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Main articles: 

White magic, Gray magic, and Black magic

White magic has traditionally been understood as the use of magic for selfless or helpful purposes, while black magic was used for selfish, harmful or evil purposes. [16][17] With respect to the left-
hand path and right-hand path dichotomy, black magic is the malicious, left hand counterpart of the benevolent white magic. There is no consensus as to what constitutes white, gray or black
magic, as Phil Hine says, "like many other aspects of occultism, what is termed to be 'black magic' depends very much on who is doing the defining." [18] Gray magic, also called "neutral magic",
is magic that is not performed for specifically benevolent reasons, but is also not focused towards completely hostile practices. [19][20]

High and low[edit]

Historians and anthropologists have distinguished between practitioners who engage in high magic, and those who engage in low magic. [21] High magic, also known as ceremonial magic or ritual
magic,[22] is more complex, involving lengthy and detailed rituals as well as sophisticated, sometimes expensive, paraphernalia. [21] Low magic, also called natural magic,[22] is associated with
peasants and folklore[23] and with simpler rituals such as brief, spoken spells. [21] Low magic is also closely associated with witchcraft.[24] Anthropologist Susan Greenwood writes that "Since the
Renaissance, high magic has been concerned with drawing down forces and energies from heaven" and achieving unity with divinity. [25] High magic is usually performed indoors while witchcraft
is often performed outdoors.[26]

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