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A: It's hot here X I need a beer, hey what do you think about global warming.

B: I think it is not true, for years (saientist)scientists have been talking

about it and here we are, the world remains the same and will not change
in centuries, don’t worry
A: Seriously or just kidding, you haven't seen the effects of the drought, the melting of the poles,
or the fire in the Amazon.

B: It is normal to happen, earthquakes,(taidal weivs) tsunamis, forest fires,

etc. The world changes every few years, believe me, everything is fine.
A: But have you heard the effect of cars and the emission of gases into the atmosphere by
greenhouse gases?

B: Of course, I know that cars pollute the atmosphere, but I don't believe in
global warming

Hey I still help the environment: I use reusable bags and I recycle my trash
and I go to work by bicycle
A: fantastic, that's a way to start, ¿Have you thought about joining wwf? I have been a member for
X years

B: Sorry, it is impossible for me to join; I really think you should use your
time at university or working, and not planting trees or saving dolphins.
A: obviously you need more information, you can help from home it's simple, let's try it

B: ok i will investigate but i promise nothing

A: Great, I'm proud of you.

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