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Jenna Kupferschmid

specific goals and vision statements for each platform

The three platforms I have selected to market my brand on are Instagram, Twitter, and
TikTok. The reason that I have decided upon these platforms is because they all center around a
younger demographic base. TikTok is such a new app in itself, it would be perfect to market my
brand to younger women in video style while Instagram serves a similar demographic but with
its focus on photographs, making it a great way to spread my designs and logos to a broad
audience. Lastly, I think Twitter is also a great place to market my brand because its purpose is
to allow for an open flow of communication, allowing me to gain feedback directly from my
consumers and keep up to date on current conversations surrounding social media marketing.
More specifically, my goals for Instagram would be to reach my demographic, a young
women around the age of 18-22 who is currently unemployed, by creating a simplistic logo and
design that I could repeatedly use on photographs. This would allow for my goal of a dynamic
following to be reached, hopefully allowing for my followers to use this design or logo in story
posts in order to spread my message while still using their own photographs or ideas. Therefore,
my vision statement on Instagram would be to spread awareness of my brand, consequently
directing them through my Instagram bio directly to my website. For Instagram my goal is to get
20 followers by the end of the semester and have at least 5-10 likes per post.
Secondly, my goals for TikTok would be quite different. TikTok allows for a level of
personability that no other social media platform provides. Due to this, my goal would be to
create videos that are advertisements for my brand, but hide them so they look similar to any
other video one might see on any other page. I would do this by accurately following trends, but
curating these trends so that they advocate for my brand. Therefore, my vision statement would
be further than simply creating awareness for my brand, but rather to create a loyal consumer
base from the app directly. This would mean that TikTok itself would be a marketplace for my
brand where consumers can go on and educate themselves on my material right on the app
instead of needing to be directed to my website to do so. For TikTok my goals are to get 50
followers by the end of the academic year and have one viral video with at least 10,000 views.
Lastly, Twitter is the final platform I would use for my brand. My goals for Twitter are
completely opposite to that of TikTok and Instagram. I intend to use Twitter simply to gauge
consumer feedback with the goal of shaping my brand differently depending on the negative or
positive aspects spoken about on my feed. Therefore, my vision statement would be to interact
frequently on Twitter with my audience in order to change the order or direction of my brand as
needed. This means that I would use Twitter to see if the goal for my overall brand, being the
need to use social media professionally as well as socially, was being received correctly by
audience. On Twitter my goals are to have 20 followers by the end of the semester and have a
consistent 10-20 likes per tweet.
Overall, all three platforms I have decided to use have separate goals and vision
statements therefore cementing the importance of their use.

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