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Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras

Facultad de Humanidades y Artes

Carrera de Lenguas Extranjeras
English Morphosyntax Worksheet

Assignment N° 2

Group 3

Diana Lizeth Garcia Zelaya 20171034162

Anyi Mercedes Alba Mejia 20182100001

Helen Amanda Ruiz Velasquez 20182500285

Mr. Molina

October 16, 2021


For each element of the language studied in class or the ones described in the video

below, design two activities you would develop with your students in the classroom.

Element of the language Level Audience

words Pre- A1 First grade

Activity name: singing numbers on hopscotch


1. The students will be divided into groups of 5 people.

2. each member of the group will jump over the hopscotch and mention each

number he/she is standing on.

3. time will be taken, and the group that does it the fastest will be the winner.

Element of the language Level Audience

words Pre- A1 First grade

Activity name: missing letters


1. students will be divided into small groups of two.

2. On the blackboard they will have letters pasted in disarray

each pair should form the months of the year.

3. the couples that do it first will be the winners


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