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Nama : Gladys Evelin

Nrp : 1213021022

Tugas SAC.
Write 5 preposition.
1. To = it mean to describe where you going to.

= There are many tools available to assess bullying.

2. During = it’s describe about the time how many is .

= 1 in 3 children (27.8%) report being bullied during the school year. 

3. Among = tell us about who are people in that place.

=It occurs with greater frequency among middle school children.

4. In = is to describe something in general way not in specific.

= In general, bullying is a common type of social experience that children refer to as

“getting picked on.”

5. For = it mean to describe what are you doing in that place.

=The most common form of bullying both for boys and girls is verbal bullying such as


Write 5 conjunction.
6. And = it mean to describe two sentences that involve addicting one idea to other.

=These actions are purposeful and intended to hurt or make the victim uncomfortable.
7. Or = it to describe about two position sentences.

=Bullying is defined as unwanted, aggressive behavior, which involves a real or perceived

social power imbalance.

8. Although= is a word that belong to the sentences that is a sup clause.

= although recent research suggests that this is for more overt forms of bullying, whereas
covert bullying continues through adolescence.

9. But = is to describe about two simple sentences that have a contrasting meaning.

= of a particular child who is bullying, but also because of actions and attitudes of peers,
teachers and school staff, and physical characteristics of that particular environment.

10. Not only = is a word that have lots of choices, not one like or, it different.

= A bullying interaction occurs not only because of individual characteristics

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