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### Project Budget

Calca knows the units of time: years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, etc.
We can use these to create a schedule of tasks:

Time to Build House +=

Draw Pictures = 6 days

Find Land = 4 weeks
Find Contractor = 2 weeks
Beg Bank = 4 weeks
Build Time = 5 days * 4 * 3 => 60 days

Time to Build House => 10 weeks + 66 days

Time to Build House in months => 4.46826 months

We can also try to estimate the cost of the house using these times.

Hourly Rate = $45/hr

Cost of House +=

Build Cost = Hourly Rate * Build Time

Materials Cost = $100,000
Land Cost = $50,000

Cost of House in $ => $214,800

For my European friends out there, we can calculate the price in Euros:

Cost of House in € => 172,548.84€

We can now plot the cost of the house vs how much workers are paid to build it:

plot(Cost of House(Hourly Rate=x) in $, $1..100/hour)

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