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Assalamu’alaikum wr.


The honorable Ms. Suciati as the headmaster,

The honorable teachers,
The honorable audiences,
And my beloved friends

First of all, let’s say our praise and gratitude to the Allah Swt the Almighty because of His grace
and blessing upon us so that on this good occasion we can gather here in a good condition.

Shalawat and salam may always be upon to our Prophet Muhammad Saw, who has guieded us
from the darkness to the brightness.

The honorable audience,

Allow me on the behalf of all of my friends to convey a few words and messages regarding this
farewell ceremony.

Time flies, it has been 6 years going since our first time to be in this school. Tough, happy, we
have experienced and gone through together. And today is the top-end of our days. We will be
taking a leave each other and there will be no more togetherness and cohesiveness we will find in
the future.

Every single of beautiful story we had here will only be a piece of memories in the future. One
day later we will definitely be missing beautiful times like this.

We are really thankful to all of the teachers of this school for teaching us the meaning of struggle
that finally have brought us to this gateway that leads us to the real life. Without them, we would
be nothing. There a lot of things they have taught us, even though sometimes we felt tired, fed
up, bored, yet with all of their hearts and patience they stayed teaching and guiding us. To my
friends, I wish that this farewell and leaving could somehow tighten our solidarity and I hope this
leaving will not be the end of everything.

Go all-out for your goals, My Friends! So that you can get a better living in the future. I wish
everything we had in here all this time could be some knowledge that Insya Allah would become
all useful and all-to-the good for the sake of people, nation, and religion, and the most important
is for our own selves. Aamiin.

That’s all, I think enough. I’m so sorry if there are mistkaes. Thank you for the attention.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb

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