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And then the

hard evidence of how the steel plates and
joints behaved during the Titanic disaster
became available when the wreckage was
discovered in 1985. It was found by a deep sea
exploration craft called the Alvin, a version of
the Argo-Jason system, an arrangement of
cameras and sensors that are dragged along the
Titanic sank
seabed by a mother ship at the surface. And
with the help of the facilities of the Alvin,
images and samples of the wreck, more than
12,000 feet below, and under pressure of over tapan kumar maitra explains a
6,500 pounds per square inch, were brought
up for analysis. model of economy
In the mid-2000s, two US metallurgists — Tim
Foecke at the US National Institute of
Standards and Technology and Jennifer Hooper NUMEROUS mitochondrial DNAs have been
McCarty, then at Johns sequenced, including the human mitochondrial DNA,
After everything went Greenland Norway Hopkins University — turned which is 16,569 base pairs long. It is a model of
wrong, material failure was Iceland their attention to the economy, with very few non-coding regions and no
composition of the rivets used introns. Each strand of the duplex is transcribed into a
found to be critical, writes Cold current from the north Britain North Baltic to join the plates of the single RNA product that is then cut into smaller pieces,
s ananthanarayanan Liverpool
Sea Titanic. Along with primarily by freeing the 22 transfer RNAs interspersed
metallurgical analysis of the throughout the genome. Also formed are a 16S and a
Sank Newfoundland Germany rivets, they searched through 12S ribosomal RNA.
Canada here the records of the Harland Although proteins and small molecules such as ATP
Southampton and Wolff shipyard at Belfast and tRNAs can move in and out of the mitochondrion,
IT’S been a century since the legendary Course of where the Titanic had been large RNAs cannot. Thus, the mitochondrion must be
46,000-tonne Titanic went down in the Atlantic Titanic Spain built. relatively self-sufficient in terms of the RNAs needed for
off Newfoundland, with 2,224 passengers and USA New York Portugal The result of the protein synthesis.
crew on board. Science writer David Corfield NORTH ATLANTIC investigations is that the rivets Oxidative phosphorylation, the process that occurs
has reviewed the circumstances and reasons used in the middle sections of within the mitochondrion, requires at least 69
leading to the disaster in his article, The Perfect the ship were of the very best polypeptides. The human mitochondrion has the genes
Storm, carried in the journal Nature this week. Warm Gulf Stream quality steel or wrought iron for 13 of these: cytochrome b, two subunits of ATPase,
The iconic Titanic was state-of-the-art in 1912 and had been inserted by three subunits of cytochrome-c oxidase and seven
and had been touted as the “ship that could hydraulic presses, which make subunits of NADH dehydrogenase. The remaining
never sink”. The hull was made of quality mild for the best insertion. polypeptides needed for oxidative phosphorylation are
steel sheets held together by three million transported into the mitochondrion; they are
rivets of steel and wrought iron and the synthesised in the cytoplasm under the control of
body was divided into 16 watertight nuclear genes. Proteins targeted for entry into the
compartments that had electrically Steel plate and rivets mitochondrion have special signal sequences.
operated doors. In the event of a
puncture of the hull at one place, the rest
of the ship could thus be sealed off.
There was a 5,000-watt radio transmitter
on board, a hand-picked crew and all
reports of fair weather. But at 11.40 pm
on Sunday, 14 April 1912, on her very
first voyage from Southampton to New
York, the Titanic struck an iceberg,
damaged over a third of her hull plates
and sank within three hours, losing more
than two-thirds of those on board.
The enquiry reports filed at the time
agree on the main circumstances that may
have led to the disaster. Captain Edward J
Smith, who was in command, was going Stream that April, which in turn The rivets used in the region of the bow and
too fast, he had not heeded iceberg concentrated icebergs just where the star- the stern, however, were not the very best
warnings and the ship had lifeboats only crossed Titanic crossed their path. quality and had been inserted by hand. The
for a third of the passengers. Corfield The other circumstance that arose the difference in manner of insertion appears to be
adds that the shortage of lifeboats carried same year is that on 4 January, or three that the hydraulic presses could not be
was defended as the number carried months before the disaster, the sun and deployed where the hull was curved, as in the Gene map of the human mitochondrial chromosome.
being more than what was “legally moon were aligned to create high “spring front and rear. But the reason for the lesser All but nine loci are on the heavy (H) strand. The light-
required”, as if this made a difference to tides”. On top of that, on the same day quality is not as clear. Only the best quality strand (L) loci are labelled inside the circle; the H-
strand loci are labelled on the outside. Also shown are
passengers left behind. While the moon was closest to earth in more material is “slag free” and the use of lesser the origins of H-and L-strand.
shipbuilding technology is not much than 1,400 years! And as if this was not quality is seen as the reason for the rivets
different today than at that time, the legal enough, on the previous day the earth having sheared and popped off. These signal sequences
requirement for lifeboats is now, had been at its closest approach to the Lab tests have shown that the kind of forces range up to 85 amino acids
logically, at least “enough to evacuate all sun. The triple combination made for a generated in the impact could have had this long. Signal sequences
passengers and crew”. But in 1912, the record high spring tide that week in effect — opening six chambers in the front of examined so far do not have
enquiry was necessarily formal, based on January 2012. But what should tides in the ship to the entry of water. The ship was consensus amino acids but do
available records and reports as the January have to do with icebergs in April? designed to stay afloat with as many as four of have certain attributes,
wreckage, at a depth of 12,400 feet, had The answer is that many icebergs that the chambers filled with water. If the rivets had including a somewhat regular
not been discovered. break off glaciers or other formations and stayed intact in any two of the chambers, the alternation of basic (positively
Added to the captain’s mandate to prove the Titanic’s shipyard in Belfast. float in the sea do not reach the high seas; they Titanic would not have gone down! charged) and hydrophobic
Titanic’s reputation by making good speed, is how icebergs position themselves in the are beached before they get very far. It is the Why this compromise was made in a project (negatively charged) residues.
were “accidental” events — one almost comical, Atlantic off Newfoundland. The icebergs in the high tide that can set them free and afloat of such “first time” importance is not clear. In addition, they form a helices
if it were not somber one being that the ship’s North Atlantic arise from glaciers or ice again. With the extra high tides that January, One speculation is cost. As Corfield has not with opposite hydrophobic and Lynn Margulis.
binoculars, with which icebergs that dotted the formations on the northwest coast of this iceberg launching action would have taken indicated what the cost implications may have hydrophilic faces that must somehow be important in
sea may have been spotted before dark, were Greenland and then circle east and southward, place with twice redoubled vigour. And that been, it is difficult to appreciate the possibility. the protein’s ability to enter the mitochondrion.
locked in a cupboard and the key was not at through the Labrador Sea, to enter the North fateful April evening, the North Atlantic was There is also the possibility of supply shortfall When a signal sequence is attached to non-
hand! The other was that an iceberg warning Atlantic near Newfoundland. Just around here, teeming with icebergs jostling to get in the and project deadlines. The shortfall in safety mitochondrial proteins by DNA manipulations, those
received from another ship in the area, of they meet the Gulf Stream, a warm ocean Titanic’s way. regulation of procedures and facilities, like proteins are transported into the mitochondrion.
icebergs only 50 miles away and dead ahead, current that comes from the west and flows lifeboats, has resulted in stringent safety norms The mitochondrial ribosomal RNA is more similar to
was not recognised as meriting the captain’s northward. The meeting of the cold drift from Designed to take it in current day practices. The discovery that prokaryotic ribosomal RNA than to eukaryotic ribosomal
personal attention and the wireless operator the north and the warm stream from the south For all the reasons that may have caused the discipline in design and materials could have RNA. The mitochondrial ribosome, although constructed
went back to dealing with passengers’ messages creates troughs of lower salinity and density, collision, the design of the ship’s hull catered still averted the disaster, it is hoped, would of imported cellular proteins, is sensitive to prokaryotic
to family and friends! which herd icebergs into approximately a for such an impact, at full speed, with an object impact the need to ensure use of quality antibiotics; for example, streptomycin and
straight line along the south-north interface — like the iceberg. The resilience of the design materials. chloramphenicol inhibit their function. This affinity
Iceberg population in other words, a barrier of ice. It is on record was expressed in the quality of steel plates that (close resemblance) between mitochondria and
In recent times, more thinking has gone into that the Caribbean had an unusually warm made up the hull and the way they were put The writer can be contacted at prokaryotes is strong support for the symbiotic origin of
other bad fortune that affected the Titanic. One summer in 1912, which created an intense Gulf together. After seven decades of speculation, mitochondria. That is, we now accept the model
advocated by Lynn Margulis that organelles such as

Ahoy! Meet the real-life pirate scientist

mitochondria and chloroplasts were originally free-living
bacteria and cyanobacteria, respectively. These
prokaryotes invaded or were eaten by early cells and,
over evolutionary time, became the organelles we see
today. Since they arose as prokaryotes, these organelles
steve connor discovers uncanny parallels Darwin, meanwhile, recognises that the captain’s retain certain evolutionary similarities to other
between a swashbuckling pioneer and a “parrot” is in fact an extinct dodo and persuades him prokaryotes.
to come to the “Scientist of the Year” competition at Among the mitochondrial DNAs that have been
new animated hero the Royal Society in London. sequenced from different organisms, we see a great
The film’s makers came closer than they might have variation in content and organisation. Yeast
realised to describing a true story. It turns out that mitochondrial DNA, for example, is not as economical
there was indeed a pirate scientist, and although he as human mitochondrial DNA. Yeast mitochondrial
HE was a swashbuckling buccaneer who was the first person to lived nearly 200 years before Darwin he nevertheless DNA, about five times larger than human mitochondrial
circumnavigate the globe three times during his life as a pirate. He had a strong connection with the man whose name in DNA, has non-coding regions as well as introns.
landed in Australia nearly 100 years before it was “discovered” by inextricably linked with the theory of evolution. Because mitochondria are similar in structure to
Captain James Cook and was the first Englishman to describe Darwin’s own voyages in the 1830s closely followed prokaryotic cells, given the general lack of introns in
avocados, bananas, cashew nuts and chopsticks — among many those of Dampier at the end of the 17th century. They prokaryotic genes, it was surprising to find introns in
other exotic sightings. both travelled to South America, rounded Cape Horn yeast mitochondrial DNA. These genes most probably
Although William Dampier, born in 1651, turned out to be a and visited the Galapagos islands before going on to arose later as nuclear genes that were then “captured”
pretty hopeless pirate, he was a brilliant observer and natural Australia. by the mitochondria, possibly by recombination with
historian and his exploits as an amateur scientist have led some to Perhaps the strongest parallel between film and real nuclear DNA.
draw parallels with the fictional pirate captain in the latest film by life stems from Dampier’s informal connections with Of the many mitochondria sequenced to date (about
Aardman Animations, of Wallace and Gromit fame. distinguished fellows of the Royal Society, such as 175 at the beginning of 2001), the sizes range from less
Aardman’s The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists, which diarist Samuel Pepys and botanist Hans Sloane, who than six to more than 200 kilobases and from three to
opened at cinemas in the UK this week, tells the story of a A scene from Aardman’s The Pirates! In an Adventure marvelled at his detailed descriptions of faroff places. 97 genes. With this wide range of genes present, the
blundering pirate who accidentally kidnaps Charles Darwin. with Scientists. Keith Moore, head librarian at the Royal Society, only generality we can make about mitochondrial DNA
said, “We know that Darwin had access to Dampier’s is that the large and small segments of the
CAPTAIN DAIMLER’S EXTRACTS THE VOYAGES OF DISCOVERY book. We know that Dampier visited the Galapagos islands and mitochondrial ribosomal RNA, as well as most of the
Daimler set sail on two round-the- On
On tea described them in just the same way as Darwin, and it’s the mitochondria’s transfer RNAs, are usually coded by the
world voyages, the first in 1679 cannibals “China affords same voyage around the world.” mitochondria’s own genome, as are several proteins in
and the second 20 years later.
These are some extracts “I did never meet
drugs in great
abundance... Dampier became a meticulous note-taker, describing for respiratory complexes III and IV (cytochrome c oxidase
from his logs... with any such
people. All
Tea in abundance instance how to make the avocado more palatable by adding and cytochrome c oxidoreductase).
On the nations or
On the mango On the manatee is brought
from there...
sugar and lime juice – probably the first recipe in English for Once the interaction within the mitochondrial-nuclear
“The substance in the
familes in the “The mangoes were
ripe when we arrived
“This creature is about Women sweet guacamole. genetic system is clearly understood, we might expect
world that I have
inside is green, or a seen or heard of, there... And they have
the bigness of a horse
and 10 or 12 foot long.
sitting in the In addition to describing the mango and the Chinese habit of to see several different inheritance patterns — following
streets and
little yellowish, and so having some sort then so delicate a The mouth of it is selling dishes of tea drinking dishes of tea, Dampier wrote about the giant tortoise either cytoplasmic or nuclear lines — for the genetic
soft as butter. Within of food to live on, fragrance that we
the substance there is either fruit, grain, could smell them out
much like the mouth
of a cow, having great
hot and ready made; or “land turtle” of the Galapagos, saying there were enough on defects that lead to interruption of cellular respiration.
a stone as big as a pulse or roots, in the thick woods if thick lips. The eyes
it chau,
the...” the islands to feed up to 600 men for several months. Among the best-studied phenotypes with such
horse-plumb. It is
reported that this fruit
which grow
naturally, or else
we had but the wind of are no bigger than a
them, while we were a small pea, the ears are Despite many raids on Spanish galleons aboard privateer inheritance patterns are the petite mutations of yeast.
provokes to lust and planted by them... good way...” only two small holes vessels, Dampier did not seem to have had much success as a
therefore is said to be
and would on...” pirate, dying in penury in London in 1715 with debts of £677. The writer is associate professor and head, Department of
Botany, Ananda Mohan College, Kolkata
The Independent, London


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