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Compulsive sexual behavior in young adults

Brian L. Odlaug, MPH BACKGROUND: Compulsive sexual behavior (CSB) is estimated to affect 3%
Katherine Lust, PhD, MPH
to 6% of adults, although limited information is available on the true preva-
Liana R.N. Schreiber, BA
Gary Christenson, MD lence and impact of CSB in young adults. This epidemiological study aims to
Katherine Derbyshire, BS estimate the prevalence and health correlates of CSB using a large sample of
Arit Harvanko, BA students.
David Golden, BA
Jon E. Grant, JD, MD, MPH
METHODS: The survey examined sexual behaviors and their consequences,
stress and mood states, psychiatric comorbidity, and psychosocial functioning.

RESULTS: The estimated prevalence of CSB was 2.0%. Compared with respon-
dents without CSB, individuals with CSB reported more depressive and anxi-
ety symptoms, higher levels of stress, poorer self-esteem, and higher rates of
social anxiety disorder, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, compulsive
buying, pathological gambling, and kleptomania.

CONCLUSIONS: CSB is common among young adults and is associated with

symptoms of anxiety, depression, and a range of psychosocial impairments.
Significant distress and diminished behavioral control suggest that CSB often
may have significant associated morbidity.

KEYWORDS: health, hypersexuality, impulse control disorders, prevalence, sex,

young adult
Brian L. Odlaug, MPH
Department of Public Health, Faculty
of Health and Medical Sciences  INTRODUCTION
University of Copenhagen
Øster Farimagsgade 5A, DK-1014
Although not classified as a formal psychiatric disorder according to DSM-5
Copenhagen K, Denmark
or the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health
Problems, 10th Revision (ICD-10), non-paraphilic compulsive sexual behav-;
ior (CSB) (also referred to as sexual addiction, hypersexuality, and hyper- Annals of Clinical Psychiatry | Vol. 25 No. 3 | August 2013 193


sexual disorder) has been described, in some form, in the behavior when defining CSB.13 A more accurate prevalence
medical literature since the 18th century.1,2 CSB has been estimate would help indicate non-paraphilic CSB’s impact
recognized for a long time as being associated with signifi- on the individual and society, and if the prevalence is sub-
cant distress, feelings of shame and embarrassment, and stantial, potentially could intensify interest in finding treat-
psychosocial dysfunction.2 Significant controversy exists ments. In addition, ascertaining baseline prevalence would
surrounding the correct classification of CSB as a psy- help distinguish the contributions of differing or changing
chiatric disorder, and there are currently no agreed upon social conditions from biological factors in CSB. To estab-
diagnostic criteria for CSB.3 Experts have yet to agree on lish a more accurate prevalence estimate and understand
whether it should be included as a formal disorder at all.4 the relationship between CSB and psychosocial factors in
Recent publication of the DSM-5 by the American young adults in a university population, we conducted a
Psychiatric Association shows that Hypersexual disorder is large, Internet-based survey using a validated screening
not included in this new edition, underscoring the need for instrument embedded in a structured interview.
research into this poorly understood condition.1 Proposed
criteria have included excessive, uncontrollable, culturally
abnormal sexual behavior, urges, and/or thoughts, result- METHODS
ing in adverse consequences, marked distress, and/or
impairment in social or occupational functioning.3,5 The Design of 2011 College Student Computer
repetitive thoughts and excessive engagement in behav- Use Survey
ior have been likened to the symptoms often noted in the As a collaboration between the Department of Psychiatry
obsessive-compulsive spectrum of disorders.6 Others have and Boynton Health Service at the University of Minnesota,
argued that CSB should be classified as an addiction or the College Student Computer Use Survey (CSCUS) was
failure of self-regulation based upon the impulsive, exces- designed to assess a variety of physical and mental health
sive, uncontrolled engagement in the behavior with del- behaviors. The survey included questions about sexual
eterious outcomes.7 Regardless of classification, research- behaviors and their consequences, stress and mood states,
ers generally agree that individuals with CSB commonly overall functioning, and the respondent’s demographic
report low self-esteem, intimacy problems, social anxiety, information. A clinically validated screening instrument,
psychological distress, interpersonal conflicts, and general the Minnesota Impulse Disorders Interview (MIDI), also
impulsivity.5 was included to classify respondents as either having CSB
No epidemiological studies of non-paraphilic CSB or not. (See the assessment section for CSB criteria.) All
have been performed in the community. Estimates of CSB study procedures were carried out in accordance with the
prevalence in the adult US population are hypothesized Declaration of Helsinki and were approved by the institu-
to range from 3% to 6%, although no data were offered to tional review board of the University of Minnesota, Human
support these estimates.8 Within collegiate samples, one Subject Code number 1005M81734.
study assessing impulse control disorders on a private col-
lege campus (N = 791) found that 3.7% of students reported Subjects
symptoms consistent with current non-paraphilic CSB.9 A random sample of students at a large public Midwestern
Another study of 240 college students found that 17.4% of university was recruited to complete the 2011 CSCUS.
students had sexually addictive traits worthy of further eval- Between April 2011 and May 2011, these randomly selected
uation and treatment, although rates of CSB were not explic- students received an email inviting them to participate. The
itly reported.10 Similar current rates (1.7% and 4.4%) have email contained a link to a webpage that displayed the IRB-
been reported in psychiatric inpatients.11,12 These studies approved informed consent page for the on-line survey.
were small and failed to examine the relationship of sexual After viewing a webpage displaying the informed consent
behavior to other aspects of mental health (eg, levels of dis- document, students either could continue with the survey
tress or depression), overall functioning, and problematic if they indicated participant consent or opt out. As an incen-
behaviors (eg, drinking, drug use, Internet use). One study tive for participation, all participants were entered into a
of gay, lesbian, and bisexual individuals in a community drawing for gift certificates valued at $1,000, $500, and $250
sample (N = 1,543) reported a CSB rate of 27.9%, but that at a variety of stores. In addition, for those who fully com-
study included both paraphilic and non-paraphilic sexual pleted the survey, 3 portable music players were awarded

194 August 2013 | Vol. 25 No. 3 | Annals of Clinical Psychiatry


Demographics of 1,837 university students grouped by compulsive sexual behavior
Variable (n = 36) (n = 1,801) Statistic P Effect size
Age, Mean (± SD) [range], years 23.64 ± 6.16 22.64 ± 5.12 0.6965a,b .4862
[18 to 53] [18 to 58]
Sex, (% male) 23 (63.9) 739 (41.0) 7.596c .006 0.06
Race/ethnicity, n (%)
White 24 (66.7) 1,438 (79.8) 3.337c .052
Marital status, n (%)
Single/divorced/widowed/separated 21 (58.3) 1,063 (59.2) 0.01c .921
Married/partner/engaged/committed 15 (41.7) 735 (40.8)
aPearson’s chi-squared.
bn= 1,807.
cDegrees of freedom.

Effect size: d = Cohen’s d.

by random selection. Surveys were completed anony- Subjects were considered to be a positive CSB screen if they
mously. A total of 6,000 students were invited to participate answered “yes” to question 1 and either question 2, 3, or 4.
in the survey; 2,108 completed the survey, a response rate For purposes of this study, we used the MIDI as a self-report
of 35.1%, which compares favorably with rates in national screen for current ICDs, similar to a survey conducted in a
health surveys.14 A respondent was defined as a person who previous college sample study.9 In adults and adolescents,
fully or partially completed the survey. the MIDI has demonstrated excellent classification accu-
racy compared to diagnostic instruments.11,17 Diagnostic
Assessments criteria for trichotillomania, gambling disorder, intermit-
The survey consisted of 54 questions concerning demo- tent explosive disorder, and kleptomania are consistent
graphic characteristics, physical and mental health behav- with the DSM-5, and criteria for compulsive buying18 and
iors including stress, depression, body mass index (BMI), excoriation (skin picking) disorder16 are consistent with
exercise habits, as well as perceived attractiveness and aca- previous research. Subjects were characterized as having a
demic performance variables such as grade point average formal impulse control disorder if they met full criteria for
(GPA). In addition to formal mental health diagnoses, par- that disorder.
ticipants were presented with a list of mental health con- In addition to the MIDI, we used the following instru-
ditions and asked if they ever had been diagnosed with a ments to survey respondents:
mental health disorder. Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9).19 The PHQ-9
To estimate the prevalence of CSB, we used the is a 9-item, client-administered scale based directly upon
Minnesota Impulsive Disorders Interview (MIDI).15 The the diagnostic criteria for major depressive disorder in
MIDI screens for CSB, compulsive buying, kleptomania, the DSM-IV. It assesses current symptoms and functional
trichotillomania, intermittent explosive disorder, and impairment to aid in making a preliminary diagnosis
pathological gambling. We also screened for excoriation of depression. It also provides a measure of depression
(skin picking disorder) using criteria established by Arnold severity.
et al.16 Questions about CSB, based on previous research,5 Perceived Stress Scale (PSS).20 The PSS is a 10-item,
included: 1) Do you or others that you know think that valid and reliable, self-report measure assessing the degree
you have a problem with being preoccupied excessively to which individuals find their lives to be unpredictable,
with some aspect of your sexuality or being overly sexually uncontrollable, and stressful. Respondent answered each
active; 2) Do you have out-of-control or distressing sexual question on a 5-point Likert scale (ranging from “never” to
fantasies; 3) Do you have out-of-control or distressing “very often”) based on experiences of the previous month.
sexual urges; 4) Do you engage in repetitive sexual behav- Scores range from 0 to 40 with higher scores indicating
ior that you feel is out of control or causes you distress. greater life stress. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry | Vol. 25 No. 3 | August 2013 195


TABLE 2 cally significant results at the .05 level, Cohen’s d effect sizes
Behaviors associated with compulsive are reported where 0.2, 0.5, and 0.8 are generally considered
sexual behavior (CSB) to be small, medium, and large effect sizes, respectively.
Behavior, n (%) CSB (n = 36)
Out of control sexual fantasies 36 (100)
Out of control sexual urges 36 (100) RESULTS
Out of control sexual behaviors 19 (54.3)
Time spent on online pornography (per day) Of the 6,000 students who received the invitation to par-
ticipate in the survey, 2,108 completed the survey (35.1%
None 15 (41.6)
response rate). The mean age was 22.6 ± 5.02 [range 18 to
<1 hour 13 (36.1)
58]. Although most subjects were white (n = 1,650; 78.3%),
1 to 3 hours 5 (13.9)
229 (10.9%) identified themselves as Asian American,
4 to 5 hours 1 (2.8) 42 (2.0%) as Hispanic, 25 (1.2%) as African American,
6 to 8 hours 2 (5.6) 26 (1.2%) as African, 85 (4.0%) as “other,” and 51 (2.4%
>8 hours 0 (0.0) non-responders.
For the purpose of this study, analysis is based on
only respondents who identified themselves as male or
Internet Addiction Test (IAT).21 The IAT is a 20-item, female, responded to the questions related to impulse
self-report assessment that measures the impact of Internet control, and provided valid responses to the questions
use on various life domains. It has demonstrated high about being diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder within
validity, reliability, and good internal consistency. Subjects their lifetime. As such, the final sample used in this study
answer items on a 5-point Likert scale with higher scores included 1,837 students, 1,075 (58.5%) of which were
suggesting greater Internet use problems. Research has women and 762 (41.5%) male. Sex distribution in this
indicated that Internet users with complete control over study was consistent with the overall prevalence of males
their usage score between 0 to 19 points, while those with (42.4%) and females (57.6%) attending the university in
mild, moderate, and significant Internet use problems the spring of 2011.
score between 20 to 49, 50 to 79, and 80 to 100 points, Of the 1,837 subjects included in this analysis, 36
respectively. In addition to the IAT, subjects were asked (2.0%) met criteria for current CSB. Rates of CSB differed
about time spent engaging in various Internet activities. For significantly between men (n = 23; 3.0%) and women (n
the purpose of this study, we examined Internet pornogra- = 13; 1.2%) (P = .006; d = .06) (TABLE 1). All 36 (100%) of
phy use among individuals screening positive for CSB vs the subjects with CSB reported having “out-of-control
non-CSB students. sexual fantasies,” “out-of-control sexual urges,” and more
than one-half (n = 19; 54.3%) reported out-of-control
Data analysis sexual behaviors (TABLE 2). Furthermore, 8 (22.3%) of the
We examined distribution characteristics of all variables. CSB group reported Internet pornography use of ≥1 hour
Only participants with complete data on the dependent each day.
variable were included in analyses (n = 1,837; 30.6%). Subjects with CSB reported significantly higher stress
Baseline demographic data were evaluated for differences levels as measured by the Perceived Stress Scale (P < .001;
between those with complete data and those without d = .79), higher depressive symptoms as measured by the
complete data using t tests for parametric data and Mann- Patient Health Questionnaire (P < .001; d = .54), viewed
Whitney U tests for nonparametric data. Participants were themselves as less attractive (P = .001; d = .47), and higher
divided into 2 groups: CSB and no CSB. The analyses BMI ratings in males (P = .017; d = .29), compared with
included: 1) descriptive and comparison statistics for the the non-CSB cohort of students. Individuals with CSB
sample’s demographics, 2) the prevalence of CSB, and 3) were also significantly more likely to report more days
cross-tabulation and t test comparisons of those classified out of the past month with poor mental health com-
as having CSB vs the remaining respondents in terms of pared to non-CSB students (mean 11.17 ± 17.34 days vs
demographics, health behaviors, and functioning. As an 6.13 ± 7.29 days; P = .0001; d = .38), including the occur-
exploratory study, significance was set to P ≤ .05. For clini- rence of panic/anxiety attacks (n = 4 [11.1%]; P = .021;

196 August 2013 | Vol. 25 No. 3 | Annals of Clinical Psychiatry


Health and performance indices grouped by compulsive sexual behavior
Health variable (n = 36) (n = 1,801) Statistic P Effect size
Grade point average (GPA) 3.21 ± .46 3.35 ± .47 t = 1.7458 .08 0.30
df = 1802
SE = 0.08
Body mass index (BMI) 26.57 ± 10.6 24.23 ± 4.29 t = 2.3998 .017 0.29
Males df = 747
SE = 0.975
Female 23.41 ± 4.49 23.34 ± 4.56 t = 0.055 .9561
df = 1062
SE = 1.272
Perceived Stress Scale 21.16 ± 6.5 15.96 ± 6.7 4.3755a,b <.0001 0.79
PHQ-9 7.71 ± 6.23 4.79 ± 4.39 3.7969a,c .0002 0.54
Internet Addiction Test 39.39 ± 16.4 29.63 ± 10.98 5.00a,d <.0001 0.70
Perceived attractiveness, (1-10 scale,
1 = least attractive; 10 = most attractive)
Attractiveness of self 6.03 ± 1.93 6.83 ± 1.43 3.29a,e .001 0.47
Attractiveness to others 6.92 ± 1.93 7.38 ± 1.38 1.955a,f .051
(N) days within the past 7 days engaged in
being physically active for at least 30 minutes 3.17 ± 2.08 3.27 ± 2.18 0.2729a,g .785
(N) days poor physical health, (past 30 days) 4.71 ± 6.39 3.35 ± 6.25 1.2744a,h .203
(N) days poor mental health, (past 30 days) 11.17 ± 17.34 6.13 ± 7.29 t = 3.8726 .0001 0.38
df = 1706
SE = 1.301
All values are mean ± SD.
Degrees of freedom.
n = 1,743.
n = 1,749.
n = 1,712.
n = 1,820.
n = 1,812.
n = 1,823.
n = 1,821.
CSB: compulsive sexual behavior; PHQ-9: Patient Health Questionnaire; SD: standard deviation.

d = .05). Students with CSB also scored much higher on

the Internet Addiction Scale (39.39 ± 16.4) compared DISCUSSION
to those without CSB (29.63 ± 10.98; P < .0001; d = .70);
however, both groups scored within the mild problematic To our knowledge, this is the first formal examination of
Internet use range (TABLE 3). the prevalence and health correlates of CSB in a large
Individuals who met criteria for CSB were signifi- sample of college students. Our results suggest that 2.0%
cantly more likely to report lifetime social anxiety disor- of university students report symptoms consistent with
der (n = 6 [16.7%]; P = .001; d = .09) (TABLE 4). In regard CSB, a rate slightly lower than the 3.7% found in a previ-
to concomitant impulse control disorders as assessed ous college sample study9 and lower than the speculated
by the MIDI, CSB subjects were significantly more likely 3% to 6% rate proposed by other researchers (for a review,
to screen positive for compulsive buying (22.2% vs 3.3%; see reference 22). In our sample, and consistent with pre-
P < .0001; d = .14), pathological gambling (8.3% vs 0.6%; vious research,9 the majority (63.9%) of individuals meet-
P = .0022; d = .12), and kleptomania (2.8% vs 0%; P = .0196; ing CSB criteria were male and reported out-of-control
d = .16) than non-CSB subjects, respectively (TABLE 4). sexual fantasies, out-of-control sexual urges, and approx- Annals of Clinical Psychiatry | Vol. 25 No. 3 | August 2013 197


Lifetime psychiatric diagnosis grouped by compulsive sexual behavior
Non-impulse control disorders (n = 36) (n = 1,801) Statistic P Effect size
Major depressive disorder 9 (25.0) 324 (18.0) 1.169a .279
Bipolar disorder 1 (2.8) 20 (1.1) 0.868a .352
Anorexia nervosa 0 (0.0) 44 (2.4) 0.901a .342
Bulimia nervosa 0 (0.0) 33 (1.8) 0.692a .406
Schizophrenia 0 (0.0) 1 (0.1) 1.000
Generalized anxiety disorder 4 (11.1) 166 (9.2) 0.151a .698
Social anxiety disorder 6 (16.7) 73 (4.1) 13.644a .001 0.09
Substance use disorder 1 (2.8) 33 (1.8) 0.150a .699
Obsessive-compulsive disorder 1 (2.8) 37 (2.1) 0.091a .763
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder 3 (8.3) 74 (4.1) 1.568a .210
Posttraumatic stress disorder 0 (0.0) 38 (2.1) 0.776a .378
Borderline personality disorder 0 (0.0) 2 (0.1) 1.000
Any lifetime diagnosis 15 (41.7) 494 (27.4) 3.572a .059
Impulse control disorders (n = 36) (n = 1,801) Statistic P
Hair pulling disorder (trichotillomania) 2 (5.6) 23 (1.3) .0845
Pathological gambling 3 (8.3) 11 (0.6) .0022 0.12
Compulsive buying 8 (22.2) 59 (3.3) <.0001 0.14
Intermittent explosive disorder 1 (2.8) 4 (0.2) .0944
Kleptomania 1 (2.8) 0 (0.0) .0196 0.16
Excoriation (skin picking) disorder 4 (11.4) 73 (4.1) .0562
Pearson’s chi-squared.
Fisher exact test.
CSB: compulsive sexual behavior; MIDI: Minnesota Impulse Disorders Interview.

imately half engaged in out-of-control sexual behaviors. ation and treatment” for sexual addiction. Although sexual
These findings are of potential importance for 3 reasons: compulsivity has been shown to be higher in male college
first, because if the sexual behavior is “out of control,” it students,23 our results and previous research clearly illus-
may impede healthy sexual choices. Previous research trate and underscore the importance of screening both
has found sexually compulsive behavior is associated female and male students for CSB. Because proper sexual
with higher-risk sexual behavior.23 The “out-of-control” health screening is lacking in the medical field, especially in
behavior reported in this survey therefore may have educational institutions,24 greater education around sexual
resulted in transmission of sexually transmitted diseases compulsivity (including intrusive urges and thoughts as
as well as shame and poor self-respect. Second, because well as sexual behavior) in both male and female students
approximately half of the students with CSB struggled with is critical to the identification and potential treatment of
only urges and fantasies, (albeit urges and fantasies associ- CSB in this age cohort.
ated with psychosocial dysfunction), they may not perceive
their urges and fantasies as a legitimate reason for possible CSB and the Internet
treatment. Finally, although a majority of students screen- Consistent with previous research, we found that individu-
ing positive for CSB were male, a substantial proportion of als with CSB spend more time on the Internet, qualifying
students with CSB were female (n = 13; 36.1%). This is simi- as having “mild problematic” Internet usage. This is con-
lar to the 22.2% of subjects who were female and screened sistent with previous research, which found that of 9,265
positive for CSB in the Black et al study5 of 36 CSB subjects Internet users, 4.6% met criteria for CSB.25 Previous reports
and 22.9% of females in the Seegers study10 of 240 college have found sexual compulsivity to have a strong link to the
students who met criteria for a “need to seek further evalu- amount of time spent pursuing online sexual activities;25 it

198 August 2013 | Vol. 25 No. 3 | Annals of Clinical Psychiatry


also has been positively associated with perceived problem- legitimacy of hypersexuality as a disorder at all. While not
atic online sexual activity.25 Although a majority of subjects formally indicated for further study, advancements in our
(58.4%) with CSB reported using Internet pornography, it understanding of this complex, heterogeneous, and often
was a minority (22.3%) that reported ≥1 hour of use daily. controversial disorder would undoubtedly benefit both cli-
Although it is possible that Internet pornography is a main nicians and patients.
outlet for some students with CSB, the fact that such a low
percentage of students reported engaging in this behavior Limitations
for ≥1 hour suggests that other forms of sexual engagement Several limitations must be acknowledged in this study.
or preoccupation are present in most of this cohort. It is also First, CSB rates were based on a self-report scale without
possible that due to the wide availability of sexual outlets a formal, in-person clinical evaluation and thus, CSB rates
on the Internet, time spent on Internet sex sites may not be may be under- or over-reported. Follow-up interviews
a particularly useful measure of CSB symptom severity or with students screening positive for CSB on the self-report
dysfunction. For those wishing to engage in sexual behav- measure would likely result in the exclusion of some of the
ior, sexual partners could be found with relatively little time cohort from having CSB. Due to the potential shame and
spent on the Internet. Unfortunately, accessing the Internet embarrassment involved in endorsing CSB, an anonymous
for sexual behaviors may be particularly problematic and survey may provide more accurate prevalence estimations
dangerous in young adults given the tremendous public due to the anonymity of completing the assessment.
health concern about sexually transmitted disease and Second, the proportion of our sample that was white
sexual violence, as well as the well-documented associa- was significantly higher than recent US census data, mak-
tion between sexual compulsivity and risky sexual behav- ing the interpretation of results to the general population
ior.26 Colleges and universities should consider using the difficult. Future research in university and college settings
Internet for public health announcements regarding CSB. should strive for a more population-representative sample
in an effort to generalize results to a wider young adult
Health correlates and CSB audience.
We also found that CSB students had lower GPAs, more Finally, given the heterogeneity of sexual compulsivity,
problems with anxiety disorders, and were more likely to future research should examine the many religious, moral,
have higher levels of stress compared to non-CSB univer- and cultural differences in college and community sam-
sity students. This is consistent with previous research on ples as considerations for perceived uncontrolled sexual
clinical samples of individuals with CSB that found high behavior.
rates of anxiety and ADHD in individuals with CSB.27 Past
work also suggests that poor mental health can have a sig-
nificant impact on overall academic performance28 and CONCLUSIONS
underscores a public health need for academic institutions
to provide awareness and treatment resources for students The relative paucity of information surrounding CSB, espe-
endorsing compulsive sexual symptoms. A limited amount cially in young adults, coupled with the significant potential
of research has investigated the concept of perceived attrac- for chronic medical consequences resulting from engaging
tiveness and BMI in CSB. We found that individuals with in these behaviors is a cause of concern. Public health ini-
CSB believed themselves less attractive, and that males tiatives directed at adolescents and young adults that illus-
with CSB have higher BMIs. Research on Internet addic- trate the consequences of unfettered sexual activity and the
tion has found that a preoccupation with being overweight existance of viable treatments are important. These initia-
was a predictor of problematic Internet use29 and therefore, tives should target educators and administrators who have
it is possible that perceived appearance or low self-esteem direct contact with this population so that they may better
factors into the development of CSB. Further exploration of recognize and intervene with young adults who may be
this topic is merited in future research projects. struggling. Finally, because of the heterogeneity of sexual
The exclusion of hypersexual disorder from DSM-51 compulsivity, future research should examine the many
is an acknowledgement to our limited understanding of religious, moral, and cultural differences among college
the course, prognosis, and treatment of this disorder in the and community samples as considerations for perceived
psychiatric community and continued skepticism over the uncontrolled sexual behavior. ■ Annals of Clinical Psychiatry | Vol. 25 No. 3 | August 2013 199


DISCLOSURES: Mr. Odlaug receives grant support from Dr. Christenson, Ms. Derbyshire, Mr. Harvanko, and Mr.
the Trichotillomania Learning Center, is a consultant to Golden report no financial relationship with any company
Lundbeck Pharmaceuticals, and receives honoraria and whose products are mentioned in this article or with manu-
royalties from Oxford University Press. Dr. Grant receives facturers of competing products.
grant/research support from the National Institute of Mental
Health, the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the National ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: This research was supported, in part,
Center for Responsible Gaming, Forest Pharmaceuticals, by a Center for Excellence in Gambling Research grant by
Roche Pharmaceuticals, Transcept Pharmaceuticals, the National Center for Responsible Gaming, an American
Psyadon Pharmaceuticals and the University of South Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Grant from the
Florida, and receives honoraria/royalties from Springer, National Institute on Drug Abuse (1RC1DA028279-01)
Oxford University Press, American Psychiatric Publishing, to Dr. Grant, and internal funding from Boynton Health
Inc., Norton Press, and McGraw Hill. Dr. Lust, Ms. Schreiber, Services, University of Minnesota.

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Brian L. Odlaug, MPH Liana R.N. Schreiber, BA Arit Harvanko, BA

Department of Public Health Department of Psychiatry Department of Psychiatry
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Minnesota Medical Center University of Minnesota Medical Center
University of Copenhagen Minneapolis, MN, USA Minneapolis, MN, USA
Copenhagen, Denmark
Gary Christenson, MD David Golden, BA
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral
Boynton Health Services Boynton Health Services
University of Minnesota University of Minnesota
University of Chicago
Minneapolis, MN, USA Minneapolis, MN, USA
Chicago, IL, USA
Katherine Derbyshire, BS Jon E. Grant, JD, MD, MPH
Katherine Lust, PhD, MPH
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral
Boynton Health Services
Neuroscience Neuroscience
University of Minnesota
University of Chicago University of Chicago
Minneapolis, MN, USA
Chicago, IL, USA Chicago, IL, USA

200 August 2013 | Vol. 25 No. 3 | Annals of Clinical Psychiatry

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