Glossary of Analytical Terms 295

Range (in the analytical sense)

\The interval between the upper and the Pritchard et al. [2001]
lower concentration of the analyte in the
sample for which it has been determined
that the method is applicable".

Range (in the statistical sense)

Difference between the greatest and the ! Pritchard et al. [2001]
smallest values of a series of measure- ! Sect. 4.3.2

Updating of a calibration model in the ! Standard operating proce-
case that details of the analytical proce- dure
dure are changed.

Reference material
\A material or substance one or more ISO 3524-1 [1993]
of whose property values are sufˇciently ! GAT IV [1996]
homogeneous and well established to be ! Pritchard et al. [2001]
used for the calibration of an apparatus,
the assessment of a measurement method
or for assigning values to materials".

Statistical method to model a mathemat- ! Sachs [1992]
ical equation that describes the relation- ! Frank and Todeschini
ship between random variables (usually [1994]
x and y ). The goal of regression analysis ! Regression model
is both modelling and predicting. ! Sect. 6.1.3

Regression coefˇcients (regression parameter)

Coefˇcients of the predictors in a regres- ! Eqs. (6.8) to (6.10)
sion model, e.g., ax and bx or ay and by ,
respectively, in linear regression models.
296 Glossary of Analytical Terms

Regression model
Mathematical model that describes the ! Sachs [1992]
relationship between random variables ! Frank and Todeschini
(usually x and y ) by means of regres- [1994]
sion coefˇcients and their uncertainties ! Sect. 6.1.3
as well as uncertainties of model and the  Eq. (6.7) is not the inverse
of Eq. (6.6), viz
prediction. y^  ax
In linear regression there are two differ- x^ = ay + by y =/
ent models: though Eq. (6.7) approximates
that of the prediction of y from x to Eq. (6.6) in the same degree
y^ = ax + bx x (6.6) as the correlation coefˇcient rxy
and that of the prediction of x from y approximates to 1
x^ = ay + by y (6.7)

Relative standard deviation (RSD)

Standard deviation expressed as a frac-  The use of the term \co-
tion of the mean srel = s=x. RSD is a efˇcient of variation" (\varia-
dimensionless quantity; sometimes it is tion coefˇcient") is not recom-
multiplied by 100 and expressed as a per- mended by IUPAC
centage. ! IUPAC Orange Book [1997,

A qualitative term that covers preci-
sion and accuracy as well as robustness

Repeatability (of results of measurements)

\Closeness of the agreement between the ISO 3524-1 [1993]
results of successive measurements of the ! GAT I [1996]
same measurand carried out under the ! Sect. 7.1.3
same conditions of measurement" (Pre- ! Repeatability conditions
cision under repeatability conditions). include the same measurement
procedure, the same observer,
Repeatability may be expressed quanti-
the same measuring instrument,
tatively in terms of suitable dispersion used under the same conditions,
characteristics. the same location, and repeti-
tion over a short period of time
! Repeatability standard de-
! Repeatability interval
Glossary of Analytical Terms 297

Repeatability standard deviation (srepeat )

Experimental standard deviation ob- ! Pritchard et al. [2001]
tained from a series of n measurements ! The number of measure-
under repeatability conditions. ments should be about n = 10

Repeatability interval (repeatability limit)

A conˇdence interval representing the ! Pritchard et al. [2001]
maximum permitted difference between In the given formula, t1˛; is
two single test results under repeatabil- the quantile of the respective
ity conditions: t -distribution (the degrees of
p freedom  relates to the num-
r = t1˛; 2  srepeat
ber of replicates by which srepeat
has been estimated)

Reproducibility (of results of measurements)

\Closeness of the agreement between the ISO 3524-1 [1993]
results of measurements of the same ! GAT I [1996]
measurand carried out under changed ! Sect. 7.1.3
conditions of measurement" (Precision ! Reproducibility conditions
under reproducibility conditions). are characterized by changing
conditions such as: observer,
Reproducibility may be expressed quan-
measuring instrument, condi-
titatively in terms of suitable dispersion tions of use, location, time, but
characteristics. applying the same method
! Reproducibility standard
! Reproducibility interval
Reproducibility standard deviation (srepro )
Experimental standard deviation ob- ! Pritchard et al. [2001]
tained from a series of measurements un- ! The number of measure-
der reproducibility conditions. ments should be sufˇciently
large to estimate a represen-
tative reproducibility standard

Reproducibility interval (reproducibility limit)

A conˇdence interval representing the ! Pritchard et al. [2001]
maximum permitted difference between ! In the given formula, t1˛;
two single test results under repro- is the quantile of the t -
ducibility conditions: p distribution (the degrees of
freedom  relates to the num-
R = t1˛; 2  srepro
ber of replicates by which srepro
has been estimated)
298 Glossary of Analytical Terms

Process by which a composite signal is ! Sect. 6.4.1
split up into individual forms. The reso- ! Sect. 7.6
lution can be related to:
(i) Signal overlappings and ˇne struc-
ture (z-scale)
(ii) Signals in close succession in time
and space

Resolution limit
The smallest difference z at which two ! Sharaf et al. [1986]
adjacent signals can be separately ob- ! In case (ii) of resolution of
served, i.e., their overlap does not exceed the resolution problem, t and
a threshold of 50% of the individual pro- l are the crucial parameters
ˇles. ! Sect. 7.6

Resolution power
Ability of an analytical procedure to de- ! Sharaf et al. [1986]
tect signals of small differences as sep- ! Sect. 7.6
arate signals. Resolution power is in-
versely proportional to resolution limit,
e.g., R = z=z

Output of an analytical system as a reac- ! Stimulus
tion to a certain stimulus. ! The output may be an ob-
servable or measurable effect

Response function
Relationship between the response of the ! Sharaf et al. [1986]
analytical system and the amount of ana- ! Calibration function
lyte. The overall response function is fre-
quently nonlinear.

Response variable (dependent variable)

! Measuring quantity, measured value
Glossary of Analytical Terms 299

Property of an analytical procedure that ! Burns et al. [2005]
indicates insensitivity against changes of ! ICH [1996]
known operational parameters on the re- ! Robustness may be quan-
sults of the method and hence its suit- tiˇed by means of quantities
ability for its deˇned purpose. characterizing signal effects
! Eq. (7.31)

Round robin test ! interlaboratory study

Property of an analytical procedure that ! Burns et al. [2005]
indicates insensitivity against changes of ! Ruggedness may be quan-
known operational variables and in ad- tiˇed by means of quantities
dition any variations (not discovered in characterizing signal effects
intra-laboratory experiments) which may ! Eq. (7.33)
be revealed by inter-laboratory studies.

Sample (in the analytical sense)

Portion of the object under study (the ! Pritchard et al. [2001]
material submitted for analysis). ! There are various types of
A sample consists of the analyte and the samples within given sampling
matrix. schemes, e.g., bulk samples >
primary samples > gross sam-
ples > subsamples > test sam-
ples > measuring samples
! Fig. 2.4
Sample (in the statistical sense)
\Subset of a population that is collected Frank and Todeschini [1994]
in order to estimate the properties of the
underlying population", e.g., the sample
parameters mean x and standard devi-
ation s. In the ideal case of representa-
tive sampling, the sample parameter ˇt
the parameter of the population  and
 , respectively.
300 Glossary of Analytical Terms

Sample domain (analyte domain)

Field of analytical operation that is char- ! Fig. 2.12
acterized by samples' properties such as ! Signal domain
type of analytes, Q, and their amount,
xQ . The transition to signal domain is
done by calibration and analytical mea-

\Sequence of selective and non-selective ! Gy [1992]
operations ending with the selection of ! Sect. 2.1
one or several test portions submitted to ! Fig. 2.4
the analytical process in their entirety.
Their physical properties (maximum par-
ticle size, mass, etc) are speciˇed in the
analytical procedure." Sampling covers
sampling (in the narrow sense) and sam-
ple reduction.

Testing of (a large number of) objects ! Sect. 1.2
in order to identify those with particu- ! Fig. 1.5
lar characteristics.

The extent to which n given analytes can ! Kaiser [1972]; Danzer
be measured simultaneously by (a least) [2001]
n sensors (detecting channels) without ! Sect. 7.3
interferences by other components and, ! Eq. (7.24)
therefore, can be detected and deter-  Selectivity should not be
merged with speciˇcity: selectiv-
mined independently and undisturbedly.
ity relates to multicomponent
analysis and speciˇcity to single
component analysis

\Change in the response of a measuring ISO 3435-1 [1993]; GAT VII
instrument divided by the correspond- [1997]
ing change in the stimulus". In analytical ! Sect. 7.2
measurements is this, in fact, the differ- ! Eq. (7.12)
ential quotient of the measured value to  Sensitivity should not be
confused with limit of detection
the analytical value.
Glossary of Analytical Terms 301

Sensitivity matrix (Matrix of partial sensitivities)

Matrix that contains all the sensitivities ! Kaiser [1972]; Danzer
and cross sensitivities of a multicompo- [2001]
nent (multidetector) analytical system. ! Sect. 7.2
! Eq. (7.17)
! Cross sensitivity
\Response of a device (usually an instru- Sharaf et al. [1986]
ment or a module of an instrument) to ! Sect. 3.3
certain stimuli". A signal is characterized ! Fig. 3.6
by at least three parameters: position, in-
tensity, and width (symmetry, shape).

Signal domain (response domain)

Field of analytical operation that is char- ! Fig. 2.12
acterized by signal properties such as sig- ! Sample domain
nal position, z, and signal intensity, yz .
The transition to sample domain is done
by analytical evaluation (signal decod-

Signal function
Record of signal intensity in dependence
of the signal position over a certain range
of the z-scale: y = f (z).

Signal-to-noise ratio
Measure of the precision of signal mea- ! Sect. 7.1, Fig. 7.2
surement, expressed mostly by the ratio ! Eqs. (7.1){(7.6)
of the net signal value to a noise param-
eter (standard deviation or peak-to-peak

The extent to which one individual ana- ! Kaiser [1972]; Danzer
lyte can be measured undisturbedly in a [2001]
real sample by a speciˇc reagent, a par- ! Sect. 7.3
ticular sensor or a comparable speciˇc ! Eq. (7.26)
measuring system. ! Selectivity
 Speciˇcity should not be
merged with selectivity
302 Glossary of Analytical Terms

Fraction of a lot (batch sample) taken Gy [1992]
without respecting the rules for sampling
correctness or under unknown condi-

Standard deviation (SD)

Dispersion parameter for the distribution ! IUPAC [1995]; Currie
of measured values, sy , or analytical re- [1999]
sults, sx , for a given sample or the pop- ! Sachs [1992]
ulation, y and x . The SD is the square ! Dixon and Massey [1969]
root of the variance. ! Sect. 4.1.2
! Eqs. (4.12){(4.14)
Standard error
The term \standard error" is not ex- ! Sachs [1992]
plicitly introduced. It is used sometimes ! Frank and Todeschini
(a) synonymously for standard deviation [1994]
and (b) for the residual standard devia-  The term standard error
tion in modelling and calibration. should be avoided

Property of an analytical system to pro-
duce a response of an observation- or
measuring system. Rousing effect of an
analyte that can be characterized quali-
tatively and quantitatively.

Standard operating procedure (SOP)

\A set of written instructions that docu- EPA [2001]
ment a routine or repetitive activity fol- ! Pritchard et al. [2001]
lowed by an organization". ! Fig. 7.1

Process of analyzing the sample to rec- ! Pritchard et al. [2001]
ognize (an) analyte(s) and/or determine ! Quotation from Anal
the amount(s) of (an) analyte(s). Chem [1975] at the end of the
Glossary of Analytical Terms 303

Total sensitivity (total multicomponent sensitivity)

Sensitivity of a multicomponent analysis. ! Sharaf et al. [1986]
In the simplest case it is given by the ! Massart et al. [1988]
determinant of the sensitivity matrix. ! Sect. 7.2
! Eqs. (7.18){(7.20)
\The property of a result of measurement GAT I [1996]
whereby it can be related to appropri- ! ISO 3435-1 [1993]
ate standards, generally international or ! All the standards used
national standards, through an unbroken should have stated uncertainties
chain of comparisons".

\The property of a result of a measure- GAT I [1996]
ment whereby the result can be uniquely
related to the sample".

True value
\Value consistent with the deˇnition of ISO 3534-1 [1993]
a given particular quantity" and \value GAT III [1996]
which characterizes a quantity perfectly ! Conventional true value
deˇned in the conditions which exist ! Sect. 7.1
when that quantity is considered".

\Closeness of agreement between the av- IUPAC Orange Book [1997,
erage value obtained from a large series 2000]
of test results and an accepted reference ! Codex alimentarius
value". commission [1997]
Trueness has been referred to as \accu- ! Sect. 7.1.3
racy of the mean".
304 Glossary of Analytical Terms

Uncertainty of measurement
\Parameter, associated with the result of ISO 3524-1 [1993]
a measurement, that characterizes the EURACHEM [1995]
dispersion of the values that could rea- GAT I [1996]
sonably be attributed to the measurand". ! The uncertainty of mea-
The uncertainty should combine both surement may be expressed by
the combined or extended un-
statistical and non-statistical contribu-
certainty, u(y ) or U (y ), respec-
tions to the variation of the measured tively
values which may occur in all steps of ! Sect. 4.2
the analytical process. ! Eqs. (4.25), (4.26) and
(4.29) to (4.32)

Uncertainty of an analytical result

Interval, e.g., of a mean, U (x), that ex- ! Sect. 4.2
press the uncertainty of analytical values ! Eq. (4.32)
considering statistical and non-statistical
variations within the measurement pro-
cess plus uncertainties of experimental

Validation (of an analytical method)

\Process by which it is established, by USP XXII < 1225 > [1990]
laboratory studies, that the performance Wegscheider [1996]
characteristics of the method meet the EURACHEM [1998]
requirements for the intended analytical ! Typical performance char-
applications". acteristics that should be con-
sidered in the validation are:
precision, accuracy, limit of de-
tection, limit of quantitation,
selectivity, range, linearity, ro-
bustness, ruggedness

\Characteristic of an object that may take Frank and Todeschini
on any value from a speciˇed set". [1994]
! There are several types
of variables, e.g., categorical,
dependent and independent,
experimental and theoretical,
manifest and latent, random,
standardized variables
References 305

Dispersion parameter for the distribution ! IUPAC [1995]; Currie
of measured values, sy2 , or analytical re- [1999]
sults, sx2 , for a given sample or the popu- ! Sachs [1992]
lation, y2 and x2 . Statistically deˇned as
! Dixon and Massey [1969]
! Sect. 4.1.2
the second moment about the mean. ! Eqs. (4.8); (4.10)

Working range ! Range (in the analytical sense)

Analysis, Identiˇcation, Determination, and Assay (quoted from Anal

Chem [1975])
\While most chemists probably realize the difference between the terms
analyze, identify, and determine, they are frequently careless when using
them. Most frequently the term analysis is used when determination is
A study of the nomenclature problem indicates that only samples are
analyzed; elements, ions, and compounds are identiˇed or determined.
The difˇculty occurs when the sample is nominally an element or com-
pound (of unknown purity). `Analysis of . . . ' (an element or compound)
must be understood to mean the identiˇcation or determination of im-
purities. When the intent is to determine how much of such a sample is
the material indicated by the name, assay is the proper word."


Anal Chem (1975), published in several issues amongst the Instructions for Authors,
e.g., 47:2527
Burns DT, Danzer K, Townshend A (2005) IUPAC, Analytical Chemistry Division. Use of
the terms \Robust" and \Rugged" and the associated characteristics of \Robustness" and
\Ruggedness" in descriptions of analytical procedures. Draft 2005
Codex Alimentarius Commission (1997) ALINORM 97/23A, Appendix III: Analytical
terminology for codex use
Currie LA (1999) Nomenclature in evaluation of analytical methods including detection
and quantiˇcation capabilities (IUPAC Recommendations 1995). Anal Chim Acta 391:105
Danzer, K (2001) Selectivity and speciˇcity in analytical chemistry. General considerations
and attempt of a deˇnition and quantiˇcation. Fresenius J Anal Chem 369:397
Dixon WJ, Massey, FJ (1969) Introduction to statistical analysis. McGraw-Hill, New York
Ehrlich, G, Danzer, K (2006) Nachweisvermogen von Analysenverfahren. Objektive Be-
wertung und Ergebnisinterpretation. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York
306 References

EPA (2001) Environmental Protection Agency. Requirements for quality assurance project
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EURACHEM (1995) Quantifying uncertainty in analytical measurement. Teddington
EURACHEM (1998) The ˇtness for purpose of analytical methods. Teddington
Frank IE, Todeschini R (1994) The data analysis handbook. Elsevier, Amsterdam
GAT: Glossary of analytical terms. Series in the journal \Accreditation and Quality As-
I. (1996) 1:41 (Fleming J, Neidhart B, Tausch C, Wegscheider W)
II. (1996) 1:87 (Fleming J, Albus H, Neidhart B, Wegscheider W)
III. (1996) 1:135 (Fleming J, Neidhart B, Albus H, Wegscheider W)
IV. (1996) 1:190 (Fleming J, Albus H, Neidhart B, Wegscheider W)
V. (1996) 1:233 (Fleming J, Albus H, Neidhart B, Wegscheider W)
VI. (1996) 1:277 (Fleming J, Albus H, Neidhart B, Wegscheider W)
VII. (1997) 2:51 (Fleming J, Albus H, Neidhart B, Wegscheider W)
VIII. (1997) 2:160 (Fleming J, Albus H, Neidhart B, Wegscheider W)
IX. (1997) 2:348 (Prichard E, Albus H, Neidhart B, Wegscheider W)
X. (1998) 3:171 (Prichard E, Albus H, Neidhart B, Wegscheider W)
Gy PM (1992) Sampling of heterogeneous and dynamic material systems: theories of
heterogeneity, sampling and homogenizing. Elsevier, Amsterdam
Hirschfeld T (1980) The hy-phen-ated methods. Anal Chem 52(2):297A
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ICH (1996) ICH Topic Q2B (ICH Harmonised Tripartite Guideline). Validation of ana-
lytical methods: methodology (CPMP/ICH/281/95), ICH, London
ISO 3534-1 (1993) International Organization for Standardization (BIPM, IEC, IFCC, ISO,
IUPAC, IUPAP, OIML), International vocabulary of basic and general terms in metrology.
ISO Guide 33 (1989) International Organization for Standardization, Use of certiˇed
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IUPAC (1994a) Analytical Chemistry Division, Commission on Analytical Nomenclature:
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Accreditation and quality assurance in analytical chemistry. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg
New York

Absolute measurement 35, 124 generation 46

Acceptance function 93, 94 genesis 45, 46
Accumulation 52 time characteristics 45
Accuracy 141, 183, 184, 283 Analytical technique 178, 284
Activation function 166, 168 Analytical trinity 5
Alternative hypothesis 79 Analytical value 14, 218, 285
Analysis 283, 305 Andrews plot 245
Analysis of variance 19, 21, 83, 101, 199 ANOVA: analysis of variance 19, 21, 83,
one-way 102, 103 101, 199
three-way 104{107 Artiˇcial intelligence 246
two-way 21, 103{105 Artiˇcial neural networks 117, 120, 165,
Analyte 23, 284 248
Analytical chemistry Assay 285, 305
deˇnition 1, 3 At-line analysis 15
development 2 Attribute testing 92
ˇeld of operation 9 Autocorrelation 21, 52
Autocorrelation function 22, 51
progress 5
repertoire 5
Background 52, 207, 285
Analytical data
Background noise 208
dimensionality 59
Backpropagation networks 167, 248
Analytical evaluation 28, 36
Baseline 285
Analytical function 33, 59, 284, 289
Benninghoven matrix 30
Analytical image 59, 250, 252 Bias 66, 142, 184, 285
Analytical information 28 Blank 35, 63, 125, 202, 285
dimensionality 26 Blank correction 75
Analytical measurement 27, 28, 31 Blank measurement 286
Analytical method 284 Blank sample 286
Analytical procedure 284 Bootstrapping 149
Analytical process 13, 14, 284 Boxplots 243
Analytical quantity 32, 124, 284 Box-Wilson optimization method 115
Analytical resolving power 209, 275 Bulk analysis 6
Analytical result 36, 217, 218, 284
Analytical sciences 4 Calibration 28, 67, 123{125, 286
Analytical signal 2, 4, 44, 101 by artiˇcial neural networks 165
appearance 46 individual three-dimensional 147
conversion 47 linear 130
detection 47 orthogonal 140
310 Index

Calibration function 29, 34, 35, 124, 126, Covariance matrix 128, 129, 231
127, 186, 286 Coverage factor 78, 218
Calibration model 125 Critical level 224
general three-dimensional 126 Critical limit 224
linear 130 Critical sample mass 19, 20
Calibration points 125 Critical signal-to-noise ratio 207
Calibration samples 125, 287 Critical value 90, 201, 202, 204, 209, 220,
Categorical quantities 28 288
Cause-effect diagrams 76 Cross sensitivity 61, 188, 193, 289
Certiˇed reference material 68, 125, 141, Cross validation 163
148, 287 Cross-correlation function 50
Chemical blank 287 Cusum control 97
Chemical information 43
Chemical measurement process 13, 43, Data bases 36
44 Data evaluation 67
Chemical shift 60 Data interpretation 229
Chemometrics 4 Data matrix 229
Chernoff face 245 Data processing 253
Classiˇcation 229 Decoding 29, 44, 123
Classiˇcation methods 235 Deˇnitive measurement 35, 124
Cluster analysis 229, 231, 234, 246 Dendrogram 232, 246
Density function 234
Depth resolving power 211, 278
hierarchical 232
Detection capability 206
Coding 28, 29, 44, 123
Detection limit 63, 207
Combined signal 48
Detection power 206
Combined uncertainty 36, 76, 218
Determination 289, 305
of standard deviations 82
additive 67
of measured values 82
multiplicative 67
Composite sample 16
Digital ˇltering 52
Concentration function 16{18 Dimensionality 53, 56, 58
Concentration proˇle 250, 277 Dimensionality reduction 229
Concordancy rate 87 Dimensions
Condition number 159, 162 chemical 53
Conˇdence band 136 measuring 53
Conˇdence interval 66, 72, 73, 127, 134, physical 53
136, 147, 218, 287 statistical 53
Conˇdence limit 73, 93 Direct calibration 158
Control limit 96 Direct imaging 253
Control parameters 98 Discriminant function 230, 235
Conventional true value 183, 225, 288 Discriminant variable 230
Convolution 30 Dispersion factor 74
Correlation 22, 288 Distribution analysis 6
Correlation analysis 127 Dynamic analysis 6
Correlation coefˇcient 50, 77, 128, 129,
288 Eigenanalysis 229
Correlation matrix 128, 129, 231, 288 Eigenvalue 159, 231
Correlation time 22 Eigenvector 231
Covariance 75, 77 Elastic interactions 27
Index 311

Element analysis 29 Hidden layer 165

Elemental images 277 Histograms 243, 244
Encoding 28 Homogeneity 16{18, 20, 104, 289
Enrichment 24 Homogeneity value 20
Error of the ˇrst kind 87, 91 Homoscedasticity 129, 131, 143
Error of the second kind 79, 87, 91 Hyphenated techniques 25, 289
Error propagation 67, 75 Hypothesis testing 62
Euclidean distance 230
Evaluation 123 Icon plot 244
Evaluation function 34, 49, 126, 127, 284, Identiˇcation 7, 34, 124, 274, 289, 305
289 Image analysis 253, 276
Exceeding limit 224 Image information 277
Experimental calibration 124 Image processing 253, 255, 256
Experimental design 62, 108, 162 Imprecision 183, 290
Expert system 36, 246 In-line analysis 14, 15
Extended uncertainty 77, 203, 218 Inaccuracy 184, 269, 290
Extraction 24 Indirect calibration 150, 157, 158
Inelastic interactions 27
Factor analysis 229, 231, 239 Inuence factor 60, 61, 101
Factor extraction 240 Information 43
Factor loadings 239 one-dimensional 55
Factor rotation 241 Information amount 26, 47, 274, 278
Factor scores 239 potential 275
Factorial design Information capacity 280
complete 109, 114 Information content 266, 267, 270, 271,
fractional 111 273
partial 111 of qualitative analysis 267, 268
two-level 109 Information density 280
False negative rate 87 Information efˇciency 279, 280
False positive rate 87 Information ow 279, 280
False-positive 79 Information performance 279, 280
Fourier transformation 50 Information process 43, 44
two-dimensional 254, 255 Information proˇtability 279, 280
Frequency domain 50 Inhomogeneity 16, 17, 20, 290
F-test 18{20, 81, 102, 104 Inhomogeneity variance 18
Fuzzy set theory 37, 150 Input layer 165
Inspection analysis 54
Genetic algorithms 117, 118, 120, 246, Interferences 62, 101, 154, 189
250 Interlaboratory comparisons 62
Geometrical mean 73, 74, 218, 219 Interlaboratory study 179, 195, 227, 228,
Geometrical resolving power 277 273, 290
Global optimization 116, 118 Interquantile ranges 74
Global optimum 113, 116, 118 Intrinsic energy 27, 30
Gradient analysis 21 Inverse calibration 157, 159
Grid experiments 114 k nearest neighbours 238
Gross sample 16 Kinetic energy 28
Kohonen network 249
Hat matrix 163
Heterogeneity 16, 17 Laboratory information management
Heteroscedasticity 132, 137 systems 248
312 Index

Laboratory performance study 227 Measuring sample 14, 23, 24, 26, 27, 147,
Laboratory sample 15 293
Laboratory standards 125 Median 74, 218
Latent information 28, 43 Median absolute deviation 74
Latent variable 160 Median statistics 145
Lateral proˇles 277 Method performance study 227
Lateral resolving power 210, 211, 277 Metrology 4, 293
Latin square design 108 Micro analysis 6
Learning rate 167 Minimal spanning tree 246
Least squares Missing data
linear 137 completion 222, 223
ordinary 131{134 Monitoring 21, 293
orthogonal 132 Moving averages 223
weighted 132 Multi-range calibration 151
Least trimmed squares 145 Multi-stage techniques 25
Level of signiˇcance 218 Multicollinearities 156, 160
Leverage points 144 Multicomponent analysis 6, 155, 189,
Library search 36 273, 293
Limit of decision 291 Multicomponent calibration 155, 157
Limit of detection 6, 201, 204, 205, 220, Multicomponent sensitivity 188, 189
291 Multifactorial design 62, 108
multivariate 164 Multilayer perceptron 166
Limit of determination 206, 291 Multisignal calibration 152, 154
Limit of discrimination 88 Multisignal evaluation 187
Limit of quantiˇcation 201, 206, 220 Multispecies analysis 293
Limit of quantitation 291 Multivariate analytical images 256
Limit of speciˇcation 88, 89 Multivariate calibration 157, 162
Limit values 201
uncertainty 159
LIMS 248
validation 162
Line analysis 58
Multivariate discriminant function 235
Linear calibration 130, 134
Multivariate distances 230
Linear discriminant analysis 238
Multivariate image 254
Linear dynamic range 291
Multivariate similarity 232
Linearity 142, 292
Multivariate variance and discriminant
Local analysis 6
analysis 229, 231, 235
Local frequency 18
Local optimum 116
Nano analysis 6
Mass resolving power 210 Natural computation 116
Material certiˇcation study 227 Natural design 116
Matrix 23, 60, 61, 292 Net function 166
Matrix effect 112, 292 Neural networks 246
Matrix inuence 148 Neuron 165, 167
Matrix of partial sensitivities 188 Noise 52, 293
Mean (mean value) 69, 71, 98 Noise function 52
Measurand 124, 292 Nonlinear calibration 134
Measured result 292 Nonlinear calibration functions 152
Measured value 14, 292 Normal distribution 69, 70
Measuring function 29, 47 logarithmic 73
Measuring quantity 292 Null hypothesis 79, 102
Index 313

Off-line analysis 14 Qualitative analysis 7, 34, 58, 124, 294

On-line analysis 14, 15 Quality assurance 90, 91, 273
Optimization 111, 112 Quality control chart 96
Optimum 114 Quality criteria 90
Order of instruments 59 Quantitative analysis 58, 124, 294
Output function 167
Output layer 165 Radial basis function nets 168
Random deviations 65{67
Partial least squares 152, 160 Random samples 69
Partial sensitivity 61, 289 Random variable 294
Random variations 69
Pattern recognition 21, 236
Range 98, 295
Peak-to-peak noise 181
Recalibration 295
Performance characteristic curve 89
Recovery 68
Performance characteristics 177
Recovery function 68, 126, 127, 141, 164
Performance parameters 5
Recovery rate 98
Pixel 277
Recovery study 141
Plausibility 267
Reduction of dimensionality 230
Poisson distribution 74
Redundancy 275
Population 293
Reference calibration 133
Potential function 234
Reference data 36
Power spectrum 51
Reference material 225, 295
Precision 63, 65, 141, 142, 162, 184, 294 Reference measurements 35
of a complete analytical technique direct 124
180 indirect 124
of a measuring system 180 Reference method 133
of an analytical procedure 179, 184 Reference spectra 36, 49
of an analytical result 180, 184 Reference value 225, 226
of analytical methods 179 Regression 127, 295
of analytical techniques 179 Regression analysis 21, 127, 138
of calibration 142 Regression coefˇcient 129, 295
of trace analyses 182 Regression model 130, 296
Precision analysis 6 Rejection function 93, 94
Prediction band 136 Relative standard deviation 72, 296
Prediction interval 127, 137, 180, 218, Reliability 296
294 Repeatability 65, 69, 179, 296
Prediction rate 88 Repeatability standard deviation 297
Predictive residual sum of squares 163 Reproducibility 65, 179, 297
Prevalency 87 Reproducibility interval 297
Primary sample 16 Reproducibility standard deviation 297
Principal component analysis 140, 152, Resampling techniques 204
160, 187, 229, 231, 239 Residual error 104
Principal component plot 241 Residual standard deviation 135
Principal component regression 160 Resolution 298
Probability 86 Resolution limit 298
conditional 86 Resolution power 209, 298
Process analysis 6, 58, 276 Response domain 301
Process sampling 21 Response function 298
Proˇciency test 228, 294 Response surface 113, 114, 117
Propagation function 166 Response variable 298
314 Index

Reverse calibration 157 two-dimensional 54

Robust calibration 133, 134, 144, 146 Signal generation 14, 43, 60
Robust regression 144 Signal half width 47, 51, 209
Robustness 63, 112, 195, 196, 198, 299 Signal intensity 28, 50, 51, 60, 61
Root mean standard error of prediction Signal model 62
171 Signal parameters 51, 60
Round robin test 299 Signal position 28, 36, 50, 51, 60
Ruggedness 63, 195, 197, 198, 299 Signal recordings 49
Signal resolving power 47, 209
Sample 299 Signal validation 44
Sample domain 28, 29, 32, 33, 201, 300 Signal-to-noise ratio 52, 180{182, 184,
Sample preparation 23, 24, 67 207, 208, 301
chemical 24 Signiˇcance level 203
Sample pretreatment Simplex optimization 115, 117
physical 24 Simulated annealing 117
Sampling 15, 67, 300 Slope 125
representativeness 19 Soft modeling methods 160
Sampling theorem 253 Spatial interpolation 223
Scanning 253
Spatial resolving power 210, 212
Scattering factor 74
Species images 250
Scatterplot matrix 243, 244
Speciˇcity 63, 189{193, 195, 301
Schematic plot 243, 244
Speciˇcity function 195
Score images 256
Specimen 302
Screening 9, 85, 271, 300
Spectra interpretation 248
Screening limit 88
Spectral resolving power 210
Screening test 85, 86, 89
Spline function 151
Selectivity 159, 162, 189{193, 195, 300
Spline interpolation 223
Semivariogram analysis 23
Sensitivity 35, 61, 63, 125, 185, 186, 191, Standard 34
199, 217, 300 Standard addition method 133, 146, 147
Sensitivity coefˇcient 35 Standard additions 68
Sensitivity factor 124 Standard deviation 69, 72, 74, 75, 98, 302
Sensitivity functions 152 of noise 181
Sensitivity matrix 158, 188, 192, 301 Standard error 302
Separation 24 Standard error of prediction 162
Sequential analysis 93, 94 Standard normal distribution 70
Signal 43, 301 Standard operating procedure 180, 302
ˇne structure 52, 60 Standard samples 141
form 48 Standard value 90
hidden 46 Standardized data 230
latent 45 Standards 125
manifest 45 Stimulus 302
pattern 48 Stochastic process 22, 23
shape 52 Stochastic sampling 21
Signal averaging 52 Structure analysis 7, 9, 29, 124
Signal background 51 Subsample 16
Signal domain 28, 29, 32, 33, 47, 201, 301 Supervised learning 235
Signal function 30, 33, 44, 45, 47, 48, Surface analysis 58
50{52, 58, 180, 207, 301 Surface resolving power 211, 277
three-dimensional 55 Systematic deviations 66, 67
Index 315

Target value 90, 95, 98 Uncertainty 17, 18, 36, 65, 67, 76, 204,
t-distribution 70 205, 269
Temporal resolution power 211 at critical value 204
Test 302 at limit of detection 205
for normal distribution 80 at limit of quantiˇcation 205
for outliers 81 of an analytical result 304
for trend 80 Uncertainty interval 66, 78, 202, 217, 225,
statistical 78 227
Test efˇciency 87 unsymmetrical 219
Test kits 86 Uncertainty of measurement 75, 180,
Test portion 16 304
Test sample 15, 16, 24, 26 Uncertainty of sampling 19
Test spectra 49 Unsupervised pattern recognition 231
Theory of fractals 59
Thresholds 201 Validation 68, 90, 140, 190, 304
Time domain 50 Validation function 141
Time resolving power 276 Variable 304
Time series analysis 21 Variable testing 92
Tolerance limits 92 Variance 71, 102, 104, 305
Total sensitivity 303 common 240
Trace analysis 6 residual 240
Traceability 125, 126, 303 true 240
Trackability 303 unique 240
Trans-line analysis 15 Variance function 144
Transfer function 166, 167 Variance-covariance matrix 231
Trend surface analysis 223 Volume resolving power 211, 278
True negative rate 86 Voxel 278
True positive rate 86
True signal function 30, 52 Warning limit 96
True value 66, 183, 303 Wavelength selection 120
Trueness 164, 183, 184, 269, 303 Weighted calibration 144
t-test Working range 305
generalized 83
Ultra trace analysis 6 z-scores 228

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